
Full Name: Jio Mouichido
Alias/Famous Name: The Dark Spot
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Seishou Affinity: Dark Matter/ Void
Race: A Shadow Elf / Drow
Weapon: A Katana [Picture will be added], a Kusari-gama, and
Keepsake: Rokuou [Six Kings]
A set of 6 rings, worn on Jio's Index, Middle, and Ring fingers of both hands. Each has a different stone/gem, and each controls a certain aspect of what his Seishou can do.
Keepsake Grade: B
Keepsake Effect: Jio's keepsake has the power of a type of change. It uses a different ring for an aspect of change, but it's effect is that in itself.
Left Hand
Ring Finger: Emerald: Can change air into a sand-like dust.
Middle Finger: Onyx: Creates Globs of dark matter that devour substances it touches.
Index Finger: Diamond: Changes the view of things; distortion and the like.
Right Hand
Ring Finger: Sapphire: Changes the water content of the air.
Middle Finger: Ruby: Can change certain things to fire.
Index Finger: Moonstone: Can Change the pressure around Jio.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 145lb
Hair: As seen in picture
Eyes: As seen in picture
Personality: He's callous and very spiteful. He has a cocky personality; being full of himself many times. He speaks his mind and cares not for the consequences.
Family: All ties are/have been dead
Affiliation: He created himself a group, him being the only one in it; Kurotsuchi
Bio/History: He was raised in the Abysmal Forest, with his family. He was kinder then. He ran many errands for his mother, his father often being out defending them from any beasts. He gathered herbs for his mother mostly. When he turned 14, he was out gathering herbs, faster than ever before, but when he came home, his mother had been killed. He couldn't find his father at all. He took a lantern and ran through the forest until he came to the Necropolis and asked around. It took him days, but he found his father at a pub. He was wasted and completely out of it. He came to Jio, asking how his mother was, and then laughed profusely. Jio became furious. He grabbed something near by, a large knife, a weapon from a warrior at the table, and stabbed it through his fathers head.
The warrior was going to hit Jio before this happened. He backed off, Jio huddled over his fathers corpse. He was crying, losing both parents was hard, even if one killed the other and he, the next. A few minutes of this, and he was over it. He stopped crying, he stood over the corpse and smirked. The blood on his hands was warm, like his mother. He lifted his fathers hands and saw rings, he took them, not knowing their value, and stuffed them in his pockets and left. He then raised himself in the Necropolis, until he lived to be 100, starting a group only a year before.
Will be updated.
~Special Abilities~
Shadow Blend: Being a drow, he can "wrap" shadows around his body, blending in so well that he is basically invisible in darkness.
Swift speed: Jio has superior speed, being able to "glide" over the ground with ease and gains ground quickly.

Full Name: Jio Mouichido
Alias/Famous Name: The Dark Spot
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Seishou Affinity: Dark Matter/ Void
Race: A Shadow Elf / Drow
Weapon: A Katana [Picture will be added], a Kusari-gama, and
Keepsake: Rokuou [Six Kings]
A set of 6 rings, worn on Jio's Index, Middle, and Ring fingers of both hands. Each has a different stone/gem, and each controls a certain aspect of what his Seishou can do.
Keepsake Grade: B
Keepsake Effect: Jio's keepsake has the power of a type of change. It uses a different ring for an aspect of change, but it's effect is that in itself.
Left Hand
Ring Finger: Emerald: Can change air into a sand-like dust.
Middle Finger: Onyx: Creates Globs of dark matter that devour substances it touches.
Index Finger: Diamond: Changes the view of things; distortion and the like.
Right Hand
Ring Finger: Sapphire: Changes the water content of the air.
Middle Finger: Ruby: Can change certain things to fire.
Index Finger: Moonstone: Can Change the pressure around Jio.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 145lb
Hair: As seen in picture
Eyes: As seen in picture
Personality: He's callous and very spiteful. He has a cocky personality; being full of himself many times. He speaks his mind and cares not for the consequences.
Family: All ties are/have been dead
Affiliation: He created himself a group, him being the only one in it; Kurotsuchi
Bio/History: He was raised in the Abysmal Forest, with his family. He was kinder then. He ran many errands for his mother, his father often being out defending them from any beasts. He gathered herbs for his mother mostly. When he turned 14, he was out gathering herbs, faster than ever before, but when he came home, his mother had been killed. He couldn't find his father at all. He took a lantern and ran through the forest until he came to the Necropolis and asked around. It took him days, but he found his father at a pub. He was wasted and completely out of it. He came to Jio, asking how his mother was, and then laughed profusely. Jio became furious. He grabbed something near by, a large knife, a weapon from a warrior at the table, and stabbed it through his fathers head.
The warrior was going to hit Jio before this happened. He backed off, Jio huddled over his fathers corpse. He was crying, losing both parents was hard, even if one killed the other and he, the next. A few minutes of this, and he was over it. He stopped crying, he stood over the corpse and smirked. The blood on his hands was warm, like his mother. He lifted his fathers hands and saw rings, he took them, not knowing their value, and stuffed them in his pockets and left. He then raised himself in the Necropolis, until he lived to be 100, starting a group only a year before.
Will be updated.
~Special Abilities~
Shadow Blend: Being a drow, he can "wrap" shadows around his body, blending in so well that he is basically invisible in darkness.
Swift speed: Jio has superior speed, being able to "glide" over the ground with ease and gains ground quickly.