Kathrin Luna here to tell you that this story is about my friends and mine Naruto characters and the whole Naruto gang in college. There is comedy, romance, action, drama, horror, glomps, huggles, and hot smexy cute guys like GAARA!!!
Bla-bla:*runs in the room*GAARA-KUN!!!!*GLOMPS*
K.L.:See what I mean. ‘ And I’m not a Gaara fan I’m more of a Sasuke fan’
//devil and angel also inner selves//
The autumn sun was rising as it’s light filled a light blue room with two beds, two desks, two night stands, two dresser draws, and two closets. And one small bathroom. On the bed to the right laid a long blonde hair with green bangs top and bottom and a blue triangle on both cheeks 18-year-old girl. Her kitty alarm clock went off.
The blonde girl woke up and hit her alarm that on her night stand. Rubbing one of her blue grey eyes while yawning. ‘Looks like I need to get that wolf up.’Koneko also known as Neko Tajame thought while got out of bed. Neko was only wearing a long sleeve dark green shirt that goes down to her hip. She walks over to the other bed laid a long brown hair with two long red bangs 19-year-old girl. “Oie! Ookami wakes up!” Neko shook her friend shoulder.
Ookami Kage or Kage Ookami opens her brown eyes and glare at the blue gray eye girl. “Give me a good damn reason not to kill you.” Said Ookami. Neko sighed and closed her eyes. “Well its 5:30 in the morning and our first class starts at 6:15 and it will take us 20 minutes to get there.”.
Ookami eyes widen and look at the alarm clock then jumps out of bed and going to the bathroom. “Why didn’t you woke me up earlier!” Neko mumbles under her breath as she goes to her dresser drawer while taking off her shirt “Cause I forgot that I put my alarm clock to 5:20 instead of five.” Neko grabs a strapless bra and puts it on. She walks over to her closet. Put on a light green fish net shirt then puts over it a green and gold Chinese tank top that goes half way down her stomach then put on knee rip jeans with a green chain loop on her belt strap with a kitty angel key chain on the chain.
Ookami walks out of the bathroom. Ookami is wearing a black hoody with a black and red wolf picture on it and a black and a red long skirt. Ookami grabs her hair brush brushes her long hair that goes down to her ankles then puts it in a low pony tail. Neko was brush her very long hair that goes down to her feet and grabs two thin green string ribbon with a bell at the end each one of the string and puts her hair in high pigtails.
It took them five minutes to eat and head out the door.
It was first day in collage. Ookami and Neko go way back in first grade so they pretty tight with each other. They went to the same schools, same clubs, same stores you name it. Yet they have their differents.
The girls made it in time there, and first class was health. They found two empty seats in the back there were lots of people talking or doing some homework. Then one boy with blonde kinda spiky hair, crystal blue eyes and whiskers like on his cheeks same age as Neko walks to them “Hi! You must be new here as well.” Ookami just draws ignoring the boy. Neko glared at Ookami then smiles at the boy. “Yes we are and may I ask who might you be?” The boy grins at Neko. “Oh I’m sorry. I’m Naruto Uzumaki.”.
Neko eyes widen Ookami pencil tips broke when she heard the name. Suddenly Neko hugs Naruto “Naruto-chan!” Naruto stood there confused. “Umm . . . Do I know you?” Neko gave an a Naruto hurtful look. “Naruto-chan its me Neko-chan from high school remember we went to the same music class.” Naruto thought then his eyes widen and looks at Neko then burst out his words “Little Siren Kitten?!?!?” Neko grins at her old nickname. Neko was known for her singing and dancing like her mothers who a very beautiful geshia.
Naruto was laughing a little bit. “Man you grown since the last time I saw you who would of thought a whole summer we changed so much I never even thought you joined this college believe it.”.
Neko nodded. “I agree I couldn’t recognize you till you told me your name. Ah! You remember Ookami-san right?” Naruto looks at Ookami “How can I forget her at first I thought she was a guy in a girl uniform.” Ookami gave Naruto her death glare and evil grin “Good to see you to Uzumaki-kun.”Ookami growled out those words. Two huge sweat drops from Neko and Naruto while Naruto laughed nervously.
