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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
I totally agree with what you said about Changmin having b*lls. That's what I really like about him...and I like that he can have fun with his idol image. He sort of reminds me of Heechul (my favorite SuJu boy, for that very reason!) in that way, lol.


There were a few more hilarious UFO comments that Changmin made. I bolded my favorite one. ^^
Thanks very much to xJOOLiAA&3@soompi & Cassiopeia daum cafe for the translations!

Do you like Gop Chang (Korean food) or do you like me?!?!?!
[Changmin] I like myself..

It's finals week and it's really hard and crazy for me so I sent one(text)...
[Changmin] Have confidence!! ^^

Changmin oppa Rising Sun!!!! I'm not gonna sleep until you send me a reply! crying I'm gonna see the sunrise!
[Changmin] Go to sleep!!

Changmin oppa, do you know what the fastest chicken is?
[Changmin] I dont know... If I study, would I know?;

It's finals week and I can't concentrate on studying crying Please reply once, cheering me on so I can do well! ^^
[Changmin] If you don't do well I might be disappointed in Cassiopeia. ^^ Ahja!! Fighting!! ^^

Changmin oppa! How old am i?~
[Changmin] How many meals have I eaten so far?

Changmin oppa! How many times have I blinked my eyes so far?
[Changmin]What is the temperature that I'm feeling right now?

You eat on a average of 6 meals a day and you lived 7073 days. so 42438 meals?
[Changmin] If you have time to calculate that, go study ^^

Changmin~ If the other members call you old-looking, come tell noona~ I'll scold them!!
[Changmin] I look young so its okay ^^


