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Lady Selena Muerta
Name: Lady Selena "Sela" Muerta

Age: 20

Height: 5’4”

Physique: Long, dark brown hair with natural reddish highlights, tan, blue eyes, large bust and small waist

Brief History:
Lady Selena grew up on an obscure island many miles from Gambino Isle. She was a bright and happy child, never afraid to ask a question or investigate just a little further. At age 12, Selena’s parents were killed in a ship accident- her father’s boat capsized during a storm and the both of them drowned. With nowhere else to turn, she went to the oracle of the island, who took her in. The oracle taught her many things- how to cook, sew, make sails and such, and the ancient art of sword fighting. Sela, the nickname the oracle gave her, caught on to all of the things her mentor taught her very quickly, and by age 19, she was ready to sail. Against Sela’s wishes the oracle stayed on the island, saying his old bones were tired and ready to stay on the mountain he so loved. She left for the large town on the other side of the island, Port Dystal, with nothing but her clothes and the oracle’s cutlass.
Once Sela got to town, she took a job as a cook and waitress at the local tavern to earn money for her ship. As her gold accumulated, so did her admirers- they sent her gifts, such as new dresses or jewelry, on occasion. Although she gratefully accepted her gifts, she never committed to any of the eager men in the tavern.
A year went by without incident, and people began to talk. It was too quite at Port Dystal… they were coming soon. Sure enough, one night after Selena had gotten her most recent and favorite dress, the pirates attacked. She defended herself with the oracle’s cutlass and killed two of the pirates, but was captured soon afterwards. Realizing this was her chance, Sela used the old pirate rule of parlée to talk with the captain. Their agreement was that she would serve on the ship, but not as a prisoner. Her skills with a cutlass and sail-making were commendable and taken into account on this decision. She would fight when the captain saw fit, would mend sails, nets, and the like when needed. Selena packed all her dresses and belongings into a large trunk (formally owned by one of the recently deceased patrons of the tavern) and set sail with Captain Blood Bone on The Blood Treader.
The first night on the ship, Sela dreamed. The oracle came to her and congratulated her, as she was finally on a ship. She shook her head and declined the remark, saying she was a prisoner of sorts. The oracle, in turn, grinned a toothless grin and said, “Lady Selena, let me tell you something. I was a pirate before I came to this island, and plundered many a village. I was feared all over the ocean, my sails made even the bravest general re-route his course. Take my name, Sela, and carry on my legacy of the seas. Make the ship you serve instill the same fear as my ship, Night’s Deceit, did so many years ago. Now, I need to rest. Please, Lady Selena Muerta, I taught you what I know, now teach them what a fierce ship you serve.”
Months have passed since the dream, and Selena still serves on The Blood Treader. She loves sailing and cooking for the pirates of the ship, even if she gets a little too much attention sometimes.

Lady Sela Muerta
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Lady Sela Muerta
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