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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
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Go Loki Go! blaugh

PMs from yesterday.

Heheh you're welcome! I'd probably rub it in their faces that I have more games than them. Well, it depends...remember I said in one of the topics I have some kinda err...I think people call it, split personality? Heheh yeah. Wait...what does that have to do with this? Oh yeah, well if I was being the more outgoing and well not shy part of me I'd probably boast about it xD Or something like that. No one at my school really likes me. One of the new kids in my school this year was very nice to me at first and said to me whenever he saw me, but a stupid girl in my class turned him against me. dry.gif So I don't think any one likes me...Faiza is ok, but she never really talks to me at school. But the one she calls whenever she's sad or just wants someone to talk to she calls me. Hehe, we're ALWAYS on the phone together. almost 24/7

Hehe, yesh! You're happier than them! How many people can have so many? O_O Some people has none! Like my friend Faiza, she wants to play video games but her mom wont buy her any. sad.gif So I offer her to come over to my house and play...but yeah...But I wouldn't want them to die either xD It's just something I say automatically when I get mad.

Lol, I know what you mean. Before I used to be like a #1 fan of Harry Potter. And whenever I heard someone talk about it I'd want to join and when they were confused about something or didn't know one thing or the other I'd pop up out of the blue and answer all their questions.
I watch new animes like every week or something, so my friend Natalie, whenever she needs to know what anime a picture is from or who it is I just ask her to describe what it's like or bla bla bla. I talk too much. I'll shut up.

Cool! You weren't like that either? hehehe, I used to keep my things neat all the time. But another one of my Mom's friend's son came over (how come they all mostly have sons?) Well he opened my drawer that had a lot of my things in it and he took out uhh...my crayon box or something and he ripped the box, and then took out a whole bunch of stuff. And then his Mom saw and smiled (idiot lady, should have stopped her son instead just sitting there and smile dry.gif) and told my mom how I'm very neat and clean, and most kindergarteners aren't like that.

It's my sister who ruins everything. That destructive child! Whenever she sees my things she must think, "Destroyyyyy" Remember the Trace Memory game on my collection list? Well she took out the stickey label thingy on the card sad.gif I know it's not a big deal...but to me it is. Now it's all blank...you know what the DS cards looks like right? yeah...sad.gif I wanted to punch her! She got me really mad! I wanted to cry but I didn't want my mom to think I'm weird when all she did was take it off...

Yup! I read all the others two times each, except the 6th book. hehe, I'm curious to know how the book will end. I wish Rowling would stop making people die...

Oh! I haven't shown you my wish list yet have I? I'll show it right now. And you've been waiting for a game for 6 and a half years? sad.gif I'm sorry to hear that. I hate it when they cancel games...I think they canceled one of the games form the Tales series...I'm not sure. But it's a good thing you still have some hope. They just MIGHT release it. wink.gif If they don't I'm gonna...I'm gonna...I'm gonna...I'm gonna...BEAT THEM UP FOR YOU!

*-I don't think I want them anymore...
~-I'm not dieing to get it, I can wait for it, but I still want it.
!-I want it NOW!!!

Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VIII

Playstation 2
*Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
*Dark Cloud 2
Dawn of Mana
Final Fantasy XII
~Grandia III
Phantasy Star Universe
!Radiata Stories
Rogue Galaxy
!Tales of the Abyss (I still can't find this sad.gif)
!Wild ARMs 4 (I saw this all over the store before, but I didn't really know much about the game. But when I wanted it, I couldn't find it ANYWHERE!!! &_& wink

Playstation 3
~White Knight Story

Nintendo DS
Final Fantasy III
Lost in Blue
Pokemon Diamond Version
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
Pokemon Pearl Version
Pokemon Ranger

Game Boy Advance
Pokemon Emerald Version
Pokemon Sapphire Version

!The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Pokemon Battle Revolution

Game Cube
Pokemon Channel
~Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

It's longer than my collection..xD And I'm confused about the Pokemon games...you know the one with the Sapphire Version, and then there's Pearl and Diamond...what's the difference? Different legendary pokemons? Different places or something?

