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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.

My convo in the chatroom with Nat and Karen:

Karen: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: actually no
Hamim Sultana: we removed the program
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: nice
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: and i have noooo idea how but the program was PERMENANTLY delteted
Natalie ...: XDDD
Hamim Sultana: i wa slike "huh? it should be in here...oh well! let's use wordpad"
Hamim Sultana: and Nadirah looked a bit worried
Hamim Sultana: and i was pasting stuff, but the other three weren't used to wordpad
Hamim Sultana: so we tried to use microsoft AGAIN
Hamim Sultana: but we couldn't find it
Hamim Sultana: so i went ot the recycling bin
Hamim Sultana: and i was like what happened?
Hamim Sultana: i dont remember permenantly deleting it
Hamim Sultana: and the rest were like what's wrong?
Hamim Sultana: and i was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............................
Hamim Sultana: and we were fighting over the laptop
Hamim Sultana: and i wa slike NO!
Hamim Sultana: and i made a huge scene
Hamim Sultana: and they started laughing
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: awesome
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: khadija and mariam were laughing like crazy while nadirah was just smiling. and nadirah and i were looking for the program
Hamim Sultana: and the other two wouldn't shut up (because of HAMIM xD) so i started yelling ta them
Hamim Sultana: I kept shouting things like, "hey! stop laughing you baboons! you laughing hayenas!" (sp?)
Hamim Sultana: while that was going on, the other group next to us had the apple laptop. lucky chickens!
Hamim Sultana: and they weren't doing their work, instead they were playing with the built in camera
Hamim Sultana: and and and it had this thing were u can make effects and stuff
Hamim Sultana: and it cal also make reflections
Hamim Sultana: and so one of the guys were acting like he was fighting with himself
Hamim Sultana: it looked hilarious xD
Hamim Sultana: and another effect showed them all...smudged and stuff, as if they were inside the washing machines
Hamim Sultana: u know the laundry ones?
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: and i was laughing and yeah...
Hamim Sultana: and then Mariam suggested we ask the computer teacher
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: and i was like "ok! sister farzaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaa!"
Hamim Sultana: i didn't really mean for her to hear
Hamim Sultana: but she heard me call her in that spooky and goofy way xD
Hamim Sultana: unfortunatly
Hamim Sultana: i mean who on earth calls their teachers like that?&_& (&---apperantly her)
Hamim Sultana: and the teacher was like yes?
Hamim Sultana: and she came over
Hamim Sultana: and they asked if the laptop has that program
Hamim Sultana: and the teacher said yes and she was looking for it
Hamim Sultana: and we were trying our best not to burst out laughing
Hamim Sultana: because we knew she wouldn't find it xD
Natalie ...: XD meanis
Natalie ...: meanies*
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: jk
Hamim Sultana: but she opened an exsisting file from that program and then yeah...
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: and the girls were like, "this is a little different..."
Hamim Sultana: and i was like shut up! you wanted it and ther eu have it!
Hamim Sultana: wait...i dont hitnk i said that
Hamim Sultana: oh watever
Hamim Sultana: and we kept fighting over hte laptop. e were like, "No let me do it! no let me! NO ME!"
Hamim Sultana: and when we were leaving we asked if we can get an apple laptop too, the teacher said yes but later
Hamim Sultana: and yeah...
Hamim Sultana: and also Nadirah said it was the bets time she ever had during computer class xD
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: i wonder why
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: it's funnuer and more fun when u're actualy THERE
Hamim Sultana: oh and the teacher said to name our folder, "8B you are there"
Hamim Sultana: and i kept joking about our class being THERE
Hamim Sultana: u get it?
Hamim Sultana: and yeah...
Hamim Sultana: and during lunchtime i kept making nadirah and mariam laugh...duno how lol
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: they always say im like a little girl. and i aact very cute and stuff. lol. maybe that's why? becuase mariam was trying not to laugh during lunch
Hamim Sultana: and i looked straight at hree
Hamim Sultana: and tried my bets to keep a straight face just like her
Hamim Sultana: but she ended up laughing
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: and after awhile she tried to do that again
Hamim Sultana: but i put my hands together (like when hindu ppl prays) and put it under my chin, and the i became cross eyed and started moveing my head right ot left like and idiot
Hamim Sultana: and she burst out laughing
Hamim Sultana: and and and then Nadirah's sister was sitting on the table behind ours, so i was saying hi...but i guess she didnt know i was saying ho to her
Hamim Sultana: and i started yelling at nadirah for not teacher her little sis manners and im not her best friend naymore
Hamim Sultana: and mariam was like yeah! hamim is MY best friend!
Hamim Sultana: and umm...yeah...
Hamim Sultana: u should have seen me laughing
Hamim Sultana: i turned all red and mariam was looking at me as if i was dieing
Natalie ...: not even i go that crazy XD
Hamim Sultana: a couple more ppl looked at me as if i was some...psycho
Hamim Sultana: lol. and mariam thought i couldn't breathe...well that was true but she knows i have asthma so that scared her. lol
Hamim Sultana: wat? u never turn red? xD
Natalie ...: i do
Natalie ...: but i never go that crazily hyper
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol. wow, i must be the most hyper person out there
Hamim Sultana: and by the time Nadirah finished her food...i didnt even start xD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: i was too busy entertaining ppl by making them laguh idk how
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: oh and during the kutba(sp?) it's like a speech...
Hamim Sultana: and while the dude was speaking...
Hamim Sultana: i fell asleep (&-- as usual)
Hamim Sultana: and i was snoring...well that's what THEY say
Hamim Sultana: i dont snore! i breathe heavily &_&
Hamim Sultana: and yeah, lol. a lot of people turned to look at me
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: that must have been awkward XD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: i fall asleep alomst allt he time
Hamim Sultana: and i remember last year
Hamim Sultana: the speech was veyr veyr veyr long
Hamim Sultana: like more than half and hour i guess
Hamim Sultana: and i someone had ot wake me up i think
Hamim Sultana: and when we had one more class left, and i looked like it was morning and i was ready for a great new day
Hamim Sultana: when it was the afternooon and time to go home xD
Hamim Sultana: i was like, "omg the day went soooo fast!"
Hamim Sultana: and everyone looked at me like, "o.O what;s her problem?"
Karen: pie
Hamim Sultana: yup
Hamim Sultana: pie is my problem
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: dude! this is awesome!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: im watching this vid
Natalie ...: with my english teacher's husband in it
Hamim Sultana: speaking of pie, today in class out of the blue i told mariam (she sits next to me) i said i lie pie
Natalie ...: he's in a band!
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: awesome
Hamim Sultana: he's from fall out boys!
Natalie ...: and and and and i went to this assembly speach of his today
Natalie ...: no he's not from fall out boy XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: shut up. how od u know?&
Natalie ...: he's from a small band called Mikoto
Hamim Sultana: a japanese band!
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: the only members of Fall Out Boy are "Joe, Andy, Pete, and Patrick"
Natalie ...: it's not a japanese band
Hamim Sultana: shut up
Hamim Sultana: as if u know better &_&