Hamim Sultana: u should REALLY IM me even when im on away
Natalie ...: i would but ur away
Hamim Sultana: or i forget to check my buddy list to see if ur on
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: because i came back a long time ago
Natalie ...: okies
Hamim Sultana: lo
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: lol*
Hamim Sultana: but i didnt check haha
Natalie ...: i posted my last chat now
Natalie ...: well not now
Natalie ...: last night
Natalie ...: and and and and guess what?
Hamim Sultana: laaaa, and it was the last one?
Hamim Sultana: u got low rateings?
Hamim Sultana: YAAAAYYYY!
Natalie ...: i just remembered something
Hamim Sultana: and and and u got NO ocmments?
Hamim Sultana: oh ok...
Hamim Sultana: yeah?
Natalie ...: didi i tell u about it though?
Natalie ...: like during spring break
Hamim Sultana: how am i supposed to
Hamim Sultana: know if idk what ur talking about
Hamim Sultana: idk...
Natalie ...: sandy wanted to go to disneyland
Hamim Sultana: uh huh
Hamim Sultana: and then?
Natalie ...: and i said i'll try to go
Natalie ...: and we didn't go
Natalie ...: oh no wait it wasn't sandy
Natalie ...: my bro wanted to go
Natalie ...: and he asked me to come along
Hamim Sultana: and u didnt
Natalie ...: so i could help take care of the baby &_&
Natalie ...: well i didn't go
Natalie ...: and it turned out that a member of fall out boy was there
Natalie ...: and i got sooooo pissed off cause i could have been there and gotten their autograph XD
Hamim Sultana: yeah you told me
Natalie ...: ok anyways
Natalie ...: that's not all
Hamim Sultana: max wad there
Hamim Sultana: =O
Hamim Sultana: OH MY!!!!
Natalie ...: he also said that someone else was there from another group
Natalie ...: so what if it was dbsk!
Hamim Sultana: OMG OMG! OMG!
Hamim Sultana: when was it?
Natalie ...: i could have met MAX!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: tell me when was it?&???
Natalie ...: in spring break
Hamim Sultana: the date!
Natalie ...: umm.... may?
Hamim Sultana: i can see if they went at that time
Hamim Sultana: this may? right&
Natalie ...: yeah this may
Natalie ...: in the beginning of may or maybe end of april
Hamim Sultana: hmm...i wonder when they sand the song the way you are
Hamim Sultana: sang*
Hamim Sultana: because around that time max had that hairstyle
Hamim Sultana: maybe we should ask the ppl...err....hmm...
Hamim Sultana: let me look up some videos on youtube
Natalie ...: k
Natalie ...: if it was them
Natalie ...: im going to be majorly pissed off
Natalie ...: T.T
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: and it wasn't that i didn't want to go actually. because my bro wanted to go but i didn't and it turned out that on that day they weren't able to go after all
Natalie ...: so the next week they went
Natalie ...: but they didn't tell me they were going or asked me
Natalie ...: and and and and and and
Natalie ...: i missed fob and and and possibly even MAX~!
Natalie ...: T.T god hates me
Hamim Sultana: i dont care about fob, xD but max!
Hamim Sultana: OH MAAAAAX!
Natalie ...: well i mentioned fob because he was 100% sure they were there
Natalie ...: and im still not sure if it WAS dbsk there
Hamim Sultana: dont worry i understand
Natalie ...: if it was
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: MAX!!!!
Natalie ...: ~builds time machine, goes back to time, finds max, kisses him, and marries him~
Natalie ...: XD hahaha
Hamim Sultana: dont worry
Hamim Sultana: the video was posted on 2006
Hamim Sultana: so it wasn't this time
Natalie ...: oh thank god!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: NO WAIT!
Hamim Sultana: they went twice?
Natalie ...: WUUUAAAAH!!!!
Hamim Sultana: u were supposed to go last year?
Natalie ...: no XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: but they were here
Natalie ...: so i still could have &_&
Natalie ...: darn stupid grrr..
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOOOOO!
Hamim Sultana: but we didnt know them back then
Hamim Sultana: WHY!?!??!
Natalie ...: last year i went to texas instead of staying home and doing other things so
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: we were obsessed over ANIME instead!
Hamim Sultana: well...we still love anime but...
Hamim Sultana: MAX!
Hamim Sultana: ANIME CAN WAIT!
Natalie ...: O.O i can't believe u said that
Hamim Sultana: oh god!
Hamim Sultana: said what?
Natalie ...: anime and max are equally loved!
Hamim Sultana: O_O
Natalie ...: EQUALLY!
Hamim Sultana: i love max more...i cant put him in the sma elvl as anime...xD
Hamim Sultana: i love max more
Hamim Sultana: MOOOOOOORE!
Natalie ...: brb
Hamim Sultana: that's how much i love him!
Hamim Sultana: ok
Natalie ...: ok im back
Natalie ...: i went to go get some chicken!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: woooo
Hamim Sultana: nice nice
Hamim Sultana: oh! guess what?
Hamim Sultana: you HAVE to download this video! from the girl's "box"
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: ok
Hamim Sultana: it's live and omg! it's oen of the rising sun concerts
Hamim Sultana: and and and max has the rising sun hair
Natalie ...: let me just look at the comment on my final chat and approve them
Hamim Sultana: and he keeps smiling
Hamim Sultana: and he makes a mistake int he beginning
Hamim Sultana: and he smiles while dancing cuz of it
