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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
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Go Loki Go! blaugh

bi_99_august: HIYA!
akmhamim: BILLY MAN!
bi_99_august: =]]]
akmhamim: long time no talk!
akmhamim: how are you?
akmhamim: i've been on MSN a few days but i never saw u there
akmhamim: or did u make a new account or something>?
bi_99_august: Nah, I've been in Japan, came back yesterday. razz
akmhamim: cool!
akmhamim: how was it?
bi_99_august: It was...
bi_99_august: AWESOME!
akmhamim: i wanna go to sad
akmhamim: u should have put me in a luaage and take me there!
bi_99_august: I'm sad now though coz I miss Japan soo much..
akmhamim: at leats u got to visit <_<
akmhamim: maybe u can go again...but u were stilla ble to go!
bi_99_august: I'm definately living in Tokyo when I'm older
bi_99_august: You can come visit. smile
akmhamim: OKIES!
akmhamim: i cant wait!
akmhamim: hehehe
akmhamim: i'll go with my uncle
akmhamim: he loves traveling and adventures
bi_99_august: And when I was in Tokyo, they took us to...
bi_99_august: TOKYO DISNEYLAND!!
akmhamim: OMG!
akmhamim: OMG!
akmhamim: LUCKY IDIOT!
akmhamim: I HATE YOU! sad ( you should have put me in a luggage or kidnaped me sad
bi_99_august: Wanna see my Japan pics? =]
akmhamim: YEAH!!!!
bi_99_august: They're all on myspace. smile
akmhamim: okies!
akmhamim: i'll go check them out in awhile
bi_99_august: kk
bi_99_august: You there? =[
akmhamim: oh sorry. i was playing a game for my lil sis <_<
akmhamim: it's Barbie in the Twelve Dancing Princesses
bi_99_august: LMAO.
akmhamim: she needs help from me every now and then
bi_99_august: She seriously plays those kind of games?!?!
akmhamim: it's actually fun to take breaks from all the fighting game si play xD
akmhamim: she's turning 8 this june
akmhamim: I never like games form tv shows or movies. unless it's anime...
bi_99_august: Look at my Japan pics please. smile
bi_99_august: NOW.
akmhamim: okies
akmhamim: but...
akmhamim: in one condition
akmhamim: only if u take me the next time u go!
bi_99_august: Okaii. =]
akmhamim: okies
akmhamim: which to look at?
akmhamim: buddhisim trip?
akmhamim: or the other one..?
bi_99_august: Japan 2007
akmhamim: oh! how could i miss that? xD
bi_99_august: Lol.
akmhamim: omg! I always wanted to wear those uniforms! sad (
akmhamim: stupid thing is taking forever to load so i can comment
akmhamim: oh whatever i'll look instead
akmhamim: I wanna gooo! sad (
akmhamim: :O Tokyo Disney Resort!
bi_99_august: Yupp ;]
akmhamim: yaay! Firecrackers!
akmhamim: i love them!
bi_99_august: xD
akmhamim: :O it's a castle!
akmhamim: DISNEY!
akmhamim: sad (
akmhamim: aww u look cute in a suit! U look like a buisness man on a buisness trip xD
akmhamim: hehe u look cute
bi_99_august: Lol
bi_99_august: what suit?
bi_99_august: my school uniform?
akmhamim: that's you're UNIFORM?!?!??!
bi_99_august: which photo?
akmhamim: what kinda uniforms do they make u wear in england? O.O
akmhamim: the one where you're playing with the white figures
akmhamim: OMG! are they makeing tea or somehting???
akmhamim: JAPANESE FOOD!
bi_99_august: wait, which pic? o_o
akmhamim: the 14th and 15th picture
bi_99_august: Oh, we were playing the Koto
akmhamim: some of the boys are cute xD
bi_99_august: (An old Japanese musical instrument)
bi_99_august: and yes, that's my school uniform
akmhamim: that's an old japanese instrument? o.O
bi_99_august: yepp
akmhamim: what the...omg...england has such...uniforms xD over here it's just a shirt and a pants
akmhamim: that's it for the boys
bi_99_august: razz
akmhamim: they never make them wear SUITS to school
akmhamim: i think that's coo tho biggrin
akmhamim: cool*
akmhamim: OMG! htey wrote stuff in japanese on the board!
bi_99_august: yupp
akmhamim: they know english?
akmhamim: awww! they're so nice!
bi_99_august: I know. XD
akmhamim: but htey relaly do konw english>
bi_99_august: they know a bit, coz they study english at school
bi_99_august: like if you see on the board, they wrote
bi_99_august: We love Billy
bi_99_august: razz
akmhamim: hehe i know THAT xD
