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"The fool calls himself a wise man; while the wise man knows himself to be nothing more than a fool." -I.D.
No Name
Reputation Names: The One-Eyed Crow, The Elven Blur


Race: Elf (For Stat Purpouses, however, see Wood Elf)
Age: 127
Class: Berserker (Barbarian)
Job: Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Treasure Hunter
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Color: Tanned
Body Build: Athletic, Acrobatic
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Crokk Orc Lands
Nationality: None
Current Residence: None
Blood Type: Elven +B
Home Planet: Atlas
Home Plane: Material- Soren

Alignment: True Neutral (Undecided)
Religion: Deitist
Elemental Attachment(s): None

Known Familiar(s): None
Current Affiliation(s): The Crows
Past Affiliation(s): None

Favorite Food: Pork Ribs on the raw side.
Favorite Drink: Gorven Ale
Favorite Music: No particular Prefference
Orientation: Homosexual (Single)

Aspiration: None
Biggest Fear: None

Character Information

Fighting Style: Unlike most of his race, No Name was born among orcs. Thus, he doesn't use fine slashing and archery, but full-out furious flurry of blows and attacks that would send anyone spinning due to their sheer speed and strength. He can leap 7 feet into the air, he can break cement walls with his fists (if there's enough momentum) and other similar feats of physical marvel.

Special Abilities/Skills: This elf has many battle skills, but lacks what would be considered 'powers' or 'magical' abilities. Theres a simple reason why he doesn't have them: he doesn't need them. Not only can he go into a Berserk Rage at will, making himself stronger than usual (for him) for a period of time in combat, but he normally has enough strength to break through cement walls by slamming it with his fists and enough speed to catch up to a horse on foot.

Characteristics/Personality: Neutral means that he doesn't like too many rules but isn't too much of a fan of breaking rules either and isn't really into being kind to anyone, though he doesn't particularly wish harm on anyone.
Happy- Happyness will give No Name a sense of a homey feeling. He will smile, but still rarely talk.
Anger- When angered, he will rashly begin to terminate the source of his fears being by beating it up or getting away from it. In battle, this feeling is very prone to appear.
Sadness- In sadness, this elf becomes quieter than before, letting his depression swell within him. At the merest interaction with him while in this state, he may snap in anger easily.
Combat- In combat No Name remains very silent, as usual; however, when striking or being struck, his anger may develop into full-blown fury, and thus his anger may come out in a flurry of blows.

Advantages: Unstoppable strength, followed by bursts of fury in combat, along with years of experience fighting orcs and other bigger humanoids, No Name's combat powress is unequaled in the fields of brute physical force. He also has different kinds of bolts for his crossbow which he uses in combat against enemies from a distance.

Bio: The lands of Crokk and Seiloss have always been in constant battle, the elves helping the humans fight against the orc threats that have always tried to take over their lands. In one squirmish into an elf village, an elven child was left behind. Instead of killing the child, the orc took him in and turned him into a slave.

His name is originally Brochk (one of the many unsurprising reasons why he simply calls himself 'No Name' nowadays), which means turd in the orc language. He was put through several decades of constant mockary, punishment, abuse, forced manual labor, rape and acts of humiliation, throughout which he tried his best to escape the village and fight his abusers with no avail. Once or twice he got to kill a couple of them, for which he was severely punished (almost to death). Alone, by himself, he began training during the morning, when the orcs were asleep.

When he was only 34 years old (this elven race ages much less faster than humans, thus he had the frame of a 12 year old or so), when his keeper died in battle and he was sentenced to death along with him, No Name killed half the village on his own and ran away in a desperate attempt to save his life. He spent a year hiding from his assailants, avoiding them through the caves and mountains of the land. Finally he found a route out of the orc lands, and managed to find an elven settlement... where he was not greeted well. Because of his rash attitudes, his uncouth mannerisms and his lack of ability to speak elven, he was viewed as a lost cause, and the elves gave up on him.

Fortunately for him he was found by a human scholar that taught him in the ways of reading and speaking other languages such as elven and common. Through these lessons, the elf began to slowly regain his 'humanity' which he had lost so many years ago. Eventually, however, this man who took care of him was slain by an elven assassin that had been told to eliminate the man for reasons untold. No Name threw his attempts at becoming an elf again aside right there and then and killed the man that had dared slay his 'father'.

