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My Stories
These are stories I've written with my best friend and wrote by myself.
The Brothers. Written By: Amaya Kobayashi and Yori Yashikura
* after few hours of bringing boxes from a moving truck inside the house, the two boys start to bring their own boxes up the stairs and to their rooms *
Brother 1: How Much More Sasuke?
Sasuke: about 6 more boxes Kiba
Kiba: Aw man
Sasuke: why, XD they too heavy for you little brother
Kiba: No, Just Annoying
Sauske: XD
Kiba: Nice Veiw eh
Sasuke: yeah.... veiw of the beach....just imagine all the girls in their bikinis going by everyday
Kiba: I know... Speaking of which *points to the beach* Look at all of them right there
Sasuke: * looks * wow... i love this house
Kiba: Who wouldn't
* they continue to watch *
Kiba:.. that doesn't look very good eh
Sasuke: no... it doesn't.... are they beating up that one girl?
Kiba: Looks like it *goes up stairs*
Sasuke: * still watching *
*girls kick sand in the other girl's face and then walk away with a little dog following them*
Sasuke: * watches them leave *
Kiba: yo sasuke... hurry up. These boxes aren't going to move themselves
Sasuke: i'm coming * heads up stairs*
The girl that was beaten : * hugging her dog and is crying *
The Dog: *whines* *licking her hand*
Girl: i'm sorry Silver...* snifle * they didn't hurt you * snifle * did they?
Silver: *shakes head*
Girl: *nods* *and hugs him more*
*to Sasuke and Kiba*
Kiba: There all done ^^
Sasuke: about time
Kiba: i know
Sasuke:... I'm going for a walk on the beach
Kiba: alright...have fun I'm going to unpack XD
Sasuke: I will
Kiba: * goes ups tairs *
Sasuke: *leaves the house*
* to Girl with group*
Girl: *thinking about the poor girl that they were beating on*
* the girls are laughing and talking about the patheic girl which they were beating *
Girl 2: Hey Yori. Wasn't it great?... Yori?
Yori: huh? Yeah it was
Girl 2: geez whats with you lately
Yori: Nothing Ai
Girl 3: I bet she has a guy on her mind. Right Yori?
Yori: yeah
Ai: so who is it?
Yori: No one you know
Ai: tell us yori
Yori: the new guy... ~hee hee there are no new guys at our school~
Ai: new guy?
Yori: yeah... Right Cho?... Hinata?
Cho: there's no new guy yori
Yori: stare yes there is
Cho: no...beisdes i would know if there was
Hinata: I believe Yori...
Yori: how you know Cho?
Cho: cuz i would have seen him
Ai: wait a mintue...don't they start tomorrow.... i heard about it...two brothers are starting at our school, tomorrow
Yori: there are?
Ai: yeah
Cho: oh yeah. i remember that....
Ai: hey yori...how come you've seen what they look like already?
Yori: they moved on my street
Cho: really
Ai: that's lucky
Yori: *looks at Hinata*
Hinata: *whispers to Yori* You dug yourself a hole
Yoru: shh... *to Ai and Cho* Yeah
Hinata: ^^ anyway...time to go home... i'm completely tired
Yori: I'm going swimming
Ai: alrighty...
Cho: we'll see you tomororw yori
Hinata: first thing in the morning
Yori: yeah bye *goes back the way they came from*
* Cho, Hinata andf Ai leave *
Yori: *sighs* Poor Amaya... *looks around* Crimson where did you go you devilish dog
Crimson: arf arff * sitting down up ahead *
Yori: ^^ there you are... *starts taking off her clothes reivling her bathing suit.* It's so nice that we live near a beach
Crimson: arf
Yori: *sees Amaya*... *walking over* *sees a guy with her*
Crimson: * looks over and starts to wqalk over there *
Yori:... Hey Amaya *smiles*
Amaya: * looks over eyes beat red *...
Yori: ...
Sasuke: *looks at her* ~that's one of those girls~
Yori:... how bad are you this time?
Amaya: * turns away from her * * still hugging her dog *
Yori:... fine give me the cold shoulder today... Come on Crimson lets go for a swim
Sasuke: why would she...after all you girls were beating on her
Yori: pfft I don't
Sasuke: but you never stop it... your basically doing it too... i woulldn't blame her for not talking to you
Yori:... she normally talks to me
Sasuke: maybe to avoid you beating on her.... jeezz just leave her alone
Silver: 8 loud yelp *
Amaya: * queitly * sorry silver * lets go of him *
Yori:... i hope they didn't hurt him...
Sasuke: jsut go away
Yori: ^^ *pets Silver* *play hits Amaya* See yeah May
Amaya: ....* queitly * bye...
Yori: *sighs* ~I don't want to go home~ Come on Crimson... let's go
Crimson: *follows yori*
Yori: *leaves*
Sasuke: What the hell
Sasuke: What's with her? She watches her friends beat you and then comes and talks to you
Silver: *growls at Sasuke*
Sasuke: what's with you?
Silver: 8 just gives him a back down stare *
Sasuke:... *looks at amaya*
Amaya: 8hands on face and has tears going down her cheecks *
Sasuke: Amaya
Amaya: * looks up at him *
Sasuke: want to go home
Amaya: * sahkes head *
Sasuke: want to go to my place?
Amaya:.... i can't go far from my house...
