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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
billy Garraghan: HAMIM!
Hamim Sultana: BILLY!
billy Garraghan: =]
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: what page are u up to now?
billy Garraghan: nearly 200 pages
Hamim Sultana: ooh cool
billy Garraghan: =P
Hamim Sultana: lalala
billy Garraghan: Cheese fiddles.
Hamim Sultana: Im sad
Hamim Sultana: for a dumb reason...again hehehe
Hamim Sultana: but i dont find it dumb! &_&
billy Garraghan: why you sad?
Hamim Sultana: chicken crossed the road
billy Garraghan: huh?
Hamim Sultana: nothing...i miss his old hairstyle *sigh* oh well
Hamim Sultana: i still have hopes up for them cutting his hair
Hamim Sultana: oh u wont understand!
billy Garraghan: =P
Hamim Sultana: hehe. chicka
Hamim Sultana: i wish nat was here
Hamim Sultana: but but but she always come son LATE! &_&
billy Garraghan:
Hamim Sultana: nanananan.
Hamim Sultana: how's dinky?
billy Garraghan: She's great
Hamim Sultana: good good
Hamim Sultana: wait...u bought her? or are u just looking agter her?
billy Garraghan: looking after her
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies. i got a bit confused
billy Garraghan: *Hugs confused Hamim*
Hamim Sultana: *huggles back* yaaay!
Hamim Sultana: lol! ahahaha. someone acted as if they're fromt he band DBSK and he said "We are happy that we got fans here on youtube.
And we are happy that our fans like our songs and our group. Thank you to all our fans.From DBSK"
Hamim Sultana: lol. odd ppl
billy Garraghan: =P
Hamim Sultana: and someone asked a question about something and he's like, "dont as me. we were bla bla bla yadda yadda ya"
billy Garraghan: Haha
billy Garraghan: *Eats your Changminnie*
Hamim Sultana: *opens ur mouth and goes inside ur tummy*
Hamim Sultana: we're together at last! =D
billy Garraghan: *Digests him*
billy Garraghan: *Goes to the toilet*
billy Garraghan: ...LOL.
Hamim Sultana: humans are not digestable
Hamim Sultana: so we're in ur tummy forever =O
Hamim Sultana: unless u spit us out
billy Garraghan: *Spits Changminnie into the bin*
billy Garraghan: *Spits Hamim into Disneyland*
Hamim Sultana: well...changminnie goes there so i can meet up with him there =)
billy Garraghan: *Locks bin lid tight*
billy Garraghan: *Gets Barney to sit on the bin lid*
billy Garraghan: =]
Hamim Sultana: *brings out barbie*
Hamim Sultana: *barney chases after her*
billy Garraghan: Bin's still locked
Hamim Sultana: *uses special chees epowers to melt it*
Hamim Sultana: MWAHAHAHAH!
billy Garraghan: *Turns Hamim's hair vibrant green*
Hamim Sultana: so?
billy Garraghan: *Transports Hamim into Lala land*
Hamim Sultana: *takes changmin with her*
billy Garraghan: *Chops Changminnie into 23 1/2 pieces*
Hamim Sultana: 23....23 and 3 is a special number to me
Hamim Sultana: why??? why are you so mean?
Hamim Sultana: u'r like a mean dad or a jealous guy that doesn't want me to be with him!
billy Garraghan: *Gives a present* =]
Hamim Sultana: is it max? or the harryu potter book./ or both?
billy Garraghan: Harry Potter book, $10000000 and..
billy Garraghan: a wedding ring!
billy Garraghan: Will you marry me?
Hamim Sultana: sure! sorry changmin nat still love su tho
Hamim Sultana: so when's the wedding? can the cake me a cheese ice cream cake? xD
billy Garraghan: the wedding is NOW!
Hamim Sultana: cooool!
billy Garraghan: ~Hamim, will you take Billy to be your totally cool husband?
Hamim Sultana: if he always makes sure to have ice crema int he fridge, then yes
billy Garraghan: ~Billy, will you take Hamim to be your fun and crazy wife?
billy Garraghan: Nope sorry, I'm gay. &/3
Hamim Sultana: YPIEE!
Hamim Sultana: *runs away with changmin*
Hamim Sultana: MWAHAHAHA!