After many years, No Name was hired into squirmishes against the orcs. Because of it, No Name's disenchantment about having to see orcs grew bigger and bigger, to the point that he did not want to see them or hear of them anymore. In due time, No Name became uninvolved with the orcs, and travelled away from his past to lands where he could travel and adventure on his own. There he became a treasure hunter with a group of fellow treasure hunters called 'The Crows', who travelled around the desert on a landship called 'The Pioneer'. Befriending the leader, after the leader's death he became the head of the group, where he is now today.

As a group of treasure hunters, The Crows get very little money when they have no finds, and thus No Name has to search for ways to get more money from outer sources. Sometimes he leaves his second in command in charge of the ship and travels to other lands to search for money and resources, thus becoming a bounty hunter or a mercenary at the same time.

To get enough money to support his crew, he has joined the HoH Tournament.

Dominant Hand: Left handed.

[Weapon #1]
Weapon Type & Name: Crossbow- Light Crossbow
A crossbow with good aim.
Crossbow Height: 0'10" (from handle bottom to cannon)
Crossbow Width: 1'1" (from bow side to bowside, thickness of the crossbow)
Crossbow Length: 1'7" (from bow to string holder mechanism [called a nut])
Materials: Wood, Horse Hair
Weight: 6 lbs.
Resistance: 202 lbs of pressure, 432 degrees Celsius
Reload Type: Manual- Pull Lever
Comfort (Handle): Good
Steel Tip Bolts: Standard crossbow bolts with steel tip.
Thunder Stone Bolts: Thunder stone bolts' tips have been made with Thunder Stone. Thunder stone is an alchemical substance that, whenever struck hard against a solid surface, creates a deafening bang that would normally leave a target deaf for about an hour or so. These bolts are not particularly made to strike the target so much as to strike something near the target to make the thunder stone deafen the target. If a target has an armor, striking it would be very The thunderclap produced by the bolts have an area of 1 mile in radius, only permanently deafening those struck near the ear (should those within the area not be protecting their auditory organs, in which case they just become deafened for 1 hour only), deafening those within 28 feet of impact for a random time limit (the closer to the initial 15 feet radius, the more time it is, usually starting at around 1 hour of being deaf within the first 20 feet and 1 minute at around 100 feet's worth of distance) and being heard across a total of 1 mile around the strike of the bolt.
Explosive Bolts: These bolts have been given a hollow point in their copper tips, which within it is about 3 ounces of gunpowder. When the bolt's tip strikes any given surface, the tip slams into itself and causes a spark to ignite the gunpowder and blow up within or over the target. The explosion is pretty much the same as a cherry bomb's explosion would be.


Eye for an Eye
Gripwear Type & Name: Protective & Offensive Gripwear- Mythril Gauntlets
Gauntlets made out of mythril, the left one marked with an eye on it's backfist's surface.
Materials: Mythril
Weight: 2 lbs.
Resistance: 250 lbs. of pressure, 650 degrees Celsius
Protects: Hands & Forearms
Comfort: Average
-Magic Resistance: As a semi-magical alloy, the gold mythril that composes the knuckles that frame the gloves handpalm and finger-base area resists all magic by 25%.

[Torsal Gear]
Torsal Gear Type & Name: Protective Sleeveless Vest- Leather Vest
Sturdy leather vest that protects against most blunt blows.
Material: Deer Skin Leather
Weight: 2 lbs.
Resistance: 250 lbs. of pressure, 650 degrees Celsius
Protects: Torso
Comfort: Average

[Torsal Gear]
Torsal Gear Type & Name: Protective Armor- Metal Shouldercover
A steel shoulder cover that is supposed to belong to a full set of armor.
Material: Steel
Weight: 2 lbs.
Resistance: 1950 lbs. of pressure, 843 degrees Celsius
Protects: Left Shoulder
Comfort: Average

Footwear Type & Name: Protective Boots- Leather Boots
Average leather boots.
Material: Deer Skin Leather
Weight: 1 lbs.
Resistance: 250 lbs. of pressure, 650 degrees Celsuis
Protects: Feet, Shins
Comfort: Average

Battle unrelated wears include a white sleeveless shirt, a pair of brown pants, a blue sash, a small dark blue cape and socks. Other non-battle related accesories include an eyepatch which he wears over where his right eye used to be and earrings with the symbol of Gruumsh, the orc deity, crossed over them as if to say 'I defy Gruumsh'.