Natalie ...: the reason why they have a japanese name is because it means beauty
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i heard him tell us this today!
Hamim Sultana: yeah, and it's a japanese band
Hamim Sultana: SHUT UP!
Karen: oh yea well
Hamim Sultana: sheesh! that girl thinks she knows everything
Karen: i eat chinese food
Hamim Sultana: so do i
Hamim Sultana: im chinese
Hamim Sultana: O_O
Karen: with soy sauce
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: did u know im half chinese?
Karen: idk wat im saying
Karen: im likst lost
Karen: in the conversaiont
Karen: yea
Karen: wait WU REAE?
Karen: U ARE?!* lol
Hamim Sultana: maaaaaybe. i guess i never told u
Hamim Sultana: oh wait
Hamim Sultana: sry i meant japanese
Hamim Sultana: because
Hamim Sultana: my dad is japanese and chinese
Hamim Sultana: so i guessim both
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i founnd out yesterday
Hamim Sultana: ....
Hamim Sultana: my uncle called
Hamim Sultana: and he was like "konichiwa!"
Hamim Sultana: and i was like HUH??!?!?!?
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: weird but awesome
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: DUDE! O.O
Natalie ...: their page is AWESOME!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i kknow
Natalie ...: u haven't seen it yet XD
Hamim Sultana: SHUT UP!
Hamim Sultana: im psychic
Hamim Sultana: PPL TALK!
Natalie ...: im trying to wait for their music thinggy to load
Natalie ...: so i can listen to them sing
Hamim Sultana: oh ok
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: im a better singer....
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: they're ok
Hamim Sultana: lalalalalall laa!
Hamim Sultana: and awww...
Natalie ...: my teacher's husband screams a lot though XD
Hamim Sultana: they delted the video
Karen: umm
Natalie ...: which one?
Karen: boom shaka laka
Hamim Sultana: u know the one in my gaia profile?
Hamim Sultana: and i really liked the video!
Natalie ...: ooooh
Natalie ...: awww
Natalie ...: that sucks!
Natalie ...: it was a cool vid too
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: yeah...i really liked it...
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: well.... how about putting the "she will be loved" one again?
Natalie ...: that one was good too
Hamim Sultana: hehe yeah
Hamim Sultana: but hmmm...i love using htem over
Hamim Sultana: but i think i'll put another video from my favorites there
Hamim Sultana: but of course i'll put she will be loved up there again eventually
Hamim Sultana: i really love that one!
Hamim Sultana: and it's rare for me to like videos with only pictures in it
Natalie ...: yeah!
Natalie ...: i loved it too!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: and i like that song but it got on my nerves after a while
Natalie ...: and when i saw that vid
Natalie ...: i loved the song again
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: same here!
Hamim Sultana: i like the chorus more
Natalie ...: hehe yup!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: AWWWW
Natalie ...: LOOK!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=9788421&albumID=0&imageID=4291193
Natalie ...: that's my english teacher with her husband
Natalie ...: the one that's in the band
Natalie ...: so awesome
Hamim Sultana: ooho okies
Hamim Sultana: but umm...
Hamim Sultana: oh cooo!
Natalie ...: but their music is too hardcore for me XD
Natalie ...: it's ok but too much yelling
Natalie ...: hurts my ears XD
Hamim Sultana: why are there only three coments?
Natalie ...: idk
Hamim Sultana: lol, one girl said they got yelled at by her xD
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: i found that weird XD
Hamim Sultana: i wanna sya that too!
Natalie ...: she rarely yells
Natalie ...: she's rarely mean
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: wait, how do i listen to their songs?
Hamim Sultana: well all teahcers has to be be mean sometimes
Natalie ...: true
Natalie ...: oh, i just copied the code from his band site
Natalie ...: and put it on my page
Natalie ...: and heard it there
Natalie ...: u could also try youtube
Natalie ...: but they're mostly live performances
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies
Hamim Sultana: ask for their autographs!
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i would have but i was too shy
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: one kid from class did
Natalie ...: and i was like "he's gonna go home and frame it"
Natalie ...: and he heard me and laugh
Natalie ...: and i was like XDDD
Natalie ...: haha
Karen: http://www.bored.com/typequiz/index.htm
Karen: its a long quiz thingyb
Karen: but it described me like a whole lot int he end
Karen: ahh
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i wanna take!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies!
Karen: yup
Hamim Sultana: these personality quizes are hard fir me
Hamim Sultana: because...of my split personality xD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: so it's hard...
Natalie ...: guess what i found out today?
Hamim Sultana: empathetic and compassionate does that mean being serious?
Hamim Sultana: what? that avacado is a fruit?
Natalie ...: XD no
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol then wat does it mean?
Natalie ...: i found out that Josue is not going out with that girl from lunch
Hamim Sultana: that's great!
Hamim Sultana: and speaking of jouse
Hamim Sultana: it reminds me of Esa
Hamim Sultana: and speaking of esa
Hamim Sultana: u know what we did in class? (&--mostly her fault...AGAIN)
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: what ya do?
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: well, it was really hot, and the Ac wasn't on
Hamim Sultana: so he went to opent he windows
Hamim Sultana: and our school is designed differenatly from other schools
Hamim Sultana: so the window is like up to the floor and u can sorta stand on it...kinda hard to explian
Hamim Sultana: and the it's like huge
Hamim Sultana: so he opening the windows
Hamim Sultana: and stood there for no reason at all
Hamim Sultana: and i was like look! the statue of liberty!
Hamim Sultana: and then i took my spelling test and rolled it into a scroll
Hamim Sultana: and gave it to himt o hold and stand there
Hamim Sultana: and then he took a book froma girl's desk and then went back there
Hamim Sultana: and this other girl named fatima saw
Hamim Sultana: and she took a boy's cap and put it on Esa
Hamim Sultana: and we had this ballish htingy from the Eid decorations
Hamim Sultana: and we pretened it to be the fire
Hamim Sultana: and...omg...so many ands
Hamim Sultana: and i'd get a bad ELA score on this whole hting xD
Hamim Sultana: and well...anyways, we made him stand there are laugh and stuff. and then we would open the door so others could
Hamim Sultana: see
Natalie ...: wow that's a lot to read
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i was taking the test, i look here, and there's like 1284237567842657465234 comments by u XDDD
Hamim Sultana: and one girl was like, "hey guys! look at sister azza play patty cake with mawrowa! (marowa(sp?) is another teacher's little daughter) and we opened the door so she could see Esa
Hamim Sultana: and she started laugihg saying we should take a picture of Esa becaus ehe looked hilarious
Hamim Sultana: and i kept regretting the fact we didnt have a camera
Hamim Sultana: messages, not comments
Hamim Sultana: i'm stuck on the quiz, idk what one of the quesitons means xD
Karen: o god im confused
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: oh god im bored XD
Natalie ...: this test is making me fall asleep
Hamim Sultana: so...my story wasn't so great?
Natalie ...: im sorry i didn't pay attention
Natalie ...: i was trying to finish the test
Natalie ...: but im falling asleep to the test
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: what of test is this exactly?
Natalie ...: i feel like im in a classroom taking an exam or something
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i quit it
Karen: lmao
Karen: me too
Karen: but i finsiehd it somehoiw
Karen: hahahha
Karen: when u said that
Karen: i laughed
Hamim Sultana: *eats pears*
Hamim Sultana: tooday was somewhat fun
Natalie ...: Your Personality Type