Sasuke: where do you live?
Amaya: * points to house that is behind them *
Sasuke: *looks* *laughs* you live right next to me
Amaya: you just moved in?
Sasuke: Yeah
Amaya: so i guess youll be starting school here tomorrow... which one are you going to?
Sasuke: South Lincoln
Amaya: that's my school...
Sasuke: Really? That's so cool. Yeah my brother and I well be starting there tomorrow
Amaya: not the best school ever but it's there
Sasuke: yeah
Amaya: ^^
Sasuke: ^^
*to Yori*
Crimson: * walking *
Yori: *walking up to the front door of her house*
* it's queit *
Yori: *opens the door* Mom, dad?
Rin: 8 sitting on couch * oh...hi yori
Yori: hi mom...
Rin: your home late...where were you?
Yori: On the beach...
Rin: okay....whats wrong?
Yori: *smiles* nothings wrong
Rin: ^^ okay
Yori: ~thank god... she's in a good mood~
Rin: 8 goes back to watching tv *
Yori: *goes up stairs*
Crimson: 8 follows *
Yori: *goes into her room and closes the door* She's in a good mood Crim *picks her up* *sighs* but dad's not here for 3 days
Crmison: arf
Yori: I wish dad was home
Crimosn: *lies on bed *
Yori: *sits beside her* As long she doesn't get into the drinks
Crimosn: *nods*
Yori: *lies down*
Crimson: arf arf
Yori: what?
Crimson: ^^
Yori: you goof
Crismon: ^^
Yori: *pets her* It's going to be a long three days
Crismon: * yawns *
Yori: *falls asleep*
Crismon: * goes to sleep too *
*to Amaya and Sasuke*
Amaya: ...
Sasuke: ^^ nice night eh?
Amaya: yeah
Sasuke: well we better go inside before it gets any colder
Amaya: * nods * * gets up *
Sasuke: *gets up too* are you okay to walk?
Amaya: yes
Sasuke: okay... um i have a question
Amaya: * nods *
Sasuke: are you and that girl friends?
Amaya:....thats hard to say....on some level we are... but we don't hang out or anything.....
Sasuke: oh...
Amaya: * picks up silver *
Silver: Arf
Amaya: * pets him *
Sasuke: ^^ *walking Amaya home*
Amaya: ~ why is he being so nice? ~
Silver: ^^
Amaya: * petting silver *
Sasuke: ^^
*they get to Amaya's house*
Amaya: * opesn door * hello....... no ones home
Sasuke: are you okay to stay alone
Amaya: yeah i do a lot of the time
Sasuke: just making sure
Amaya: * nods *
Sasuke: see yeah tomorrow
Amaya: * nods *
Sasuke: *takes her hand and kisses it*
Amaya: 0///////0
Sasuke: *walks away*
Amaya: 0/////////0
Sasuke: *goes into his house*
Amaya: 0///////////////0
Silver: *looks at her*
Amaya: 0/////////////////0
SilveR: Arf
Amaya: * shakes head * umm...in the house...right silver * goes inside *
*Morning with Kiba and Sasuke*
Kiba: hurry up sasuke
Sasuke: I'm coming
Kiba: ....your going to make us late already
Sasuke: I know
KIba: * waiting at door *
Sasuke: sorry *runs over to hiim*
Kiba: bout time
Sasuke: since when have you ever wanted to go to school?
Kiba: fisrt day...meet chicks XD
Sasuke: i knew it was something like that
Kiba: XD i know you want to too
Sasuke: loser *walks out the front door*
Yori: *walking by*
Kiba: 8 follows * what... i know you do...whats changed your mind
Sasuke: nothing *watching Yori walk to Amaya's house*
Kiba: who you looking at?
Sasuke: *ingores Kiba*
Yori: *knocks on Amaya's door*
* no answer *
Yori: *sighs* still asleep again *yells* Amaya!!
* thump sound *
Yori: *laughs* *knocks again*
* the door opens *
Amaya: *wearing he short shorts and tang top * *rubs eye * yeah?
Yori: morning May... Get your a** in gear.. oh and there's two boys over there looking at you
Amaya: * blushs* moves back in her house more * * nods * * goes up stairs *
Yori: I'm going on ahead... I have some stuff to do... XD Mrs. Short is bugging me again to join... See yeah
Amaya: *waves *
Yori: *leaves*
Kiba: wow.... this street rocks...our neghbour is a hot girl who wears skimpy clothes heart
Sasuke: *sighs* come on
Kiba: yup
*they leave*
* to Amaya*
Amaya: * running down the stairs and goes into teh itchen * i guess they never came home last night...as usual *sighs* * grabs her bag and runs out her door locking it behind her *
*to Yori *
Yori: *in Mrs.Short's drama/music room*
Mrs. Short: keep going
Yori: *singing "We Live" with Ito*
* they finish *
Yori: i'm not singing that in front of everyone
Mrs. Short: yes you are
Ito: Is it going to kill your image Yori?
Yori: stare I have no image
Ito: * laughs * Yes you do...you're the most popular girl in school...of course you do
Yori: What ever Ito. Everyone knows that I'm a goof
Ito: uh-huh
Mrs. SHort: enough... get back to practicing
Yori: Mama Yes Mama
Mrs. SHort: * leaves the rooom for a few moments *
Yori: *sighs* *looks Ito* I'm not that popular
Ito: are you kiding me... any girl would kill to be in your spot
Yori: *sighs* I'm not that pretty. Not that smart and not even strong...
