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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Fifty-One: Long Train Running
ZOMG, a journal that's on time? What does it mean? Fleep must have more time because he's getting fired? Fleep has been replaced by a typing robot? Fleep and Gaia have never existed, and you completely lost your mind years ago?

It just means that I have the teensy-weensiest of breathers and I decided that, instead of actually using it as an opportunity to breathe, I would write this journal. (If you occasionally see me write gibberish, that's just my head hitting the keyboard from axphyxiation)

The Real Gaiaversary
So last Friday, the 15th, was not only the release of the 100th MC, but also my account's 1 year Gaiaversary. I got a lot of congratulations from my friends here on Gaia (thanks!), and we managed to get about 12 other Gaia staffers into my house in Towns. If you were there, you lucked out!

But the REAL Gaiaversary, and the one most important to this journal, happens on July 5th -- which will mark one full year that I've been an employee inside Gaia HQ. This first year at Gaia has taught me a lot -- so look out for a first-year wrap-up that week!

Last week... erm, earlier this week, I asked journal commenters to join me in a little format experiment. You all ask questions, and I'll pick a few to answer in this journal.

Now there are a lot of questions I've answered a bajillion times before, so I'm going to cherry-pick a few that are either interesting, have an interesting answer, or I feel as though I can get a good joke out of it.

Cid High-Wind asked: "If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you want to have with you?"

I assume "a helicopter", "a solar-powered, satellite cell phone", and "computer w/ internet" would mean I technically wasn't stranded. Damn. Well, assuming that food and water weren't an issue, I'd probably have to say:
1. An acoustic guitar
2. A journal (w/ pens)
3. A copy of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I figure I'll spend the first 10 years memorizing Hitchhiker's Guide from cover to cover until I can recite it by heart. Then I'll spend the next 10 years putting it to music. Then I'll write about it in my journal and walk into the ocean.

Sgt.Pepperhat asked: Pepsi or Coke?
Personally, I prefer Coke, but Pepsi is great in a pinch. Or generic, grocery-store brand cola, yeah! (Sure, I was a cola fiend in high school, why do you ask?)

Vincent Valentine-Jenova asked: "What's your favorite Game System?"
I'd probably have to say that the system that gave me the most joy in life was the Super Nintendo. A few of my favorite games were on that system, including Earthbound - one of my ALL TIME favorites crying

hijimushi asked: "How many hours do you put in a week? Do you take a lot of vacations?"
I always work at least 40 hours a week, but when things get a little crazy or there are events/sponsorships coming up, sometimes I put in a lot more than that. I'm actually taking my first vacation at the end of July, which is why I can't attend Comic Con or Otakon gonk

Darkramon13 asked: "Do coconuts migrate?"
An African swallow could maybe carry them, MAYBE. But they don't migrate. Maybe if two European swallows carried one together...

Rayinte asked: "Read anything good lately?"
Actually I just finished "Breakfast of Champions" by the late American author Kurt Vonnegut. It wasn't just good, it was great.

Ryuu Hime asked: "Are you coming to AX this year?"
Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement the weekend of AX, so I won't be able to go down there this year sad

`Osiris asked: "Paper or Plastic?"
Either, as long as you recycle! (Incidentally, San Jose has one of the largest recycling programs in the world.)

Gaidin asked: "Where's the Fishy Love?"
Underwater, I hope!

(Actually, Gaidin was commenting on how I said Rally was our first competitive game on Gaia, and he was saying fishing was. Sorry -- doesn't count!)

TurtleJen asked: "Favorite video game? Are you into Pokemon? Uh, do you watch Code Lyoko?"
Earthbound. Not anymore, but I really liked the first movie when it came out - saw it in the theaters and everything with my little sister. And no, I've never heard of Code Lyoko.

Dwarf Woot asked: "I have decided, that Fleep, is woot, and thus, fwoot!"

`Hydro asked: "How will be hearing about the battle system information updates? As cool as it must be for you guys to reveal to the live audiences along the convention tour, but please don't forget us who aren't able to attend them!"
Oh, don't worry, the convention tour people are learning surprisingly little. The Battle Team is keeping things under tight wraps!

