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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
Today at school we had our Social Studies states exam, we did Parts I and II. Part III is to be done tomorrow. It's the essay...I'm scared...I hate writing essays. They're scarrrryyy!!!

And after i came home...I had to go for a check up, and came home...played a tiny bit of video game, and that's it. I'm still stuck in the both Star Ocean and Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is giving me a headache...xD

Convo with Sam:

Tiessa Lewis: Hey!
Tiessa Lewis: It's Samm.
Tiessa Lewis:
Tiessa Lewis: Hamim?
Hamim Sultana: oh hey!
Hamim Sultana: sry i was changing
Hamim Sultana: long time no talk
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: oh and guess what?
Tiessa Lewis: yeah
Hamim Sultana: i went to the clinic awhile ago for a regular ketchup
Tiessa Lewis: i been having sooooo many midterms lately..
Hamim Sultana: check up*
Tiessa Lewis: our final exam in social studies is comming up too ugh.
Tiessa Lewis: i aced everything.
Hamim Sultana: we already had our midterms around Janurary and feb, and on may we finished our terra nova and states exams
Hamim Sultana: and today we had our SS states exam
Hamim Sultana: and tomorrow we have to write the essay, which is part II
Tiessa Lewis: wow..
Tiessa Lewis: and to think i have to deal with that all in september
Tiessa Lewis: and application for high schools
Hamim Sultana: and the on the 19th we have our science regents which is 3 hurs...and it's HAAAARD!
Tiessa Lewis: ugh.
Tiessa Lewis: i love science lol well.. i dont love science so much any more..
Tiessa Lewis: not ryt now
Tiessa Lewis: guess what we are doing in science! -.-
Hamim Sultana: WATERCLOSET!
Hamim Sultana: u keep talking
Tiessa Lewis: its terrible
Hamim Sultana:
Tiessa Lewis: we are doing sexual reproduction..
Tiessa Lewis: between male and female
Tiessa Lewis: waaaaaaaaa
Tiessa Lewis: i threw up yesterday cause of itt.
Tiessa Lewis: my baby sisterr!
Hamim Sultana: sry it took so long
Hamim Sultana: im back
Hamim Sultana: tummy ache
Hamim Sultana: awww!
Hamim Sultana: she's a cutie!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: ru ok?
Hamim Sultana: maaaaybe....idk xD
Hamim Sultana: but she's cuteQ
Hamim Sultana: !*
Tiessa Lewis: im on babyphat.com looking for a dress for mii ring day.
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: heheh ooh okies
Hamim Sultana: mii ring day?
Tiessa Lewis: yesh
Tiessa Lewis: mii ringday.
Hamim Sultana: i never heard of that
Tiessa Lewis: um
Tiessa Lewis: its lyk
Tiessa Lewis: the step to becomming an 8th grader and high school
Tiessa Lewis: leaders of the school
Tiessa Lewis: and we have this big ceremony
Tiessa Lewis: get dressed up
Tiessa Lewis: get rings
Tiessa Lewis: and let people turn our rings
Tiessa Lewis: its wierd i kno. but fun lol
Hamim Sultana: lol cool
Hamim Sultana: i wish we could try that
Hamim Sultana: one of the highscools has a dayc alled dress up for success or something
Tiessa Lewis: dress for sucess?
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Hamim Sultana: lala
Tiessa Lewis: im so mad i cant find a dress. not even on ebay im having bad luck
Tiessa Lewis: and i only got this weekend and next week to get a dress
Tiessa Lewis: ugh im stressed
Tiessa Lewis: im gonna scream
Tiessa Lewis: im loosing mii mind
Tiessa Lewis: omggg.
Hamim Sultana: dont u have any current dresses?
Tiessa Lewis: um. no.
Tiessa Lewis: i wear more tops and pants.
Tiessa Lewis: than dresses.
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies
Hamim Sultana: lol, my friend has retartded doctors xD
Hamim Sultana: they were asking her today if she's a virgin and she's like yeah
Hamim Sultana: and then they asked her againa nd she said, "but u just asked me."
Hamim Sultana: and they asked her again
Hamim Sultana: and she said yeah!