Ito: ha.... yori...you've got a hot bod...your blonde and unreach able....everyone wants to be you and all the guys want you. you basically can get anything you want. everyone listens to you...and follow in your foot steps * walks off stage * well i'm done here
Yori: But Mrs. Short... And you're wrong
Ito: no i'm right.... and screw mrs. short i don't care * walks out of the rooom *
Yori: Ito get back here *goes after him*
Ito: come on...lets go outside
Yori:... okay?
Ito: i'm bored and might as well get fresh air...watch the rest of the losers come to school
Yori: yeah okay... ~this is a first~
Ito: * hewads out side *
Yori: *follows*
* few minutes later and buses show *
Yori: *sighs* Another day of hell has started
Ito: ... XD* points * look new students are here
Yori: they live on my street
Ito: wow really.... cool... so i guess you've meet them then
Yori: the one... after Cho and Ai finished beating on Amaya and I went back to talk to her
Ito: ahhh
Yori: yup
Ito: they have nice bods.... i approve of them
Yori: *laughs* You horny b*****d
Ito: hey can't help it...they are just damn sexy xd
Yori: What ever
Ito: what...oh i see you like one of them don't you
Yori: I don't even know them
Ito: you gots the hots for one though. so which one is it?
Yori: I don't have the hots for them Ito. I'm staying single *laughs* let all of the guys droll over me... Which they don't
Ito: * laughs * yup you keep thinking that yor
Yori: I will
Ai: *tackles Ito* Hi Honey
Ito: let go of me Ai
Yori: *laughs*
Ito: stop it Ai * pushing her off *
Ai: * tears * awww why... you don't like me? * lets go *
Ito: no... * walks behind yori * i don't like bitches like you * puts his hands up yori's shirt from behind and holding her close to him * i like girls like yori
Yori: *blushes* Ito must you do that... all of the time?
*Kiba and Sasuke walk by*
Yori: *looks at Kiba* *blush*
Ito: yes of course * looks at the guys * * likes his lips *
Kiba: *smikes at Yori*
Yori: *looks away and blushes*
Ai: ~so that's the one~
Ito: * still going up her shirt and watching the guys *
Kiba/ Sauske: * keep walking *
Yori: Ito... Why are you so evil?
Ito: cause it's fun heart
Yori: crying
Ito: * sees a guy he totally has a crush on * HARU!!!!!! heart * lets go of yori and runs over to him *
Yori/Ai: sweatdrop
Ai: he's to funny * turns to yori * so.... it's the one with brown hair eh
Yori: huh *wasn't paying attention*
Ai: the brown haired guy...you like him
Yori: Not really *watching Amaya running down the road* ~please don't come through the front door~
Ai: i'm sure
Yori: *looks at her* what were we talking about?
Ai: arg stare * walks away *
yori: what did i do?... crying I'm alone
* first warning bell goes off *
Yori: It's already that time... Wow *gets up and goes back to the drama room*
Amaya: * goes in the front door * ~ just made it ~ * goes to her locker *
Kids: *whispering and pointing*
Amaya: ~ jsut ignore them ~ * puts things in her locker and grabs her books she needs * * closes her locker *
*second bell goes off just as Amaya gets into her classroom*
Amaya: ~ just made it ~ * takes her seat *
Sasuke: *sitting beside her* Puts his arm around her* Hey
Amaya: * blushes majorly * ...hi * moves over * please don't do that
Sasuke: why not?
Mrs. Garret: I know you're new Sasuke, but can you do that outside of class
Amya: * opens her note book trying to ignore sasuke *
Mrs. Garret: *teaches her lesson*
Amaya: ~ what was he thinking...he's going to get into trouble from everyone... i don't him to end up like me ~ *writing the note down *
Sasuke: *hands a note to amaya*
Amaya: *takes it* ...* opens it and reads it *
Sasuke's note: Why is everyone acting so mean to you? And are you ingoring me
Amaya: 8 writes back *
Sasuke: *reads amaya's*
Amaya's Note: they just always have.... and yes... you can't be seen with me... it's not good...the last person who ever tried talking to me ended up in the hopital
Sasuke: *write back*
Amaya: * reads *
Sasuke Note: Was it Yori?
Amaya: *writes back*
Sasauke: *reads it*
Amaya Note: no
Sasuke:... *looks at her* *whispers* where's the bruses from?
Amaya: * shrugs * * goes back to her work *
Sasuke: Oh... *works*
* the bell rings for the end of class *
Sasuke: well then. that stuff was so easy
Amaya: 8 gathering her stuff *
Sasuke: *helps her*
Amaya: i can get it...
Sasuke: I want to help
Amaya: * sighs * but
Sasuke: I don't care
Amaya:... * queitly * but i do...
SAsuke: I know *hands her stuff* *kisses her cheek* see you around *leaves the room*
Amaya: * blushing majorly *
Mrs. Garret: I see you've got a friend Amaya. ^^ I'm glad
Amaya: ...not really....
