When it all starts....
Ever since kindergaerden shes been alone all the way up to 6th grade
In Kindergarden the friest day she was very shy as u should know
that whole grade shes hardly taked no one even tryed to even want to be her friend
as she coutinued growing up to the next grades in elementry that still kepted up being lonley
evey resses she always sat in the shadow of a tree or walks around looking at all the kids haveing fun
as she just walks alone or just sits there in a shadow or she would be next to her class room door
waiting for resses to be over
roles have changed as she goes up to the next grade when theres reasses she has to stay away from her
class room door so she just stays on the hot baskit ball cortes just sitting there
she tryed to make friends with some ppl in elementry they let her hang out with them nut they act like shes not there at all
so she just leaves and just sits there in a shadow again
she didnt have real friends in the past but theres more to her lonleyness
When she was young she was put up for adoption her parntes were just teens back then they couldent aford her
She was born alone with no sisters or brothers at all she was seperated from her real dad and taken in by her mothers family
Her grandmother took her in her real mothers mom
And now her real mother is her sister
Her father doesnt remember his own first daughter thats what her other famaly thinks also her
She no's that she has step sisters and brothers there younger than her but she doesnt think that they remember her at all
so in her other family she doesnt exsited to them like she was never borned at all thats what she thinks and maybe thats true
She also found out that she was going to have another new baby bro or sis but that kid wont even no that they hae a older Sister b/c
She wont ever get to meet um at all b/c of her other family not noing that she even exsties
Her own father doesnt even no her B-day at all he forgets every year he doesnt even care at all
and its been 4 years since she ever saw here sis bros and father
She nos that shes been forgotten by that family and maybe her own dad has for gotten her
Noing that theres a family shes in and that family doesnt even no that she even exist at all
It hurts her a lot as u can see
Her past that she calls darkness:
Her past is all about pain lonleyness and more as u can see it hurts a lot just to think about her past and it hurts her a lot well this is her past that she calls darkness the path she went through
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Feelings that comes from the heart most made by friends and love
Most of just life it self
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