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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
Dear Journal,
See that conversation? Read it. It explains everything that happened today. I don't wanna write it all out.

Natalie ...: MIMI!
Natalie ...: I'm so glad ur on!
Natalie ...: i had a lousy day and i read ur journal that ur sick
Natalie ...: i hope u feel better!
Hamim Sultana: hehe thanks!
Hamim Sultana: i feel ok
Hamim Sultana: i appriciate ur concern
Hamim Sultana: and today
Hamim Sultana: oMG!
Hamim Sultana: it was the PE test!
Hamim Sultana: and they had to call the ambulence for like about 6 or 8 girls
Hamim Sultana: the boys had to run a mile, and the girls half a mile
Natalie ...: omfg
Natalie ...: what happened?
Hamim Sultana: they well idk...got cramps or something?
Hamim Sultana: they couldnt move their hands and feet
Hamim Sultana: and some couldnt breathe
Hamim Sultana: they were all crying
Hamim Sultana: and my friend nadirah has a back problem, forgot why...for some accident or something
Hamim Sultana: so i was massaging her back
Hamim Sultana: and helping her to drink water
Hamim Sultana: and her younger sister, Salma started crying
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: so i tried to calm her down a bit...but in the end I started crying as well xD great help that was
Natalie ...: XD lol
Natalie ...: well at least u tried
Hamim Sultana: well...i guess
Hamim Sultana: i tried to lift her up by the shoulder and help her walk around a little, u know what i mean?
Hamim Sultana: she had her arms around my shoulder. and one of the teacher's Sis.Linda helped as well
Hamim Sultana: but i felt a bit bad that I couldn't help my other friend Mariam
Hamim Sultana: and there was Faiza
Hamim Sultana: I wanted to hug them so badly...
Natalie ...: awwww
Natalie ...: but it was just half a mile. how did they get so tired and worn out from just half a mile?
Natalie ...: i mean, i run miles every other friday and half miles the other fridays
Natalie ...: and i never feel like that
Hamim Sultana: because we dont get enough practice, the schoold oesnt train us properly
Hamim Sultana: and also
Natalie ...: tired but i don't fall over like that
Natalie ...: oh ok
Hamim Sultana: and also many ppl didnt eat
Hamim Sultana: like me and this other girl didn't eat since last night
Hamim Sultana: and Mariam only ate a peice of bread this morning
Hamim Sultana: and it was past 12 and theyd idn't give us lunch!
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: what?!
Natalie ...: why not?
Hamim Sultana: because the idiots thought we'd be back to school by lunch time. how retarted of them!
Hamim Sultana: i mean it was the whole middle school and high school!
Natalie ...: idiot! >_>
Natalie ...: idiots*
Hamim Sultana: yeah!
Hamim Sultana: and and and i felt soo bad!
Hamim Sultana: i wanted to help Mariam
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i saw someone else was already there with her, and i couldn't just abandon nadirah
Hamim Sultana: i feel so bad!
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: and when i was crying, Aclema, this other girl form our grade tried to calm me down and take me back to the school bus while the rest were being taken inside the ambulence
Hamim Sultana: the math teacher, Bro. Azeez saw me
Hamim Sultana: and he was like, "WHy are you guys makeing it look so dramatic?" and he was laughing
Hamim Sultana: he got me soooooooo MAD!
Hamim Sultana: i wanted to wipe that grin off his face!
Natalie ...: im sure he just wanted to lighten up the mood a bit
Hamim Sultana: and this other teacher thought i was in pain as well xD well not physicly, but in my heart yesh!
Hamim Sultana: noooo!
Hamim Sultana: why was he L;AUGHING????
Hamim Sultana: even if it's not that serious i still care!
Hamim Sultana: i understand he was trying to calm us down...but sometimes that only makes me mad
Hamim Sultana: but idk...idk what his intentions were
Natalie ...: yeah...
Hamim Sultana: he probably wanted to cheer us up, or he just doesn't really care that much...
Hamim Sultana: reminds me of Zels xD
Hamim Sultana: Zelos*
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: i remember in one cut scene in ToS Zelos said somehting like, "At least we're safe" or osmehting liek that, dont remember. and Raine was like, "Idk if he's a positive thinker or just careless" im not sure if she said careless...but yeah
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: ok
Hamim Sultana: *sigh*
Hamim Sultana: and when i was at the bus ppl were laughing and having a swellt ime
Hamim Sultana: and this girl named Fahmida was trying to look good by saying, "I helped Nahida, I helped Mairam." and saying she cried as well
Natalie ...: what a bunch of idiots
Natalie ...: god i hate it when that happens
Natalie ...: it just makes me feel mad and even more mad at the same time
Hamim Sultana: yeah!
Natalie ...: ~sigh~
Hamim Sultana: and the science teacher was like "That's beacuse you guys don't excersice at home! You need to practice everyday. and when u know u have a P.E. test within 2 weeks u should start practicing."
Hamim Sultana: it got me really mad
Hamim Sultana: does she know how much stress we already have?
Hamim Sultana: and what else is going on in our life?
Hamim Sultana: it's not like we have time ot run around!
Natalie ...: yeah... what's going on in our lives...
Natalie ...: it seems no one knows and no one cares
Natalie ...: but i guess that's life
Natalie ...: and we have to deal with it
Natalie ...: but it's still not fair
Natalie ...: we need breaks too
Hamim Sultana: yeah...
Hamim Sultana: and the ppl fromt he ambulence didn't seem like they cared as soon as they saw our Khimars/hijabs
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: u know the hting the girls wear?
Natalie ...: yeah i know
Hamim Sultana: because many ppl hates muslims...
Natalie ...: i hate it when they do that
Hamim Sultana: they were bing soooooooooo slow!
Hamim Sultana: it tookt hem forever to put them inside the ambulence!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: between 2 and 3 years ago this guy died because of that!