Amaya: i can't have freinds.... * heads to the door *
Mrs.Garret: ~that's not right... I though she had a ton of frineds in grade nine~
Amaya: 8 leaves *
*to Yori*
Yori: *sighs* Mrs. Short i'm learning nothing doing this
Mrs. Short: just keep doing it
Yori: crying Why must you be so mean
Mrs. Short: fine... go take a 10 minutes break
Yori: yes... I thought whining doesn't work on you
Mrs. Short: i ahve a headache and don't wanna hear it
Yori: *evil laugh and walks out the door walking right into someone* I'm sorry
Kiba: it's alright...don't worry about it
Yori: *blush*
Kiba: so yeah... see yeah
Yori: Bye... *walks out and goes gets a drink*
Kiba: 8 heads into the calss room *
Mrs.Short: You're Kiba right?
Kiba: yes
Mrs.Short: Nice to meet you. And I'm guessing you've met Yori...
Kiba: .... who?
Mrs.Short:... Oh you haven't... The girl you just walked into
Kiba: oh...
Mrs.Short: She mostly walked into you though
Mrs.Short: go take a seat anywhere... Everyone isn't here yet
Kiba: yeah * goes and takes a seat*
Mrs.Short: ^^
Yori: *walks back into the room* Didn't even take my 10 minutes ^^
Mrs.Short: Wow you didn't talk you soical butterfly you
Yori: I can if you want me to
Mrs. Short: no...stay here.... toiay is a game day... we'll be playing huckle buckle, the game that are you doing is the game ladder
Yori: isn't that a little dangerous? Remember Cory last year? He almost killed Amaya and I
Mrs. Short: he's not here this year...it's fine anyway...you'll help me with the demonstartion and i have a feeling it will be and odd number today so if sometoen doesn't have a partner you'll fill in
Yori:... yay
Mrs. Short: * goes and sits at her desk *
*the warning bell goes off *
Yori:... *looks around* where is everyone?
Mrs. Short: they'll be here ina minutes
* people coming in *
Yori: jeez Danny late much... and you smell like smoke...
Danny: bite me
Yori: bad mood much
Mrs. Short: Alright, class.... today will be a game day
Joe: Aw i don't want to get up
Yori: get off your a** Joe
Mrs. Short: alright heres the first one we're playing is "what are you doing"
Yori: *sits down*
Mrs. Shrot: yori, you start us off... you start off with disco dancing
Yori: i'm not playing
Mrs. Short: now
Yori: *stands on the stage and starts to disco dance all out*
* the entire calss laughing *
Yori: *milking it in*
Mrs. Short: kiba...go up adn ask her what she's doing...then do what she says
Kiba: 8 nods * * goes up 8 what are you doing?
Yori: Riding a very small dog
Kiba:... * does that *
*everyone laughing*
* almost te end of class now *
Mrs.Short: we are now going to play huckle buckle. get into pairs
*everyone does*
Kiba:.... sweatdrop ~ damn being a noob ~
Mrs.Short: Oh Yori
Yori: what?
Mrs. Short: your kiba's partner
Yori: *gets up* okay
Mrs. Short: * explains game *
Yori: *sighs* and so it begins
Mrs. Short: alright.... lets start off with chalre's angels
*Everyone runs to the center of the room and puts their backs to eachother*
Mrs SHort: good. now knight
Yori: *runs to the middle* Kiba get down
Kiba: ... *goes down *
Yori: *gets on his back*
Mrs. Short: * points to a group * you're out....alright now..... romeo and juliet
Yori: *runs and slids down*
Kiba: * goes on knee * ~ this si so confuzing ~
Yori: Kiba get on my knee
Kiba: 8 sits on her knee * the game confuzes me
Yori: *looks at him and smiles* you're a noob remember
Kiba: true
Yori: *looks away blush* ~i don't like him~
Mrs. Short: alright.... how about CN tower
Yori: *runs to the middle and puts her arms up*
Kiba: * watches others and imates *
Yori: XD
Kiba: gaahhhh... this game is odd
* the bell rings for class to be over *
Yori: *laughs* normally girls and guys aren't paired off together
Kiba: yeah that would help xd
Yori: *laughs* yeah it would...
Kiba: xd * grabs his bag from the room *
Kiba: later * leaves the room *
Yori: bye...
* the room is qeuit *
Yori: *leaves the room* *walking to the cafe*
Ito: 8 runs over * yori ^^!!!!!!
Yori:... Hi Ito...
Ito: ^^ so how was co-op?
Yori: It was boring as normal
Ito: oh well... ^^ it's lunch now and after we have class together <3
Yori: yeah yeah yeah.
*they walk by kiba and sasuke*
Ito: * evil grin * * hugs yori from the back * we have so much fun together <3
Yori: get off me Ito *looks at kiba*
Ito: aww why. i always hug you and you never have a problem with it
Yori:... yeah but
Ito: * whispers in her ear very sexly * but what?
Yori: *sighs*
Ito: ^^ <3
Yori: *continues looking at kiba*
Kiba: 8 watching from te corner of his eye *
Yori: Ito please let go of me
Ito: no way ^^ i love hugging you
Yori: i know you do
Ito: <3
Kiba: 8 looks away *
Yori: *stops looking at kiba and now looks all sad*
Ito: whats wrong yori?
Yori: nothing... will you let go of me now?
Ito: crying alright * lets go *
Yori: thank you... *looks at kiba* *sighs and walks away*
Ito: crying yori wait for me * goes after her *
Yori: hurry up
Ito: * cathes up *
Yori: why do you always do it in front of the new guys
Ito: what do you mena?
