Guy: Kiba (Me: YEAH! (^_^)>Info: Kiba likes you, but he finds it a little embarrassing, and turns red everytime you're brought up in a conversation. Awww...how sweet! -^-^-First time you guys met: At the Ninja acadamy. One of the only seats available was next to him. Akamaru wouldn't stop wanting to be petted by you, either. lol -^-^-Your first date together: Well, it really couldn't be considered a date but...You worked at a pet store, (Suprise suprise, I know...) and when Kiba found out, he would go there quite often, (For "Akamaru's special pet food that is only sold here..." wink You guys aren't really dating yet, you're both kinda in the process of getting to that, your just unsure how... (Me: -^-^-)Worst time together: When you teasd him about how he should get a cat. lol, THAT was funny.Best time together: You guys both knew the other had a dog, and one morning you two were out walking your them. You both "accidentally" ran into each other, and your guys's dogs somehow decided the other was a good companion. Ever since, you guys have "accidentally" run into each other all the time, when you just happened to be walking your dogs. lol. (I know, I know. Not very exciting, but I haven't slept in the past few days, and I'm REALLY tired...)Side note: UGH! WHY can't I ever get Kiba on this thing!?!?! I'm so jealous! lol
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