Natalie ...: INTROVERT
While you may not be anti-social, you do need (and deserve) your private time and space to retreat from the world. Unlike extroverts, you need to develop a concept of the world or some aspect of it before experiencing it. Too much socializing may sap your energies. Your energies are derived from exploring the inner world of ideas, impressions and pure thought.
Natalie ...: that's sorta true
Natalie ...: INTUITIVE
While you do process information through your senses you add a twist to your processing by relying on intuition and serendipity. You look for undercurrents of meaning and abstractions in what you experience physically. You do not just see things just as they are, but as what they could be. While you may rely on common sense at times, you trust inspiration far more.
Natalie ...: i do? XD
Natalie ...: PERCEIVING
You like to have as much information as possible before making a decision. Putting off a final decision until the last moment does not make you uncomfortable. Indeed once a decision is made, a course plotted, you may feel a bit uneasy, because you feel bound to a certain course of action. You would much prefer to wait and see what happens. You enjoy the opportunity to improvise. Commitments are not etched in stone to you, and are changeable.
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: i guess....
Hamim Sultana: i didnt understand anyhting xD
Natalie ...: FEELING
You make decisions subjectively based upon your values and what is important to you. How people will be affected by your decisions is important to you. You are likely to make decisions based upon what you feel is acceptable and agreeable rather than what is logical. Your truths are founded in your values and those of the society you live in. It is important to remember that we are discussing how you evaluate data and make decisions, and that you rely on your feelings to do so in no way implies you are overly emotional.
Hamim Sultana: brain not working
Natalie ...: mine working at a minimum
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: I AM OVERLY EMOTIONAL?!!!!!
Natalie ...: XDDD
Natalie ...: AM NOT!
Natalie ...: ~runs away crying to mommy~ XD lol jk
Natalie ...: Introvert/Intuitive/Feeling/Perceiving

You are devoted and compassionate. You have a well-developed distaste for rules, orders and schedules. You are a natural born learner and can get so absorbed in your projects that you forget those around you. You are passionate about your beliefs and love ideals. You have very high standards for yourself. You are very creative, sensitive, reserved, and introspective. You respect the values of others and expect them to respect yours.

Natalie ...: In relationships you are loyal and totally committed. You prefer a few deep relationships over a horde of acquaintances. Because you are somewhat reserved, you do best in one on one and small group situations. When you feel comfortable, you can be very entertaining and capricious. You are nurturing and supportive by nature. You greatest social challenge is to balance your need to withdraw into your inner-world with your need to keep a strong connection with those you care for.
Hamim Sultana: i dont get the questipons!
Karen: lalala
Karen: i got the exact same thing
Karen: haha
Natalie ...: ZA!
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: O.O
Hamim Sultana: analytical? wat's that?
Natalie ...: like u analize things for a better understanding
Natalie ...: Famous People of Your Type:

Homer, Virgil, Mary, mother of Jesus, St. John, St. Luke, William Shakespeare, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, A. A. Milne, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Helen Keller, Carl Rogers, Fred Rogers, d**k Clark, Donna Reed, Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis, Neil Diamond, Tom Brokaw, James Herriot, Annie Dillard, James Taylor, Julia Roberts, Scott Bakula, John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Natalie ...: haha homer XD
Hamim Sultana: i dont think i'll get s description that's a lot like me...actualy i never do xD
Hamim Sultana: i keep putting sometimes
Natalie ...: me too lol
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Hamim Sultana: u have a president there
Natalie ...: WOOOO!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i dont know more than half the ppl in it xD
Natalie ...: go william! ur the best! uh-huh! u rock! wooo!
Natalie ...: oh yeah!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: HELLEN KELLER!
Natalie ...: AWESOME!
Natalie ...: WO!!!!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: Julia Roberts? haha XD
Natalie ...: JOHN F. KENNEDY!
Natalie ...: WOO!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: awesome
Natalie ...: i got awesome ppl
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: Occupations Suited to Your Type Include:

Actor, architect, artist, composer, editor, translator, journalist, librarian, musician, occupational therapist, psychotherapist, educator, researcher, scientist, and writer.
Natalie ...: WOOO! i got composer
Natalie ...: editor
Natalie ...: journalism
Natalie ...: educator
Natalie ...: scientist
Natalie ...: and and and and
Natalie ...: ~drum roll~
Natalie ...: WRITER!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i love my result
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: implications and inferences. wha...?
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: get a dictionary lol
Natalie ...: im not even sure what those mean either
Hamim Sultana: lol. too lazy to do that now
Hamim Sultana: i'll do that another time
Natalie ...: i just figured what it was through the sentence itself
Hamim Sultana: im having hte most hards time anyone can ever have...i mean i have a split persoanlity for goodness's sake! &_&
Natalie ...: XD lol yeah i know
Natalie ...: but it's supposed to be based on how u act more frequently
Natalie ...: not on how u feel about it at the moment
Natalie ...: so it's not supposed to be hard
Natalie ...: expect for the wording maybe
Hamim Sultana: im done!
Hamim Sultana: no...
Hamim Sultana: still hard
Hamim Sultana: if i do that
Hamim Sultana: i have to choose one of themany sides of me
Hamim Sultana: and then do it
Hamim Sultana: EXTROVERT
You are social and outgoing. You are most comfortable when with other people and experiencing the world first hand. Interaction with others and first hand experiences energize you. It is not unlike you to start conversations with strangers. You have a preference for the outer world: people, activities, and things. Other people provide you with a mirror, sounding board to help you develop ideas and plans. Being alone may sap your energies. Your concept of the world is derived from experiencing it firsthand and then drawing conclusions.
Natalie ...: it's almost the exact opposet from me xD
Natalie ...: XD*
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: INTUITIVE
While you do process information through your senses you add a twist to your processing by relying on intuition and serendipity. You look for undercurrents of meaning and abstractions in what you experience physically. You do not just see things just as they are, but as what they could be. While you may rely on common sense at times, you trust inspiration far more.
Hamim Sultana: lol
You appear to be an equal mix of both judging and perceiving types. This may cause you some conflict at times. On the other hand the balance of the two may work just fine for you. There is certainly nothing wrong with having a fair share of both types if you are happy. Below you will find descriptions of both types.
Hamim Sultana: JUDGING
You like decisions to be made as soon as possible. You are not comfortable with loose ends and like to see conflicts resolved as soon as possible. You have a preference for a well-structured, orderly lifestyle with few surprises. It may not be all that important who makes the decisions that gets things done as long things do get done. You take commitments very seriously.
Hamim Sultana: FEELING
You make decisions subjectively based upon your values and what is important to you. How people will be affected by your decisions is important to you. You are likely to make decisions based upon what you feel is acceptable and agreeable rather than what is logical. Your truths are founded in your values and those of the society you live in. It is important to remember that we are discussing how you evaluate data and make decisions, and that you rely on your feelings to do so in no way implies you are overly emotional.
Natalie ...: u got like 2 of mine
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: You are a very creative optimist who never has a shortage of new ideas. You accept others as they are, like to be helpful, and are compassionate. Your freedom and independence are very important to you. Your well-developed insight into others and communication skills allow you to inspire those around you. You have a good sense of humor and love to have fun.

In relationships you may turn intimacy into an all-encompassing pursuit. You are very aware of what those around you are thinking and doing. Your people skills allow you to make friends instantly and make almost anyone comfortable. You tend to idealize your relationships. You like your relationships to be very intense--you want to feel everything. The warmth and affection you give others is very deep and genuine.
Hamim Sultana: heheh which are those?
Hamim Sultana: Famous People of Your Type:

Franz Joseph Haydn, Samuel Clemens, Will Rogers, Buster Keaton, Theodor "Dr." Seuss Geisel, Mickey Rooney, Carol Burnett, Paul Harvey, Elizabeth Montgomery, Bill Cosby, Dom Delouise, Dave Thomas, Martin Short, Meg Ryan, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Robert Downey.

Hamim Sultana: i only know two of the ppl, oh and look, doctor seuss and bill cosby!
Natalie ...: Dr Seuss! woo
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: Bill Cosby?
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: Robin Williams!
Natalie ...: wooo!
Hamim Sultana: wasn't he a comdeian?
Hamim Sultana: who's that?
Natalie ...: Sandra Bullock!
Natalie ...: WOOO!
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: a comedian
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: Occupations Suited to Your Type Include:

Actor, artist, clergy, consultant, entertainer, entrepreneur, personal service provider, journalist, marketer, media specialist, mediator, recruiter, sales person, business owner, teacher, and writer.
Hamim Sultana: to robin and sandra are comdieans? as well as bill cosby?
Hamim Sultana: explains why i make mariam, nadirah, khadija and the rest laugh at me xD
Hamim Sultana: but comdedian isnt on the list!
Hamim Sultana: am i not serious enough?
Hamim Sultana: i always wanted to be an actrist! and a VA! i already am in my world :
Hamim Sultana: *
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: so who are they???
Natalie ...: u should be an entrepreneur and own ur own anime business
Natalie ...: and i can be the script writer for the anime shows and we can be voice actors
Hamim Sultana: heheh yeah
Natalie ...: and i can design the characters and u can help and yeah
Hamim Sultana: BUT WHO ARE THEY???
Natalie ...: wooo!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: they're comedians and actors
Hamim Sultana: those ppl
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: omg...ALL?
Hamim Sultana: ahahahahahah! that surely explains one of my sides!
Hamim Sultana: random person: back side or front side?
Hamim Sultana: mimz: SHUT UP! *throws pie*
Hamim Sultana: i wonder if there are any clowns htere...
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: ~runs away from clown~
Hamim Sultana: I FOUND THE SONG!
Hamim Sultana: wlel i found out this morning int he school bus
Hamim Sultana: and couldn't wait till i got home to listen to it
Hamim Sultana: and now it's in my iPod
Hamim Sultana: and im listneing to it
Natalie ...: which one was it?
Hamim Sultana: it's called Clover
Hamim Sultana: u can download it from www.gendou.com
Hamim Sultana: and the anime is called Solty rei
Natalie ...: ooooh ok
Hamim Sultana: u should listen to it
Hamim Sultana: idk if u'll like it tho...but me likey!
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: lalalallala
Karen: lalala
Karen: im on gaina
Karen: and i havent been on it for a longggggg time
Hamim Sultana: we've noticed, trust me xD
Natalie ...: lol yup
Sandy Ornelas has joined the conference.

