I have many dream so Ive decided to record them on gaia...This may be a place for you to hear some weird stories....
Well this old man kidnapped me and I had to live in this road where you have to go upstairs to get to the house, but all the houses were joined together....and i had to live in a green bed.
And I escaped because this cute boy helped me run away...
Then I felt the back of my head and I had a lump and my mum said that I had a brain tumor (my mum is a nurse).... So she put me on a operating and said she had to take it out.
There were frogs helping her O_o and they clipped pegs to my arms and legs, which opened up my head (like a robot) and then she took the tumor out.....But after that she tried to pull out my tongue!
And thats when I woke up wahmbulance
Penny g Community Member |
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