“Neh, neh Naruto? Where the teacher?” Naruto shrugs. “Don’t bother. Kakashi-sensei is always late what I heard. You should have known that Tajame-san” the two girls and Naruto look at a boy with short black hair, somewhat pale skin and dark grey eyes near black, Neko left eye began to twitch. “Sai! I should have known you would be here.” ‘Trying make Naruto-chan love you thinking I’m out of the picture now so you would have a smooth move well think again!’ Neko growled at Sai as he came a closer glare at Neko. “Been awhile Tajame-san.” “Only three months.”
Neko knew Sai since middle school. She hated Sai guts for being a smart a** and thinks he so cool. When Neko meet Naruto 3rd year in middle school, Sai always was after Naruto. Neko always thought of Naruto as a twin brother she never had. When she noticed Sai was trying to hit on Naruto it was up to her to keep Sai away from him for she didn’t like the way Sai gave looks at Naruto like he was going to rape him. Thank goodness for somewhat stupidity from Naruto he never knew Sai was hitting on him.
“Ok, ok class settle down now.” A spiky white haired young man said while he entered the class walking to his desk. He had a mask on covering half of his face. Sai went back to his seat and Naruto was behind Neko and Ookami. “The reason why I was late I had to save a fish from drowning.” The class laughed. Neko raised an eyebrow while thinking. ‘This guy can’t be Kakashi-sensei.’ //Neko devil wearing a black fish net shirt on top of it is a red one strap tank top that goes half way down her stomach. Black knee rip jeans with red and black tennis shoes “You got to be kidding me!?!?!? This is a joke right??”//
“Well we have a few new students this year please all new students stand up and introduce yourself.” A few people and Neko and her friends and rival. After sometime past it was Neko turn “Please to meet you all.”Bows “ My name is Koneko Tajame but please call me Neko and I hope we can all be friends.”Neko gave them a cat like smile before sitting back down.
“Thank you all new students and welcome. The first theme we will talk about is the body’s anatomy” Kakashi said with a pervert smirk behind his mask “we will start now by explaining the function of the sexual organs of both genders.” Kakashi eyed Neko, Ookami, and Naruto from the corner of his eyes and with a small evil grin he asked something that made the three blush from head to toes “Neko-san, since you look ready, would you like to start to answer us for what purpose is the masculine sexual organ?”
Of course, Sai immediately raised his hand. When Neko saw Sai raised his hand. ‘He thinks I don’t know the answer well I’ll show him.’ Neko stood up and cleared her throat. Ookami and Naruto stood there in shock what Neko doing. Not failing to add the words ‘p***s, balls, and sex’ while she glaring at Sai.
Kakashi nodded, indicating that the answer was correct and started to give to the students some copies that resumed the functions of each organ and the names of its places and glandulae.
After a hour. Neko, Ookami, and Naruto walks out of the class room. Ookami kept poking Neko while nagging on her. “I can’t believe you said all that stuff.” Ookami was wishing she was dead from hearing them. Neko shrugs and getting annoyed by the poking. “Well if you just payed more attention in health you wouldn’t of freaked out so much. Now stop poking me!!!”
Ookami placed her hand on her hips.”Yeah right looks who talking 5 years ago you got addicted to Yaoi, Yuri, and hentai mangas you would read them every day mostly watch them!” Neko face went bright red. “Oh shut up or we going to be late for our next class.” The three friends went off to there other class. Suddenly a red head boy around Ookami age bumps into Ookami as she fell so did the papers and books hits the ground. “Oof! Hey watch where ya goi......”Ookami brown eyes met with light green eyes. Ookami was lost in the light mint greens pools her own heart stopped beating for a minute. As she snap back in reality her cheeks was bright pink she notice a symbol on his forehead it was himitsu in kanji in english it means love. Ookami notice he was pick up his papers and books. “Here let me help.”Ookami pick some papers up and hand it to him. “Sorry I wasn’t paying attention where I was going.”As they both got up the floor Ookami bowed and said sorry again. He nodded and said. “Thank you.” and walks off. Ookami stood there watching him leave then a girl with 4 pigtails runs past yell out a name “Oie! Gaara wait up.” The red head boy turn his head as the girl walks up to him.
Ookami stood still as if her feet melted into the floor. “Gaara....”She whispered that name that stuck in her mind. Neko looks at Naruto and they both shrugs.”Hey Ookami you ok?” Neko pokes her but she doesn’t move a muscle . Naruto waved his hand in her face still nothing. Neko had something in her mind what might help Ookami snap out of it. “Oh Ooky-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn”In chime voice. Ookami snap out of it and punch Naruto on the arm. “Ow!” “Don’t you dare call me that again!” “It wasn’t me it was Neko-chan.” “Still don’t call me that got it!” Neko sighed. “I had to for you wouldn’t move and we were going to be late for class.”.
