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Starlite.Starbrite's Pathetic Life of Drama, Weirdness, and Awkward Silences- Now Featuring Two Stories! Come Read! You read the title. How else can i describe it to you? Part journal, part fairy tale. how can you go wrong? ^_^

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Horizon! Ch 10- I’ll Understand If You Never Forgive Me
There. Got it out of my system. I know it's been months since I've written. Blame the new boyfriend. I never needed to write to get my fill of romance, because I had it in real life. Lol. Anyway, I finally started to pick it back up again. More is on the way. Don't worry. I'm not gonna take another break anytime soon. And if you are still reading, thanks for sticking around. I knew my faithful readers wouldn't give up on me. heart

The four teens made their way through the now-bustling town of Tsurro, amazed at how overnight the townspeople seemed to have gone from barbaric pirates to ordinary men working for a living. Several shops and businesses were crowded with customers and vendors trading money for wares. It was almost like a miniature city, similar to the beautiful island where the girls grew up.
Pirate1: Morning, Miss Katori.
A man tipped his hat at the princess as he walked past the quartet.
Yume: Oh…Um…Good morning to you too, sir.
There was a bit of shaky nervousness in her voice, but she did her best to maintain her composure.
Amaya: Oh sure, now they’re being polite. Yesterday they locked all of us up, tried to kill the three guys and rape us, but now they’re all nice and pleasant.
She rolled her eyes.
Takara: Pirates…pssh.
Pirate2: My gosh, you’re right. She really does look exactly like the Mistress…
A pirate a few feet away whispered to another. Yume heard the comment and blushed. She hadn’t heard that statement in years. Yet she knew now more than ever that it was true. It was like looking into a mirror last night.
The group made its way towards the building by the square, and then began to climb the steps and walk across the wooden balcony. There they reached a set of windowed double-doors made translucent by wispy white curtains.
Keiji: Ready?
Yume: Mm.
She gave him a confident nod and with a sigh, she rapped three times on the glass door.
Nami: Who is it?
Yume: Mom…Can we talk?
There was a long, uncomfortable pause in which Yume glanced worriedly to Keiji. Finally there came a reply.
Nami: I don’t think there’s anything we need to talk about, Yume.
Yume: But I…
Nami: Go home, Yume…
Yume’s heart sank deep into the pit of her stomach.
Nami: …For your father’s sake.
How could her mother be so stubborn? After all these years, knowing she left her family behind, she didn’t even want to speak to her daughter? Just the thought of it all made Yume want to cry.
Takara: Yume…
Takara reached an arm out to console the girl, but Yume was already heading back down the wooden steps to the square. Amaya sighed and followed close behind, with Takara trailing. Keiji looked down to the girls, who had made up their minds to give up already. But no. He wasn’t going to let this happen.
Keiji: Hang on a second, guys.
Yume turned to see him opening the doors to her mother’s house, causing her to freeze from her spot low on the staircase.
Yume: Keiji…
She hurried back up, shoving Takara and Amaya out of the way to reach the balcony.
Keiji stepped into Nami Katori’s apartment to see the red-haired, hazel-eyed woman sitting at a desk, pen in hand, jotting something onto a piece of paper. As the door opened, her head flew up to see the face of the teenage boy, his brown hair stylishly messy, and his blue eyes bright with ambition.
Nami: And who might you be?
Keiji: That’s not important.
He stepped closer to the woman who rose to her feet, still standing a good five inches below the tall treasure hunter.
Keiji: Listen. Your daughter never stopped loving you the whole time you were out on the ocean, nor the whole time she thought you were gone from the world. She has any right to be furious with you about faking your death; after all, she was heartbroken.
Nami: And what gives you the right to come up to me and--
Keiji: She feels that she was deserted. She wants explanations. Now, the least you can do is let her know what happened. Please. That’s all I’m asking for. She doesn’t need you to come back. She just wants to know that you didn’t leave her.
Nami’s heart sank. After years of going through this whole ordeal, the idea finally hit her: she had harmed her daughter greatly. She thought that this plan would surely save her husband’s sanity, but now that she thought about it, it more damaged Yume’s. Twelve years of grief seemed to accumulate in her, ready to burst out in a cyclone of raw emotion. There was only one thing she wanted to do:
Nami: Yume…
She ran across the room and flew out the door to the balcony, where her beautiful daughter stood, her head hanging and with tears in her eyes. Nami took a pause as Yume looked up to her with curiosity. Their eyes met: two pairs of golden-chestnut hazel eyes looking into the other.
Yume: Mom…
But before Yume could react, her mother had advanced even closer and taken her daughter into her arms. The teen could hear her mother crying on her shoulder, making her cry in return.
Nami: I’m so sorry, Yume. I’m so sorry…
She managed between sobs.
Takara: It’s so beautiful!
The blonde burst into over-exaggerated tears and blew her nose loudly. Amaya took a cautious step away from Takara and gave her a strange look.
Keiji smiled as he stepped out of the apartment to see the two ladies together pouring their hearts out. His work here was done.
Keiji: We’ll leave you two alone for a bit.
He saw Yume glance to him with a tear-soaked smile. He took it as a silent “thank you”, and then led Amaya and her weeping companion down the stairs.