Hamim Sultana: and the doctor started yelling t her xD
Hamim Sultana: and the doctor started yelling t her xD-+
Tiessa Lewis has signed out. (6/5/2007 9:20 PM)

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Edit: My convo with Nat from yesterday.

akmhamim: ...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: mimzy!!!!
akmhamim: hey
akmhamim: Oooh lookie, I have a DID
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: DID?
akmhamim: Dissociative Identity Disorder
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: what's that?
akmhamim: Not really bad since I don't hurt people with it...
akmhamim: oh it's like ummm...
akmhamim: u see how I am right? I have a whole bunch of different personalities?
akmhamim: i have like 507468743 different people living inside of m,e
akmhamim: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as a condition where a single individual evidences two or more distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. It is believed that at least two of these personalities may routinely take control of the individual's behavior. There is also some associated memory loss, which goes beyond normal forgetfulness, often referred to as "losing time".
akmhamim: no wonder why I have such a bad memory. that explains a lot
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah i guess so
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: still kinda cool to have more than one personality biggrin
akmhamim: yeah that's cool. I feel speacial. biggrin
akmhamim: but too bad for the bad memory thingy
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah i know
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i have bad memory too but i don't have several personalities so that's not the reason for that hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i might have 1 other personality but it's probably near extinction
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol razz
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: or maybe it's just an old me
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: a part of me fading
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk razz
akmhamim: i think it's just a bit of hidden mask or somehting...
akmhamim: that's what it was like for me before
akmhamim: in around elementry I was a book worm and a goody goody (still am) and I was the shyest and most quietist student
akmhamim: but still at home a lot of the time i used to talk non stop
akmhamim: and later on a little more of me started to show a bit more and more
akmhamim: and about maybe a year or two later i noticed the differences in me, and that sort of confused me
akmhamim: so...yeah
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: maybe im not so sure yet about me
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im.... complicated
akmhamim: i guess there isn't another person in u xD
akmhamim: it doesnt seem that way to me at least
akmhamim: to me you're more like...err...just shy in front of strangers or just ppl you're not that close to, and you be yourself only with the people close to you. take me and karen for example
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im not so sure it's even that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: cause sometimes i can be crazy around whoever
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: some random stranger
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk maybe i have problems at school
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it's usually students i can't act myself around
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: like my classmates
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk im weird!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: that's my answer to everything
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im WEIRD!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i HAVE no answer to my weird ways idk how to even go into explaining it im just WEIRD
akmhamim: no, i wouldn't say you're weird, I'd just say your behavior differes becaouse of who you're around or the environment
akmhamim: happens to many ppl out there
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i still say im weird >_>
akmhamim: weird in a good way biggrin
akmhamim: im weird too. but still special. MWAHAHAHAH! biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lo;
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol*
akmhamim: hehe. can i ask u a question?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yup what is it?
akmhamim: do you ever notice a sudden change in my personailty or something? i dont mean all the time. a lot of the times i can be hyper. but at home i'm like...a dead person. if u saw me at home you wouldn't believe im the crazy and hyper, happy go lucky hamim you know
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: trust me i know how that feels
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: when i get to lunch time at school, im all hyper, loud, and making everyone laugh
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and then after that, i get to class and im the quietest person there
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i swear that even a mouse is louder than me XD
akmhamim: lol.
akmhamim: but do u ever notice it in me?
akmhamim: that's what im asking
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah i do
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sometimes it's a mood change though
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: like ur all happy one moment then sad the next
akmhamim: well not the mood change...i mean the whole personality...
akmhamim: i guess the ppl who notices that the most is Faiza and some ppl from school
akmhamim: well actually almost everyone form school
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: well i mean personality and mood aren't all that different really
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but im not so sure about personality
akmhamim: they noticed that im sometimes quiet, and then the next day im loud. like today...and then all of a sudden after lunch i became so...dead...
