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Starlite.Starbrite's Pathetic Life of Drama, Weirdness, and Awkward Silences- Now Featuring Two Stories! Come Read! You read the title. How else can i describe it to you? Part journal, part fairy tale. how can you go wrong? ^_^

Community Member
Beyond the Horizon! Ch 6- GAHH! I'M SO SORRY!
Mokoto: Good-for-nothin, lousy, arrogant… I tell you, someone needs to show that woman her place…
Mokoto muttered under his breath as he was busy tying a line.
Keiji: Who? Amaya?
Mokoto: Mm-hm. She thinks she’s in charge around here. Boy has she got it coming to her… And to think, I…erm—cough—kind of thought she was kind of pretty… That is before I realized how much of a pain in the a** she was!
Akio: Ooh, Moko-Moko actually had feelings for a girl at one point in time! I’m shocked!
Akio slid down from the crow’s nest on a thick rope down to the deck and meet up with his two friends.
Mokoto: THERE WERE NO FEELINGS! She’s just pretty! They all are, Mr. I-Want-To-See-What’s-Under-That-Dress!
Akio: Oi! She read my mind! How was I supposed to know she could do that!
Mokoto: That little pixie thing told us! Or were you too busy staring at Takara’s chest to notice?
Akio: Well I… But I…You see…I…I can’t help it! She’s just so...beautiful, and sweet, and…
Mokoto: Dumber than a sack of flour?
Akio: Is not!
Mokoto: Is too! Hmph…At least Amaya probably understands how to add single-digit numbers without counting on her fingers.
Akio: Well at least I don’t hafta worry about Takara coming after me with a broom in the middle of the night!
Mokoto: That’s probably because she wouldn’t know what a broom is.
Keiji: Hey! Chill out! They’re just girls.
Akio: Goddesses, more like…
Keiji: Oh brother…
Keiji shook his head and rolled his eyes at Akio’s infatuation.
Akio: Oh look at you, acting all tough, like you didn’t enjoy that kiss with the princess.
Keiji: Hey! I didn’t kiss her because I wanted to. I did because I didn’t want her to…!
Mokoto: …Scream. Yeah yeah you told us. But just because that kiss wasn’t your first intention didn’t mean that you didn’t like it.
Keiji: But I…!
Mokoto: Don’t try to hide it, kid. We already know.
Keiji let out a heavy sigh.
Keiji: Okay, fine. It was wonderful. But it didn’t mean anything, okay?
Akio: Sure.
Mokoto: Fine.
There were about five seconds of silence before Akio opened his big mouth again.
Akio: So did you use tongue?
Akio: Right, right, mate. I’m just messin with you!
Keiji: Well quit it!
Akio: Fine, fine.
Keiji stepped over to the wheel and Akio climbed back to the crow’s nest where he muttered softly under his breath:
Akio: Keiji and the princess, sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Amaya: The nerve of some people!
Amaya threw a pillow onto the top of one of the four cots in the girls’ bedroom.
Yume: You can’t go so hard on them. I mean, after all, they weren’t planning on bringing us in the first place. You should be glad they let us come at all.
She screamed, still wide-eyed from when she had actually heard his thoughts.
Amaya: Yes, yes, we know.
Takara: But… But h-he wanted to…
Amaya: We don’t care, Takara.
Takara: But…!
Amaya: Takara!
Takara: I’ll stop now.
She shrugged and started bouncing up and down on her cot.
Amaya: How old are you, child?
She asked with a raised eyebrow and a skeptical tone.
Takara: Seventeen. How old are you?
Amaya: Nineteen. However, I’d say I was about twenty years older than you as far as maturity goes.
Takara: So you’re a middle-aged woman?
Amaya just rolled her eyes and sat down on the cot.
Amaya: What’s up with these guys, anyway? I mean, Mokoto’s a smart-a**, Akio’s a pervert, Keiji… Oh boy. Keiji’s the captain, but he’s completely clueless.
Yume: He seems kinda nice…
Amaya: NICE!?!
She stared at the girl across the room, her eyes opened wide and her mouth gaping.
Amaya: Princess. He fooled you into coming with him to this place to later use you to get some treasure. He’s a scumbag.
Yume: But if it weren’t for him, we’d be back on Hitomi. You’d be back in your shack, freezing cold, planning on how you can steal from your next victim.
Amaya: Why are you siding with him? I mean, has this guy done one nice thing for you?
Yume: He let us stay. He freed me from that prison they call a palace. He…um…
She was blushing bright red now as she turned away, not wanting to make eye contact with her two companions.
Yume: …Um, never mind.
Takara: What? What was the last thing?
Yume: Erm… There was no last thing. That’s it.
Amaya: Oh please! Don’t even try. C’mon. What was it?
Yume: No…You guys won’t think it’s a good thing.
Takara: C’mon c’mon! I wanna know! Tell us, pleeeeease!
Amaya: We promise we won’t judge you or Keiji over the next few statements that exit your mouth. Kay?
Yume: Alright. But don’t tell him I told you either, because I don’t know if he’d like you to know or not.
Takara: Kay kay kay! Now tell us!
Yume: Alright…
She took a deep breath and shut her eyes tight, almost not wanting to see the reaction on the girls’ faces.
Yume: Tonight, before he took me to the boat, he gave me my first kiss.
The awkward silence made Yume reluctantly crack her eyes open to see two pairs of fish eyes and two gaping mouths.
Yume: I knew I shouldn’t have told you.
Takara: He KISSED you!
Amaya: He kissed you?
Takara: OH MY GOD!
Amaya: Oh my god…
Takara: Was it a sweet kiss?
Amaya: Did he attack you for it?
Takara: Did he hold you in his arms?
Amaya: Did he try to feel you up?
Takara: Did he use tongue?!
Yume stared at Takara with widened eyes as Amaya glared.
Takara: What? It’s a very valid question!
Yume: I’m not answering any questions.
She lay down on her side, facing the wall with her back towards her friends.
Amaya: Hmph. I knew he was a scumbag.
Yume: Ugh. Fine. Yes, no, no, no, not even going to touch on the subject. There. Are you happy now?
Takara: Very much so.
Amaya: I’m good.
Yume: Brilliant. Goodnight.
Takara: Night night!
Amaya: Don’t let the bed bugs bite. Don't let the boys bite either
Yume snickered quietly, before resting her head and drifting slowly off to sleep.