Hamim Sultana: *changmin throws away wedding ring*
billy Garraghan: =P
billy Garraghan: ughh, i hate Abigail
billy Garraghan: I'm staying away from the internet until i finish the Harry Potter book
Hamim Sultana: is she bother ing u or somehting?
billy Garraghan: she gave me spoilers to the book coz i haven't finished yet
billy Garraghan: so i'm staying away from the internet for good until i finish the book
billy Garraghan: which will be a while
billy Garraghan: so no talky to anyone &/3
Hamim Sultana: aww okies
billy Garraghan: Bye for a week or so, until book is finished
Hamim Sultana: now i can finally be with changmin
Hamim Sultana: okies. bye bye!
billy Garraghan has signed out. (7/22/2007 1:38 PM)


xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: Momo-chan!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sorry i didn't sign on earlier but i had to go clean my room sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: my aunt and maybe even my cousins are comming over
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and they might stay the night
akmhamim: it's ok
akmhamim: and yaaay!
akmhamim: im called momo-chan biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i like that name!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it's so cute!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i almost never call u that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so i wanted
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
akmhamim: yaaay! i like being called that biggrin
akmhamim: i'm always called momo by everyone else
akmhamim: but not momo-chan hehehe
akmhamim: the name momo seems to be more common in japan rather than my own country xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: u nocited too?
akmhamim: there's even an anime called peach girl, and the main character's name is momo. and momomeans peach biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: really? cool!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: heheh yup yup biggrin
akmhamim: the main character is named after me
akmhamim: hehe yaaay!
akmhamim: so i get to be her biggrin
akmhamim: oh and guess what?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: what?
akmhamim: moko-chan has asthma too
akmhamim: although his is minor
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wow what a coincidence
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: and this girl said: you guys really do have so much in common.

akmhamim: and he said: Maybe we're twins~ 8D
akmhamim: and she said: maybe you are and were seperated at birth. you never know

akmhamim: and then he said: But our birthdates aren't relatively close. =P

^ Yay, Hamim~

akmhamim: hellooooo??
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wait im trying to view it
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but it sends me to a different page
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: weird
akmhamim: nooo!
akmhamim: the link.
akmhamim: ? DONT VIEW IT!
akmhamim: well...u dont have to if u dont want to
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oooooh XD
akmhamim: it's of ToS
akmhamim: u saw it? xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: no
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it won't let me
akmhamim: but no spoilers odnt worry
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha
akmhamim: hahaha niiiiice
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: although it had no spoilers. and one major spoiler we both alreayd kow
akmhamim: i knew before i even got hte game >_<
akmhamim: and when they showed the cutscene i was like, "Whatever, i always knew anyways."
akmhamim: xD ahahah. but i was disappointed that i didn't get the same shock as everyone else
akmhamim: oh and lookie! http://youtube.com/watch?v=StMN44ryTfI
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i saw that one before i left remember?
akmhamim: u did?
akmhamim: u didnt tell me anyhting
akmhamim: WHY???
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i had to go
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: ok tell me now
akmhamim: and did u read my comments?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it was pretty i really liked it
akmhamim: reading my comments makes me happy biggrin
akmhamim: did u see when yesung pointed out Kyuhyunnie's blazer? hahaha
akmhamim: and and and kyuhyunnie lipsynced yesung's line. lol.
akmhamim: TALK GIRL TALK!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he left and i was like "O.o? where's he going?"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: lol. hahah. and he came back with his jacket
akmhamim: or blazer, whatvere u call it
akmhamim: and Yesung pointed it out. u saw it?
akmhamim: i make a big deal out of small things xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: razz
akmhamim: but it was cute!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: kinda like me when i saw jaejoong make a smally mistake in his dancing in rising sun japanese version
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: that's not making a big deal
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: smally? O.o? SMALLY?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XDDDDD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: what was i thinkning
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hahahaha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: thinking*
akmhamim: im impressed u were able to focus on him O_O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD hahaha
akmhamim: how tho?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk it just looked hillarious!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: my eyes follows max';s do yeah
akmhamim: so*
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and if u go back and look at his expression, i was like XDDDDDDDD "he looks confused"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD hahaha
akmhamim: and did u see when kyuhyun imitated yesung?
akmhamim: DID YOU????