And another thing...can you play PS games on the PS2? I think you can...well that;s what I heard. But the problem is I'm afraid of turn-based games. I played Fire Emblem only up to chapter 8 and I quiet. That chapter is too hard...too many enemies and too little allies. It's sorta like chess...and whenever I play I get nervous, which causes my tummy to hurt. Lol I'm weird. xD
And the FF games are turn-based...I'm scaaaared! &_& FE razz oR left a bad impression on me of Turn-based games. I even took out some of the games from my wish list because of that. Although I still want those games...

LOL, I don't think you have Dissociative Identity Disorder (I can be so scientific sometimes, XD). That kind of thing is like what Marik from Yu-Gi-Oh! has, which is something he suffers. I added another post with my reasoning as to why people can be both shy and outgoing based on my own experiences (I haven't taken psychology classes yet, but I will soon). I comletely relate to you when no one in your school likes you - I faced the same thing in elementary. Here is my story -

After my parents divorced, apparently my personality did a 360 and I stopped talking to strangers. In school I never talked, I never responded to any question, I didn't even acknowledge the person talking to me even existed. The teachers and staff all suggested that I either was deaf, mentally retarded, or that I couldn't speak English. They even put me in ESOL, which is meant for kids who didn't speak English, and of course I aced all of them. The problem is that at the end of the year, they would have some complete stranger come in and give me an oral test, so I would fail it since I wouldn't talk and they kept me in ESOL for another year. And when I finally started talking in the third grade, everyone had made their groups of friends, so I never fitted in. I didn't make friends until I entered middle school. I am sorry for your current situation, sad.gif. It sucks so much not to hae anyone like, but as you get older, people will be more mature and have better judgement for the most part.

I can understand why you want to cry. It's like you are being protective over your own propterty, I get like that, too. I have feelings of anger when my sister even touches my stuff, tongue.gif.

I think the differences between the Pokemon games (I have never played them) would be like you said - different legendary Pokemon and places. And yes, you can definitely play PSOne games on the PS2 system - that's how I play mine, since both my PSOne's broke. LOL, you don't have to be scared of RPG's - I have to say though that Final Fantasy are one of the hardest ones though. If you want to play an RPG that is fun and not as hard (because they all do get kind of hard, especially if you are underleveled), you can play Shadow Hearts - that's areally cool game, especially the second one, Shadow Hearts: Covenant. I like more of the action-adventure types and the survival-horror. Tee-hee!

Ah! The big terms again! xD I had no idea what you were talking about when you said DID. Did you just mean I have different types of personalities. Is that bad? sad.gif Because you said it's a disorder... Mark...hmm...I don't really remember him.

You're parents are divored? sad.gif I'm sooo sorry that I had to bring back painful memories! I totally understand...but I sort of want my parents to divorce. I hate my Dad. And I want to stay away from him. He really gets on my nerves I feel like kicking him or something. I just can't stand him at all! Him and his family is the cause of so much suffering in my Mom's side of the family. And he doesn't really even care about us. But the only reason my mom wont get a divorce is because of me and my little sister. I can handle it...but my little sister loves my Dad and she can't handle it. I used to love my Dad too when I was young, but boy did my feelings change. dry.gif
But I'm still sorry about reminding you this...

I always have to hide my belongings from my sister. I even have to hide some things inside my drawer where I keep clothes. But she still goes in and takes out whatever she likes. She also ruined my box of Sailor Moon cards. sad.gif And she even lost the cards! TT-TT I treasured them...and it's so rare to find anyhting anime related where I live...idiot sis. dry.gif

Actually I love RPGs, and also adventure games. It's just the battle system I'm afraid of in some RPGs. I love playing Tales of Symphonia...I love everything about the game! And I'm always comfortable playing it, I never get tummy aches xD And I have a healer there which calms me down. And the battles are never random, or the monsters are visible on the field so I can choose if I want to battle or not. At the beginning of the game, and I mean the beginning, I fought like crazy and continued again until i was level 25 or something. And I was waaaay too over leveled. Most people would be lvl 6 or lvl 10 at max.