akmhamim: nah, mood is somehting like...expressions and how you're feeling at the moment
akmhamim: and personailty is the type of person you are
akmhamim: so there's a huge difference in those two
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: not entirely
akmhamim: but mostly, yes
akmhamim: i don't think mood and personailty goes too much hand in hand
akmhamim: the type of personailty u have sorta can affect ur mood i guess
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: that's y the're not all that different
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: they do go hand in hand
akmhamim: say for example, if you're very bossy and outgoing person, u might usally be well...u know the way theyhehave
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but only one-sided
akmhamim: behave*
akmhamim: nah, i still dont think they go hand in hand
akmhamim: a little something in similar, but a little something doesn't mean it's a whole big thing
akmhamim: umm...hello?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sorry i was playing the puzzle game to try and get more gold on gaia
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i needed just a bit more to get something
akmhamim: ooh okies. what are u trying to get?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk yet XD haha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but it's around 2600 gold
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i forgot what i was trying to get
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i think boots
akmhamim: oooh okies
akmhamim: hello?
akmhamim: it's been awhile I've had a celeb crush
akmhamim: and guess who it is this time?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sorry i went to take a short walk around the house cause my leg was hurting me a lot
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so who
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: who's ur celeb crush? biggrin
akmhamim: hehe it's ok
akmhamim: and and and (omg, i got out of my sudden deep scary dead personality) IT'S A GUUUUUUY!
akmhamim: well f course it's a guy but but but
akmhamim: a japanese dude! well two dudes
akmhamim: and and and OMG!
akmhamim: his name is Kanata!
akmhamim: Kanata Hongo
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: the dudes in ur convo with billy?
akmhamim: WHAT? u actually read it? xD
akmhamim: wat the..?
akmhamim: omg yay!
akmhamim: someone actualy reads them all!
akmhamim: yaaaay!
akmhamim: and no, not those dudes
akmhamim: they're not celebs
akmhamim: but they're form the live action series of Pots and Pans
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh lol k
akmhamim: Kanata has a pot, and Shiroto has a pan
akmhamim: and they bang it together. xD jk
akmhamim: but yeah, I'll show u a vidoe of them in awhile
akmhamim: im watching a japanese movie (just because Kanata-kun is in it!)
akmhamim: oh and many other ppl are doing hte same.lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awesome
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: WUAAAAAH sad ( lucky billy!
akmhamim: he's soooooo cute!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he got to go to Japan!
akmhamim: i know. sad (
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: WUAAAAAH
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad (
akmhamim: i was crying...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im crying right now
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: all these things he did
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lucky him
akmhamim: sad and u should see his myspace pics...
akmhamim: wanna see?
akmhamim: the movie...i dont get it, but i feel sorry for the ppl
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lucky billy sad (
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: omfg the girl he was talking about is named Anzu! O.O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: that's Tea's name in yugi-oh as the japenese version!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: her japanese name is Anzu in yugi-oh and "translated" to english it's Tea!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: LUCKY! (even though I don't like Tea that much XD)
akmhamim: I like the name Anzu biggrin actually I like almost all japanese name
akmhamim: except a few...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: me too!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: INUYASHA!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: WUAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad (
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: NO FAIR!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: I WANNA GO TO JAPAN!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: WUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad (
akmhamim: sad
akmhamim: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Random/l_e40454f6cd77509497681e14d7d227fe.jpg
akmhamim: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Random/Slap_for_Sparta.gif
akmhamim: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Random/rangers.gif
akmhamim: i like the other dude too...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: :-< lucky billy
akmhamim: omg! poor guy! STUPID WOMAN! she's making him worried!
akmhamim: the two are stuck in an elevator
akmhamim: and the woman s like, "do you have to meet someone?"
akmhamim: and he said no nothign liek that...
akmhamim: i just missed my plane to yadda yadda ya
akmhamim: and she's like bla bla bla bla, frankly spekaing, she knew he was to meet his girlfriends
akmhamim: girlfriend*
akmhamim: and then she said, "at times like this ppl explode. at a time liek this if someone is nice to a girl, she's ready to take off with him"
akmhamim: and he's like, Mei Ling is not liek that! aww! cute biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awww
akmhamim: poor dude!
akmhamim: i dont understand anyhitng xD as long as i can see Kanata im ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: NAAAAAAAAAA!
akmhamim: lalalala
akmhamim: oh! I dont think I showed u what I wrote about faiza did i?