Hamim Sultana: it's sooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute!
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: and then u'll download it
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: and omg!
Natalie ...: rising sun is one of my favorite songs
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: u know how in the beginning xia is in the front?
Natalie ...: and and and and balloons cause it's so cute
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: so max and yunho follows him
Hamim Sultana: and they made the song shorter
Hamim Sultana: and cut out the part where a voice says rising sun twice
Hamim Sultana: so xiah mad ea mistake
Hamim Sultana: and and and that confuse max and yunho
Hamim Sultana: and they both looked at each other
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: max was looking at yunho as if he wa slike, "You're the leader, tell me what to do!!! "
Natalie ...: so adorable!
Natalie ...: haha XD
Natalie ...: i love his confused faces ^.^
Natalie ...: just as much as him blow faces
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: and yunho had an expression on that said, "Just becaus eimt he leader doesn't mean im...imm....idk wat to do either!"
Hamim Sultana: hahah. and then max was late to go to his right
Hamim Sultana: so he smiled
Hamim Sultana: and u know when he screams, "you know whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???"
Natalie ...: lol awww!!!!
Natalie ...: yeah
Hamim Sultana: and everyone goes down ont he floor?
Hamim Sultana: lol!
Hamim Sultana: he was msiling
Hamim Sultana: and he shook his head as if, "finally these ppl came to their senses!
Hamim Sultana: i'm the king! silly fools, nvm."
Natalie ...: omg! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just found a major mistake in my chat! XD darn oh well
Hamim Sultana: and he smiles and shakes his head
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: the world wont en
Hamim Sultana: end*
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: so cute!
Natalie ...: he is the king of the world
Natalie ...: cause he's better than anyone!
Natalie ...: muahahaha!
Hamim Sultana: i kept blushign and smiling (as always)
Hamim Sultana: i love the part where they all go down ont he floor
Hamim Sultana: 0171-77-66618
Hamim Sultana: ignore it
Natalie ...: -_- i made major errors in my chat
Natalie ...: everything is messed up
Natalie ...: argh imma have to redo it XD
Natalie ...: it's ok i just need to move around some pics
Hamim Sultana: oh ok good
Natalie ...: the pics aren't in the right place
Natalie ...: that's all
Natalie ...: so the wrong person is saying the wrong thing XD
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: stupid wmm idk how that happened
Natalie ...: good thing i saved the file though
Hamim Sultana: hahah yeah
Natalie ...: i was going to delete it last night but i said nah i might need it
Hamim Sultana: oooh
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: im talking to my mommy
Hamim Sultana: mummy
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: awesome!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: oh oh oh and guess what?!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: what?
Natalie ...: i was working on my FIRST song last night!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: first song?
Natalie ...: yup
Hamim Sultana: u write songs?
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah!
Natalie ...: for the the max fix
Hamim Sultana: u told me!
Natalie ...: fic*
Hamim Sultana: yaaaay!
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: max: woohoo! *eats ice cream*
Hamim Sultana: *stares at max in the video*
Hamim Sultana: sorry but...he's too...mesmerising!
Hamim Sultana: LET'S SIGN A PETITION!!!
Natalie ...: it's not that good though but i'll show it to u after im done with the chat fixing
Hamim Sultana: and i wanna read the song
Hamim Sultana: shut up and give it to me!!!!
Hamim Sultana: if it's for max, u put all ur heart to it and it should be good
Natalie ...: it's the intro song
Natalie ...: and it's not the good because im not a lyricist XD
Natalie ...: im a poet and author
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: im watching the vidoe again. AND AHAHAH i keep paushing thos eparts. and max is like confused, cuuuute!
Natalie ...: but ok
Natalie ...: it's short
Hamim Sultana: now gimmie
Natalie ...: and i even recorded myself signing to it XDDDD
Hamim Sultana: and u didnt say thanks for the pretty thing i said &_&
Hamim Sultana: hahaha, i wanna hear!
Natalie ...: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo XDDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: iif u let me, i'll let u listen to me singing twinkle twinkle little star when i get my mic/headphone
Natalie ...: riiiiiight
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: and when i remind u
Hamim Sultana: i promise
Natalie ...: u're gonna be like "really? i don't remember"
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i save the chats, iw ont edit this part out
Hamim Sultana: fine fine fine
Hamim Sultana: billy wants to hear my voice no matetr what xD
Hamim Sultana: rmemeber the little bird clip?
Hamim Sultana: and u can hear me speak int he background?
Hamim Sultana: he's like, "awww! ur voice is so cute! i wanna hear more of it!"