Fleep asked: "Should we keep doing this in the future?"
Hmm, it may have been a flop. I'm trying my best to keep things quiet as much as I can, since revealing too much has bitten me in the a** in the past. So I had to skip over a lot of questions that were very feature/future specific. This journal originally was to be more about what life is like at Gaia and how great it is -- not a gossip column smile

Finally, I mentioned this last week, but I opened up an art guild.

There wasn't enough space on my profile for everything that was being submitted, so now there's a place where you can go and comment on the artwork. I still have about 14 more to upload (it's very time consuming!).

Thanks to everyone who's ever submitted to me!

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Manchester I Darkfield
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 02:10am
Holy Crap I snagged first comment surprised and very cool Fleep I might draw you something myself 3nodding and no Otakon gonk crying Oh well maybe next time.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 02:59am
I love how you answered the questions. It's something you should do more often! :3

And I'm looking forward to that battle and item update at the end of this month. Too bad you won't be going to AX or Comic-Con or Otakon. But there's always next year I suppose.

I WILL got to a con next year! Fanime 2008...just you wait and see!

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 03:00am
Trying to sneak a journal entry by me and Cid, eh?
Well, it won't work! ;D

Thanks for answering my (lame) question. x D <3

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 03:00am
you should remember to breath...assuming you are a carbon based lifeform that requires oxygen to perform respiration and therefore contiune living. i'm sure most people will perfer that over the alternative (unless you come back a zombie).

my question is, if you're still answering them, is there any project you can tell us anything about? ninja i'm curious...how are those quests you mentioned coming along?

edit: of course i didn't manage to post this before Cid or Pepper. xd silly me actually writing out my post before posting.

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Crystal Kinamoto
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 03:01am
Woooo!!!!!! Second comment!! EDIT: Okay, it was the second comment, but then went I finally posted it, it was the fifth xd /edit

Anyway, it's cool that you finally have the time to type a journal on time. Happy Gaiaversary!! cheese_whine If I could draw, I'd send you something.

Thanks for always sacrificing sleep to talk to the populace of Gaia, Fleep!

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 04:22am
1) Is it normal for you guys to do front-flips over ping-pong tables at Gaia? I saw l0cke flip over the table once . . .

2) What is the course of action to be taken if a random user happens to walk up to the building?

3) You guys making your own submission to the Gaia Cinema contest? razz

I have more questions in store, but 3 a week is all you're gettin'!

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 04:26am
You love Earthbound?! You rule even more now. heart It's not often that you encounter fans of that game.

Happy Belated Gaiaversary, too! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 04:38am
Nice entry as always. thanks for giving us updates Fleep. :3

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 04:49am
Monty Python reference ftw.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 04:55am
Wow, on time. >.> I almost forget to even look for regular updates anymore.

Good to be back on track.

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 04:56am
-Heads up. It's "Preguntas." xD
-First vacation eh? My gawd man. Be sure to tell us how that goes. Happy Gaia anniversary.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 05:18am
What's the worst experience you've had during your high school years?

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 06:21am
Wow, an ontime journal. Haven't seen one of those in a while. heart

I really enjoy the questions XD Well, actually I enjoy how you answer them.

Now I've got questions for the Fleep:

Does your head frizz horribly when you leave San Jose?

Did the Sharks deserve the Stanley cup?
(8D Let's start the shark chomp if your answer is yes!)

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 07:27am
YaY for Fleep! Love the update,the questions you picked made me giggle..and I needed that! LoL
Uhm..a question.Hmm.Quite difficult for a timid chica to come up with one thats amusingly interesting...ah..got one...well thats 3 but they all tie in together..hehe.
Have a great weekend Fleepster!! xx
Are ya ticklish Fleep?Yes or no? If so where?