akmhamim: but did they speak in english with u?
akmhamim: hehe yup yup
bi_99_august: a tiny bit
akmhamim: they have nice hand wirtting
bi_99_august: only little bit
bi_99_august: can't say much
akmhamim: DRUMS!
akmhamim: oh ok, but it's still cool biggrin
akmhamim: i wanna go!
akmhamim: sad (
akmhamim: I WANNA GO!
akmhamim: im gonna marry a japanese dude when i grow up
akmhamim: xD
bi_99_august: Lol.
akmhamim: a lot of them are sooo adorable! like there's this japanese (or chinese) dude that works in our school witht he computers sometimes, and I go psycho when i se ehim xD
akmhamim: AWWWW! what's with the stuffed animal??? it's too cute! DIDN'T U BRING ONE FOR ME???????
akmhamim: it's Lilo isn't it???
bi_99_august: which pic?
akmhamim: the one with u and all the girls in front of the chalk board
akmhamim: hehe u and all the girl;sxD
bi_99_august: oh, with the stitch plushies?
akmhamim: yup yup
akmhamim: hehe it's adorable!
akmhamim: and the very last pic is soooo cute!
akmhamim: don't u have any good bye pictures where u all cry?
bi_99_august: yeah, me and the girl who's holding a stitch plushie
bi_99_august: we both like stitch
akmhamim: and then u hang onto one of their legs and cry out, "I DONT WANNA GO BACK!"
akmhamim: hehe it's adorable! did she give it to you or something?
bi_99_august: nah, she had 2 on her bag
bi_99_august: and gave me one to hold for the pic
akmhamim: so u just took a pic with it?
akmhamim: oooh okies
bi_99_august: and she took them off
bi_99_august: I miss that girl ;[
bi_99_august: her name was Anzu
akmhamim: sad what do u mean took them off? o.O
bi_99_august: they were tied onto her bag
akmhamim: aww...i wanna make firneds...did u take their e-mail addresses or osmehting?
akmhamim: oh ok
akmhamim: like those chaoin thingies?
akmhamim: hehe cuuute!
bi_99_august: I have Fumi's, but not hers ;[
bi_99_august: go to the pic where
bi_99_august: we're alltogether in the class
akmhamim: okies, but let me leave a comment first
bi_99_august: kk
akmhamim: ok and then?
bi_99_august: okay, so the pic when we're all in the class
akmhamim: how come some of the girls has different uniforms? are they from another grade?
akmhamim: uh huh
bi_99_august: Nope
bi_99_august: the guy on the far right
bi_99_august: wearing a suit and holding a book
bi_99_august: he's the second homeroom teacher
bi_99_august: he's real short. xD
bi_99_august: and when we were playing Fruits Basket
bi_99_august: he did some cool stunts
bi_99_august: like he was doing backflips and junk
akmhamim: OMG!
akmhamim: the one witht he blue book?
bi_99_august: yeah
bi_99_august: it was so cool
bi_99_august: he threw his blazer off
akmhamim: he's the teacher?!??! XD ahaha omg! cool! i wanna meet him!
bi_99_august: and then started doing backflips
akmhamim: omg cool! I do u have any videos?
bi_99_august: nope, didn't have my camera coz we were in the middle of playing the game
bi_99_august: ;[
akmhamim: aww darn it! don't you have any videos at all?
bi_99_august: Nopes, just pics
akmhamim: aww. how long did u stay there?
bi_99_august: about 9 days
bi_99_august: we were supposed to have 10
bi_99_august: but
bi_99_august: when we got to the airport
bi_99_august: and we were on the plane
bi_99_august: they said the plane broke
bi_99_august: so we had to get another flight the next day
bi_99_august: so we missed a day there =[
akmhamim: aww darn! sad I know how u feel...
akmhamim: Our flight to New York was supposed to be January 13th...but it was the 10th instead. we missed 3 days
bi_99_august: ;[
bi_99_august: but..
bi_99_august: my older sister said
akmhamim: ..?
bi_99_august: she might take me Tokyo next year with her
bi_99_august: and my grandad said
bi_99_august: we might go to Tokyo
bi_99_august: instead of New York
bi_99_august: like we planned
akmhamim: cool!
akmhamim: although it would have been sorta cool if u came to new york. I probably owuld have planned to meet u
akmhamim: hehe but it's fine
akmhamim: i hope you have funt here!
akmhamim: there*
akmhamim: i'll ask my parents if they can take me
bi_99_august: I miss Japan. *cries*
akmhamim: i wanna go sad (