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: yeah!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: i want to hear u sing too
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: omg XD
Natalie ...: my chat was REALLY messed up
Natalie ...: HOW DID IT GET THAT WAY?!!!!
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Natalie ...: the pics are all over the place
Natalie ...: NONE of them match the person its suppose to
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: dont remove it!
Hamim Sultana: xD i wanna hear it
Hamim Sultana: i mena see it
Hamim Sultana: when i get the chance
Hamim Sultana: because max's smile and cuteness is bothering me
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: don't remove what?
Natalie ...: the messed up chat?
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Natalie ...: b-b-b-but i need to correct it XD
Hamim Sultana: and retitle it as, "the messed up chat (an accident)
Hamim Sultana: or watever'
Natalie ...: hahaha nah
Natalie ...: i'll change it in a bit after u watch it
Hamim Sultana: okies
Natalie ...: im surprised no one noticed it when they watched it
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: and u have to downlaod the vidoe with max
Natalie ...: everyone who commented said "great job! i loved it! the best one yet!"
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Hamim Sultana: or max will cry
Natalie ...: okies!i'll download
Hamim Sultana: they probably found it nice
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: let me give u the link
Natalie ...: but nothing fit
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: k
Hamim Sultana: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q04MHICD
Hamim Sultana: the link works right?
Natalie ...: i think so
Hamim Sultana: okies
Natalie ...: ok it works
Natalie ...: and and and the chat wasn't all that messed up
Natalie ...: just like the first minute after they sign in
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: everything else was ok
Hamim Sultana: then no need to fix it
Hamim Sultana: riiight?
Natalie ...: yes but it's not that much to fix
Natalie ...: im done
Hamim Sultana: yaaay!
Natalie ...: i just need to save to the comp.
Hamim Sultana: oha nd also
Hamim Sultana: for the video
Hamim Sultana: u may have to download KMPlayer if u dont have it
Hamim Sultana: because WMP only plays audio if u use that
Hamim Sultana: idk about Divx player yet
Natalie ...: oh ok
Natalie ...: &&&confused
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: u amke me feel so smart sometimes
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: and im the smart one here
Natalie ...: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: obviously
Hamim Sultana: ur wiser and older
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: by one year
Natalie ...: so not that wise
Natalie ...: anyways
Natalie ...: while the chat is saving
Natalie ...: and the vid is downloading
Natalie ...: let me show u the song
Hamim Sultana: okies
Natalie ...: Song: Walked Away Artist: Me! ^.^
Hamim Sultana: yaay! im the artist!
Hamim Sultana: or...me is
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: no
Natalie ...: me
Hamim Sultana: me is such a cute name
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: call me me-chan sometimes ok?
Natalie ...: XDDDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: it's cute!
Hamim Sultana: me-chan! it sounds adorable
Hamim Sultana: say it out loud to ur self
Natalie ...: I couldn't kee you here, And losing you became my greatest fear. And now, you're so far away and I wonder why you couldn't stay. All those things you said, I took to heart.
Natalie ...: And my tears just coudln't make you stop
Natalie ...: so now we've grown apart
Natalie ...: And i've missed you ever since you walked away
Natalie ...: walked away (x2)
Natalie ...: why'd you have to go?
Natalie ...: walked away (x2)
Natalie ...: where'd you go?
Natalie ...: walked away (x2)
Natalie ...: 'cause I miss you....
Natalie ...: that's it for now! ^.^
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: and and and let me listen to the clip where i sing it
Natalie ...: to see if its not too emberassing
Natalie ...: so i can show u
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Hamim Sultana: sry for the late reply, i had to PM someone
Hamim Sultana: and it's pretty
Natalie ...: hehe it's ok
Natalie ...: and thanks
Natalie ...: it's short
Natalie ...: cause it's an intro only
Hamim Sultana: and i ate chinese food
Natalie ...: lucky
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i want sushi!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: oh! speaking of which, there's this pic with max out on public., idk if it's predebut, but to me it looks like it
Hamim Sultana: and he's with these whoel bunch of guys in a table
Hamim Sultana: but he looks the best!
Hamim Sultana: well obviously
Hamim Sultana: but still...it was with no "hairstyle" or make-up or anyhting. and omg...he looks o cute!
Hamim Sultana: what do you like more? cute or hot? i like cute more
Hamim Sultana: cute wins over hot
Natalie ...: obviously!
Natalie ...: hahaa
Natalie ...: cuteness is better
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: oh and about the clip where im singing
Natalie ...: XD im not gonna show u