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah XD i love it when they do that
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it cracks me up
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha
akmhamim: good
akmhamim: ppl needs to pay attention to kyuhyunnie more
akmhamim: remember the card kissing ga,e?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ooooooooooooh my ipod is playing show me your love
akmhamim: this girl said, "I can't believe im saying this but kyuhyun looks hot here"
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: and it got me sooooooo mad!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: that's mean!
akmhamim: i wanted to slap her!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: aren't they ALWAYS hot?
akmhamim: shut up
akmhamim: u dont even call him hot <_<
akmhamim: but at least didnt say something mean like her sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: cause i still haven't memoriezed his
akmhamim: u could always ask me
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i wanna learn on my own
akmhamim: okies. but what do u htink of kyuhyunnie? biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i feel so dependable when i ask people for stuff like that XD
akmhamim: nothings wrong with it. but suit urself
akmhamim: now answer my questions! xD
akmhamim: im watching the vidoe with yesung and heechul dancing to im coming and omg...xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: let me look first sad
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i still don't know him
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wait
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he's sungmin?
akmhamim: lol. he's the one in that video where he goes to get his blazer
akmhamim: u think kyuhyun is sungmin?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: idk wait
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im searching!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XDDDDD
akmhamim: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awww
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: darn
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wait
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: heechul is hot
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh ok i see him
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he looks adorable!^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: omg smexy!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: which pic did u see?
akmhamim: yaaaay! im glad u like him! biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: one where he's leaning against the wall and he has a serious face on
akmhamim: i get sooo happy when ppl starts liking max and kyuhyun! becuase they're not so popular
akmhamim: omg! he's an AWSOME actor!
akmhamim: u should see him int his game thingy, and they make up their own drama together
akmhamim: and they act it out together
akmhamim: and he's AMAZING!
akmhamim: see/ kyuhyun
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: i love him wearing that outfit!
akmhamim: well i like him in everything actually
akmhamim: i love his voice soooo much!
akmhamim: remember the guy who sang alladin?
akmhamim: and u said he sounded almost exactly like him?
akmhamim: well that's him. he sang it
akmhamim: him and max has perfect english pronounciation without...like...not living in america! O_O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: omg seriously?!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he sang aladin?!
akmhamim: yeah!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: hehehe, he's amazing right?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sandy has that song on her profile
akmhamim: wasn't his pronounciation great?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i was like fliping out
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i LOVE that song
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he NAILED it!
akmhamim: me too!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: yeah! i was like YAAAAAAAY!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: YEAH!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: wanna see my nephew's pic?
akmhamim: oh and do u liek the last pic btw? biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: darn XD now i wanna go listen that song
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ~goes to hear it~
akmhamim: hehe i liek his version more xD
akmhamim: sorry!
akmhamim: my parents are here xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im watching the video of aladdin!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wooooooooooo
akmhamim: haha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i LOVE this song!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and and and when i was little and first watched the movie
akmhamim: soooo, did u like the last pic as much as i did? DID YOU???
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i had a crush on aladdin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yesh! i told ya i liked it
akmhamim: good!
akmhamim: good good good
akmhamim: i think aladdin is ugly =O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: O.O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: NOOOOO!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad (
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: He's cute!!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and and and and and he has an amazing voice too XD
akmhamim: kyuhyun is my aladdin!
akmhamim: i have a gif that says that xD
akmhamim: and he's dancing and singing
akmhamim: doesn't kyuhyun have a wonderful voice? biggrin
akmhamim: CHICKEN!!!
akmhamim: im gonna go soon and ur not replying?
akmhamim: FINE!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im not answering ur questions because u no likey Aladdin sad
akmhamim: ok i love aladdin. and if u weren't my sis i'd steal him. biggrin
akmhamim: now reply!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yesh he has a wonderful voice
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he's cute
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and handsome
akmhamim: awww! :http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/4962/108294197c2053207144468ok4.jpg
akmhamim: go on go on
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and he sounds like aladdin so he's mega amazing
akmhamim: praise him as much as u like
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and and and and and and and i wuv him! ^.^
akmhamim: CONGRATS SIS!
akmhamim: *conffetti falls*
akmhamim: *huggles u*
akmhamim: wooohooo
akmhamim: !