akmhamim: lol, first I wrote natalie, and hten i deleted it and wrote faiza. lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: um no i don't think so
akmhamim: well of cours eu didnt
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i was gonna read ur journal from sat. but im feeling lazy XD
akmhamim: i'll show it to u right now
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i'll read it later
akmhamim: SHHHH!
akmhamim: EWWWWWWWW! DIE YOU &*@&*%$@&^%
akmhamim: i dont like her already!
akmhamim: trying to look pretty for MY Kanata-kun!
akmhamim: and he's blushjing!
akmhamim: DIE GIRL DIE!
akmhamim: she came outta nowhere amnd take him away from me!
akmhamim: sad (
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it's just a movie
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: in real life
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he's all yours
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: biggrin
akmhamim: .............
akmhamim: .....................
akmhamim: ok i guess you're right...
akmhamim: but while they're shooting the movie...I shoot HER!
akmhamim: Kanata-kun: you look like you could be a model. I'M GONNA SHOOT YOU TOO KANATA!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hahaha
akmhamim: I WANNA KILL HER!
akmhamim: grrrrrrrrrrr!
akmhamim: oh watever. she's too old for him. MWAHAHAH! i take him!
akmhamim: IDIOT GIRL!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: when he got onto his bike, she was like that? and he's like what else or osmehting like that
akmhamim: and she said, but you said bike
akmhamim: and he said "look, i'm only in middle school, all right?"
akmhamim: she cant appriciate him!
akmhamim: *gets on the bacl of the bike and rides off*
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe awww adorable
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and u both drive off into the sunset
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: KAWAII!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: biggrin
akmhamim: yaaaaaaay! oh!
akmhamim: speaking of which!
akmhamim: Kanata-kun plays Ryoma in the live pots and pans, and in the anime one, in one of the openings Ryoma rides a bicycle and the sun is setting. and then he sits ina place and he drinks soda, and he looks hoooooooooooooottttttt!
akmhamim: and he's wearing those gloves...forgot what they're called, but i love thos ekind of gloves
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: fist gloves?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: the ones without like the finger parts to it so the fingers are exposed
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ?
akmhamim: yup yup
akmhamim: I LVOE THOSE! hehehe
akmhamim: what the...the woman is crazy. xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: mimi..... can i ask ya a question?
akmhamim: the unknown guy looks like he's gonna faint
akmhamim: sure!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: um... if u liked this guy a lot... but this other girl liked him too and it was possible he liked her too, what would u do if u were just his friend but weren't sure if he liked the other girl or not?
akmhamim: im assuming it has to do with u, jousu and that other girl?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: well...i dont think there is much to do...but probably just...hmm..im not sure. it happened to me a little bit in 5th grade. but i ended up telling him xD
akmhamim: and also...i don't really pay attnetion to those kind of things
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh
akmhamim: so it's not that great to get advice from me...however
akmhamim: if it were me
akmhamim: mostly likely, (depeneding ont he personailty im in...) i'd probably...try to steal him away? xD or just become closer with him
akmhamim: i mean, i can never be too sure if he likes her or not
akmhamim: so i
akmhamim: 'would try to get closer...and try to steal him?
akmhamim: or u should go up to hima nd be like, "Hi! i like you!"
akmhamim: xD ok no, not the best thing to do, although i did that a whole bunch of times before in my life xD
akmhamim: and seriously...i did
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i just don't know i mean...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i really really REALLY like him
akmhamim: xD (<-- idiot)
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't want to call it love because... i don't want to misinterpret this and get hurt or anything like that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but.... i also know how it feels like to see the guy u like with someone else and .... i don't want to do that to that other girl....