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: it's too embarassing
Hamim Sultana: fine then.lol
Natalie ...: i'll make another one and decide then if i'll show u
Hamim Sultana: but u still get to listen to me singing twinkle twinkle little star just because my cute puny voice makes up for the singing
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: ok
Hamim Sultana: lalalal
Hamim Sultana: i wish max would also do solo songs
Hamim Sultana: i wish he'd release solo albums
Natalie ...: i know!
Natalie ...: me too!
Hamim Sultana: i would so buy it
Natalie ...: he has only a few
Hamim Sultana: i'll even risk ordering it form online
Hamim Sultana: haha
Natalie ...: and and and i want more!
Hamim Sultana: few?
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: it's only sing songs
Hamim Sultana: sorry i mean
Hamim Sultana: as far as i know, there's only 2 songs of his he sang alone
Hamim Sultana: no no no i think 3
Natalie ...: i think 3
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: I love you (hamim), when we first kissed (i think that's what it's called, and just once
Natalie ...: anyways
Natalie ...: see u in a bit
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOOOOOOO!
Natalie ...: im gonna record my singing
Hamim Sultana: why?
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: NO!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: do it when i got for my usual outing tonight
Natalie ...: i'll be online
Natalie ...: but i need u not to im me for a bit
Natalie ...: because if u do
Hamim Sultana: no then u wont pay much attention to me
Natalie ...: it'll come out in the recording
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: it'll make noises
Hamim Sultana: and it'll record
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: ok tell me when to IM u ok?
Natalie ...: ok
Natalie ...: darn stupid!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i recorded
Natalie ...: but for some reason
Natalie ...: idk what happene
Natalie ...: and it didn't get recorded
Natalie ...: darn and it actually sounded good
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: haha
Hamim Sultana: can i go offline?
Hamim Sultana: like appear invisible plz?
Hamim Sultana: because i dont wanna talk to billy
Natalie ...: ok
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: im an idiot
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: u know y it wasn't recording?
Natalie ...: because the mic wasn't plugged in
Natalie ...: hahahaha
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Hamim Sultana: chicken!
Hamim Sultana: im still on, dont worry
Natalie ...: lol ok
Natalie ...: ok i recorded it
Natalie ...: now lets hear it! ^.^
Hamim Sultana: okies!
Natalie ...: not u me
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i want it to be perfect before i show it to ANYONE
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: and then ur gonna go on american idol and stuff eh?
Hamim Sultana: ok
Natalie ...: ok this one is good except there's a lot of white noise XD
Natalie ...: no hahaha XD
Natalie ...: but i don't want it to be like a horrible recording and have ppl laugh at me for it XDDDDDDD
Natalie ...: but ur gonna be the only one hearing it but still
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: well the song is like 1min and 10 sec. long i think
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: so colors make noises too eh?
Natalie ...: XD it's just what u call it when there's unneccessary noises in the background or w.e
Natalie ...: i'm gonna try again
Hamim Sultana: ok, and as long as u dont stop, i wont show u a video where max goes all hyper
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: ok u know what?
Hamim Sultana: what?
Natalie ...: i suck at signign
Natalie ...: XD im stopping
Natalie ...: no more recording for me
Natalie ...: im usless
Natalie ...: i suck
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: YAAAAAAAAY! finally u realise that
Natalie ...: im not a singer
Natalie ...: XDDDDDD
Natalie ...: UR MEAN
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: XDDDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: yes i am
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: darn
Hamim Sultana: im an evil chicken
Hamim Sultana: ahh! i sound like moko-chan!
Natalie ...: i guess those choir lessons i had were no help
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: =O dont worry
Hamim Sultana: u're talent is to write, not sing
Hamim Sultana: it's still better than having no talent at all
Hamim Sultana: like moi
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: ok i just sang it right now
Natalie ...: and it sounded way better
Natalie ...: -_-
Natalie ...: grrrr
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: ahh~ so i encouraged u to sound better?
Hamim Sultana: good good
Natalie ...: but i wasn't recording!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: and it's my fault?
Hamim Sultana: sooo, is the download complete?
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: let me watch
Hamim Sultana: okie dokie. i still think u'll need to get KMP
Natalie ...: let me try to play it
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: does it work?
Natalie ...: i can't view it
Hamim Sultana: no worries sis! i have just the thing. let me get the link fo rit
Natalie ...: okies