akmhamim: Kyuhyun: yes! im loved! ^-^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yesh, bow before me
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im the new queen now
akmhamim: shut up
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: natty, queen kitty paws
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: jk
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: razz
akmhamim: did u see the pic?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: KITTY!!!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awwww
akmhamim: and and and heechul! biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he wuvs his kitty!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i wuv kitties too
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and i wuv him
akmhamim: and heechul biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lets get marry
akmhamim: noo
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: heechul: ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: im engaged to him
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XDDDD
akmhamim: heechul:im engaged to mimi
akmhamim: hahahaha
akmhamim: too latre!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: LOOK AT THAT FUUUUURRRR!!!!! ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: so shinny
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XDDDD
akmhamim: but didnt u say u dont like him like him?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oooooohhh
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: whisper of is playing on my stereo
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and and and that just reminded me
akmhamim: nice
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i found out
akmhamim: the trailer?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: that the voice
akmhamim: uh huh
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: is yoochun
akmhamim: ....
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: not max
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: sad
akmhamim: =O oh well...
akmhamim: use just once xD
akmhamim: or the song
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i wanted him not singing
akmhamim: when we first kissed by max
akmhamim: hmm...
akmhamim: maybe there are clips of him like that?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i tried looking but couldn't find anything
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i'll look some more
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and if not, im still going to use the clip
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and just say "it is actually yoochun's voice in the clip but it also sounds a lot like max so i used it for him (BECAUSE HE'S BETTER THAN EVERYONE IN THIS WHOLE WORLD! MUAHAHAHA!) ~cough~ thank you. ^.^"
akmhamim: yaaay! biggrin
akmhamim: if i were u i'd use it anyways
akmhamim: i'd be like, "so? let's imagine it's max, althoug max has a much better voice."
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha
akmhamim: righr right right?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: OF COURSE!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: good good
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i think i wanna change the lyrics a bit though
akmhamim: oh! and and and and i wonder who bi is
akmhamim: i wanna download the song
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i wanna use some of the original translations
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but i want to take out a few things and add something else
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: because the clips also talks about the ocean
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: but my fanfic isn't exactly about that XD
akmhamim: haha
akmhamim: chicka
akmhamim: do whatever u wish and justa say, "I altered it a little."
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah and i'll add the original translation in the description box and give all credit to the girl in the box
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ops i mean blog
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD haha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: jk
akmhamim: she lives in a box
akmhamim: woooow
akmhamim: all the download formt here is really from a virtual box
akmhamim: cooool
akmhamim: but hey! so now u like heechul too?
akmhamim: as in like like? biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD um..... ~blushes~ yeah
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
akmhamim: YAAAY! biggrin
akmhamim: since when?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: he's just so adorably funny and cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: exclude the one and make it another !
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: huh? exclude the one an dmake it hte other?
akmhamim: u mean cute?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: no i mean exclude the 1 and make it an exclamation point
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: oh okies
akmhamim: haha
akmhamim: yaaay! i KNEW u were gonna like him
akmhamim: and u say, "idk how to explian this but umm...uhhh i just don't like himt he other way." or osmehting liek that <_<
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ay ay ay u just didn't understand what i was trying to say
akmhamim: no i dont. what was it? xD
akmhamim: im sitll curois
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: nvm it's too hard to explain
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: i found out u like him when u said u were blushing while watching him dance. well...that was obvious anyways
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ahaha
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yeah
akmhamim: heheheh
akmhamim: i was like "ok...why am i blushing so much>??" x
akmhamim: xD*
akmhamim: it has a beautymark
akmhamim: he's sooo hilarious!
akmhamim: did u see him in twins (knock out)!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: not yet
akmhamim: umm...it's the video in my gaia profile xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: xd
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: GOD I KEEP FORGETING
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: xd
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD*
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i keep thinking that's u
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: lol
akmhamim: ahahaha
akmhamim: do u like the song tho?
akmhamim: kyuhyun (aladdin) isn't in it. (omg i hope we dont nickname him aladdin)
akmhamim: that was before he joined hte group
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oooh ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe aladdin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: hehe, too bad he's not in it
akmhamim: he caught my attention the most in U
akmhamim: because....