Also, in Kingdom Hearts, the Heartless pop up out of thin air and starts attacking which is sorta scary. And at the beginning of the game I'm walking around a dark place and I'm afraid of the dark. Lol. I haven't played Kingdom Hearts for like...3 months now? Hehehe, silly isn't it? xD I'm afraid of such weird things...and it's just a game.

Oh and Shadow Hearts is rated M for Mature...17 and up...and I turned 14 on March. And Shadow Hearts: Convenant is rated T, that's ok but..."ESRB Content Descriptors: Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes, Violence" Now that's a problem. xD

P.S. Did I send the last PM about three times?

Okay, how do I explain this? XD I said that I don't think you have DID. Having split personalities is like you have one personality, let's say Hamim, and then at a random time or at a time of pain and misery, you become a completely different person, a different personality all on your own. It's like two poeple living in one. If you don't remember Marik Ishtar, then you might remember Yugi and Yami(the Pharaoh). Let's pretend they are the same person. You have one personality, which is Yugi, and then a completely different one, which is Yami. I don't think it's that bad unless ne of your personalities starts to hurt people, but the problem is that many psychologists label it as though people suffering this have a mental instability, since they can't handle certain situations with one personality, they make another personality.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split_personality < Here is a site from Wikipedia that has a pretty good description about it.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL You don't have to apologize, really. It's not a difficult memory for me. All in all, I decided that it was better off with my perents divorced than together, since I do vaguely remember that they used to fight all the time. And I am completely fine, I don't have much troubles at all. Though I am sorry for your situation - it's horrible to live in suffering. That's why I guess I am not so troubled by the divorce now (since apparently I was) - I don't suffer from it. I do hope that one day it will all get better. Maybe your mom should consider divorce, because if your sister will miss your dad, she will still grow and she will still be able to see your dad and such. It will take time, because divroces are usually harder with older kids (I was two when my parents divorced so I don't remember much of it). I think, because of all the pain, it would be best if she did, but that is only my opinion, you don't really have to listen to that. happy.gif

I like RPGs, not like my college friend, she adores them, but I do. I played Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy Tactics. I also have played Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. They are good games. I am planning, if I get the money to spend, to actually buy my own Kingdom Hearts, Shadow Hearts, and Final Fantasy games, since I borrow them from my friend. Ha ha ha, the Heartless sometimes scare you? Aww, I don't really get scared that much (well I suppose after playing so much Resident Evil, nothing will really scare me anymore, tongue.gif Talk about a game series that can give you a heart attack!! tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif).

Oh wow. I guess I'm just a weird case or something. My mom was never concerned with the ratings of games. She came from Cuba, so she grew up watching war movies, so the level if violence never stunned her. I played my first M-rated gane when I was I think 7 years old, I picked up an alien-shooting game from my uncle. But it never really had much of an effect on me. I played Tomb Raider since I was eight, and my mom loves the character Lara Croft. She, among many people around the world, think that she is a good role model. And I have played Resident Evil, also rated M, since I was 12. So it's not much about the violence. Sex, yes, but not the violence. Is your mom concerned about what you play? Is it because you have a little sister? Then I will suggest Chrono Cross for an RPG. Beautiful game, but it's old, for the PSOne, so it may be really cheap if you do find it. It is rated T, but what FF game isn't? XDD And it is made by the same people who do FF, so it will be pretty difficult, but it's my favorite RPG of all time. And there is no Partial Nudity.

Oh, and yeah, you sent it to me three times. I just figured that something was wrong with the server at the time, so I replied to one XDD

Oh sorry for making it tough on you. xD So I do have DID. That explains the bad memory and everything else. And I don't really remember why, but my Mom mentioned something about me going to see a doctor or something because of the way I behave. Most of the time I'm always...grouchy and quiet and well...I act like a dead person all the time at home. And it's rare for me to be happy. Although there are times when I talk to my mom a lot. and I mean a LOT.
And last December me and my family went back to our country for a little visit and she was surprised to see me happy. And she was talking about how shocked she was, and she remarked, "I'm sure she can be a lot happier than that."