Sandy Ornelas: No, gracias.
Yahoo! Messenger with Voice: Sandy Ornelas has declined to join.
Natalie ...: huh?
Sandy Ornelas has joined the conference.

Natalie ...: lol
Sandy Ornelas: hola amigas!
Sandy Ornelas: *HUG*
Natalie ...: ~huggles~
Natalie ...: lol
Sandy Ornelas: WHERE ALL HERE YAY!!!
Sandy Ornelas: WERE****
Natalie ...: actually it's We're
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: i miss correcting ur grammar
Natalie ...: hehe
Sandy Ornelas: -_-
Sandy Ornelas: LOL
Sandy Ornelas: soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Sandy Ornelas: my grandmas comeing this weekend!
Sandy Ornelas: with briana :]
Natalie ...: awesome
Sandy Ornelas: today i got out early again
Sandy Ornelas: :]
Karen: today was my last day of skool
Karen: weeeeeeeee
Sandy Ornelas: lucky
Sandy Ornelas: i got out next week
Sandy Ornelas: wooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Sandy Ornelas: par-tay!
Natalie ...: i know ur only making me feel bad
Sandy Ornelas:
Sandy Ornelas: sorry nat
Karen: awwww
Sandy Ornelas:
Karen: me too
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: i actually cried yesterday during changing time in the lockers in p.e
Sandy Ornelas: hey nat have u been to my myspace?
Natalie ...: cause i was so sad and frustrated that i still have 4 weeks of school
Natalie ...: nope
Sandy Ornelas: theres this song called amber that my guy friend made me hear
Sandy Ornelas: and i love it now
Karen: aww
Sandy Ornelas: its such a pretty song
Karen: lalala
Karen: i need that new pic
Karen: my friend took this pic of me today
Karen: and i wasnt even trying and it came out like really purty
Karen: but she still has to send it to me
Karen: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: cool
Karen: haha
Karen: yae
Natalie ...: i need new pics XD
Natalie ...: i'll take some in vacation
Karen: and it was weird cuz i had just walked in the rain so i was a mess
Karen: yup yup for sure
Karen: eweeeeeeeeeeeee
Karen: weeeeee*
Natalie ...: lol awesome
Karen: l lalallal
Karen: im so bored
Karen: i want to go rent movies
Karen: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Karen: nat, wanna come ^.^?
Hamim Sultana: WHY DIDNBT U ASK ME???
Hamim Sultana: and hi sandy
Hamim Sultana: sry i was talking
Hamim Sultana: i had to prepare my asthma machine
Natalie ...: sure! i'd go!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: wooo!
Natalie ...: ^-^
Natalie ...: awesomeness
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: what's so funny that we'd have to laugh out loud?
Sandy Ornelas: HOLA MIMI!!!!!!
Sandy Ornelas: weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hamim Sultana: lallal
Hamim Sultana: hi!
Natalie ...: lalala
Hamim Sultana: i dont like ppl who doesnt answer my questions
Natalie ...: XD nothing is funny
Natalie ...: u know me
Hamim Sultana: no i dont
Karen: huh
Natalie ...: i just use "lol" as a second form of hehe
Karen: idk
Karen: lol
Karen: lol
Karen: idk
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: this is the first time i've met u
Hamim Sultana: WAKAKAKOarbv4s
Karen: i hate it when ppl say lol or omg
Hamim Sultana: i know someone!
Hamim Sultana: omg!
Karen: but like, in a real convo
Hamim Sultana: more chickens jump roping on the roof!
Karen: like, in person
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: with ants!
Hamim Sultana: yeah same here!
Karen: yea, totallyh
Hamim Sultana: im like shuuuut up! this is not an online chat!
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: that would be just plain weird XD
Karen: ive heard ppl
Karen: and im like
Karen: omigosh
Natalie ...: haha u have?
Karen: theyre usually the whtie and preepy kind
Natalie ...: that's weird
Hamim Sultana: i like weridness
Karen: preppy*
Hamim Sultana: but that's justa nnpoying
Natalie ...: i've never met someone like that prefore
Hamim Sultana: not weird
Natalie ...: oh no wonder
Karen: yea
Karen: i hate ppl like that
Natalie ...: i don't really like "preppy" people
Hamim Sultana: why are ppl so mean to whites? they're nice
Karen: thyre so annoying
Karen: no, not here in texas
Karen: whites are so annoying
Hamim Sultana: oh really?
Natalie ...: i have nothing against whites. it's "preppy" people who are the snobs
Hamim Sultana: are they like girly girls or somehting?
Karen: im not trying to be racist, but their kind is just so stupid
Natalie ...: they just think they're all class and beter than everyone else
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: better*
Karen: yea preppy ppl is wat i really mean
Karen: i mean there are some nice ppl who are preppy
Hamim Sultana: i never met a prep i guess
Karen: but still, they have that
Karen: thing about them
Karen: that makes htem look conceited either way
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: i never met one
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: i don't like to use "labels" on people cause im against it
Natalie ...: but seriously, that's like the only way to describe those types of ppl
Hamim Sultana: same here
Karen: hhaa
Karen: yea
Hamim Sultana: and i should become a prep too
Hamim Sultana: xD just kidding
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: they are conceided and thing they're all upper class like and stuff
Sandy Ornelas: ooooo guess what i got on gaia
Natalie ...: i guess that's why people started calling them "preps"
Hamim Sultana: what?
Hamim Sultana: lalalal
Sandy Ornelas: there was a floating box and i clicked it and i got a black skull helemt
Hamim Sultana: i love this song
Sandy Ornelas: its pretty sweet
Hamim Sultana: COOL!
Hamim Sultana: lucky u
Sandy Ornelas: but imma sell it
Hamim Sultana: i wish we could get them too
Hamim Sultana: lalalala
Hamim Sultana: and make good money
Sandy Ornelas: cuz its not my style
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i wanna see it first!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: no has been commenting on my profile for a long time now. *coughnatalie*cough*
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i haven't been on that often
Natalie ...: i wasn't even on that long yesterday
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Sandy Ornelas: nat guess what
Sandy Ornelas: did i tell you that my dad bought a pool
Hamim Sultana: lol! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDGq8Z2VaQw nat! u should watch this. i'll use it for my profile naother time
Sandy Ornelas: and hes putting it outside right now
Sandy Ornelas: i want to go in :]
Hamim Sultana: cool!
Hamim Sultana: lucky u!
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5sriCMJmoM lol!
Hamim Sultana: i like the weird song
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: im watching another vid right now
Hamim Sultana: aww!
Hamim Sultana: u should really watch the first video!
Hamim Sultana: it's...xD
Hamim Sultana: it has two of ur fav animes in it
Hamim Sultana: well...more like...watever u'll see what imean when u watch it
Natalie ...: lol k
Natalie ...: no spoilers? XD
Hamim Sultana: no
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: none at all
Natalie ...: holly sesame seed gram crackers!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: ~falls off chair~
Natalie ...: hahahaha
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: awesome
Natalie ...: so funny
Natalie ...: hehe
Sandy Ornelas has left the conference.

Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehehehe
Hamim Sultana: Ichigo in a cardcaptors outfit
Hamim Sultana: and ahhaha
Hamim Sultana: he was hugging chad!
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: u should see my starphoenix profile
Natalie ...: ARGH!
Natalie ...: my cousin posted a bulletin with a sasuke and sakura pairing amv
Natalie ...: &_&
Natalie ...: he does it on purpose i bet ya
Natalie ...: he knows i don't like that couple (I HATE IT!)
Natalie ...: well not really
Natalie ...: it's just not my fav.
Hamim Sultana: i dont have anyhitng against it
Hamim Sultana: ur cousin watches naruto?
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: and fma
Natalie ...: and bleach
Natalie ...: and a whole lot of other animes
Hamim Sultana: cool
Natalie ...: but not as many as us XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: i have to meet ur cousin!
Hamim Sultana: oh ok
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: he's a guy
Hamim Sultana: no one can ever surpass me!
Hamim Sultana: MWAHAHAHAHHA!
Natalie ...: he doesn't
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: believe me
Hamim Sultana: i still wanna meet him
Natalie ...: he has no idea what Elfen Lied is either or Berserk
Hamim Sultana: he doesnt belueve what?
Natalie ...: he doesn't surpass u
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: heheh
Hamim Sultana: yaay!
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: no one can!
Hamim Sultana: i wanna meet him!
Natalie ...: he's only like probably into a total of 10 animes
Natalie ...: but he's like very into them XD
Natalie ...: he has the cool watch from FMA (I WANT ONE TOO!! XD)
Natalie ...: and he records all the shows
Natalie ...: and watches the japanese ones
Natalie ...: i don't think he reads manga though
Natalie ...: i know a tiny bit more of Naruto than him though cause it's been a long time since he last saw naruto
Natalie ...: he saw it like 2 years ago when it barely aired in japan
Natalie ...: but he's currently rewatching it on CN
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies
Natalie ...: as the english version
Hamim Sultana: i sitll wanna meet him
Hamim Sultana: i wanna get him into other animes
Natalie ...: he's the ony with the sasuke pic on my myspace friends
Natalie ...: lol XD
Natalie ...: he's like 19 but he acts like 12 or something
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: his bro is also into anime but not as much as him
Hamim Sultana: but i like it when they act younger
Hamim Sultana: but bla
Hamim Sultana: cjaka!
Natalie ...: oh and i just found out from him that this one girl in a pic i have is actually from a witch anime
Natalie ...: i forgot the name
Natalie ...: enigma something
Hamim Sultana: it's negima!
Hamim Sultana: u should have asked me instead &_&
Hamim Sultana: i saw a couple of episodes. i cant find hte rest
Natalie ...: my cousin doesn't like it idk y
Natalie ...: but my other one, the younger one, does
Natalie ...: i haven't seen it yet
Natalie ...: but it's a witch anime so idk
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i like witchy stuff
Hamim Sultana: me too
Hamim Sultana: and oh and
Hamim Sultana: the guy is mine! wait...he's probably not ur type
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: he's like tiny
Hamim Sultana: lalalala
Hamim Sultana: u should watch it
Hamim Sultana: there are two versions of the anime
Hamim Sultana: the old one, and the new ne
Hamim Sultana: one*
Hamim Sultana: i heard form ben the old one is hard to find, which explains why i can barely ever watch it.
Natalie ...: i'll watch it later on
Hamim Sultana: and the new one is easy to find
Natalie ...: oh ok
Hamim Sultana: but first i wanna watch the old one
Natalie ...: oh ok
Natalie ...: it's funny though cause all my cousins likes pokemon
Natalie ...: but not anymore
Natalie ...: and Alex says "i don't get how they'
Natalie ...: re all still 14/12 when it's been like 10 years!"
Natalie ...: hehe it makes me laugh XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe yeah, me and a few other ppl talking about it b4
Hamim Sultana: by now they should be at least 16. well ash and misty at least
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: but i think they're all still the same age XD
Natalie ...: which is creepy
Hamim Sultana: they are
Natalie ...: and that's y i find it funny when my cousin says that everytime
Hamim Sultana: but i said they SHOULD be that old by now
Natalie ...: cause it's like 10 years and u STILL haven't aged?! XD
Hamim Sultana: lalalla
Hamim Sultana: woohooo!
Hamim Sultana: it's fun!
Hamim Sultana: i wanna go there!
Hamim Sultana: and never grow older!
Hamim Sultana: it's awsome!
Hamim Sultana: not creepy
Hamim Sultana: welll to me at lkeats
Hamim Sultana: i bewlong there
Hamim Sultana: and i'll maryr ash
Hamim Sultana: even if we're like only 10 years old or something
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: I AM MISTY!
Hamim Sultana: *throws rocks at u*
Hamim Sultana: DIE!
Natalie ...: ~falls off chair~
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: *throws more stones*
Hamim Sultana: DIE GIRL DIE!
Hamim Sultana: and and and
Hamim Sultana: i'll aslo be may
Hamim Sultana: (and allt he otehdr girls apparently xD)
Hamim Sultana: and maryr everyone ekse
Hamim Sultana: i rule the world!
Natalie ...: ~snooore~
Hamim Sultana: *suffocates you*
Hamim Sultana: it's mnore sinsiter to kill while someone is sleeping
Natalie ...: ~dies and is happy~
Hamim Sultana: i dont care
Hamim Sultana: as long as u die
Hamim Sultana: im happy
Hamim Sultana: :S
Hamim Sultana: *
Hamim Sultana: lalalla
Hamim Sultana: *sings along*
Natalie ...: mimi.... what would u say .... if i told u i had cancer?
Hamim Sultana: mita hfh sdmf asoa saaaaaaaay
Natalie ...: (i don;t)
Hamim Sultana: idk what they're saying!
Hamim Sultana: and u should listen to the song!
Natalie ...: huh?
Natalie ...: no im being serious