akmhamim: how was the food???
akmhamim: did u wear kimonos?
akmhamim: ate sushi?
bi_99_august: didn't eat sushi or wear kimonos
bi_99_august: and the food was lovely =]
akmhamim: why didnt u wear it or eat it? sad
akmhamim: i want food...and how was the green tea they make?
akmhamim: and why do they use that htingy to mix it or somehtin?
bi_99_august: they never fed me sushi. and you only wear kimonos on special occasions. and the green tea was nice
bi_99_august: they use it to mix the leaves with the water to make the green tea
bi_99_august: don't know why they use that kinda of thing for it though
akmhamim: but but but...kimonos... sad ( but how come in animes some people wears it all the time> did you go to a shrine? =O
bi_99_august: well, I went to a temple
bi_99_august: Asakusa Temple
akmhamim: cool! were the people in it wearing kimonos?
akmhamim: OH! OH! OH! did u go to any anime store or something?
akmhamim: did u stay in someone's house or a hotel?
akmhamim: did others from ur shcool go with you?
bi_99_august: Sorry about that
bi_99_august: comp froze
akmhamim: it's ok
akmhamim: it must have been cuz of my many questions xD
bi_99_august: razz
bi_99_august: what were we last talking about?
bi_99_august: HAMIM.
akmhamim: oh sry!
akmhamim: i was eating a cookie
akmhamim: i was too occupied
akmhamim: okies
akmhamim: i aske du many questions
akmhamim: want me to ask them again?
akmhamim: BILLY MAN!
bi_99_august: Yepp.
akmhamim: are u occupied with cookies too???
bi_99_august: ;]
akmhamim: oh okies
bi_99_august: Nope
akmhamim: good good
akmhamim: cool! were the people in it wearing kimonos?
akmhamim: OH! OH! OH! did u go to any anime store or something?
bi_99_august: at the temple? Nope
akmhamim: did u stay in someone's house or a hotel?
akmhamim: did others from ur shcool go with you?
bi_99_august: I stayed at my host family's house
akmhamim: im done copying and pasting
akmhamim: WHAT???
bi_99_august: I went to some anime shops, not much there though
akmhamim: they weren't wearing kimonos? sad (
bi_99_august: yes, one person from my school and others from diff schools
akmhamim: host family? oooh, you have family living in japan?
akmhamim: how'd u guys get to go tho?
bi_99_august: no
bi_99_august: it was an exchange trip
akmhamim: sorry about the questions xD I'm just soooo interested
bi_99_august: do you like Inuyasha?
akmhamim: u must bne annoyed
akmhamim: sorta i guess. i only saw up to episode 13 or 16, i couldn't find the rest so i didnt watch the rest...
akmhamim: what about inuyasha?
bi_99_august: it's just that when we went to a different shrine
bi_99_august: people there were
bi_99_august: wearing clothes similar to ones worn in that anime
bi_99_august: trying to look for pics
bi_99_august: you might know. like the red and white outfit thingy
akmhamim: yup yup. i know dont worry
akmhamim: lol, were they cosplaying him? or just happen to dress up sorta like him?
bi_99_august: not like Inuyasha's outfit
bi_99_august: different ones
bi_99_august: and they wear them because they work at the shrine
akmhamim: ooh cool!
akmhamim: u are soo lucky! did u make a lot of friends? im sure u did :F
akmhamim: biggrin *
bi_99_august: I was friends with EVERYONE at the school I went to
bi_99_august: and I mean everyone
bi_99_august: and we had to do speeches in front of the school
bi_99_august: and i was too shy to
bi_99_august: so they all cried
bi_99_august: HAMIM
akmhamim: SORRY! xD I was in the kitchen now putting away the cookies
akmhamim: EVIL COOKIES! >_<
akmhamim: makes me do things i dont wanna do
akmhamim: they all cried?
akmhamim: o.O
akmhamim: they cried becuas eu were shy?
bi_99_august: some of them, yeah
bi_99_august: most were sad
bi_99_august: they cried because
bi_99_august: i didn't do a speech
akmhamim: =O
bi_99_august: since i was real shy
akmhamim: IDIOT! hwy didnt u??? well since i have so many friends there i'd do the sppech. and i'd look at only the one si know
akmhamim: I would have cried too sad (
bi_99_august: I'm way too shy though
akmhamim: those poor unfortunate souls!
bi_99_august: Lol.
akmhamim: i never knew u were that shy