Hamim Sultana: whe know his family and he was a really great guy i heard
Natalie ...: seriously! i hate it when ppl do that! just because ur muslim, that's BS!
Natalie ...: so what if ur muslim? ur still a human being!
Natalie ...: being muslim doesn't mean anything! ur still human!
Natalie ...: and should be treated like one!
Natalie ...: that's so not fair!
Natalie ...: people here don't do that
Natalie ...: and i hate it when i see someone else do that
Natalie ...: it makes me mad and sad at the same time
Hamim Sultana: im glad u understand, it makes me feel so terrible...
Natalie ...: i know. it must be hard
Natalie ...: when i was younger, i noticed that everyone around me was catholic
Natalie ...: and i was christian
Natalie ...: and i feared they wouldn't like me anymore cause of it
Natalie ...: so everytime someone asked me what religion i was from, i would ask them first about theirs and if i told them my religion, would they hate me?
Natalie ...: a lot of the times they didn't care much or said anything about it
Natalie ...: the first christian i ever met was joey actually
Natalie ...: but he was confident about it
Natalie ...: so i stopped doubting my religion
Natalie ...: and soon i found more christians
Natalie ...: but now, i don't even see myself as a christian
Hamim Sultana: ur christian?
Natalie ...: i believe there's a god
Natalie ...: but i just don't believe in him or worship him
Hamim Sultana: i understand, i used to have a "friend" who was talking to me out religion
Hamim Sultana: and i said i'm msulim
Hamim Sultana: and she was laughing about me
Hamim Sultana: and all of a sudden
Hamim Sultana: she was liek "WHAT??? you're MUSLIM?"
Hamim Sultana: and she just ran off
Hamim Sultana: and the next day she said
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: my mom told me to stop talking to u because you're muslim
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah, before i told her I'm muslim, she said, "I'll pretend you're ____" i forgot what her religion is...it starts with B
Hamim Sultana: and hten she blocked me
Hamim Sultana: i felt terrible
Hamim Sultana: but i was never afraid to tell anyone about my religion
Hamim Sultana: but it still made me feel a little unhappy when ppl would stop hanging out with me cuz of that...
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: well im not gonna be one of those people
Natalie ...: besides, im not a very religious person
Natalie ...: so i don't care what religion someone else is
Hamim Sultana: i sorta am thho
Natalie ...: i only care about the person
Hamim Sultana: hehe same here
Natalie ...: i mean, i feel for an asian muslim XD lol
Natalie ...: and i didn't care he was muslim
Hamim Sultana: although i do care about my religion, but that doesnt mean i'd be mean to others
Natalie ...: i still like(d) him
Hamim Sultana: fell u mean
Natalie ...: yup fell
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: im kinda off today
Hamim Sultana: he tripped u
Hamim Sultana: how mean!
Natalie ...: have been since lunch time
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: lol nah
Natalie ...: but thanks for making me laugh
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: hehe ur welcome
Hamim Sultana: my hands hurt...
Hamim Sultana: today was the first time i came home and fell asleep
Hamim Sultana: it was past 5 and i forgot to pick up my sis
Hamim Sultana: my mom was calling and calling
Hamim Sultana: and at 5:08 i picked yp
Hamim Sultana: up*
Hamim Sultana: and i still had my uniform on
Natalie ...: oh XD
Natalie ...: what happened to ur sis though?
Natalie ...: who picked her up?
Hamim Sultana: wha are sideburns?
Hamim Sultana: i picked her up in the end of course
Hamim Sultana: it's a good thing she had after school up until 5, or i would have been in trouble xD i was only about 10 minutes late
Natalie ...: oh haha ok
Natalie ...: sideburns are like the hairs at the side of ur face below ur ears
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies...why are they called sideburns? o.O lol. because at the end of chapter 25 in spiral, ppl asked how to draw Ayumu
Hamim Sultana: so the mangaka was showing how
Hamim Sultana: and he referred everything to food
Hamim Sultana: and Ayumu's face turned out weird
Hamim Sultana: and he came out of nowehere and hit the Mangaka with a paper fan and said, "I got back at you" and miyo or whoever that was said, "you didn't have to you know" ro somehting liek that
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: eh? O.o?
Hamim Sultana: and then the mangaka explained how to draw him and mentioned sideburns, and they showed a pic of Ayumu and he looked hott as usual!
Hamim Sultana: and he had glasses in his hand
Hamim Sultana: lalalal
Natalie ...: oh ok
Hamim Sultana: i hope u get to read the manga soon
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i will no worries
Natalie ...: well... i think imma go now
Natalie ...: im not feeling so good
Natalie ...: so talk to u tomorrow
Hamim Sultana: awww
Hamim Sultana: okies
Natalie ...: hopefully i'll feel better then.....hopefully
Hamim Sultana: and i found out im over weight
Hamim Sultana: and played ToL all day yesterday
Hamim Sultana: and I played SO today
Hamim Sultana: okies bye!
Hamim Sultana: bye bye and get well soon!
Natalie ...: yeah i read ur entry on gaia
Hamim Sultana: good night!
Natalie ...: i hope u get better too
Hamim Sultana: oh u did? xD ppl actualyl read it?
Natalie ...: well i do
Hamim Sultana: and and and next time make sure to leave comments! xD
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: hehe thankies. and u too! bye bye!
Hamim Sultana: U SOLE MY SMILEY!
Hamim Sultana: *beats u up*
Natalie ...: i don't think we can leave comments on journal entries
Hamim Sultana: stole*
Hamim Sultana: but it hoguth u can...let me go check
Natalie ...: well find out and tell me tomorrow
Natalie ...: talk to u later thenn
Natalie ...: then*
Natalie ...: bye bye!
Natalie ... has signed out. (5/17/2007 9:30 PM)