Ronin: Just a bit further until we’ve reached the crossing point!
A tall young man with shaggy brown hair and adventurous eyes looked through a telescope as he stood over the railing of the boat, and then jumped down to the deck, where he was surrounded by his men.
Kano: Brilliant! Drinks all around!
A red-headed sailor walked up behind the captain, a bottle of rum in his hand, the waist of a blonde girl in his opposite arm, and a bright smile on his face.
Yasuo: Oh brother…
A dark-haired sailor with green eyes shook his head at the man with the rum.
Ruri: Hey, just let the kid have his fun.
The girl standing next to him was identical to Amaya!
Midori: Yes, let the kid have his fun!
The girl whose hips were in Kano’s grasp had the same sparkling green eyes and blonde locks as Takara!
Hoshi: I suppose it is a cause for celebration.
She smiled sweetly, her hazel eyes dazzling, her red-brown curls bouncing as she tilted her head slightly. She was Yume.
Kano: You heard the girl, Ronin! Celebrate!
Ronin: Oh, I will.
The captain of the boat took the young hazel-eyed beauty into his arms as she giggled girlishly and wrapped her arms around his neck. The whole crew of the ship roared and cheered as they pulled in for a sweet, passionate kiss.
Kano: Whoo-hoo!
Yasuo: Get a room.
Kano: Hey Midori. How bout we get a room?
Midori just simply glared, pulled her body away from his arm and slapped him across the face.
Midori: Hmph. Men.
She flipped her golden hair over her shoulder and stood next to Ruri, who couldn’t help but snicker at her friend’s actions.
Ronin: That treasure’s nearly ours, Hoshi.
Hoshi: I’ve already found mine.
She smiled brightly again, then moved forward into another sweet, beautiful kiss.

Yume woke abruptly, curious about that strange dream. Those three girls: they were nearly identical to Takara, Amaya, and herself. And that one boy looked just like Keiji. The other two boys didn’t bear any resemblance to Akio and Mokoto, but they sure did have the same personalities. It was all so strange. Yume just shrugged.
The sun had risen, though she could tell everyone else on the boat was still sound asleep, judging by the silence. But what would she do now, all alone? Well, she supposed she’d do what she did best.