Some time passed it was almost 11:37 Ookami and Neko was in their other class it was math. Daisuke-sensei was a young man in his 20tys has spiky black hair and red warm eyes. Neko looks at her friend who isn’t acting like herself she kept dreamy sighs and has a warm smile on her face that very rare.
//Neko Angel wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a medium pink skirt with knee long shocks with lace “Oh Dear Kage-san is acting very strange I wonder if she sick?” Neko Devil looks at her goody two shoes self. “How the hell should I know. I’m not a doctor.”//
After math class Neko garbed her stuff looks over at her friend who still has that look on her face. “Ookami-san you ok?” Ookami smile grew bigger it frighten Neko send shivers down her spin. “Ookami I think we should take you to the nurse office like now!” Ookami looks at her friend still with that smile. “I’m fine Neko in fact never felt better to tell you the truth I feel like some hit my heart and gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.”
Neko thought for a moment. ‘ Warm fuzzy feeling? She been acting weird when she bumped into that guy. Bump, guy, dreamy sigh, a real smile, heart, hit, warm, fuzzy, feeling...........Warm fuzzy feeling.....’ Then it hit her like 200 pounds rock. ‘ Oh snap! Ookami-san is in love with that guy!!!!’
Neko face turn to horror she knows Ookami never dated nor have a boyfriend before. Neko looks at her friend with that look. “Umm...Ookami I think I know why you are getting that feeling.” Neko said with a worried face. Ookami looks at Neko. “Oh really? What is it then?” Neko gulped then burst out her words. “Ookami I think you are in love with that guy you bumped into!!”
Ookami blinked a couple of times then. “Nani?!?!?!??!” Neko backed away with a scared look. Ookami got up from her seat garbed her stuff with a red face. “Ookami-san?” Neko felt she had done something wrong. “Lets go Neko or we going to be late for lunch.” Ookami walks out of the room with Neko following behind.
The girls told Naruto to meet them at McDonald’s. When they waited for Naruto they bumps into some old friends. TenTen, Neji, and Rock Lee but Neko always called him Broccoli for he always wear green and his name reminds her of her second favorite vegetable.
“Hey Neko. Hey Ookami.” TenTen said as she walk to the girls at a table with the boys following her. “Hey TenTen, Neji, and Broccoli!” Neko smiled at them. Lee pouted up his nickname “It Rock Lee not Broccoli! Why do you always call me that?!?!?!” Neko shrugs then took a sip of Diet Coke. “ Well its better than bushy eyebrows.” Lee mouth drops at the other nickname. Neko was right it was better than the other nickname.
Neji and Lee sat across the girls. Ookami cheeks were bright red. “Hey Ookami you don’t look to good. Are you sick?” TenTen looks at Ookami with worried eyes. “She fine it just that she has a crush on someone.” Neko giggled. “Eh!!! Really who is it?” TenTen eyes shine with stars in her eyes. “Well I didn’t catch his name but he has red hair, mint green eyes, and a the kanji word love tattoo. But I think Ookami heard his name right Ookami?” Ookami glared at Neko for telling TenTen about her little problem. “Gaara....” She mumbled. “What was that we didn’t catch that.” Neko put her hand by her ear and leaned closer to Ookami. Ookami took a deep then in Neko ear “GAARA!!!” Neko fell off her chair twiching with ear ringing. TenTen , Neji , and Lee eyes widen looking at Ookami. Neji spoke first for the first time. “Did you say Gaara?” Neko got back in her seat rubbing her poor ear “That what she said ow. Why?” Neko and Ookami looks at the three with somewhat shock. “Don’t you guys remember Gaara Sabaku from High school?”
Neko and Ookami looks at each other then thought and thought then turned their heads to the three and said at the same time. “Nope.” The three did anime fall. “Don’t you remember when Lee almost died!!!” TenTen out burst her words. Neko and Ookami thought again and then nodded “Yeah we remember that we visited him in the hospital. Neko even made him laugh a little.” Ookami said as she remembered and Neko nods her head. “Yep. So whats dose it have to do with that Gaara guy from highschool?” Neko looks at the three. “Gaara Sabaku was the one who almost killed Lee. He was that new transfer student bully.” Neji said Lee nodded . Neko and Ookami eyes widen then Neko looks at Ookami “ Nice you have a crush on a manic almost killer guy.” Ookami glared at Neko then looks at TenTen. “But didn’t he stop and became friends with Naruto?” Neko eyes turn to pea size. “N..n....n....Naruto became friends with him?!?!??!” ‘ I hope he not worse than Sai if he is another person on not to be around Naruto list’.