Hehe, I'm glad I didn't cause any painful memories. biggrin.gif I still want my parents to get a divorce...but there is no way I can tell my mom that...And it's ok, I'm used to this. And there are a lot of family issues going on, it started ever since my mom got married. So it's really nothing new to me. Even when my parents argue and fight as if they'll kill each other any moment, it's not new to me. Maybe that's another thing that affected the way I am right now... I feel sorry for my little sister though, she started crying when my parents fight, but there really isn't anything I can do to help her.

I love RPGs! biggrin.gif My first RPG game would be...Animal Crossing. Lol. It's RPG, but not adventure RPG. But my first adventure RPG game would be Tales of Symphonia. I just adore that game! Did yo ever play it or hear of it?

There's an ironic story behind how I got that game. Of course you know Cherry Blossom from this forum right? Well, I always talk to her and stuff, and we also talk about video games. And she mentioned ToS, and I said ok I'll buy it and see if I like it. So one day, me and my Dad go out to buy video games. And I have two games in my mind, Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, which I wanted for a while back then, and then Tales of Symphonia. I bought ToS first, because I found it first. And then in another store I found HM:MM and when we were waiting for the bus at the bus stop, all of a sudden I wanted to return ToS, mostly because my stupid Daddy had to say, "I don't like the looks of that game..." And I sometimes worry too much about what others think and has to say. I guess he didn't like the cover of the video game. It didn't look very childish to him I guess. rolleyes.gif And I wasn't that desperate to get that game either. So I agreed to return it. And yeah..so we returned it. And when I told Cherry Blossom, she couldn't believe what she was reading. laugh.gif Oh another thing! Man I should have said this earlier xD Cherry Blossom showed me the trailer of the game, and I was new to cell shading and the trailer was very retarded and didn't make the game one bit exciting! (It was the english trailer btw)
Because Of CB's reaction I decided to investigate what's so great about that game (I sound like a detective xD). And on youtube people had some crazy comments about how much they love the game, and I fell in lvoe with it too after I saw some of the videos, (gosh so many spoilers. dry.gif after I got the game I learned not to search for videos of the game unless I'm done with it, at least for me that is)
And after that I was desperate to get the game! I was worried if it got sold out. And the game came out way back in 2004, so I thought maybe they wont have it anymore and bla bla bla. I couldn't even eat xD So like after awhile me and my Dad went back to the same store. And my eyes were just scanning the shelves and I was getting anxious. I didn't see it and then a worker from the store came over and asked me if he can help, and I asked for the game and he found it and handed it over. I almost snatched it away from him. xD I tried my best not to. And I held onto the game tightly, and I felt like hugging the dude. Lol. Crazy me.
Wow...I went and told you the whole story.

awww! Don't say that you're weird! I think that's cool. It's rare for me to be able to do that. I'm impressed actually. wink.gif I wanna play Resident Evil...but I'm scared because of the blood. My Mom probably wont mind the blood, I guess she'll let me play if I can handle it, but probably not near my little sister. I remember when I was playing Star Ocean not too long ago, I noticed there was blood all over the place in one of the places, and I told my mom, all she did was smile. And I was like what the hell? Aren't you gonna COMMENT on that? Well of course I didn't say that....Violence isn't that much of a problem for her or me, as long as it has nothing to do with ripping people or blowing them up. xD My Mommy wont object, she just wouldn't want my little sis to see, hehe. It's ok as long as I can handle it. But nudity or anything close to it is a definite no no. Not only that, I'll feel very uncomfortable if there's any nudity...
And Resident Evil has sex in it!?! o.O What the...? That's new to my ears...more like eyes. xD

And thanks for the game suggestions! I'll look them up.