Hamim Sultana: hehe yesh u CAN leave a comment!
Hamim Sultana: i just did!

© Precious Moments, Inc.Next »

9:44 PM I had the sudden urge (as usual) to go and see if they released the other chapters of SPiral, and they HAVE! I am soo happy! Let me just put the post here...:

Omg! yaaay! I feel so happy! I was wondering if I should check or not to see if the other volume has been released or not. And yaaay! it did come out! Too bad I don't have enough time to read. But I will tomorrow. it makes up for the terrible day I had today. Thank you so much! I love you guys! I can't thank you enough!

(Had to write that over twice >_< wink

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Edit: May 18th, 6:53

What I e-mailed/PMed other about the crisis from yesterday. It's a full summary! biggrin

A minimum of 6 girls had to be carried away to the ambulence yesterday during the P.E. test. The last test was to run around the huge track two times (equals half a mile) in 5 minutes.

But they weren't used to all that running. Many girls barely ate anything the night before or that morning. Aaaaand it was past 12 and theyd idn't give us any lunch. They were crying and couldn't moce at all. They looked like they were dyeing of pain...

I was fine because the teachers didn't want me to run since so many people WITHOUT asthma were already dyeing (not really dyeing...but yeah) and I have asthma, so it would have been worse for me.

At first i was helping my friends Mariam and Nadirah, and trying my best not to cry. And i ended up helping just Nadirah because it's hard to pay full attention to at two people at once. And Nadirah was crying...like everyone else, and her cousin came and hugged her while she cried, and her younger sis was crying as well. So I tried to calm her down. But ended up crying as well xD Great example that was. Also Nadirah didn't want to call her mom, because it might get her worried. And that made me really mad xD

When I saw Nadirah had enough people to help her out, I went to Mariam because there was only one girl with her. And by that time the ambulence came to pick them up, and I started crying even harder. So this other girl named Aclema (strange names eh?) from our grade had to drag me away from them, and the the idiot math teacher was laughing like this was some comedy show for him. When he saw me was like, "Why are you guys making it look so dramatic?" And it only made me feel worse. I felt a little embarrassed to be crying so much...and another teacher thought I was also in pain. Lol.

But what really gets on my nerves is that many of the students were boasting about how they helped the others, while the rest were just laughing and took it all as a joke. And not only that, the math teacher was talking to the other 8th grade today about me crying and saying I was crying out load and he tried to imitate me, which did NOT sound anything like my crying! And the whole class started to laugh...and this other was making fun of me. Grr...

P.S. Oh my oh my...I wrote way too much. I'm so sorry! I ranted a bit there xD It's just that I HAD to tell someone about all this...I couldn't keep it in...sorry sad

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