Keiji woke steadily to the rocking of the boat and an unfamiliar noise.
Keiji: (MM…What’s that sound…?)
He sat up, still groggy from his sleep. The noise was clearer now, like a dull lull from far away. But it was the most beautiful sound he heard. Different pitches with a steady beat and sweet rhythm, like a beautiful lullaby.
Keiji: (Is…is that singing?)
He curiously got out of bed and walked closer to the door. He could now hear the words of the song, though they were muffled and distant:
Yume: Watching over me even when I can't see you…
Keiji: (Where’s it coming from…?)
He touched his hand to the doorknob and turned it to let himself out of his room.
Yume: Speaking to me when you know I can't hear…
Keiji: (So beautiful… Whose perfect voice could this belong to?)
He made his way into the hallway, following the direction of the voice.
Yume: Kissing me when you know I can’t taste your lips…
Keiji: (The song…it’s so captivating…almost hypnotizing…)
Yume: Holding me when I can't feel your touch…
Keiji: (It’s…wonderful…)
Yume: I know you're always beside me, watching over me…
Keiji had followed the voice to the bathroom door, where he turned the knob and looked in to see the beautiful body of Yume Katori, with her eyes shut gently as her soft, beautiful voice echoed throughout the entire room.
Yume: Even when you're miles beyond the horizon.
Keiji: Yume…?
The girls’ eyes flew open at the sound of his voice. Petrified, she let out a shrill scream and pulled a towel over soaking body. Apparently, Keiji was so captivated by the song, he hadn’t realized that she was naked in the bathtub.
His hand flew over his eyes as he blushed redder than a ripe strawberry.
Yume: OUT!
Keiji: YES, MA’AM!
The door shut with a loud slam. The sound of Keiji’s footsteps, loud and quick, were clearly audible to Yume as he ran away, probably even more embarrassed than she was.

User Comments: [15]
My Poison Death
Community Member

Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 06:04pm

heart Loved this chapter, very humorous.

Community Member

Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 06:48pm

Oh no! Poor Yume and Keiji! And I am very curious to hear more about the crew of clones =O

And to see the picture of Amaya too :3 yupyup

Community Member

Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 07:43pm

Ha ha poor keiji

Community Member

Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 11:37pm

I finished Takara and Yume, and then when I see the picture of Amaya, I can finish her! Woooooo! blaugh Oh, and are you planning on making a picture of Hana, because I want mine to be as much like it as possible.

My Poison Death
Community Member

Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 11:51pm

Xennami - *GASP* I thought I recognized your name! You were the
winner of the Seigyoku art contest. Can't wait to see the art you've
done of these characters. Uh...Starlite.Starbrite won't be back on
Gaia until Saturday so it'll be a while before she draws Amaya.

Community Member

Wed Jun 06, 2007 @ 12:06am

And I won't be able to get on this weekend...... Well thanks, I'll just stick it on hold for a few days 3nodding and maybe a little preview this week?

Community Member

Wed Jun 06, 2007 @ 07:25pm

I was going to keep these private until the contest, but I'll just show them anyway. The quality is poor since the screenshots were taken zoomed out, so it'll look a bit chunky. The actual drawings are much larger. Hope all you guys like them!





Community Member

Thu Jun 07, 2007 @ 12:21am

o good!! but u didnt tell me when the chapter was ready!!!! PLEASE INFORM ME OF THE NEXT CHAPTER!! lol

Community Member

Fri Jun 08, 2007 @ 04:44am

dontcha feel bad for both yume and keiji after that? if they both werent embarrassed enough as is

to bad there just fictional characters...

My Poison Death
Community Member

Sat Jun 09, 2007 @ 11:41pm

eek Xennami ! Those are gonna be fantastic! I especially like Amaya's pose.

Community Member

Sun Jun 10, 2007 @ 02:32am

Thanks! I'll have them finished up some time this week 3nodding

Community Member

Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 02:39am

poor keiji and yume...as if they weren't embarassed enough...and you never informed of the chapter...but please inform me of the next...

Community Member

Fri Jun 15, 2007 @ 01:40am

so very, very good biggrin

Community Member

Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 09:21pm

Oh wow! I think I figured out what the dream was! But I won't say it 'cause I may be wrong or maybe other people don't want it spoiled.

User Comments: [15]
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