Natalie ...: if by any chance i found out i had cancer and i told u
Natalie ...: what would u say or do?
Hamim Sultana: first of all, i sitll don't know what it is. and i don't know how serios it is either. but since ppl goes nuts whent hey hear about it i'd consider as if it's somehting bad (which it is) and narurally feel awful
Hamim Sultana: duh!
Hamim Sultana: and cry
Hamim Sultana: i mean i cried like crazy when my friends got cramps during field day
Hamim Sultana: and if one of my pals actualy got something that's actualy as worse as that, idk what i'd do
Natalie ...: cancer is deadly
Hamim Sultana: i know that much
Natalie ...: yeah...
Hamim Sultana: and then&
Hamim Sultana: ?*
Natalie ...: i asked because .... i was currious
Hamim Sultana: but what is it exactly?
Natalie ...: Cancer develops when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control.
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies. but im sure u knew the answer? i mean...well...like i said...if i go crazy when my friends get cramps...and if one of them actualy has somehting that's DEADLY and isn't cureable, idk what i'd do
Hamim Sultana: whoa...and then?
Natalie ...: well.... the other day during CCP class, this girl shared what her essay was gonna be about
Natalie ...: and she said it was when she found out she was diagnosed with cancer
Natalie ...: i was like O.O "she has cancer?"
Natalie ...: and yeah...
Natalie ...: and i've noticed how her friends are around her
Natalie ...: they're always sad
Natalie ...: and any thought of her having cancer, causes them to cry like mad
Natalie ...: one of her friends even started cutting herself because she says "i can't live my life without her"
Natalie ...: and i started to wonder, would my friends be sad if by any chance i got cancer too?
Natalie ...: and i tought to myself, if one of my friends got cancer, i'd very much die as well
Natalie ...: my friends, few but the best, mean the world to me
Natalie ...: they're the only people who truly understand me and keep me sane
Natalie ...: and if i lose them, there'd be no reason for me to live, not even to finish college and finish writing my stories
Natalie ...: my books
Natalie ...: none of that matters if i don't have my friends with me
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: *huggles natty-chan*
Hamim Sultana: i feels orry for that girl and her friends!
Hamim Sultana: i hope they find a cure for it...
Hamim Sultana: oh and spekaing of which...
Hamim Sultana: in the Qur'an it says there will be many desieases int he world
Hamim Sultana: but there will be one that will be incureable
Natalie ...: one that'll be incureable?
Natalie ...: which one is it?
Hamim Sultana: well it didn't say which one it is, but it might probably be Cancer
Hamim Sultana: sis, do u believe in magic?
Natalie ...: no
Natalie ...: but i like to believe it's true
Natalie ...: i mean, i know it's not real
Hamim Sultana: i believe in it
Natalie ...: but i like to believe it's real
Hamim Sultana: and there are many others out there who believes in it too
Natalie ...: i wish it were real
Natalie ...: i WANT it to be real
Hamim Sultana: btu id ont believe int he kind where they have wands and stuff. i still believe in it as a child
Hamim Sultana: but the other magic...i truely believe in it
Hamim Sultana: but i think i only believe in black magic
Hamim Sultana: do u believe in ghosts?
Natalie ...: yes
Natalie ...: and no
Natalie ...: i mean idk XD it's weird for me
Natalie ...: it's like i want to believe it and wish it were true
Natalie ...: but i don't ENTIRELY believe it
Natalie ...: unless i see it for myself, i'll be a hundred percent convinced and believe
Natalie ...: same thing goes for god
Karen: boo
Hamim Sultana: i dont have to see something with my own eyes to believe in it
Hamim Sultana: not all the time at least
Hamim Sultana: so i believe in ghosts
Hamim Sultana: not vampires and stuff
Hamim Sultana: but i do believe in ghosts...and well...they're not called ghosts, byut more like Jinns
Hamim Sultana: and umm they go inside u
Hamim Sultana: it happened to my mommy once when she was little
Natalie ...: nah i don't really believe in those things
Natalie ...: there's so many scientific evidence that can prove how those things occur
Natalie ...: no ghosts involved
Natalie ...: again, i need REAL proof of something before i believe i
Natalie ...: it*
Hamim Sultana: i know u wont believe me but...
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Natalie ...: and since there's no proof of ghosts and several proof of scientific reasoning i believe that instead
Hamim Sultana: not me tho, it may sound silly, but like i said, i dont always have to see somehting to believe it
Hamim Sultana: it's maybe just becaus ei have a mind of a child
Hamim Sultana: i was ognna say child of a mind xD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: for me, my beliefs beats science. it's also very very VERY irnoic how i sometimes have a strong beliefe in what i believe, and over science as well, and i love science and want to be a scientist
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: yeah that is ironic
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: ya know what's ironic about me?
Natalie ...: i hate science (not as much now) but prefer scientific knowledge and proof before i believe something is true but i believe somewhere out there, there is a parallel universe where anime characters exist even when there's no proff of that XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: i still believe in another world...as in aliens
Natalie ...: well i believe in that too
Hamim Sultana: what's a garter belt?
Natalie ...: since there's proof that the universe is huge and lots of other solar systems exist and it's possible there's another out there like ours where aliens exist
Natalie ...: Garter belt is a woman's undergarment consisting of an elastic piece of cloth worn around the waist to which garters are attached to hold up stockings.