Nami: Yume, I’ll understand if you never forgive me. I just wasn’t thinking about your future. I was selfish and stupid and…
Yume: It’s okay, Mom. I know how you feel. Palace life is…
Nami: Prison.
Yume: And I agree with you more than anyone.
The two stood on the balcony still, letting out the feelings that had been locked away for years.
Yume: But what about Dad? Did you not care about what happened to him?
Nami: I did what I did for his benefit.

Yume: Mum, you hurt him more than helped him. He changed, Mom. He isn’t the happy, smiling, lovable Daisuke you remember. Ever since you, well, died, he’s…he’s always been sad. He cries all the time. He misses the woman he loves.
Nami: And I’m sure he misses the daughter he loves, too.
The thought hadn’t entered Yume’s mind since they left Hitomi. How must he have felt to be deserted by both his love and his own child?
Yume: Oh my gosh! I never even…
Nami: Where in the world are you off to, anyway?
Yume bit her lip and took a short pause before letting her mother know about this one.
Yume: Um…actually, Mum…it’s not exactly in this world…

Takara: What did you say to her, anyway? She was crying pretty hard…
Keiji: I didn’t say anything to make her cry. I just made her realize how Yume felt, and then I suppose her conscience took over.
Akio shouted as the trio rounded the corner and approached the inn.
Mokoto: Where you been?
Amaya: We took Yume to settle things with her mom. They’re still talking.
Akio: Ah. Keiji too? How’d that go?
He gave Keiji a glare, reminding him of last night’s argument that pointed out how involved Keiji was with Yume’s life.
Takara: Keiji made Yume’s mom cry.
Keiji: DID NOT!
Mokoto instinctively smacked Keiji on the head.
Mokoto: When the hell will you learn to mind your own business?
Keiji: But I…!
Jiro: Ehem… Um, excuse me…
Five sets of eyes were magnetized to the voice of the man who had taken them captive.
Keiji: You…
Akio: Hey Keiji! I’ll hold him and you punch!
The blonde boy tried to bolt over to the pirate, but Mokoto’s arm caught him and held him in place, despite his struggling.
Amaya: What do you want?
She spoke with an apathetic tone towards the man from whom Takara was hiding behind the dark-haired girl’s back.
Jiro: I came to…well…
He scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.
Jiro: The other pirates and I agreed that we were a bit harsh on you last night… Well, we normally are that harsh on most people, however, since you were just kids, we feel like we owe you our apologies.
Akio: Damn right.
Keiji: Akio. Be nice.
The blonde boy groaned.
Jiro: And to…um…to show our guilt, we’d like to pay recompense.
Keiji: Well, that’s very generous of you but…
Takara: What’s a recompense?
The tan blonde beauty kept an oblivious, naive gaze on her face while everyone stared at her with raised eyebrows.
Amaya: It means they’re giving us stuff cuz they feel bad.
Takara: Ooh! Wadda we get?
Keiji: As I was saying...
He cleared his throat and glared at Takara.
Keiji: We appreciate your charity; however…
Takara: Wadda we get?
Jiro: Well, we as a rather…um…poor society have very little to give. However, we are the finest weapons craftsmen in the whole Western Sea. If you’d like, you can each select a weapon from our wares.
Keiji: Really, you don’t need to…
Akio: Shut up, Keij!
Akio nudged his friend in the side and lowered his voice to a whisper.
Akio: I’ve needed a new blade for ages! Now I can get one for free!
Amaya: Well, I do need a new set of knives, seeing that mine are still at my house where someone dragged me away against my will.
She glared obviously at Mokoto, who just ignored her with a scoff.
Mokoto: My old sword is starting to rust a bit…
Takara: Ooh! Do I get something too?
Everyone’s eyes grew wide at the thought of Takara handling something sharp and pointy.
Jiro: Well yes. Of course, if your friend there decides to accept our gift.
Five sets of eyes turned to Keiji, begging for him to cave in and take Jiro’s apology with stride. Finally with a sigh and a rolling of eyes, Keiji gave his answer.
Keiji: Ugh. Fine. Thank you, sir.
Jiro: Alright then. Follow me.