akmhamim: he reminded me of an anime character xD
akmhamim: the ones that didn't catch my intrest were: eunhyk, teuk, wookie, and and and and...i think that's it xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: but i still like htem hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im almost done with my online chat!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: wooo!!!!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: FINALLY! yaaay!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: this one is gonna be the shortest one i think
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
akmhamim: i blame it on kyuhyun and heechul =O
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha XD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yesh ok
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: im gonna shorten the beginning too
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: cause it's too long for an intro
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: XD
akmhamim: yaaay! biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: my stuffed mouse is sooo cute
akmhamim: the first time i got it i named him Dr.McCheesepuffs
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awwww
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: what a cute name for a stuffed mouse!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: hehehe thanks
akmhamim: i shall take a pic of him when the camera works again
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yaaay okies
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: and he's the hug me like thing
akmhamim: so he can hang around my neck or watever
akmhamim: i put his hands on my eyes like the three blind mice
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awww
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: cute!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: oh!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: that reminds me!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: i haven't named my big stuffed cat!
akmhamim: name it momo-chan
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: it's a squishy and big kinda like for a pillow
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: awww
akmhamim: xD
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: momo-chan!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: okies!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: yaaaaaaaaaaay!
akmhamim: u sure?
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: yesh!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: especially since peaches are orangy kinda
akmhamim: hug it whenever u wana hug me biggrin
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: and the kitty has a big orange spot
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: on the back
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: hehe
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: okies!
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: ^.^
akmhamim: kitty bug
akmhamim: or...ladykitty
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: haha XD
akmhamim: ok watever
akmhamim: i feel special now
xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net: lol
akmhamim: well i always did
akmhamim: but i feel even more sepcial biggrin
akmhamim: yaaay!
akmhamim: i have this gif u may like
akmhamim: GIRL!
akmhamim: lalala
akmhamim: im gonna have to leave soon
akmhamim: so im tyring to talk as much as possible
akmhamim: and u no talk!
akmhamim: STILL!
akmhamim: ok bye@!
akmhamim: good night!@
akmhamim: i guess ur up to comething
akmhamim: bye sis!
akmhamim: make sure to tamke ccare of momo-chan!


dominiquea01: hello
akmhamim: oh hey!
dominiquea01: whats up?
akmhamim: nothing much. just watching a video
akmhamim: i should be watching 1 litre of tears though...
dominiquea01: lol did you get my pm?
akmhamim: i didn't check. let me check it right now
dominiquea01: ok
akmhamim: ok i got it. hold on, let me read it
akmhamim: oh yeah, you told me about it last night
dominiquea01: lol
akmhamim: i guess they should get it themselves...did you check veoh?
dominiquea01: no
akmhamim: i'llg o check right now
dominiquea01: thanks
akmhamim: ur welcome
dominiquea01: ^^
akmhamim: i found it...but it's in parts
akmhamim: wait nvm. it's somehting else. xD
dominiquea01: o.O
akmhamim: seems like they don't have it sad
dominiquea01: o.O I think I gave you the link to download it from toorent
dominiquea01: torrnet*
dominiquea01: torrent*
dominiquea01: (can't type correctly today ^^)
akmhamim: thanks, but umm...torrents for some reaosn doesn't work on my computer....or maybe I don't know how to work it?
dominiquea01: download utorrent
akmhamim: lol, dont worry, happens to me a lot
akmhamim: utorrent?
akmhamim: so many torrents are out there it's cofusing. BitTorrent, Torrent, and some other kind of torrent...and the uTorrent. haha
dominiquea01: utorrent is the fastest and smallest with nothing attached to it at all
akmhamim: oh ok. hmm, let me try it then
dominiquea01: no installation required
dominiquea01: too
akmhamim: uhh...is it supposed to download very fast?
akmhamim: and it says things like: FileName : 20070405_1_Litre_of_Tears_Special_2h19m28s_.avi[www.btmon.com].torrent
Data :
64 38 3A 61 6E 6E 6F 75 6E 63 65 33 34 3A 68 74 when i try to play it
akmhamim: this is why i have trouble with these torrents...hehe...sorry
dominiquea01: ?
akmhamim: lol, i ahve no idea what's going on
akmhamim: have*
dominiquea01: can you please post a screenshot?
akmhamim: sure
dominiquea01: thx
akmhamim: no problem
akmhamim: do you want me to just send it to you or give you a link to it?
akmhamim: nvm
akmhamim: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Random/utorrent.jpg there u go
akmhamim: or should i open the file with something else?
akmhamim: sorry, im not very good with these kind of things. ^^;;
dominiquea01: whoa.... save the torrent file on the desktop and then open the torrent file with utorrent
akmhamim: haha. lol. okie dokie then
dominiquea01: brb im eating right now
akmhamim: ok
dominiquea01: I am currently away from the computer.