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but.... i really like him...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but.... im not ready to tell him that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so far i've done a great job at keeping my emotions bottled up about this
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't want to cry for another guy no matter how great or nice the guy is even if he's my friend or something
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but... im about to break
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i just don't know what to do
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he's nice, caring, funny, he likes anime too O.O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i like being around him
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i get all warm and fuzzy inside smile
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and his smile is adorable
akmhamim: hehe that's sweet
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he's smooth and ~sigh~ i can go on
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but... im not ready to tell him
akmhamim: but u alrteady know about my opinions eh? xD I probably wont be help you there sis... sad
akmhamim: i already gave u a whole speech...
akmhamim: so there is no way i can help...but u're welcome to tell me your feelings whenever u like...although that might now help...
akmhamim: OW! my neck owww...it's more liek around my neck...whenever i breath it hurts...and today during school my right br.....started hurting whenever i breathe... sad (
akmhamim: oh sorry go on
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk who else to tell then
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't want to talk to sandy about this cause she just dismisses it or thinks Josue is not all that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: she likes Izzy more than Josue
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and if i tell Gabi, she just teases me about it but doesn'r really give me advice
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and Karebear is rarely on sad
akmhamim: i put karebear 4th on my top...actually...i dont even want her there. idk why, i know she probably has her own trouble, but i dont feel close to her as much as i used to be...i miss the old karen...we were like best friends.......
akmhamim: im sorry sis, i really am worthless...it's justt hat im no expert int hings like these
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah me neither
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ~sigh~
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i wish i knew what to do
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't even know how to act around him anymore
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i like to make him laugh but now i think im just comming off as annoying
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: well... at least Gabi kinda helped today
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: she told Josue to walk me to class after lunch XD
akmhamim: lol. i wish i was there. i'd help u two out...but im so far away...i cant do anyhting to help my own best friend sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it's not like he likes me back anyways sad ~sigh~
akmhamim: u cant be sure of that! >_<
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i am sad
akmhamim: shut up!
akmhamim: u can never be too sure!
akmhamim: dont make me come over there!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: we're just friends
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: trust me he only sees me as a friend
akmhamim: it's never too late to try to trip him wink
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: speaking of trip i accidentally stepped on Izzy's feet today XD
akmhamim: lol
akmhamim: and then?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i said im sorry and he just smiled and said it's ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and then i left to go to our next class XD
akmhamim: hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ya know
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: on friday though
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: we had this AVID college fair in the library
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and Josue is in AVID (i was in AVID too for 7th and 8th grade but didn't get it in 9th cause honors students can't have AVID) and so he had to do research on a college and make a board with all that research
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he had it displayed on the bored and he had to dress up nice
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i got to school late that day but i was able to see him before he went inside the library for his presentation and all and and and i almost fainted XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he was soooooo HOT!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he had on this magenta color dress shirt, black dress pants, and a black tie and and and and =P~
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and during lunch i told him he looked handsome and he smiled and said "thank u thank u"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe :">
akmhamim: hehe biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and then during 6th period (after lunch) we went to the library for the presentations and stuff and my friend Beatriz who has AVID too kept telling me to go up to Josue and say hi cause his college wasn't having any visitors XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and finally after a while i said fine
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so i went up to him and was like "hey josue what zup
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ? i didn't know u had AVID"
akmhamim: eeeewwwwwww, u said, "what zup"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and that was a stupid question XD cause i saw him at lunch and he told me he had AVID then XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so it was kinda pointless to tell him
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ack i was such an idiot XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: ewww! u gay idiot! u could of just said,. "Im sorry i didnt come sooner"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: anyways i asked him questions about his college and he was going to answer me but his partner kept answering everything for him XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and after a while i was like 'screw the college' and i just talked to him like w.e
akmhamim: u shoulda slapped his partner and be like, "ok, you were saying/"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i showed him this "tattoo" my friend Beatriz gave me that had her college's logo on it
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he wanted to see it so i gave it to him to see and he took one good look at it and said "mine!" and smiled and put it in his pocket and i was like "noooo" in a babyish voice and he laughed a bit and gave it back
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD hehe :">
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and then he stood up from his chair and i was like O.O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he asked what?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i said "ur really really tall"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he laughed and i said "no im serious! sit back down! ur making me feel so short" XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he wouldn't sit down! and i kept saying meanie! over and over again
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe it was adorable biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: mad
akmhamim: hehe
akmhamim: that was with jousue?