Yori: i swear you do that in front of the new guys all of the time
Ito: never <3
Yori: what ever *she gets into line for lunch*
Ito: yori * goes after her *
Yori: what?
Ito: 8 stops * .....
Yori: what?
Ito: never mind * turns around and walks away * V.V
Yori: Ito *runs after him* *huggles him*
Ito: ^^ i'm fine yori
Yori: ...
Ito: i'll see yeah in class
Yori: you're going to eat with Haru aren't you
Ito: no... he went out with his friends
Yori: who are sitting with?
Ito: no one... i was going t go home
Yori:... oh
Ito: so yeah... see yeah later
Yori: bye...
Ito: * leaves *
Yori: ~i'm all alone now~
Kiba: later sasuke * walking by yori now *
Sasuke: later kiba
Yori: *sits down*
Kiba: * looks at her * yori right?
Yori: *looks at him*... yeah
Kiba: where is the biology class... i threw away my schedual and don't know which room it is
Yori: *gets up* um... follow me and i'll show you...
Kiba: alright
Yori: *goes to the biology class room* so what period do you have biology?
Kiba: 3rd
Yori: oh
Kiba: yup
Yori: grade ten... you must suck at biology and drama
Kiba: no i jsut never took them before
Yori: ah and why would you ask me if i knew where the biology class was
Kiba: cuz you go to this school
Yori: so...
Kiba: been here longer adn you were just there so i just asked
Yori:... oh
Kiba: yup, not like i like you or anything ...... ummm.... i never said that * walks a bit ahead * ~ s**t ~
Kiba: 8 keeps walking *
Yori:... Kiba are you okay
Kiba: yeah i'm fine
Yori: okay... jsut to tell you. you're walking past the bio lab
Kiba: i know XD there still an hour before class
Yori: i know... well see yeah *turns around and starts walking back to the cafe*
Kiba: * sits down against the wall * i'm bored XD
Yori: *hears that* go to the gym then
Kiba: nah
Yori: *keeps walking*
Kiba: 8 sighs *
Yori:... *walks back over*
Kiba: ? hey wait a minute...you're the girl i saw this morning
Kiba: XD i saw you knocking on the door of this girls house
Yori: shh don't say that *gets down and puts her hand over his mouth* don't say anything
Yori:... Amaya and i can't be friends
Yori: *takes her hand off of kiba's mouth* *blushes and looks away* sorry
Kiba: why can't you?
Yori: have you not hard of clicks
Kiba: yes...oh i get it now
Yori: *making sure her skirt is down*
Kiba: ...
Yori: *looks at him* what?
Kiba: nothing ^^
Yori: *blushes* don't look at me like that
Kiba: .... sorry ?
Yori: *looks away*
Kiba: XD
Yori: *gets up*
Kiba: bye
Yori: bye *starts walking down the hallway*
Kiba: ^^ ~ she's cute ~
*hot girl walks by Kiba in the way of his sight of Yori*
Kiba: ~ gaahhh move ~
Yori: *standing at her locker*
Kiba: * sigsh * * goes to the bathroom *
Yori: *sighs* *looks over* Oh hey Cho
Cho: hey
Yori: V.V Ito's mad at me
Cho: oh he's fine
Yori: still *looks over where Kiba was sitting* ~I guess he really doesn't like me V.V~
Cho: he'll be fine
Yori: I know...
Cho: well see yeah XD * leaves *
Yori: I'm so lonely...
Yori: *walks back over to the window where Kiba was and sits down*
* still queit *
Yori: *starts to hum*
Kiba: 8 wlaks out of the bathroom *
Yori: *writing something*
Kiba: 8 walks to his locker *
Yori: ~totally ingores me~
Kiba: 8 wlaks back adn sits beside her * Pocky? * holds a box out *
Yori: *blink blink*... I thought you didn't like me
Kiba: i never said that
Yori: quote on quote you: yup, not like i like you or anything . end of quote.
Kiba:...... sweatdrop i didnb't mean it like that
Yori: Ah, but you said it and I don't know what you're thinking
Kiba: sorry. i do like you...other wise i wouldn't be here
Yori: okay that's better. so you just don't like like me
Kiba: @.@ gaah you're weird
Yori: that's why i take drama *in a british axent*
Kiba: XD
Yori: *blushes* So you don't... right
Kiba: I just met you
Yori: well you never know... I was just asking
Kiba: XD
Yori: *not looking at him*
KIba: pocky stick?
Yori: I'm good thank you *still not looking at him*
Kiba: okay ^^ * eats one *
Yori: *all quiet now*
KIba: soo
Yori:... yup
Kiba: don't talk much do you
Yori: I do...
Kiba: ah
Yori: I'm sorry... I made this ackward
Kiba: it's fine
Yori:... *looks at a her shoes*
* bell rings *
Yori: *gets up* I guess i'll see you around... *starts to walk to her locker* V.V
Kiba: bye ^^
Yori: *at her locker*
Kiba: 8 goes to his class *
Ito: 8 wlaks by to his locker *
Yori: Hey Ito...
Ito: yo
Yori: we're okay right?
Ito: yeah. there was nothing wrong in the first place * continues to his locker *
Hinata: yori * wlaks over & ready for class?