Hamim Sultana: meanwhile do u want to view the clip where max goes nuts?
Hamim Sultana: well sorta
Hamim Sultana: it shows he put his heart into it
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: okies okies
Hamim Sultana: http://www.kmplayer.com/forums/index.php
Hamim Sultana: helllloooo?
Hamim Sultana: chicka chicka
Natalie ...: yeah sorry i was showing my sis the song
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
Natalie ...: hahaha my cute little max XD
Natalie ...: he has this face like, have u ever seen that's so raven? when she get those visions? hahah xD his face was like that
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: so adorable on him though
Natalie ...: ehehe
Natalie ...: and and and his smile!
Natalie ...: awwww!!!!!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: and and andi just noticed XD jaejoong isn't there but the masked man is!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: scary
Hamim Sultana: i thought u meant he had an expression on asking yunho, "ever so that's so raven?"
Natalie ...: XD hahahano
Natalie ...: that would have been funnier though XD
Hamim Sultana: doesn't the song sound better with max saying his part? or is it just me and my japanese friend? xD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i like the japanese version cause i think he signs more
Natalie ...: but the korean version sounds better XD
Natalie ...: idk
Hamim Sultana: what...no he doesnt
Hamim Sultana: the japanese version is the smae thing
Natalie ...: but yeah the song sounds better with him as lead
Hamim Sultana: WOOHOOO!
Hamim Sultana: u agree!
Natalie ...: no in the japanese version (at least in the mv) he signs or at least has more parts in it
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en4BL6JGn3Q
Hamim Sultana: that's where he goes crazy
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: he looks like he's having the time of his life
Natalie ...: lol ok
Hamim Sultana: joongie's part sounds better with max singing it. xD no offence to anyone...
Natalie ...: lol yeah
Natalie ...: he takes away too many good parts that should be given to our max
Hamim Sultana: YESH!
Hamim Sultana: YESH!
Hamim Sultana: so does dani
Hamim Sultana: but watever, i wanted u to agree as well xD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: no but seriously
Natalie ...: cause i've heard the songs
Natalie ...: read the translations
Natalie ...: and max gets very small parts
Natalie ...: even though they're cute ones
Natalie ...: but hero hogs almost the whole song XD
Hamim Sultana: told u, he gets neglected not only by his fans, but also by the company and stuff
Natalie ...: and he gets almost all the better lyrics
Hamim Sultana: i callt hat officialy neglecting
Hamim Sultana: but max has such an awsome voice
Hamim Sultana: even on wikipedia it says he won over the judges with his powerful vocals
Natalie ...: yeah!
Hamim Sultana: but what do we see? he barely gets any parts!
Natalie ...: i wish they gave him more screening and lines
Hamim Sultana: i love rising a lot more than the other songs because max gets more lines compared to every other song
Natalie ...: so what if the fans don't like it? WE WILL! and there's a whoooooooooooole bunch of max fans who'd love it too
Hamim Sultana: i also blam eit on the fans
Hamim Sultana: blame*
Hamim Sultana: i mean the other girls
Hamim Sultana: OMG!
Hamim Sultana: u knwo the videos i downloaded?
Hamim Sultana: with DBSK?
Hamim Sultana: well in it they barely show max
Hamim Sultana: and the girls are holding up signs with everyones name
Hamim Sultana: EXCEPT MAX'S NAME!
Hamim Sultana: I CRIED!
Hamim Sultana: I CANT HELP IT!
Hamim Sultana: I FELT AWFUL!
Hamim Sultana: what if he noticed htat too?
Hamim Sultana: im sure he still kept a smile on his face!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i wanted to choke those girls!
Hamim Sultana: i dont care what their intentions were or watever!
Natalie ...: i know how he feels though
Natalie ...: neglected
Hamim Sultana: i felt so bad!
Natalie ...: as if no one likes him
Hamim Sultana: he ISD neglected
Natalie ...: i hate seeing others like that
Natalie ...: it makes me so sad
Hamim Sultana: by the ppl and offcialy!
Natalie ...: cause i know how that feels
Hamim Sultana: rmemeber those stories i told u?
Natalie ...: and seeing others feel that way too is just awful
Hamim Sultana: im gonna go back to my journal and show it to u again
Natalie ...: yeah i remember those stories
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i just don't understand y they would do that
Natalie ...: ok THAT'S IT!
Natalie ...: im making the poem for him RIGHT now!
Natalie ...: and im posting it AAAAAAAALLLL over the internet (....maybe XD)
Hamim Sultana: nvm, it's gonna take awhile
Natalie ...: and showing them how much he is LOVED
Hamim Sultana: but u remember them right?
Natalie ...: and how AWESOME he i!
Hamim Sultana: those are facts
Hamim Sultana: YA!
Natalie ...: yeah i remember
Hamim Sultana: MWAHAHAHHA!
Hamim Sultana: IM PUTTING IT ON CCRq
Hamim Sultana: MAX WE LOVE U!!!
Hamim Sultana: and once he thought one girl was junsu's fan
Hamim Sultana: oh!
Hamim Sultana: and rmemeber that forum?
Hamim Sultana: a girl said that when they were being individualy introduced once, the crowd cheered for max louder than usual, and he was shcoked.
Natalie ...: awww!!!!!!!