Cargo Device Description: An 8 inch wide leather belt meant to be strapped across one's torso. It has a huge steel link fastened by sliding both of the metal protuberances into their respective holes in the part of the belt on the other side.
Pockets: 4

Items : Weight Per Unit : Pocket or Strap
Steel Tip Bolt Cartridge x2 : 5 lbs : Pocket 1
Thunder Stone Bolt Cartridge x1 : 5 lbs : Pocket 2
Explosive Bolt Cartridge x2: 5 lbs : Pocket 2
Waterskin x1 : 9 lbs. : Tied to Belt
Agitation Potion x3 : Light : Pocket 3 (drinking it increases power and dexterity by 1/4 [25%])
Numbing Potion x3 : Light : Pocket 3 (drinking it makes pain go away after 1 post has passed)
Healing Powder Pouch x3 : Light : Pocket 3 (seals open wounds when sprinkled over them, but no more)

Each crossbow bolt cartridge holds 15 bolts. Each three bolts weigh 1 lbs.


Physical/Special Abilities

Berserk Fury: During battle, No Name's temper can rise to dangerous levels at will or otherwise triggered by his opponent. When it reaches it's peak, No Name goes into a Berserk Fury for three minutes or so (5 posts) or until he calms himself down or is calmed down otherwise. During this Berserk Fury, No Name becomes twice as strong, fast and his skin becomes tougher and harder to penetrate. He can break through steel and even run as fast as a horse. However, within a Berserk Fury, No Name is not keeping track of what he's doing because of his anger, and can henceforth only strike like a lunatic at his opponent, not perform any moves that require concentration, precision, intellect or even the use his crossbow, unless he just flings it around to hit his opponent with it. Prior to the Berserk Fury, No Name is fatigued for half of the time he was in the Berserk Fury (# of posts in a Berserk Fury x 1/2= posts of fatigue duration). While fatigued, No Name is tired and his muscles relax to regain their strength. He can attack, but it will not be as effective as his normal attacks due to fatigue. He can move, but not as fast as he normally would, and his defense goes down since his muscles are trying to relax. After the fatigue has passed, No Name can continue fighting as normal.

Magical/Spiritual Abilities
Limiter: 150 Magic Points

Mana Boost: As an elf, his blood is intricately tied to magic. As such, he can bring out sudden bursts of magical energy and give himself a boost of strength, speed or precision. The boost usually increases any of these particular traits by two, and can be used as a subconscious second nature of his elven blood (he does it without realizing it). His strength is suddently increased from being able to deliver hard-felt blows to full-on lethal blows. His dexterity and speed is increased from being able to do a summersault to being able to do a summersault while holding a cup upright and from running at 18 mph to running at 35 mph. His precision goes from being able to shoot a man fifteen football fields away (remember, he's an elf), to being able to shoot a dime at the same distance. However, it also wastes his magic power whenever he uses it for a different purpouse (each stat modified lasts 5 turns unless this ability is used to modify another ability, in which case the MP cost is wasted again and the new stat meant to be modified replaces the previous one), and thus, little by little, he will not be able to use this ability anymore. This ability is a spell-like ability, as it uses magic to bring it's effects into play.
MP Cost: 15 per different use

Fist Burst: A flurry of blows used with his gauntlets at incredible speeds using all his strength and a mixture of magic. This attack uses atleast three quick punches performed in under a second in a burst while the fists have been charged with magical energy. Right after the strike is dealt, the magical energy that was displaced into the target combusts in a moderate explosion, emulating a fire burst spell. This explosion has the strength of a house-made bomb, possibly causing heavy damage to a limb if not severing it. This is a spell-like ability.
MP Cost: 30 per use

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Character Ranking and Scores

Cannon Battles: 1
Spars: 0

Deaths: 0
Kills: 1

Defeats: 0
Wins: 1
Draws: 0
Escapes: 0

>Non-Cannon Battles: 0
>Defeats: 0
>Wins: 0
>Unfinished: 0

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The Dark Summoner Xeaon
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 06:39pm
Interesting character Riot Guy . . . *looks over profile*

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