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Bunnyfish Mel-Mel
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 07:36am
Tha fact that you like EarthBound has only added to your ever-increasing amount of Awesome Points. YES. Psi-Rockin'~

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 10:16am
Questions for Fleep! You may (or more likely, may not) remember me from that one time in Towns after the Gracie Quest. Now, would you ever try and convince the plot-makers to make a Doctor Who themed quest? ESPECIALLY since Doctor Who just had a killer third series, but I'm not going to tell you American Peoples what happened 'cause you'll be getting it soon, along with the super awesome Torchwood!

Anywho, another question. What is your favourite Sci-Fi program? The same for Comedy, Romance, Drama.

The Last Lord of Time
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 01:35pm
Just a second....

Fleep, your once again, amazing... ninja + pirate = Fleep... Therefor, everything cool in this world...

....I have to go find something to beat you to death with....

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 02:26pm
Thanks for putting one of my questions up! [I figured if I asked enough questions, I was guaranteed an answer to one X3]

Monty Python = love. "It could grip it by the husk..." "It's not a matter of where he grips it!" XDDD

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 02:47pm
SNES 4eva. cool

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 05:20pm
Awesome~ thanks for the update, and for answering all those questions. You're the best fleep!

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Zen Gentleman Lifeguard
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 07:59pm
Bionic Commando all the way, man!

Alright how about this one.

Who would win in a fight to the death? McGuyver vs. James Bond?

Follow up question: Why doesn't James Bond have a mullet?

xp gonk eek

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 08:13pm
Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding what you were saying in reply to Gaidin's question... but would you care to elaborate on why fishing "doesn't count"?

I'm sure there are tons of people out there that would beg to differ, myself included. Fishing not only takes more skill, but even more time and effort than it does to become good at the cars. After you've spent an entire month battling someone for a spot on the board and for a trophy... its like a slap in the face for someone to say it isn't a competitive game, and the FIRST competitive game on Gaia. confused

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 09:55pm
No AX? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! [/darthvader]

I think that if you set specifications and guidelines for the questions, you could probably get a lot more out of it. Probably even more so if you give them a good space in between Q/A Fleep sessions.

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 02:38am
You never answered my question about killing a man.



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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 02:57am
happy Gaiaversary ♥♥♥

*can't think of much else to say or ask XD*

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 04:08am
If you keep doing questions, here's mine for next week:

If every shelf in snacktopia were sealed and locked individually, and you were only allowed one key for the rest of your life, which shelf would you choose? Would you form elaborate alliances with other staffers to get at other shelves, or would you be content with your own shelf?

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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 04:24am
Yay, twenty seconds of Fleep-journal-fame? xd

I've been meaning to read Kurt Vonnegut for yeaaarrrrsss... but I'm lazy and broke and always have about 6-10 books on my reading schedule (and I'm behind on that...)

I think perhaps if there was a sort of guideline to future Q&A sessions, it'd work out. We could mock people asking spoilerific questions. It'd be a blast.

I'm really looking forward to quests with more interesting and involved tasks than quizzes, cinemas, or item collection. I still think that the best quest so far was Moira's New User Quest, because it had so many steps; it took you all over Gaia. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 05:31am
Aw... No AX? But the GCDHG was going to present the staff with a piece of paper we all signed in paint (again) and an undead monkey.

Actually, we haven't found the undead monkey yet. We have the Cursed Gold, we just can't get the momo to steal it... xp

Oh well, there's always the next con, though I can never go to any since all the major Florida conventions in my area are prior to the convention tour, and Gaia never visits Florida anyway.

Oh well, I'd love to hear Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy to music. I'd love to hear the verse about when the Heart of Gold first picks them up, and the infinite improbability drive is messing with them. For some reason I'd think Revolution 9 would be playing... though you can't really play that on a guitar...

Cube B
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 08:57am
An African swallow could maybe carry them, MAYBE. But they don't migrate. Maybe if two European swallows carried one together...