Nami: So, what you’re saying is that you were kidnapped, found out that you and those other girls have special abilities, and now you’re off to another realm to retrieve a great treasure?
Yume knew now that her mother believed she was completely mental.
Yume: You really don’t believe me, do you?
Nami: I have to admit, it’s quite hard to think that…
Yume: Right now you’re thinking of every single thing that is impossible about what I’ve told you. I read it from your mind.
Nami stared at her daughter for a moment in disbelief.
Nami: That could’ve been a lucky guess. Any sane human being would be thinking the exact same thing.
Yume: Okay then. Explain this one.
She held up her hand, and just like that, a pen from the pirate mistress’s desk came soaring across the room and into the teen’s possession. Nami just continued to stare, eyes bugging and mouth gaping.
Nami: How did you…? But how is that…?
Yume: Now do you believe your daughter?
Nami: Well I…I mean…Oh my goodness… I always knew my daughter was special… She looked at her girl with tears peeking out of the corners of her eyes.
Yume: It could’ve been you with these powers, had you ever united with Takara’s and Amaya’s mothers and activated them. Then of course you would have been the one going to the second realm and not me.
Nami looked down at her wrist and saw what looked like an octagonal birthmark, and nothing more.
Nami: I don’t know if I would have been strong enough to accept such a responsibility.
Yume: What do you mean?
The pirate sighed, then looked at Yume with a half-smile.
Nami: I’ve always been one to run away from fate, darling. You should know that more than anyone. Had I have gotten together with those other girls, I probably would have just ignored my destiny and went on with life instead of going through with any part of that journey.
Yume: Sometimes I think back and wonder what would’ve happened if I had done that.
She hung her head and looked to the ground.
Nami: Yume…
Nami took her daughter by the hand and looked her deeply in the eyes.
Nami: You are a strong, amazing young woman, much stronger than your mother, here. You are capable of achieving great things. And I think that this little journey is a brilliant way to discover how great you really can be. You're not gonna run off like I did, because you're one who is strong enough to do what you need to do.
Yume: But what if something goes wrong? What if someone gets hurt because of me? What if…?
Nami: Yume. You are a Katori.
Yume’s heart soared, remembering the first time her mother had ever uttered those words to her, right before she had left forever, those words that inspired her to be strong for her mother and father. They would also inspire her to be strong for herself.
Nami: You are strong. You’re going to do great things on this journey, Yume. I’m proud of you.
Yume: Thank you, mum.
Nami: But…
Yume’s heart fell back down to the pit of her stomach. She knew there would always be a catch.
Nami: As soon as your journey is over, as soon as you come back to this world, you are going back to your father.
Yume: But…
Nami: No buts. He loves you, Yume. Just imagine how he feels right now. He has no idea where you are, correct?
Yume: Well, yes…
She felt like her heart was caught in a vice.
Nami: He’s already lost both girls in his life. At least let one of them come back home.
There was nothing Yume wanted more than to stay out on the ocean, sailing forever with Takara, Amaya, and the boys. But she knew that her mother was right. There was no way she could get around this. Her father needed her.
Yume: I’ll go back. As soon as we’re done, I’ll go back.
Nami: That’s my girl…
She wrapped her arms around her child and kissed the top of her head.
Nami: And could you do me one favor?
Yume: Of course. What is it?
Nami stood up and walked over to her desk. Laid on the table was a single sheet of paper. She folded it twice and slipped it into a plain white envelope, then scribbled a name onto it.
Nami: I want you to give this to your father once you get back home.
She handed her daughter the envelope with a weary, pleading look. Without any afterthoughts, Yume took the envelope into her hands and smiled at her mother.
Yume: I’d be delighted.