Show Recent Messages (F3)

Hamim Sultana: so now u see why i always jump up and down when ppl LOVES him more than the other DBSK members
Hamim Sultana: same goes for Kyuhyunnie
Hamim Sultana: he used to be known as "the 13th member"
Natalie ...: woah i just really got a bad headache
Hamim Sultana: and someone left a comment saying they look weiord with the 13th member
Hamim Sultana: why?
Hamim Sultana: i get that a lot
Hamim Sultana: i blame hte comp
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...: i have to go
Natalie ...: sorry
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: will u be back?
Natalie ...: my cuz is having a bday party
Natalie ...: so i gotta go to it
Hamim Sultana: will u come back soon?
Natalie ...: i'll be back maybe at night
Natalie ...: idk
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: but make sure to come ont omorrow
Hamim Sultana: and not late
Natalie ... has signed out. (7/21/2007 5:45 PM)

dominiquea01: hello?
akmhamim: hi
dominiquea01: I am currently away from the computer.
dominiquea01: hello
akmhamim: sry for not replying
akmhamim: i was eating
akmhamim: sorry!
dominiquea01: np
akmhamim: umm who's this?
dominiquea01: zulueds1234 from ccr
dominiquea01: zulues1234*
akmhamim: i figured. lol
dominiquea01: lolz
akmhamim: im sorry, but i'll have to go soon. but i can still talk for a little while
dominiquea01: yay
akmhamim: partay!< razz
dominiquea01: lol
akmhamim: xD
dominiquea01: o.O
akmhamim: so how r u?
dominiquea01: im fine u?
akmhamim: im good.
akmhamim: ahh. i have to go now
dominiquea01: ttyl
akmhamim: so sorry! i just ate dinner
dominiquea01: lol
akmhamim: and my mom is telling me to go to bed
akmhamim: im sooo sorry! bye!
dominiquea01: bye
akmhamim: i'll be on tomorrow so i'll ttyl
akmhamim: should i add u?
dominiquea01: i don't mind
akmhamim: okie dokie then
dominiquea01: i was able to get 1 litre of tears special
akmhamim: u were? great!
dominiquea01: but no subtitles sad
akmhamim: umm...my mom is getting a bit...cranky.
akmhamim: i'll talk about it tomorrow
dominiquea01: ok
akmhamim: no subs? sad
dominiquea01: if i am on
akmhamim: i have a japanese friend...maybe she can help out...
dominiquea01: ok ttyl
akmhamim: but i haven't been in contact for ahwile
akmhamim: sry! see ya!
dominiquea01: thanks!
akmhamim: ur welcome!
dominiquea01: c ya l8r

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