“Yeah he did.” a lazy voice said behind the gang. Neko, Ookami, and TenTen looks at guy around their age his black hair was in a high pony tail to Neko his hair and head almost looked like a pineapple. “Hey Shikamaru.” Ookami lift her hand up then back down, Neko head was on the table pouting what she just heard.
“So why are you talking about Gaara?” Shikamaru pulled out a chair and looking at the girls. “Ookami-san has a thing for Gaara now.” TenTen told Shikamaru Neko nods her head then mumbles out her words. “Yeah she bumped into him when we were heading out for our second period.” Ookami face went red and looked away. “And someone should of kept their mouth shut.” Glares at Neko who just shrugs. “ How troublesome...I know him a little about him for I’m dating his sister, Temari.” “You are?” Ookami looks at him. “Yeah here a picture of her.” The girls looks at Shikamaru picture of Temari and him at an amusement park. “Hey isn’t that the girl that ran up to Gaara?”Ookami asked. “You’re right it is.”Neko looks at the picture. “And she , Gaara, and their other brother Kankuro coming here for lunch with the others like Naruto, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Choji, Aiko and her boyfriend Zaku.” Ookami face went red and eyes widen.”He coming here?”
Shikamaru nods. Ookami hide her face over her arms. “Awww. Little Ooky-chan shy. Cute!!”Neko had a cheeky grin. Ookami pound her fist on the table. “That dose it!”Ookami goes behind Neko and wraps her arm around her neck choking her. Neko meeped, gurgles, gasp, and in a weird little voice. “ I’m sorry Ookami-ojousama! Mercy!! Mercy!!!Ack!!!” The group watched Neko being choked to death for they saw it before Ookami was one tough girl and hard to break and easily can get pissed off. “Ookami-chan let Auntie Neko-san go!” The group looks at a girl who a little short then them she has short brown hair and part of it was up in a small pigtail on her left side ((like rin’s from Inu yasha))and green eyes. She was wearing a grey hoody with the word Mist on it and black pants and grey tennis shoes. Around her neck in black string and at the end was a pink heart.
Ookami released Neko. Neko coughed as the girl walks up next to her “You ok Auntie Neko-san?” Neko looks at the girl then hugs her. “Aiko-chan!!!I’m fine thank you so much and your still cute as ever. Awww My niece Aiko-chan!!!”Neko hugging Aiko with a big smile.
Aiko giggles at her friend they weren’t really realated their dads know eachother from work and thought those two could get along with each other and they did very well. Ookami rolled her eyes as she sits back down she like Aiko-chan as well but Neko seems to hugs her a lot. Then a guy around their age walks in with black spiky hair and brown eyes wearing a tan shirt with three of the word Die in Kanji and blue cacky pants.
Aiko ran up to him with a big hugs. Neko blinks a couple time then saw them kissed and it hit her like a big foot smashed down on her. Now she remembered him Zaku Aiko-chan friend and boyfriend. Neko was ok with the friend part but boyfriend now she really wanted to tell Aiko-chan he wasn’t right for her no matter how hard she tried Aiko won’t listen and Neko and Zaku never get along even if Aiko was there. Neko glared at Zaku hoping send shivers down his spine so he’ll know that she hate everything about him and would beat the s**t out of him if he makes Aiko cry.
Ookami looks at Neko then at Zaku. She sighed then something or someone caught her eyes a red head it was Gaara walking in with Temari and another guy with brown redish hair and mint green eyes as well that must be Kankuro Ookami thought. Then Naruto, Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Choji, Ino, Sasuke, and Sakura behind them. Tenten waved her hands to let the others know where they were. Ookami face went red again and looks out the window not want to anyone see the red face. Neko looks at the gang coming towards them. Naruto walks up to Neko, Ookami, and the others. “Hey guys sorry it took us long.” Naruto grins as his arm was around a red face Hinata waist.
