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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.

One of my old chats with Natty-chan! biggrin

Natalie says:
Hammi says:
chicka chee ooooooooh
Hammi says:
Hammi says:

Hammi says:

Hammi says:
heheh jk
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
i barely signed on
Natalie says:
and then this im popped up
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
which one?
Natalie says:
and i had no idea what u were talking about
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
wat did it sya?
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
u IMed me first
Natalie says:
something about some poctured
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
huh? lol
Hammi says:
wasnt me
Hammi says:
u imed me first
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
it must have been a stalker
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
haha yeah
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
let's glomp Jade!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
*kisses Jade*
Hammi says:
he's so hott!
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
shall we give him a haircut?
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
he looks hot like tha
Hammi says:
i bet he'd look great xD
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
hehe okies
Hammi says:
he looks hott both ways
Hammi says:
let's........dance with him!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
~grabs jade's hand~ let's dance jade!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
u dance with him, i'll go dance with Lloyd. and when ur done ill dance with jade.
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
*dances with Lloyd*
Hammi says:
Lloyd: idk how to dance...how do u dance?
Hammi says:
Me: I have no idea. but on TV they go 1 2 3 so let's do that
Hammi says:
Lloyd: Ok
Hammi says:
Me: u stepped on me! oh well
Hammi says:
Lloyd: heh, sry!
Natalie says:
wait my grandpa is callin
Natalie says:
i think he's drunk
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
heh? O_O
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
u jk right?
Natalie says:
he's telling me to sell jewlery to buy him a car
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
it's so funny!
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
is he joking?
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:

Natalie says:
i think he thinks im my mom
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
ok then it's scary AND funny
Natalie says:
lol yeah
Natalie says:
i was like "WTF?!!! HAHAHAHA!"
Natalie says:
but oh well
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
he hung up
Natalie says:
he was like "lo vas a vender?"
Natalie says:
that means "are u going to sell them?"
Natalie says:
and i was like "yeah no worries"
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
and he said bye and all
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
and i was like XD hahahaha
Hammi says:
he was on the phone?
Hammi says:

Natalie says:
Hammi says:
so he's REALLY drunk or...?
Natalie says:
at least it was good to hear from him
Natalie says:
i haven't seen my grandpa in a long itme
Natalie says:
he was drunk i think
Natalie says:
but when he gets drunk he's never aggrassive or anything
Hammi says:
hehe yeah
Natalie says:
he's usually happy and singing
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
i should get drunk too!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
this one time, when we went ot mexico o visit him, we had a family reunion thing and he was signing while my mom was praying
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
i was like "you go granpa! woooo!"
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
that wasnt that nice...because when someone's praying...u should sorta uhh..repsect them
Natalie says:
i could tell my mom was getting annoyed by it because she starting praying louder when he was signing
Natalie says:
and then he started laughing
Hammi says:
he should have stayed quite
Natalie says:
and i wanted to laugh to
Natalie says:
yeah but it was different
Hammi says:
i mean...thats sorta rude dont u htink?
Natalie says:
she was praying knowing that everyone else was catholic not christian
Natalie says:
and everyone else wanted to laugh too
Natalie says:
i could see it through their facial expressions
Hammi says:
ooh, so...?
Natalie says:
someone was actually giggling
Hammi says:
but still, i mean she had to make prayers, it doesnt relal ymatter
Natalie says:
i closed my eyes and held the person's hand who was next to me anyways and i payed attention
Natalie says:
but it was hard to keep from laughing
Natalie says:
i did but i was laughing so hard inside of me
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
but didnt she liek really really have to make prayers?
Natalie says:
and then when the prayer was over, my grandpa was like telling the mariachi band to play a song and he was singing
Natalie says:
he was so drunk!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
she didn't have to make a prayer
Natalie says:
she just wanted to
Natalie says:
but she always wants to
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
ohh ok
Hammi says:
in our religion they give u a time to pray
Hammi says:
and if someone was making fun of me while i was praying
Hammi says:
it would get me pissed
Hammi says:
and id probably smack the hell outta them!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
yeah but in ur religion don't u like have to pray 6 or so times a day?
Hammi says:
hehe 5
Natalie says:
my mom's religion has her pray only before going to bed but u can pray any times u want during the day
Hammi says:
oh ok
Natalie says:
but either way, i did find it kinda rude that my grandpa was like laughing and singing but hey he was drunk
Natalie says:
he can't help it
Natalie says:
he's kinda funny when he's drunk though
Natalie says:
i love my grandpa
Natalie says:
he's not one of those people who get aggressive when they are drunk
Natalie says:
he actually gets funnier and nicer
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
i guess it lossens him up
Hammi says:
hhee cool!
Natalie says:
but i still don't like it that he drinks
Hammi says:
i wanna meet him!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
but he's in mexico
Natalie says:
and i can't go to mexico, remember?
Hammi says:
awww! why not? he cant do that now can he?
Natalie says:
because of my uncle
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
yes...but he cant seriously do that...can he
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
he did
Hammi says:
i didnt know thta was possible...
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:

Hammi says:
Hammi says:
that was inhuman!
Hammi says:
he over reacted with that little marriage
Natalie says:
i know but i still care about him
Natalie says:
i can't hate him for keeping us away from visiting family in mexico
Natalie says:
no matter how much i miss them
Natalie says:
i get to see them only like one every 2 years
Hammi says:
how? they come over?
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
but since they don't have much money, they can only come over to cali one a year and to denver once a year too
Natalie says:
so they go to denver first and then to cali the next
Hammi says:
yay! at least u get to see them
Hammi says:
but cant u EVER visit mexico?
Natalie says:
im sure the thing he put up for us will only last so long
Natalie says:
i heard my mom talking the other day about visiting family in mexico so maybe it won't apply for long
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
and one day
Hammi says:
when we're older
Hammi says:
we'll go visit mexico
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
and karen will come too!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:

Hammi says:
yay! and we'll take Guy
Hammi says:
and OHAG
Hammi says:
but Guy will run away and get lost
Hammi says:
so we'll have to look for him
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
and then afterwards, i'll spend some alone time with inu
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
my inu!!!!
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
~hugs inu~ not urs kagome!
Natalie says:

Hammi says:
dude...i just saw Li's and Eli's pic
Hammi says:
i almost forgot about those two
Hammi says:
how can i!??!?!
Hammi says:

Natalie says:
u forgot?!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:

Natalie says:
Natalie says:
that reminds me!
Natalie says:
i need to work on the ccs fanfic so i can post it on halloween!!!!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
I love Eli and Li...dude...they're younger than me
Hammi says:
the oldest they get are in the 2nd movie
Hammi says:
hen they're all 13
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
but in my fanfic, they are 16
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
oh no wait, aren't they 17?
Natalie says:
damn i gotta check
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
they're 17
Hammi says:
is it the one with me and u in it?
Hammi says:
or another one?
Natalie says:
with us as twins
Hammi says:
yay! i thought u forgot about that fanfic
Natalie says:
lol no
Natalie says:
i've been working on it
Natalie says:
but i said i was gonna post it on halloween when it was done
Natalie says:
im in like chapter 4 or 3
Natalie says:
not sure
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
i think i only read up to chapter 2
Hammi says:
and thats it hehehe
Natalie says:
lol yup
Natalie says:
and chapter 2 wasn't complete at the moment either
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
so u only got a taste of the story
Natalie says:
and i think i edited those chapters too
Hammi says:
hehe okies
Hammi says:
yay! i get eli right?
Hammi says:
next time i get the sweet little Li
Hammi says:
if there is a next one
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
i cant wait till it gets to the romance!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
oh believe me, it's good
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
and i only released a few cards to make it short cause i didn't want to make it so long
Hammi says:
heh eokies!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
when are u gonna release it?
Hammi says:
i wanna reaaaad!
Natalie says:
Double The Trouble, DoubleThe Romance: Nat and Mimi are both seventeen year old twin sisters and best friends. They lost their parents on their thirteen birthday and they had to live with their grandparents but their grandpa died a year ago on their sixteen birthday and are left with a depressed grandmother.
Natalie says:
They all move to Tokyo to get away from all the bad memories but things don't seem to go too well for the twins. Mimi is starting to lose interest in school, Nat is stressed out from school and to top it all up, they have both been chosen to become the next Carcaptors. They meet up with Li who instantly senses a magical force within the twins and then soon finds out about their position as the new
Natalie says:
Cardcaptors. The three team up to capture all the Sakura Cards but Nat and Li slowly starts to far in love with each other and Mimi starts to fall for Eli who moves back from Europe once he senses a new Cardcaptor in town. What will happen when Magic keeps Mimi and Eli apart from each other and Nat's old friend and love comes in town to tell her she's in love with her?
Natalie says:
Is there something different about Joey that is catching Nat's attention all over again? (Li& OC: Nat, Eli& OC: Mimi parings. Rated T. Note: In this fic, Li left back home without telling Sakura how he felt about her so when Sakura finished her mission with the cards, she locked them away when she was fourteen but they were released somehow after doing so and Nat finds the book ... or is it that
Natalie says:
the book finds her?)
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
ooh Joey is in here too?
Hammi says:
let's put Alex in there! hehehe jk
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
yeah joey's in it
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
and i knew it! they're 17
Natalie says:
i changed the summary though
Natalie says:
it's not the same because i edited it
Natalie says:
but i don't have the edited summary
Natalie says:
it's in my laptop along with the story
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
hehe okies
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
i ate a cheese once
Hammi says:
and i feel
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
MUAHAHAH! yay! they have "CHEESE!" in one of the quizes!
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
woah weird
Natalie says:
speaking of cheese
Natalie says:
i was just reading the ending of the second chapter of the kunoichi story
Hammi says:
uh huht
Natalie says:
and the thing was titled cheese
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
u were fedding ur fayt plushie cheese
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
hahaha yeah
Hammi says:
next time
Hammi says:
im going to feed Guy and Jade...and Luke............
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
i ate sushi yesterday!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
my sis bought me some for going with her to buy my lil bro his costume
Natalie says:
i was happy
Natalie says:
i literaly gave her a hug
Natalie says:
and she was like um ... get off
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
aww why?
Hammi says:
and u didnt save me any?
Natalie says:
i did
Natalie says:
~gives a piece to hamim~
Natalie says:
here ya go!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
and i got ya some cheese too
Hammi says:
*eats it*
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
~gives hamim cheese~
Hammi says:
*shares some with OHAG*
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
*puts poison all ove rit*
Natalie says:
that would be a big piece of cheese
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
here everyone!
Hammi says:
do u want any nat?
Hammi says:
~is imposter hamim~
Natalie says:
um ...
Natalie says:
no thanks
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
what you do to my onee-chan!!!?
Hammi says:
WHY NOT??!?! EAT IT U LITTLE RUN-i mean..aww plz..?
Hammi says:
no! wat are u talking about?
Natalie says:
u can't fool me! i know my onee-chan! we are twins! u did something! where is she?
Hammi says:
OHAG: how can a pretty face like that be fake and evil?
Hammi says:
Guy: AHHH1 where is hamim!?!?!?
Natalie says:
Nat: she's a fake! my onee-chan was stolen!
Hammi says:
Kratos: *points sword* where is she??
Natalie says:
Nat: Imma look for her. You take care of the imposter.
Natalie says:
Inu: No! It's too dangerous Nat. I can't let you go!
Natalie says:
Nat: I need my onee-chan!
Natalie says:
Inu: I'm coming with you.
Natalie says:
Nat: Hurry then! ~runs off to find hamim~
Hammi says:
Guy: I'm going that way!
Hammi says:
Jade: im coming with you
Hammi says:
Eli: let's go left
Natalie says:
~enters an old warehouse and finds hamim tide up~ Nat: Onee-chan!!!
Hammi says:
Li: *glares* im finding her first! My hamim!
Hammi says:
Lloyd: There's another Hamim? cool! i want them both! and u guys get none!
Natalie says:
Nat: -_- now's not the time Lloyd!
Natalie says:
~unties Hamim~
Hammi says:
~real hamim~ Hamim: CHEESE! ^-^
Natalie says:
Nat: You okay onee-chan?
Hammi says:
Hamim: yesh! CHEESE! thanks for saving me everyone!
Hammi says:
*hugs everyone*
Natalie says:
Nat: No prob!
Hammi says:
Kratos: she says cheese even when kidnapped...and she didnt even kiss me <_<
Natalie says:
~looks at Li and Eli~ Nat: STOP FIGHTING U 2!!!!
Natalie says:
Li: I will if u kiss me.
Hammi says:
Eli&Li: okay....
Natalie says:
Inu: GRRRR! What you say punk?!!!
Hammi says:
nuuuuu! u no get my Li!
Hammi says:

Hammi says:
*glomps Li*
Natalie says:
Li: Um ... Gotta go! ~runs~
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
*kisses Li* I love u!
Hammi says:
Kratos: they didn't do anyhting and still gets a kiss...and not me?
Hammi says:
Eli: im going to be out of character but...MY HAMIM COME BACK HERE LOOSERS!
Natalie says:
Nat: >_>
Natalie says:
Inu: Anyways ...... ~picks up Nat and puts her over shoulder~
Natalie says:
Nat: Ahhhh!!!!! Inu!!!!!
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Inu: Nope! We're going on a date
Hammi says:
Guy: boy kidnappeing nat!!!!
Hammi says:
Lloyd: wat's a date?
Natalie says:
Nat: Put me down Inu!!!!!
Hammi says:
Lloyd: is it that little fruitish thingy?
Natalie says:
Nat: -_-
Hammi says:
Guy: even ~I~ know what a date is...<_<
Natalie says:
Inu: I'm going on a date with Nat! And you guys aren't! Lalala! ~dances~
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Jade:.....time to spend time with Mimi!
Natalie says:
Nat: Wakka! Isn't anyone going to save me!!!!????!!!!
Hammi says:
Kratos: *takes out sword* *points at Jade's neck* I'm spending time with her. not u!
Natalie says:
Sasuke: Put her down dog boy! She's going on a date with me!
Hammi says:
Zelos: hmm...I will!
Natalie says:
Nat: X_X
Hammi says:
Zels: oh, looks like she doesnt need me. i'll go umm...SPEND some time with my babe Mimi
Hammi says:
Genis: <_< oh no...he's gonna do something
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Neji: AS if she''l go on a date with either of you two!
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Gaara: You three are idiots. She won't go out with either of you so she's going with me.
Natalie says:
Naruto: Heck no! She's going to the ramen shop with me! Believe it!
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Nat: AH! X_X
Hammi says:
lol lol lol, believe it
Hammi says:

Natalie says:
Kiba: Where's Karen?
Natalie says:
Nat: XD
Hammi says:
Lloyd: WHAT THE HECK IS A DATE>!?!?? is it that fruit? or...are u all going nuts?
Hammi says:
Raine: u'll understand when u get older Lloyd
Natalie says:
Shikamaru: So troblesome ... ~starts to fight neji, sasuke, gaara, and naruto to see who will fight inu and get nat~
Hammi says:
Me: WAT! ur still alive b***?!??! i thought we killed u!
Natalie says:
Nat: Umm ... why don't you guys just fight inu?
Natalie says:
Inu: Heck no! ~runs away with nat~
Hammi says:
Me: sis! Raine's still alive!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Genis: AHHH! *hides behind Mimi* she'll spank me! i can only get spanked by hamim!
Natalie says:
Inu: Alrighty! ~cuts Raine in half~ muahaha!
Natalie says:
Nat: U've been hanging around em too much -_-
Hammi says:
Me: -__- too graphic
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
*gags* Falls sick*
Hammi says:
OHAG: noooooooo! hamim's sick!
Hammi says:
Eli: we should get her to the hospital!
Natalie says:
Nat: She does what?!!!! O.o???
Natalie says:
Inu: Ewww .... I didn't need ot know that.
Hammi says:
Yue: no need! we've got Kratis, a healer on our hands
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Inu: Hehe. I don't think so ~runs away again~
Natalie says:
Nat: ~sigh~ I'm going to end up with a MAJOR headache after this~
Hammi says:
Kratos: heh, save urself u runt. im saving hamim
Hammi says:
Me: what! dont u dare talkt o my sis like that!
Hammi says:
Kratos: ok im sorry. i'll save u later
Natalie says:
Nat: >_< I'm too tired from saving Hamim. You didn't even save her before!
Natalie says:
Inu: What you call my woman?
Hammi says:
Kratos: FIRST AID!
Natalie says:
Neji: She's my woman!
Hammi says:
Me: weee! im all better!
Natalie says:
Sasuke: No, mine!
Natalie says:
Naruto/ Shikamaru/ Gaara: No mine!
Hammi says:
Lloyd: you ppl are nuts...i still dont know what a date is...
Hammi says:
Li: it's a....ugh...im 13 and ur 16...and i know but u dont...stupid
Hammi says:
Lloyd: EXCUSE ME?!?!
Natalie says:
Nat: -_- If you save me, i'll tell you.
Hammi says:
Li: shut up idiot. who are u anyways? i never saw u
Natalie says:
Inu: I'm never letitng you go! muahahaha! ~runs away~
Hammi says:
Lloyd: Give me ur name and i shall give u mine!
Hammi says:
Li: *glares*
Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Lloyd: im comin nat!
Hammi says:
*does Falcon's Crest and KO everyone*
Hammi says:
Lloyd: yay nat! ur saves!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Me: CHEESE! what happened ot nat?
Natalie says:
Nat: Thanks god!
Natalie says:
Inu: X_X
Hammi says:
Lloyd: u mean Thank Lloyd!
Hammi says:
Lloyd: AHEM! thank LLOYD!!!
Hammi says:
Me: CHEESE! say "ahh" fayt!
Natalie says:
~nat falls to the gorund holding head~
Natalie says:
Nat: Too tired, too dizzzy, gonna be sick ... ~faints~
Hammi says:
Fayt: hamim...u do know im here right?
Hammi says:
Hamim: yesh, but ur plushie is much cuter
Hammi says:
Fayt: WHAT!?!?!
Hammi says:
Lloyd: ahh nat! *holds her up* u ok?
Natalie says:
Nat: Don't shake me .... you're making my headache hurt more .... ~faints again~
Hammi says:
Lloyd: i wasnt shaking u
Natalie says:
Nat: Then the world is shaking .... ahh ....
Hammi says:
Zelos: let her go you uhh...Lloyd was it? I shall save my lovely Nat!
Hammi says:
Me: <_< u love flirting dont u?
Hammi says:
Zelos: ahh, ur awake babe, i knew I'd be able to save my hunnie <3
Natalie says:
Nat: Keep the perverted but hot Zelos away from me!
Hammi says:
Kratos: you??? >_<
Hammi says:
Me: u used ur First Aid Zelos?
Hammi says:
Kratos: no...I did <_<
Hammi says:
Me: yay! *kisses Kratos*
Natalie says:
Nat: My head still hurts. Let me walk it off. Too much drama here
Natalie says:
~walks away~
Hammi says:
Jade: aww...ok I hope u get better
Hammi says:
~Guy is outside too~
Hammi says:
*sees nat*
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
*runs away*
Natalie says:
Nat: Oh, and Lloyd, a date is when a person asks a person they like as more than just a friend to go somewhere with them and spend time together ... ~walks into the forest~
Hammi says:
Lloyd: ohh...Hamim will you go on a date with me?
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:
Nat: ~from inside the forest~ ABOUT TIME!
Hammi says:
Zelos: what!?!??! Lloyd on a date with the one and only Hamim?!?!??!
Hammi says:
ZKratos: u shall not!
Hammi says:
Me: hey nat! watcha doing in there?
Natalie says:
Gaara: We'll there's still Nat .... ~looks at OHAG~ She's MINE! ~runs to get to Nat~
Natalie says:
Nat: ~stops walking~ I sense trouble .... ~runs away~
Hammi says:
Me: gaara? u betrayed me oh oh well. Okies lloyd!
Hammi says:
Genis: HEY!?!??! i may be tiny and short but im still older than Hamim u know! ur coming with me hamim!
Hammi says:
Me; yay! okay!
Hammi says:
Zelos: no she's coming with me!
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Everyone: -__-
Natalie says:
~NOHAG chasing Nat in the forest~
Natalie says:
Nat: AHHH!!!! WON'T THIS EVER END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Sasuke: SHE'S MY LOVELY!!!
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Nat: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natalie says:
~Yami pops out of nowhere~ Yami: Umm ... how did I get in here?
Natalie says:
~Yami sees OHAG chasing Nat~
Natalie says:
Yami: NO! She's mine! I'll save you Nat!!!
Natalie says:
Nat: Not another one. T crying T ~still running~
Hammi says:
sry for not replying
Hammi says:
i was in the bathroom
Natalie says:
it's ok
Hammi says:
and i have to go
Natalie says:
Hammi says:

Hammi says:

Natalie says:
Hammi says:
Hammi says:
Natalie says:

Hammi says:
buh !
Hammi says:
ttyl tomorrow ok?
Hammi says:
i hope ur on!
Hammi says:

Natalie says:
it's ok i'll c ya later then
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
Natalie says:
i will!
Natalie says:
imma work on the fanfic
Natalie says:
Natalie says:

My recent chat with Karen and Nat:

Natalie ... has joined the conference.

Natalie ...: lalala?
Hamim Sultana: waaakkaaaaaaaa!
Hamim Sultana: kaewn is on
Hamim Sultana: where is she?
Hamim Sultana: KAREN!
Karen has joined the conference.

Hamim Sultana: yaaay!
Natalie ...: wooo!
Hamim Sultana: poor granny!
Natalie ...: karebear!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i knew they were no good!
Natalie ...:
Karen: awww
Karen: wat granny?
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: her granny!
Natalie ...: wait gotta change font XD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: my grandma
Hamim Sultana: my uncle is gonna get married
Hamim Sultana: and the girl is a spoiled brat! that's because she comes form a rich family and she doesnt want to maryr anyone but my uncle
Hamim Sultana: and she never helps my grandma with anything!
Hamim Sultana: and it's not like they're rich too, so they have to pay for her collage/boarding school exoanses, and she also comes to stay over at their house
Hamim Sultana: they're not even married yet! they're only engaged
Hamim Sultana: and grrrrrrr!
Hamim Sultana: my grandma and my uncles has enough problems in their hands cuz of my dad's family!
Natalie ...: kjghyfhbm
Natalie ...: okies i found my font
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i say he doesn't marry her >_>
Karen: ohh ok
Karen: i know i know
Karen: go to the wedding
Karen: and when they ask
Karen: who does not agree or w/e
Hamim Sultana: I will MURDER HER!
Karen: u shout out that u dont want them to get married
Karen: and then u say
Karen: boom shaka laka
Karen: and sit back down
Hamim Sultana: when they say," speak now or forever hold ur peice"
Karen: yup
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: XD
Karen: haha
Hamim Sultana: i'll scream at the top of my lungs: MY UNCLES AREN'T ALLOWED TO GET MARRIED!!!!
Natalie ...: boom shakalaka
Natalie ...: hehe
Karen: lol xD
Natalie ...: lalala
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: OH!
Hamim Sultana: and my grandma lied to my mom saying the girl is wonderful and she's adorable and stuff...
Natalie ...: KAREBEAR!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: have u seen my new chat?
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: is she even pretty?
Hamim Sultana: well...not really...she looks average
Hamim Sultana: OH KAREN!!!
Hamim Sultana: i got a trophy :
Hamim Sultana: *
Karen: no, i havent but i will!
Karen: oh
Karen: yayy!!
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe weeeeeeeeee!
Natalie ...: W^o^W
Hamim Sultana: *trying to resist from smileing*
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: DUDE!
Natalie ...: I LOVE THESE GUYS!
Hamim Sultana: the band?
Natalie ...: no not the one from yesterday
Natalie ...: those are too hardcore for me XD
Natalie ...: im talking about Whisperwood, the one where sandy's cousin is in
Hamim Sultana: her cousin is in a band?
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i find him cute XD
Natalie ...: shhhh don't tell her i said that XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i don't get how they don't have a record label yet. they're AWESome!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: so uhh...they're an official band?
Hamim Sultana: hehe never knew
Natalie ...: no not an official band
Natalie ...: they don't have a record label yet
Natalie ...: but they've produced their own songs and everything already
Karen: yayy
Natalie ...: u should check out their site
Karen: ask her cuzin out
Natalie ...: it's awesome
Natalie ...: XD
Karen: and u'll be dating a dude in a band
Natalie ...: u want me to go out with Sandy's cousin?
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: haha
Karen: nat, that would be so cool
Natalie ...: nah lol
Karen: lol
Karen: hahah
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: yeah it would be cool
Natalie ...: but i don't know him
Karen: do u like the bass guy or lead guitar or dru,?
Natalie ...: he doesn't know me
Karen: drum*
Natalie ...: and i don't feel comfortable going out with sandy's cousin
Karen: i wanna see his pic!!
Karen: lol
Natalie ...: he's vocals and bass
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: his name is jonathan
Natalie ...: O.O wow. how ironic
Natalie ...: my mom loves that name
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: she told me once that when i was still in her womb that if i turned out to be a boy, she was gonna name me jonathan
Natalie ...: but i was a girl so that didn't happen
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=94887741&MyToken=84acc3be-6d78-4c5a-a19d-005c89b63827
Natalie ...: this is their site
Natalie ...: hey gotta go
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: my mom's here
Natalie ...: so it's time to go to the store
Natalie ...: talk to u all laterzzz!
Natalie ...: BYE BYE!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOOOOOOO!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ... has left the conference.