Hamim Sultana: wat the...o.O that's weeeeeiiiirdddd
Hamim Sultana: why would ppl want somehting liek that to hold up their stockings?
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: idk
Hamim Sultana: weird ppl...<_< (<--isone of them)
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: i watch like at LEAST one new anime a week
Natalie ...: wow XD
Natalie ...: i have a hard time focusing so
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: LA FEA MAS BELLA IS ON!
Natalie ...: HOLLY TUNA!
Natalie ...: I GOTTA GO!
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: sorry sis but i gotta go!
Natalie ...: talk to u tomorrow!
Natalie ...: imma be on early most likely
Natalie ...: laterzzz!!!
Natalie ...: ~huggles~
Natalie ... has left the conference.

Chat with Nat from the 24th of May:

xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hey mimz!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: biggrin
akmhamim: oh hey!
akmhamim: i was waiting for u biggrin
akmhamim: and u should read my journaly entry from yesterday biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol okies
akmhamim: lalala
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: brb
akmhamim: k
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: weeeeee
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im back and with tapioca pudding!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wee!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
akmhamim: yayers! biggrin
akmhamim: oohh....em....geeee....i think im gonna kill gaia!
akmhamim: GRRR!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't really like the new navigation sad
akmhamim: i dont mind the new navigation
akmhamim: i think it's ok.
akmhamim: they should probably make it optional
akmhamim: but im mad about the journal thing!
akmhamim: i cant find my entries!
akmhamim: can u?
akmhamim: oh nvm...
akmhamim: it's probably just disabled and that's it
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: imma check
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it says it's been disabled
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awww man sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: how am i supposed to get my money now?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
akmhamim: ....oh well...everything is gonna be ok. idk y, but usualy i barely ever panic xD
akmhamim: i can get mad sometimes
akmhamim: but never panic for some odd reason
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: i got a trophy yesterday
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: WOOO!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: AWESOME!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: SEE! I TOLD YA U WOULD GET A TROPHY!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: now where's mine?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol jk
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wooo!!! GO HAMIM! biggrin =D>
akmhamim: heheh thanks biggrin
akmhamim: but i got third palce....
akmhamim: actually
akmhamim: at first when i got my letter i was sorta happy
akmhamim: and my mom was very happy
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so? i don't even have a trophy! at least u have one
akmhamim: but when i got the trophy i was like "oh 3rd place? forget it then -_-"
akmhamim: and then when i came home
akmhamim: i thought about it
akmhamim: thinking i should be happy
akmhamim: about others and stuff
akmhamim: and then i also thought baout how i've been writing arabic for less than 3 years now
akmhamim: while other ppl has been wiritng since they were int heir mommy's tummy, and didn't win a trophy at ALL
akmhamim: i was like..."YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!?"
akmhamim: xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD haha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah!
akmhamim: u have no trophies? what the...that's odd...or maybe most schools doesnt hand out trophies?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hey u might be good but i ain't the best lol
akmhamim: and my friend Nadirah and another girl Aclema said they were impressed cuz of that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so no. i don't have a trophy
akmhamim: huh>
akmhamim: awww
akmhamim: sad
akmhamim: but but but.... sad
akmhamim: *gives u a trophy*
akmhamim: biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wee!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: thankies!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ~huggles mimz~
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha. mimzy! look at this
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/170574
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe it's cute and funny
akmhamim: okies
akmhamim: AHAHAHAHA!
akmhamim: |lol
akmhamim: omg!
akmhamim: it's adorable!
akmhamim: u should use it
akmhamim: on myspace
akmhamim: cuz of the layout and stuff....
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i changed it actually
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i'll use it some other time when i find another bleach layout
akmhamim: okies
akmhamim: ahahah i just found out the MaLoRa was in my "Animes to Watch" list
akmhamim: and I put * next to whichever anime i should watch really soon
akmhamim: and it had three stars next to it
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: did u see the comment on my myspace?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: no let me go check
akmhamim: your new layout in myspace looks very pretty and veeeery familiar xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hahaha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i took the image of the stars from ur profile on gaia
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i made the rest
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it was kinda random though
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: i wonder where i saw that layout before
akmhamim: lol i know that
akmhamim: im not stupid
akmhamim: u thought i was stupid?!?!?!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i made it using an advance layout generator
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i didn't know what i was doing XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so i just went crazy and did w.e
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and it turned out ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: hehe it's pretty
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe thanks biggrin
akmhamim: lalal ur most certainly not welcome
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: i changed my profile song
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: okies
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awesome i love that song! biggrin hehe
akmhamim: u do?? so do i! biggrin
akmhamim: it's from MaLoRa
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yup i know
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: u showed it to me when u added the opening song
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: when u gave the link to that myspace page with all those songs
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i heard them all
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: they're all awesome biggrin
akmhamim: hewheh yeah i remember
akmhamim: but i didnt know u liked it a lot
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i did it's pretty
akmhamim: hehe yaaay!
akmhamim: im tyring ot remember this song....
akmhamim: it's pretty but i dont remember where i heard it
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: which one?
akmhamim: i dont remember...it's this song i heard....but...i can't remember the song or anyhting!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh
akmhamim: hmm....ok thnk of pretty songs xD
akmhamim: sung by a female
akmhamim: singer
akmhamim: and one girl that's it...i guess
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: teeeeellllll meeeeeeeeee
akmhamim: xD
akmhamim: ok nvm
akmhamim: i'll find out eventually
akmhamim: i usually do
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im not even sure what ur talking about XD
akmhamim: faiza is being mean sad
akmhamim: lalalalal
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: chalala
akmhamim: SHUT UP!
akmhamim: lalalalla
akmhamim: oh lord
akmhamim: im not picking up this time
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: huh?
akmhamim: i just huhng up on faiza xD
akmhamim: hung*
akmhamim: she keeps hanging up and calling me back
akmhamim: so i just hung up on her
akmhamim: because she was naming her bets friends and i wasn't one of them
akmhamim: lol
akmhamim: im an idiot
akmhamim: im watching bleach episode 120...i think i saw it already tho
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: whitey-chan is bleeding sad (
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: DON'T TELL ME!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: omg...did u turn into ME???
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XDDD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im not that far yet XD
akmhamim: oh ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: anyways, i gotta go. i forgot i got hw and lots of it sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: NO FAIR! sad (
akmhamim: and the new bleach opening is....DIFFERENT
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: man i cried today during p.e cause i was so frustrated and sad that i still have 4 weeks left of school
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i just want it to be over
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so yeah sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: gotta finish that hw
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: the sooner i finish it, the sooner i get to the end of the school year
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: thank god
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: well talk to u later then
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ja ne! biggrin

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