akmhamim: im shy too...i would never go up ont he stange in my school
akmhamim: but i still had to in order to get my trophy xD
akmhamim: but in japan yesh i would!
akmhamim: I'd go up and do a funky dance and sing and act drunk and be as crazy as can be
bi_99_august: LOL.
akmhamim: hehe
akmhamim: and i'd attempt to sing japanese songs
akmhamim: i wanna talk to some of ur friends!
akmhamim: do they have e-mail addresses or anything? i wanna meet them! They seem sooo nice!
akmhamim: is everyone in japan nice? (Well almost, not EVERYONE is nice)
bi_99_august: I only have Fumi's e-mail and his brother's
bi_99_august: yes, EVERYONE is nice in Japan
bi_99_august: seriously
bi_99_august: they'd miss their train
bi_99_august: to help you out
bi_99_august: and there's not litter anywhere
bi_99_august: *no
bi_99_august: and everyone is polite to each other
akmhamim: OMG!
akmhamim: I BELONG THERE! sad (
akmhamim: it must be heaven!
akmhamim: i wanna go!
akmhamim: i knew a lot of ppl were nice, but i didn't know EVERYONE was nice over there
bi_99_august: now you see why I was so upset to leave
akmhamim: a friend from school said her older sister told her they're not that nice because they're racists. and i was shocked then i thought it over and neglected it. and told her that i heard htey're all nice. (i was shocked and almost believed her cuz im very guliable xD)
akmhamim: well it's natural to be sad
bi_99_august: they're not racist
bi_99_august: you get some racists, like you do in any country
bi_99_august: but they don't hate foreigners
bi_99_august: I was the centre of attention at school coz I was from England
akmhamim: cool!
akmhamim: i wanna go! I love being the center of attention
akmhamim: xD
akmhamim: do u htink they'd accept a weirdo like moi? o.O
bi_99_august: ughh, sorry
bi_99_august: stupid internet!
akmhamim: hehe it's ok
akmhamim: u dont have to appologize, i knew right away
bi_99_august: razz
akmhamim: it used ot happenen to me a lot when i had AOL
akmhamim: It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying!
akmhamim: ok...my last quesiton was: do u htink they'd accept a weirdo like moi? o.O
bi_99_august: sure =]
akmhamim: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! biggrin
akmhamim: are there people like me out there?
bi_99_august: Not really razz
akmhamim: sad
akmhamim: so...im one of a kind...? or im just TOO weird/?? =O *cries* sad (
bi_99_august: You're a special person. smile
akmhamim: yaaaaaaaaaay! thanks! biggrin
akmhamim: but would i make a lot of friends there? would they think im weird and hate me and stay away form me like the people in my school?
bi_99_august: no, Japanese people are nice ;]
bi_99_august: You'd make friends
akmhamim: stupid sis wants to play BARBIE ont he computer
bi_99_august: tell her Barbie died
bi_99_august: </3
akmhamim: yaaay! I'd be friends with the whole school right right? biggrin
akmhamim: i wish sad or i could say barbie maried barney and ran away
akmhamim: so there is no more barbie
bi_99_august: Lol
bi_99_august: tell her I ate Barbie
akmhamim: well...xD
akmhamim: uhh...actualy no, she'll think well idk xD
bi_99_august: Tell her I ripped Barbie's head off
bi_99_august: and fed it to a Japanese baby
akmhamim: nooo! she's gonna be like AHHHHG!
akmhamim: lol
akmhamim: xD
akmhamim: that's scary....unless u ripped off the head of the doll
bi_99_august: tell her Barbie got sold on eBay
bi_99_august: and is now is South Africe
bi_99_august: being trampled on by elephants
bi_99_august: *Africa
akmhamim: dude...thos eare complicated things
akmhamim: lol
akmhamim: she wont underdstand
akmhamim: let's just let her play
akmhamim: it'll only be for an hour
akmhamim: will u wait for me till then?
bi_99_august: tell her I'm Barney
akmhamim: but i dont wanna go! sad (
bi_99_august: and I'm gonna steal her away
akmhamim: XD u expect mme to tell my sister such stuff?
bi_99_august: Yes.
akmhamim: nooo. she'll tell my mom and i'll get in trouble xD
bi_99_august: oh well
akmhamim: sad
akmhamim: ok bye
akmhamim: i'll talk to u later ok?
akmhamim: bye!
akmhamim: i hope ur still on until then