“Its ok we were just chatting away so why don’t you guys go get something to eat and we’ll eat outside since it’s a nice day.” Neko said as she got up with Ookami the others nodded. Ookami kept her eyes and face down not looking at Gaara. Suddenly bangs into the door. “Itai!! Damn it!” Everyone looks at her even Gaara. Neko looks at Ookami from outside when Ookami walks outside. “ You ok?” “I’m fine perfectly FINE!!! Neko knew Ookami was not fine she was having a huge fight with her ego and heart.
Neko found a long table for her friends to sit outside. After sometime pass everyone was outside chatting away. Sakura the pink hair and Ino the blonde hair glaring at eachother fight over Sasuke Uchiha, Neko smiles as high school years follow back in her mind nothing really haven’t changed much as she thought. ‘ Choji eats a lot, Shikamaru still a lazy a** and still saying “Troublesome”, Naruto still full of energy, Hinata still shy as ever, Neji can be an a*****e but still a good friend, Aiko still cute as ever, TenTen full of surprises, Sakura still punching Naruto and chase Sasuke, Ino like Sakura somewhat, Shino still creepy with the bugs stuff, Lee funny as always yet still need to loss the look like our old gym teacher Gai-sensei, Kiba a loyal friend like a dog and his dog grown so much what dose he feed him?...’
‘And last but not least Sasuke still a Teme in mine and Naruto eyes getting all the girls and acting like a freakin Mr.Cool like Sai.....But he was never like this for I knew him since we were only 4 we didn’t know eachother much but we were so close to eachother, but the day my first eldest sister Jiji died in a plane crash the same day my grandfather death My family and I had to move farther from the town I live in now. I was sent back here on the first day of first grade where I was staying at Ookami’s mansion house for awhile till My family stop running around the world, Sasuke must hate me for he never spoke to me nor seem happy to see me again for I guess I never told him I was leaving or he had a lot of thing in his mind and totally forgot about me the friend he once knew. Sometimes I wonder if he his misses the old me he once knew as well. Everything changed so much for me and Sasuke we kept our distance from eachother we both got tough we even try hard to be the best. We would fight eachother, glare eachother, act so cocky to one another but he doesn’t realize that all things I’m trying to do is make him remember me or forgive me and become friends again but that seem so far away it seem hopeless soon or later I will give up and move on with my life like Sasuke.’
“Oie Neko you ok?” “Huh?”Neko snapped back to reality then looks at Sasuke who called her name. “ He..Looks like the little kitty was in dream land. I bet she dreaming of a prince charming for the little kitty had a red face.” Sasuke had that damn cocky smirk. Neko growls at Sasuke. “Shut the ******** up Teme Uchiha think you so better than anyone other than you well you are so wrong for there is no one who is perfect in this whole world.”
Everyone stood quite looking at Neko and Sasuke. Sasuke gave Neko a true smile.” I’ll have to say Neko you stopped me in my tracks.” Neko eyes widen then her face went red. She got up fast.”Excuse me I need to use the restroom.” She made a quick dash to the restroom. She looks at herself in the mirror as the red face slowly die down but her heart was pounding hard. ‘What happening I’ve never felt like.......No way!!!This can’t.......this can’t be.....LOVE!!!! I’m in love with that damn Uchiha.....NOOOOOOOO!!!!’ Neko stared down at the sink. “I’m doomed......”
After lunch the gang said there farewells till next day. Neko head slunk as Ookami, Aiko, and Uchiha walking to their last period. Sasuke looking at Neko sighing for awhile and walking behind the others. He stopped and walks up to her. “Why are you down you stopped me today I thought you would be all happy and all that...” Neko glares at him.”Shut up Teme!!! Its none of your business... yes I did beat you for the first time but it.....Feels weird.” Sasuke rise an eyebrow. “ Oh how weird? Like Guilty weird or something else weird?” Neko straighten then burst her word out with angry.”SHUT UP!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU DID THAT TO TEASE ME FOR YOU KNOW I’LL FEEL DIFFERENT UGH!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU ANYMORE!!!!”.
Neko ran to her friends leaving a surprised Uchiha in the hall.’What up with her did I do something wrong.......ugh she like Uzumaki I wonder if those two are really reality. She never acted like this before...’ Sasuke sighs walking off to his class as well. Before class started Neko cell went off. “Hello?” On the other line was a women in her 30tys. “ Hey kitten mom and dad having another party to go to and they want us to go as well tonight..got any plans.” Neko thought ‘Dose watching anime with Ookami, Aiko, and Naruto count? Or studying or staying alone in my room alone as Ookami beat up Yankees?’ “No I don’t think so...What kind of party is it?” “Just a costume mask ball.” Neko sighs”I chose the costume got it Ayu!” Ayu laughed.”Ok , ok I’ll pick you up in a hour then.”