Hamim Sultana: and i just came back and finished reading the messages
Karen: lalala
Karen: wait
Karen: where did nat go?
Karen: aww
Hamim Sultana: she left
Hamim Sultana: i like the song...
Hamim Sultana: Like I Used To
Hamim Sultana: hhehehe
Hamim Sultana: who's the dude singing? he has a nice voice. and yesh...her cousin is cute
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: hello?
Karen: lol
Karen: he is!!
Karen: sry i was on the phone
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: if they become celebs laater on in the future, many girls will have a crsuh on him xD
Hamim Sultana: AHAHAHAH!
Hamim Sultana: lol!
Hamim Sultana: "Die! die! die!"
Karen: lol
Karen has left the conference.

Hamim Sultana: l
Hamim Sultana: a

Edit: Sunday, May 27, 2007, 1:17 PM

Isn't this avi cute? biggrin
User Image
9:18 PM

Edit: May 28,2007, 11:42 AM

My convo with my cousin:

ashad4030: As salamualikum
akmhamim: wa alikum assalam!
ashad4030: How are u?
akmhamim: im great and u?
akmhamim: long time no talk
akmhamim: and guess what?
akmhamim: i got a trophy yesterday! biggrin
ashad4030: Alahamdullilah fine
ashad4030: really?
ashad4030: What's the purpose?
akmhamim: well my school had an Arabic handwriting contests
akmhamim: and we had no chance but to enter it
akmhamim: and i got third place
akmhamim: and i've only been studying it for less than 3 years.
ashad4030: oh fine Congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
akmhamim: and people who has been learning for a longer time didn't get it
akmhamim: thank you! biggrin
akmhamim: it's a little trophy with a big star
akmhamim: i wish it was 1st or 2nd place...but i'm still happy with it
ashad4030: How about uncle and aunt?
akmhamim: well my dad didn't seem too happy, but my mom was veyr happy
akmhamim: very*
ashad4030: why?
ashad4030: any thing wrong?
akmhamim: im sure he was happy, although it didn't show
akmhamim: nope
akmhamim: it's ok
akmhamim: im veyr sorry
akmhamim: but i have to go to bed right now
akmhamim: im very sorry!
ashad4030: its ok
akmhamim: i'll talk to u another time
akmhamim: allah hafiz!
ashad4030: good night
akmhamim: u too!
ashad4030: Allah hafiz
akmhamim: sweet dreams

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