Mokoto: This is amazing craftsmanship…
He held a sharp, shimmering katana in his hands, its blade perfectly curving, the sun glinting off of it. The hilt was strong and firm, and was also encrusted with a sapphire at the very end.
The group had made their way to a cart on the edge of the square that had more weapons than most of the kids knew existed. All were magnificently built with materials perfectly suited for weaponry.
Mokoto: What is this made of? I’ve never seen anything like it.
Jiro: That would be our special steel alloy, made only buy us. I’d tell you how we make it, but we’d have to kill you.
He let out a weak chuckle.
Akio took a step closer to Keiji and whispered softly and scaredly:
Akio: You think he’s serious?
Keiji: Don’t worry about it, kid.
Akio just shrugged and began to admire the wares once again.
Takara: Ooh this thingy’s cool!
She had in her arms a loaded crossbow.
Amaya: Oh dear god.
The older girl made her way stealthily to the other side of the cart, out of harm’s way.
Keiji: Takara, please put that down before you—
Takara: Hold on hold on. I just want to see how to—
And with a click of metal, the arrow flew out of the bow, soared above everyone’s heads, and crashed through the front window of the Mistress’s apartment. The young girl’s face drained white and her eyes gaped wide.
Jiro: And I’ll be taking that.
He snatched the crossbow from the girl’s hands and placed it back on the cart.
Jiro: How about instead of a weapon, I’ll get you some pretty jewelry.
Takara: Ooh! Jewelry sounds nice.
Her milky face lit up back to the bubbly expression always found with Takara.
Yume: Hey guys!
She ran over to the group, her skirt flowing in the breeze behind her, along with her long, silky hair. Keiji took one look at her, smiling with that bright attitude he'd only seen a few times before.
Takara: Yume! How’d it go with your mom?
Nami: I’d say it went well. Hm, Yume?
The girl smiled at her mum, who had been trailing right behind the girl.
Keiji: I’m glad.
He smiled gladly at the girl and received a smile back. He knew things were alright, now. And looking at that smile, feeling his heart race, he knew something else, too.
He was head-over-heels.

Mikona: Puu! I'm here to help Starlite give a preview for her next chapter!
Looks like the crew's off to the next island! Yume's kind of sad that she has to go home after this journey? But why? And Mokoto wants to try out his new sword, but on what?
Next time on Beyond the Horizon: "No Fair! You Cheated!"
Mikona can't wait!
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User Comments: [6]
Community Member

Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 05:54pm


Sike Redwolf
Community Member

Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 06:05pm

another well written and awesome chapter. Glad your back ^_^

Community Member

Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 06:06pm

SWEEET!!! ^_____^ awesome chappie, Starlite. and of course your readers wouldn't give up on you! we're amazing like that ^.~

Community Member

Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 07:44pm

Another awesome chapter. It's still as good as every. Keep it coming I can't wait for the next.

Community Member

Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 11:35pm

heart awsome chapter, per usuall, even if it had been awhile.

and starlite its not that i didnt give up on you its more like i love your stories so... jk jk cant wait for the next ch.!!!!! heart

Community Member

Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 06:35pm

omg!!! its sooo good!! im pretty sure that everone would agree with me when i say "we love your stories and we will not stop reading them!" cant wait for the next chapter!! YAY!!

p.s. im still sick V_V

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