Neko hang up as class began their sensei Iruka looks like in his 20tys or so as he started teaching. She noticed he was acting a little awkward his eyes glance at the door Neko looks at the door seeing Kakashi-sensei looking at Iruka-sensei with a smile under his mask. Neko looks back and forth at Iruka and Kakashi very confused.
After class Neko went up with Iruka-sensei as the others left.”Iruka-sensei can I have a word with you.” Iruka sat in his chair next to his desk.”Of course, my next class do start in 25 minutes anyway .” Neko cleared her throat. “What is your relationship with Kakashi-sensei ?” Iruka nearly fell off his seat at her question. “Wha-wha what makes you think of that?!?!” His cheek turned red can’t hide it from his tan skin. Neko shrugs. “Well he was outside the door and smiling at you and you were acting a little strange when he was there....so if my guess is right you two are......Lovers!” “You are right Miss love detective” Kakashi walks in and wraps his arms around Iruka. Neko smiles brightly “Well I love mysteries stuff. Don’t worry I won’t tell a soul.” Neko looks at her watch.”Oh s**t! Ayu going to kill me! Ja ne sensei.” Iruka sighs as Kakashi nuzzles his cheek.
Outside the college in a green soft top jeep parked with a women in her 30tys with long dark brown in a high pony tail. Her green eyes hidden under her sunglasses. Wearing a dark green off- the shoulder top and grey jeans. Neko opens the door and throw her backpack in the back. And hop in the front seat next to the women.”Sorry Ayu had to talk to my sensei.” Ayu smiles as she starts the jeep and Japanese music came on .”Its cool, so how was first day in college?” As she drove out the parking lot to Tajame house or Mansion
“The whole gang was there and the classes was good. Oh and Ookami-san has a crush on a guy name Gaara!” Ayu laughs.”Really!? That news to my ears!” Neko looks at Ayu.”Neh is Taichi coming as well?” Ayu shook her head.”Nope he has a meeting with his boss.” Neko mumbles.”His hot sexy female boss.” Ayu nods. “That women is one big a** b***h I tell you all she wants is our money she going to bank reap us someday if Taichi open his eyes.” Neko nods.”Brother is such an Idiot when it comes to girls.” They drove up to the house and parked the jeep with the other cars.
As they walked in the front door maids and butlers bows and said”Welcome home Ms. Ayu and Koneko.” Neko was used to it but hated living as a princess. Her mother Mrs. Anoko Tajame is a Movie star and singer geshia. Her father Mr. Tamaki is the vice president of the Uchiha and Tajame company. Her half older brother Taichi work for a Ms. Miyuki Onishima for music business but a demon to Ayu and Neko eyes. Second eldest step sister Ayu is Model and clothes designer. Jiji the eldest sister may her soul rest in peace she was going to be an actress and get married one day but that thready night she and mother’s father were flying to surprised Neko 5th birthday party but a lighting bolt struck the plan and no survivors.
It crushed the family and thought to take a break away from the sadness. They all miss them all the time but they would wanted the family to move on. Neko sighs at her family life how boring it can be. Ayu and her walk to Neko room in her huge closet. “Ugh I know its in here somewhere.” Neko looks through her clothes and dresses as Ayu sit watching Neko looking for whatever she looking for. “Ah-ha I found it! I knew it was in here.” Ayu smiles. “Good now lets get change and go to that party its almost time.”
Kathrin Luna: That the end of the first chapter here a sneak preview of the next chapter
Music sound soft and low as the boy in the prince costume swayed in the dance with her many people stopped and watches them dance it seem Neko didn’t notice her eyes staring at the black night orbs under the mask looking down at her blue grey eyes as if he was looking into her soul. ‘Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to wear this dress.’ She thought. This boy dancing with her was a strange mystery to her she felt as she was on heaven 9 as the music stop so did they. Many applause and encores Neko looks around at the people as she returned to normal self. The boy bowed at her as she curtis to him. He grabbed her hand and kissed it Neko stood stiff with amaze.
Kathrin Luna: There you go try to solve who this prince is!
Bla-bla, Caroley, and Juju: We already know who is it.....its......*BEEEP!*
Kathrin: I love this beeper*press it again as her friends try to say it again and again.*
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