Yori: *sighs* Yeah
Hinata: ^^ hey maybe we'll see Amaya today * smirk *
Yori:... yeah
Hinata: ^^ lets go
Yori: to drama
Hinata: yup
*they leave*
*to kiba*
Kiba: * walks in class and sits down at an empty seat *
*bell rings again*
Teacher: Hello everyone we have a new student in our class today. His name is... *looks at kiba* what's your name
Kiba: kiba...
Teacher: Kiba everyone ^^
People: 8 look *
Teacher: anyways... lets get to work
* they work *
*to Yori*
Yori: *all depressed*
Hinata: whats wrong yori?
Yori: nothing
Hinata: tell me ^^
Yori: the guy
Hinata: what guy?
Yori: "The" guy
Hinata: oh that one * mouths * the new one
Yori: *nods*
Hinata: and
Yori: he doesn't like me
Hinata: how do you know that?
Yori: we were talking
Hinata: and
Yori: he said it
Hinata: ah so what
Yori: so what... that's all you have to say
Hinata: yeah. who cares....there plenty of other guys out there
Yori:... *sighs* he's the first one i've actually liked
Hinata: why... he's not that good looking
Yori: which do you think it is
Hinata: the one you were sitting beside at lunch
Hinata: am i right
Yori: *nods*
HinatA: ^^
Yori:... what should i do
Hinata: talk to him more. get to know him. flirt
Yori: 00.00 Flirt! I don't know how to flirt... I don't know the meaning of the word!
Hinata: * alughs * you flirt all the time
Yori:... i do?
Hinata: XD yes
Mrs.Short: pardon me ladies why don't you take this outside...
HinatA: alright
*yori and hinata leave the room*
*to Kiba*
Kiba: 8 Doing work *
Mrs.Tufts: Kiba can you take the class list to the office
Kiba: uh, sure * takes it and leaves *
Yori/Hinata: *walking down the halls*
Kiba: ~ good thing i know where the office is ~
Hinata: Hey it's him...
Yori:... what are you thinking?
Hinata: 8 smirk* kiba
Yori: *walks away*
Kiba: um yeah... do i know you?
Hinata: i'm yori's friend ^^
Kiba: hi...
Yori: ~********~
Hinata: ^^ ~ this will piss her off ~
Yori: *at the end of the hallway*
Hinata: going to the office i see. ^^ * giggle* i'll take you there ^^
Kiba: thanks...
Hinata: ^^ 8 grabs his arm and holds it as she takes im to the office *
Kiba: *blink blink* why are you pulling me?
hinata: cuase ^^ heart
Hinata: ^^
Hinata: what?
Kiba: what do you want?
Hinata: nothing...
HinatA: V.V * lerts go * sorry V.V
Kiba: *waves his hands back and fourth* *anime sweat drop* don't get sad
Hinata: V.V
Kiba: what did i do to make you sad?
HinatA: nothing...i'll leave sorry * starts to walk away * V.V
Kiba: *takes her hand* I'm sorry if I've upsetted you... I just... I can't tell you why
Hinata: no it's okay. i'll leave you alone
Kiba:... okay... I'm sorry
HinatA: it's alright. don't worrk about it
Kiba: where did yori go...
Hinata: down the hall
Kiba: *puts the paper in the slot* Thanks
Hinata: * nods * V.V
Kiba:... are you okay?
Hinata: yeah * turns around and leave *
Kiba: ~ weird girl~ *goes to Yori** walks voer ot her *
Yori: *sitting against the wall*
Kiba: hey yori ^^
Yori: hi kiba
Kiba: * sits beside her *
Yori: don't you have things to do
Kiba: no
Yori: class
Kiba: * shrugs shoulds *
Kiba: XD so what are you doing?
Yori: sitting
Kiba: ah
Yori: *nods*
Kiba: ^^
Yori: *looks at him*
Kiba: ^^
Yori: *smiles*
KIba: *smiles too *
Yori: *blushes*
Kiba: so which class do you have right now
Yori: grade eleven drama
Kiba: ah kewl ^^
Yori: I guess
KIba: * nods *
Yori: where did Hinata go?
Kiba: class i guess. she just wlaked away
Yori:... ~i hate her~
Kiba: she's strange
Yori: she was flirting with you
Kiba: i know
Yori: oh
Kiba: i don't like her though so i don't care
Yori: you don't even know her...
KIba: i know... she doesn't know me and was flirting with me... i don't like that
Yori: why not? you're a guy after all
Kiba: yeah i guess i am. XD i don't know i just don't...it makes them seem...oh how do i say it.... slutish?
Yori: she doesn't like you kiba... she was trying to make someone jealous ~okay now i feel like a slut~
Kiba: ah
Yori: yeah...
Kiba: *sigsh * this as been an interesting first day
Yori: I guess... why?
Kiba: met lots of people. some weird...funny...cute. can't wait for tomorrow ^^
Yori: this school sucks... why would you want to come back
Kiba: dunno.... i just want too
Yori: oh... want to see all of the cute girls *rolls her eyes*
Kiba: cute girl
Yori: ... ah ~i knew a guy like him would never like me~
Kiba: ^^
Kiba: ^^
Yori: *looks at her watch*
Kiba: sooo
Yori: *stands up*
Kiba: wher eyou going?
Yori: *points to her locker* have to get my stuff...