Mmm, Monty Python goodness. heart
I loved the thing about setting the HHGTIG to music and walking into the sea. It was a line of prose that would have made Ol' Doug proud. xd

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 09:43am
You should keep doing the questions biggrin
because, frankly, people think your better then a celebrity,
only, dont tell us where you live, or Pepper might get ya xp

Anyway, ma question >:]

Do you believe in the paranormal? (aliens, ghosts, sasquatch, etc)

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 02:19pm
EARTHBOUND! O_O I LOVE EARTHBOUND!! WOO!! Its up there on my top 5 game list. :B

Question for the fleeper: If you were to go on vacation where would you go? And Sonic or Mario?

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 04:02pm
No AX? No Comic Con? gonk crying NOOOOOOOOOOOOO~

My question for the week:

Where's the most interesting place you've ever traveled to?

Ryuu Hime
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 08:04pm
Your style of answers in the new Q&A section reminds me of how Oda Eiichiro handles his SBS answer section for One Piece. I like it. I can't think of any questions that you haven't already answered yet, unfortunately!

I hope you have a good time on your vacation. =)

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 09:34pm
OMG! Monty Python and the Holy Grail FTW!!
I got one question: What is the weirdest fan you (or any other Gaia Staff) have encountered?

I might post twice if I think of another question...

Volucris Ego
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President Pikachu
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 11:35pm

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 01:16am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
If you had to choose between working for gaia and getting paid little, or working for Neopets and getting paid lots.. which would you choose?

((C'mon guys, let's see if he's truely loyal. ninja ))
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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Tai Naito
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commentCommented on: Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 04:25am

After a few crazy days, I read your journal entry and it makes me smile >w< Thanks heart

I'm looking forward to reading about your Gaian first year surprised

And I'm too tired to really focus on coming up with anything creative to say xd

Although, I do wonder... Where's this Weeds of Fleed fanthread? cry

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 11:58am
coconuts do to migrate without the help of swallows. The water goes up to them and carries them off, unless they are on land. then they might roll down a hill or something xd

Dakota S
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Luin Eau
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commentCommented on: Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 10:43pm
Um, Fleep, if you're still doing questions, I have one for you.

On average, how long does it take to develop a feature on Gaia? I've learned how to program in C++ and soon in Java and am curious how much time is put into the features in this site. ^_^

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 01:01am
The fact you love Earthbound makes you even more awesome. heart

Aoi Hikari
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Edible Substance
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commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 09:08am
Long Train Running! You and your catchy journal entry titles.

Earthbound, huh? Heh, you and tasha really are siblings with that one. xd

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 10:21am
"Dwarf Woot asked: "I have decided, that Fleep, is woot, and thus, fwoot!"

I'd like to point out that i never said it was a question, just a fact of the day really xp

Dwarf Woot
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commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 04:59pm
I always thought you were awesome, Fleep, but now that I know that you like Earthbound I know that you are awesome.

:[ Too bad Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) isn't officially being released in America. There is a fan translation, however. Mother3.org

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 09:23pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Say fuzzy pickles!

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commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 09:36pm
About your little format experiment:

Will you continue it?

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 10:02pm
oke other questions

what do you prefer keeping information (about gaia new things etc) a secret or telling it to everyone?

other question

are you happy with the fact people always complein when there are changes at gaia or not

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commentCommented on: Thu Jun 28, 2007 @ 02:14am
love the python reference, and I cant believe you've never seen Lyoko!

best french cartoon ever! (and the only one I've ever seen)

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 29, 2007 @ 09:35pm
Thanks for answering the questions Fleep! 3nodding

Speaking of Fishy Love, though, any updates on future fish exchange items or features (ie: new clothes for tons of fish or trash, trading 1k or 5k large fish for 1 rare fish, etc)? How about the angelic rod or fishing quests?

In short, is there Fleepy Fishy Love? sad

EDIT: SNES was my fav too. My favorite game was Chrono Trigger. 3nodding

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commentCommented on: Fri Jun 29, 2007 @ 11:13pm
Haha, cool, a guild <3

All of the triology in five parts?

Or just the first book?

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 01, 2007 @ 11:52pm
(Incidentally, San Jose has one of the largest recycling programs in the world.)


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