P.S. Ooooh okies. I thought it bothered you that I sent you the same e-mail three times.

Ok then, if you do have DID, then I would suggest you look up a psychologist so you can see for sure if you have it. I'm glad the article helped you out a bit though!

Yes, I have heard of Tales of Symphonia, I remember when it came out, though I have never played it before. I know it was a really famous game! And, haha, nice story! It's great that you found a game that you loved!

So it's really you that can't handle the blood. I'm pretty apathetic towards it. I mean, I play BloodRayne!! Doesn'tget much bloodier and goryer than that. tongue.gif LOLOL, no Resident Evil DOES NOT have nudity, I was talking about Shadow Hearts, though the partial nudity it has is pretty much nothing, but whatever. I get uncomfortable around sex and nudity, too. So that sort of thing I don't appreciate, either. Which is why I don't play games like Grand Theft Auto. But I can tell you everything you need to know about Resident Evil, it's my second most favorite series after Tomb Raider!! And I also love Tekken and Silent Hill and BloodRayne!! tongue.gif XDDD But you already knew that, happy.gif. I will look up Tales of Symphonia when I get the chance, so I can remember what it looked like, because for some reason, I can't remember the cover...

How'd you make the PM so short? lol. i always make it loooooong. very long. Talk too much. Well you already know by now. xD

Heheht hanks for the article, and sorry for all the trouble. I'll try to check with a psychologist later on.

You have? Cool! I laugh at myself when I look back to how I got the game. And ToS is still number 6 on the Top 10 Games under the Game Cube section in GameFAQs. And number 4 under Top 10 Message Boards. I wish I could go back to the message boards...but too many spoilers. xD

I am afraid of my own blood...XD
Oh! Oh! Oh! Please tell me all about those games! I wish i could play them! Espeacily Resident Evil! And I love Leon and and and his voice! xD But I'm just afraid of all that blood...but then what did you mean about sex? o.O
If I lived anywhere near you, I'd probably come over at your house every single day and bother you and your whole family. xD No I'm serious! Hehe, but I'd love to hang out with you and watch you play the games. But I'd probably need a blankie and I'd behind you.

Do you want me to send a pic of the cover of ToS?

How'd you make the PM so short? lol. i always make it loooooong. very long. Talk too much. Well you already know by now. xD

Heheht hanks for the article, and sorry for all the trouble. I'll try to check with a psychologist later on.

You have? Cool! I laugh at myself when I look back to how I got the game. And ToS is still number 6 on the Top 10 Games under the Game Cube section in GameFAQs. And number 4 under Top 10 Message Boards. I wish I could go back to the message boards...but too many spoilers. xD

I am afraid of my own blood...XD
Oh! Oh! Oh! Please tell me all about those games! I wish i could play them! Espeacily Resident Evil! And I love Leon and and and his voice! xD But I'm just afraid of all that blood...but then what did you mean about sex? o.O
If I lived anywhere near you, I'd probably come over at your house every single day and bother you and your whole family. xD No I'm serious! Hehe, but I'd love to hang out with you and watch you play the games. But I'd probably need a blankie and I'd behind you.

Do you want me to send a pic of the cover of ToS?

Don't apologize for me writing the message back. As long as you got my PM, I'm good! happy.gif Ha ha ha, you can make your PM as long as you want. I want to hear what you have to say. And you're welcome. And it was no trouble at all. I'm really quick at finding things.

Well, I don't know how you handle blood. It doesn't seem as though you play a lot of shooter games that use guns and things like that (cause with guns, there will be blood). I don't want you to be to scared or anything, or have to suffer any misery, sad.gif. Resident Evil does has its share of blood, and Resident Evil 4 is the most violent one to date (actually it gets more violent the newer the game in the series). And OMG!! I LOVE Leon!! I have a poster of him in my room, yay!! He's such an awesome character, *hugs him*. BTW, what is the most violent game you have played?

If it's okay with your mom and everything, then I'll tell you about those games. What do you want to know about them? Cause there is so much to talk about I don't know where to start.

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