Kiba: okay
Yori: *goes to her locker* i'll be right back ....~arg~
Kiba: okay ^^
Yori: *grabs her stuff* *walks back over to him* *hands a piece of paper* Read in your class
Kiba: * take sit * sure
Yori: *sits down beside him*
Kiba: 8 puts it in his pokcet *
Kiba: ^^
Yori: why do you smile all of the time?
Kiba: .... sorry... i jus tlike to
Yori: no no... don't take it in a bad way
Kiba: ^^
Yori: *huggles kiba*
Kiba: ^^
Yori: *blushing. Still holding him*
* bell rings *
Yori: *lets go of him*
Kiba: guess it's time for class XD
Yori: *blush* yeah
Kiba: 8 stands up and then helps yori up * ^^
Yori: thanks, but you didn't have to help me up
*people walking by whispering*
Yori: oh no...
Kiba: ^^ well see yeah later * heads back to the class to get his things *
Yori: kiba wait up
Kiba: yeha
Yori: i have bio right now.. in other words you can walk me to class XD
Kiba: alright ^^
Yori: ^^... So kiba who is the cute girl you want to see tomorrow?
Kiba: who is she?
Yori: *nods* yeah
Kiba: maybe i'll tell you tomorrow
Yori: why not today?
Kiba: cuz * grabs his things * XP
Yori: fine don't tell me
Kiba: XP
Yori: *sad puppy eyes*
Kiba: bye yori XP 8 goes to his next class *
Yori: *sits in her sit next to Ai*
Ai: hey yori
Yori: hey
Ai: ^^
Yori: how are you and the arm candy doing?
Ai: we're doing good ^^
Yori: good
Ai: ^^
Yori: *taking down the note that's on the board* I guess Mrs. Tufts isn't here
Ai: yeah . guess not XD
Yori: oh well
Ai: XD
Yori: *conitues*
Ai: 8 starts to take note *
*the class is dead silent*
5 minutes later *
Yori: well that was fun...
Ai: still 55 mintues left
Yori: yup
Ai: i hate this class
Yori: 5 more minutes and we can leave
Ai: why?
Yori: Mrs.Tufts not here... and if the teacher isn't here in 10 minutes after the bell we can leave
Ai: ah
Ai: XD I forgot.
Yori: nice...
Ai: XD
*five minutes later*
*people start to leave the class*
Ai: i'm leaving now
Yori: yeah... *gets up*
Ai: * leaves *
Yori: *follows*
Ai: so what now
Yori: i don;t know
Ai: well think of soemthing
Yori: yes boss...
Ai: XD
Yori:... *thinks*
Ai: * wiating *
Yori: can't think of anything
Ai: wow...you're fun...lets go bug people
Yori: i like that idea ~alwyas works~
Ai: alright... who though
Yori: Hinata
AI: okay
Yori: sweet
* the go *
*to Sasuke*
Sasuke: *writing a test*
Mr. Feure: 5 more minutes
Sasuke: ~this s**t is hard~
Mr. Feure: 3 minutes
Sasuke: *finishes*
* the three minutes og by *
Mr. Feure: ahnd them in and leave
Sasuke: *hands them in*
Mr. Feure: * takes them and then takes the other ones from the otehr students *
*bell rings*
* everyone leaves *
Sasuke: arg *sigh* *goes to his locker*
Kiba: *at his*
Sasuke: hey Kiba
Kiba: yo sauske.... logn day eh
Sasuke: yeah it was
Kiba: well time to go home now anyway
Sasuke: so how many girls are you going out to ******** tonight kiba
Kiba: none * rolls eyes *
Sasuke: that's a first
Kiba: and what about you
Sasuke: none
KIba: * laughs * nice
Sasuke: i'm not like you
Kiba: ha.... i'm so sure * locks his locker *
Sasuke: i'm not
Kiba: surrrree * starts to walk away *
Sasuke: *follows* loser
Yori: *At her locker with Cho, Hinata and Ai*
Kiba: later yori * leaves *
Yori: hmm? someone say my name? *trying to look over Ai and Cho*
Cho:..... no
Yori: V.V oh
Ai: * laughs * yes
Yori:... which was it yes or no
Ai: yes... kiba said bye
Yori:... ~gah i feel bad now... i didn't get to say good bye~
HiataL anyway...lets go home
Yori: yeah lets go home ~no!!!!~ oh i have to go get Kyo today... sorry guys i can't walk with you
Ai: alright
Yori: see yeah guys later *leaves to the little kid school*
Ai: bey * they leave *
*to Amaya*
Amaya: * walking home *
Sasuke: hey Amaya
Amaya: uh... ihi......
Sasuke: *hugs her*
Amaya: @.@ what are you doing. don't someone will see
Sasuke: I'll take that chance *kisses her*
Amaya: 8 moves out of the way so she doesn't * stop please
Amaya: i'm sorry * keeps walking *
Kiba: *laughs* *walks by Sasauke*
Sasuke: Amaya
Amaya: ~ they are all alike.... they only want to hurt me ~ * keeps wlaking *
Sasuke: Amaya *takes her shoulder*
Kiba: bye Sasuke. *takes Amaya's hand* melady *kisses her hand* *leaves*
Sasuke: *turns Amaya around*... V.V I'm sorry if I made you mad at me... I didn't mean to get you mad at me V.V
Amaya: @.@ please don't apologize. it's fine....