Edit: June 5th, 4:22 PM

They think you're strange because of THAT?!? They're the strange ones! Or they're just jealous they don't have more games than you. Stupid people! dry.gif I think you're awsome! CURSE THEM! They should sit in a corner and DIE!

Ahem...umm...yeah. I played Mario Party 2... before...or was it the first one? Well, it has Mario in a cowboy hat on the cover. But I still like 3 more. Maybe because I got that first? xD And the person I burrowed it from didn't really take much care of the cartidge (sp?) and it looked all messed up and dirty, and I was like eh? o.O

Oooohh...so that's what it means eh? I guess I'm one of them then. xD I always take care of my things, espeacialy my video games and anime related things. But my devil sister has to always ruin eeevveerryyyything! She ruined all the covers for my Sailor Moon VHSs...sad.gif

Oh and I forgot to mention my two precious Harry Potter books. xD I have the first and 6th book only though. I'll buy the whole entire box set later in life. Lol. The first was given to me by a little boy, my Mom's friend's son. He saw it in his school's book fair and he told his mom he wanted to buy it for me. And she said ok. Hehe.

Aww thank you! It's something that used to bum me out a lot, but not anymore, because my real friends don't think that way. So it helps me pick out who they are. LOL, I don't wish for them to die, though, but I know that I am a lot of times happier than they are!

Yes, that is Mario Party 2 you're describing. Ha ha, since I have all those games, anytime I'm talking with someone about those games and they can't remember something, I always ask for them to describe it, and I'm like "yep, that's ______!"

Ooh, I hate it when my things get messed up. Luckily for me, I wasn't such a destructive kid - some of the cardboard boxes that held the N64 games and booklets are damaged, but I still keep them and make sure that they don't break any more.

You have the 1st and 6th? Well, I'm sure you read the other ones, right? I have all six of them and I reserved my copy of the seventh. The conclusion!! I am so excited!! I hope it's a good one, too. And I do hope that you will be able to get all of them, too!

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