dominiquea01: back
Hamim Sultana: welcome back
dominiquea01: are you able to downloadit?
dominiquea01: download it*
Hamim Sultana: yup.
dominiquea01: kool
Hamim Sultana: well, it's still downloading
dominiquea01: I'm seeding it right now
Hamim Sultana: 50.9%
Hamim Sultana: it'll take awhile...
Hamim Sultana: what's the seed thing?
dominiquea01: it's like giving parts of the download to other people so that they can download it
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies.
Hamim Sultana: the file wont exceed 500mb right?
Hamim Sultana: wait...what was the the limit..i forgot...
dominiquea01: ?
Hamim Sultana: umm, i meant it doesnt exceed the file limit for megaupload right?
dominiquea01: the file limit is 500MB
Hamim Sultana: since htey wont let us upload more than 500mb or something liek that :
dominiquea01: yea i guess
Hamim Sultana: i hope it's not more than that.
Hamim Sultana: 57% yipee...
dominiquea01: it's 630MB -the special episode
Hamim Sultana: lol, we can't upload it now can we?
dominiquea01: mmm.... no
Hamim Sultana: too bad. oh well, the others can download it themselves if they want. xD haha
dominiquea01: true lol
Hamim Sultana: the special just sounds like a movie to me
dominiquea01: could be
dominiquea01: but i wouldn't know unless if there were subtitles
Hamim Sultana: hmm, it probably is.
Hamim Sultana: oh and by the way, did you finish watching the series?
dominiquea01: no, I'll do that this week
dominiquea01: besides the first episode and half the second one
Hamim Sultana: i only watched the first two episodes. im lazy...
dominiquea01: lol
dominiquea01: i work for my school so I do not really have the time
Hamim Sultana: you do? if you don't mind, may I ask what grade you're in and hwat work you do?
Hamim Sultana: im not busy at all, im just lazy. i dont like staring at the computer screen for an hour
dominiquea01: well, i am going to be a senior this year and I work on the network and/or fix computers there
dominiquea01: btw, I also work on the website too and some graphics/logos
Hamim Sultana: cool! i sort of guessed your work has somehting to do with computers
dominiquea01: lol
Hamim Sultana: do u want to be a graphic designer or something?
dominiquea01: software engineering
Hamim Sultana: im sure you'll do great ^-^
dominiquea01: thx ^^
Hamim Sultana: hehe, you're welcome!
dominiquea01: lol
dominiquea01 is using an older version of Yahoo! Messenger and certain features may be unavailable. Click here to invite dominiquea01 to upgrade.

Hamim Sultana: the download is complete but no subs
dominiquea01: yea I told you that already ^^
Hamim Sultana: oh oops! lol. i thought you found a differne tone and uhh...oh nvm!
dominiquea01: lolz
dominiquea01: do you know anyone that can help us translate it?
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah! i forgot to tell you about my friend
dominiquea01: lol
Hamim Sultana: but i thought it over last night, and i dont think she can really help us
dominiquea01: o.O
Hamim Sultana: im not that close to her either, so it may seem like im using her or something...and since she's in collage she's probably going to be too busy to help
Hamim Sultana: but do you still want me to ask her?
Hamim Sultana: i dont htink she'll mind
dominiquea01: sure she probably has heard of it
Hamim Sultana: i guess so, i'll ask her when i get ahold of her. she's rarely on
dominiquea01: o.O
Hamim Sultana: i hope i don't disappoint you if it takes too long or if she says no ^-^;;
dominiquea01: i don't mind
Hamim Sultana: thanks! i'll make sure to ask. i just hope she come sonline sooner or later
dominiquea01: i hope so too ^^
Hamim Sultana: hey I'll go for a bit ok? i'll be back later
dominiquea01: ok ttyl
Hamim Sultana: bye bye!
dominiquea01: bye ^^

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