Sasuke: V.V no no I understand... I'm not good enough to go out with such a beautiful girl like you. I'm sorry *walks away*
Amaya: @.@
Sasuke: V.V *walking*
Amaya: ... ~ i don't get it ~
Sasuke: V.V ~I really like her~ *walking*
Amaya: 8 goes to her house *
Sasuke: *sits on his front step*
Amaya: * wlaks up to her door and is about to put the key in the lock when very loud yelling comes from her house *
Sasuke: *looks over*
Amaya: * sigh * V.V * opens door slowly *
Sasuke: Amaya?
Amaya: 8 looks over * .....yes
SAsuke: is everything okay in there?
Amaya: yeah... it's always like this. everythings fine
Sasuke: okay... ~i don't remember this yesterday~
Amaya: 8 goes in the house *
* more yelling *
Sasuke:... ~Amaya~
* smashing sounds *
Sasuke:... *gets up and goes inside*
*to Yori*
Yori: did you have fun on your trip Kyo?
Kyo: yeah ^^
Yori: just to tell you dad's not home until tomorrow
Kyo:... okay
Yori: *smiles* mom's been in a good mood lately
Kyo: ^^
Yori: ^^ come on lets get home as fast as we can
Kyo: okay ^^
*they get home*
Kyo: * opens the door *
Yori: ... ~something doesn't feel right~ *looks over at Amaya's house* ~all of the lights are on...~ *looks at her house* ~the bar room light is on~ Kyo get behind me.
Kyo:... * goes behind yori * whats wrong yori
Yori: Mom's in the bar
Yori: *walks in* *whispers* Kyo go to my room and if anything happens call dad on his cell.
Kyo: * nods * 8 goes to yori's room 8
Yori: *watches him* *walks into the bar room* Hi mom. How are you today
Rin: 8 looks over *
Rin: 8 an evil stare *
Yori: ~s**t~
Rin: where the hell were you today.
Yori: at school mom... it's thrusday
Rin: it's saturday stare don't lie to me
Yori:... I'm sorry ~gah what am i doing on saturday... nothing XD~
Rin: stare * turns back around and finishes her drink *
Yori:... have you eaten?
Rin: * ignoring her *
Yori:... if you need me i'll be in the kichten *starts to leave the room*
Rin: * puts her glass down and gets up *
Yori:... *turns and looks at her mother*
Rin: * whishpering * good for nothing child *says as she walks by her to the kitchen*
Rin: * starts cutting up veggies * * stiull in a whisper * always needing food...clothes....eveyrhting... cost me my job * chopping away angerly *
Yori: *makes coffee for her mom later* ~dad works more than you...~
Rin: * still chopping away angrly *
Yori: ~I really don't like her with a knife~... I'll be right mom
Rin: * keeps chopping *
Yori: *leaves the room and grabs her bag and goes up to her room and knocks on the door*
Kyo:..... * doesn't say anything like he's supposed too *
Yori: it's me bud
Kyo: * gets up and unlcks the door*
Yori:... *shivers as she walks in* you have the phone right
Kyo: * nods *
Yori: good boy
*yelling from next door still*
Yori: *sighs* poor amaya... at least her mom isn't scary and doesn't want to kill her
Kyo: * sits on the bed again *
Yori: i'm going back down to the danger zone... stay here please
Kyo: why....stay here yori
Yori:... i'll be fine Kyo... ~even though she has a knife~
Kyo: V.V
Yori: *kisses him on the cheek and hugs him too* ^^ lock the door behind me *goes back down stairs*
Kyo: * locks the door *
Yori: *walks back into the kichten* what else do you need mom?
Rin: i don't need your help
Yori:... oh okay... I just wanted to help
Rin: you never help stare
Yori: I try to...
Rin: stare don't even bother
Yori: sorry for trying to help *leaves the room*
Rin: cause of you i lost my job
Yori: *walks back in* pardon?
Rin: 8 turns over to her * * really angery of the though she was fired again * * knife still in hand * you made me lose my ******** job! scream
Yori: how did i do that...? ~try not to get her madder~ *looking at the knife* I'm sorry mom.
Rin: how did you do that... so many things..!!! the biggest one is you and your ******** brother being alive! scream * gripping knife even more *
Yori: ~wish dad was here right now~ ... well i'm sorry for being such a waste of air ~gah knife... keep thinking knife~
Rin: this would ahev never happened if you nor your borther was born... or your father
Yori: how is this dad's fault?
Rin: if he never got me pregnant then you'd two would never exsit
Yori: you don't even know what you're saying right now
Rin: I know very well what the ******** I'm saying scream *gets closer to Yori*
Yori: ~I have to get that knife~ I remember when you were pregnant with Kyo. You were so happy. What the ******** happened?
Rin: i was never happy with him. that little b*****d cost so much moeny. he shouldn't even be here....the same for you * weird stare comes of her eyes *
Yori: *backs off* you had a weird way of showing it
Rin: don't ******** talk back to me scream
Yori: Sorry ~Poor Kyo can probably hear everything~
Rin: sorry. pffft...that all you have to say for ruining my life ! *moves closer*
Yori:... what else do you want me to say? *doesn't move*
Rin: there's nothing you can say * keeps moving closer *
Yori: *doesn't move*

Yori Yashikura
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Yori Yashikura
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