akmhamim: how do u pronounce his name anyway?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but then it ended when Beatriz asked me who Izzy was cause she knows about him and that i had him for 6th period and she was asking me which one of the guys he was
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i kept telling her "not know" cause josue was hearing
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i guess she couldn't hear me cause she kept asking "huh? what?"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: u pronounce his name the way it's spelled
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: Jo-SU-E
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and afterwards i had to go
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but guess what O.O
akmhamim: what?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: Izzy was behind me looking at a college board behind us during the first part of my convo with Josue
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i was acting like the real me
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i was talking to josue (my newest crush)
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so i felt a lil awkward cause my old crush was behind me while i talked to my new crush
akmhamim: xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah i know
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and today he walked me to my 6th period class (casue Gabi told him to XD) and the whole time Izzy was walking next to me
akmhamim: wooooow...
akmhamim: i think i'd go after izzy seeng how he seems a bit more hyperish....
akmhamim: OMG! i just had the shortest convo with faiza!
akmhamim: it was ONLY 4 minutes and 59 seconds!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: u think i should go with Izzy.....???
akmhamim: no no no!
akmhamim: i just said if i were there!
akmhamim: i think i'd like him a bit more than jousue
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh
akmhamim: form what im hearing, izzy is a bit more hyper than jousue right? I guess one of my sides likes romantic guys, but most of the others sides doesn't really care for romantic guys...
akmhamim: jousue seems more romantic
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: izzy is .... a complicated issue though
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't even want to go there again
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i have enough issues with josue as it is
akmhamim: huh?
akmhamim: oh ok
akmhamim: i dont get it but ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i don't even talk to izzy
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im not even friends with him
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: we'll never be friends
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: we'll never talk to each other
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and im pretty sure he likes michelle
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i think she's starting to like him too.....
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so why like a guy who doesn't like u back?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it's kinda.... useless
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: or better yet, why like a guy who'll NEVER like u back?
akmhamim: sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im sorta a hyprocite once i think about it
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im in love with a whole bunch of anime guys
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: whole never return my feelings as well
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i still love them all
akmhamim: how does that make u a hypocrite?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im saying i don't want to like a guy who'll never like me back
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yet i love naruto-kun, inuyasha, renji, moriyama-kun, etc. but they'll never like me back either
akmhamim: sad
akmhamim: lala>
akmhamim: today was princeple's and teacher's day
akmhamim: and and and well yeah
akmhamim: and me and faiza kept joking around
akmhamim: and nadirah had to tell me to be quiet a whole bunch of times
akmhamim: but i still wouldn't
akmhamim: and i tookmy ipod shuffle to school
akmhamim: and listen to it xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: OH! i should take mine too XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but nah
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: it's because of the girls' uniforms we can get away with it
akmhamim: as long as no one can hear it that is
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol yeah
akmhamim: hey nat, can i ask u something?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ure
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sure*
akmhamim: do u sometimes feel like Karen isn't much of a "best friend" to us? I know maybe she has her own problems but...idk...I knew her a bit longer than you...a lot longer actually, does 2 years count? and i miss the old karen...
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah i understand
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i mean, even the few times i do get to talk to her i feel distant with her
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: like, is she really so busy not to have time with her friends?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sometimes i feel like she excludes me from her life
akmhamim: same here sad I miss the old karen...the one form waaaay before. we were close like me and u are. like VERY close. and she's alywas talk to me
akmhamim: but now she barely ever replies
akmhamim: or even if she does it's always not sometimes, or most of the time, but ALWAYS rpelies like 15 minutes later
akmhamim: i feel liek she doesnt care much about us anymore
akmhamim: whenever im sad, i never think about her
akmhamim: i think about u, kikgame, and misscroft ( i havent got their actual names yet xD)
akmhamim: i really like those two
akmhamim: when u weren't on, the first person i went to was kikgame, and she cheered me up.
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: when im sad, i think about karen
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i know she'll be no help
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad which makes me feel bad
akmhamim: u still think about her? o.O u're gay.
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: for thinking that
akmhamim: heheh jk xD
akmhamim: but i cant believe u still think about her when u're sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i guess it's cause i wish the old karen was there
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk but i know she'd understand and she helps me
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i feel like it takes a while to do so
akmhamim: i feel like she barely cares
akmhamim: even if she does help us out, she cares a tiny bit
akmhamim: but not too sincerely
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah....
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ~sigh~ sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it feels like sandy all over again
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ........
akmhamim: sry!
akmhamim: i have to go now sad

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