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This is the time we're upon....
amour, toujours amour
You say s'cruel to say killin' time, but time is killing me
First off…time: Three hours and 8 minutes to party time ^^
*************YOU, YOU,YOU***************
What is your full name? Rachel Eva, you don't get my last name
Nicknames? Raya, Eva-va-voom, Dolla, Ari, Ray Ray, R-Boogie ( yeah, I'm serious. Blame Nathan) And a few very obscene ones I'm far too ladylike to divulge.
Age: nineteen
Birthday: March 21
Where do you live? Toronto!
What school do you attend? Ryerson U
Everythin’ about ur sibs: Nathan: works at a gas station, likes to drink, can sucker me into making him a three course meal at 2 in the morning
Dana: Is still angry at me for confiscating Grand Theft Auto for her PSP
Alin: is nuts
Pets: Am-burr is the biggest suck ball puppy in the world. Pock-a-lock-rock Steve Austen had a brain the size of a pea and has completely stolen my heart
Zodiac Sign: Pisces/Aries cusp
Righty or Lefty: left handed people live shorter,harder, and are better in bed
*********YOUR LOOKS*********
Hair color: Red, the front part's white-blonde
Eye color: Green
Height: I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may infuriate me.
Do u wear contacts or glasses? When I start to get migraines ><
Do you have any piercings? Ten
Where do you want more if you do? I was thinking about getting a little crystal in my nose
Do you have a tattoo? Nu
If so what and where? -
Do you wear any rings? My opal starburst, my blue crystal leaves, and the emerald cut amber
Do you have a certain fashion you follow? No, I tend to really go on whims when it comes to how I dress
Braces? Nope
********** RIGHT NOW*************
Who are you talking to: Patrock, Ian, Heather, and Joel
What are you listening to: Fashion Zombies by the Aquabats
**********JUST LATELY***************
How are you today? Giggly and post-shower chipper
What pants are you wearing right now? M'not. Dress.
What shirt are you wearing right now? Deftones t-shirt
What underwear are you wearing right now? black, powder blue, lacy
What does your hair look like at the moment? french braids
What song are u listening to right now? Asia-Heat of the Moment. I don't care what you think of my cheeseball music, Bridgeman sings it with me.
How is the weather right now? Gorgeous!
Last person you talked to on the phone: Maria
Who are you talking to right now:......we've been through this. Oh, I'm talking to Chelsea now too
What time is it? closer to party time!
Have you cried recently? ******** you, I'm sensitive
Have you said “I love you"? Mhmn
Hugged someone? I hug at least 3 people every day
Kissed someone? I kiss at least one person every day
Thought about someone? Well...naturally
Missed someone? Mhm.
************More about YOU!*****************
What are the last four digits of your phone number? Cell, 0708. Landline, 3185
If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be? GLITTERY!
Have you ever almost died? Hasn't everyone?
How do u eat an Oreo: Systematically, I must admit.
What makes you happy? People I love
What's the next CD you are going to buy? I'll decide when I'm in the record store.
What's the best advice ever given to you? I don't know. I have a habit of not listening to advice and going on only my own judgement, probably not a spectacular trait.
Have u ever won any special awards? Yes, a few
What are your future goals? Love
Do you like to dance? Mhm. Six years jazz, two of tap. Oh, and clubbing all summer. I surprised many of my friends of the dance floor at Evo ^^
Worst sickness u ever had? The burn thingy. Or the cathonesis or whatever it was called
What's the stupidest thing u ever done ? Don't make me pick.
What's your favorite memory? Intensely personal, that's what it is.
If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be? More courage.
How many kids do you want to have? Two maybe? I don't want to have just one, I'm afraid they'd get lonely.
Son's name? Oh, I have no idea. The names I like are kind of whimsical, I dunno how they'd actually go over.
Daughter's name? See 'bove
Do you do drugs? I *have*. If marijuana counts, I'll partake of that on occasion.
Do you drink? Mhm, once every two weeks or so. More often lately, I guess. But I'm legal and it's my first summer of college!
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Kerasilk. Love that stuff.
What sport do you hate the most? Track. It's ******** boring.
What are you most scared of? Abandonement, ignorance
How many TV's do you have in your house? Two
Do you have your own phone line? I'm usually the only one living in my apartment, so kind of.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? Palgrave and Baudelaire!
Have you ever broken/sprained/fractered a bone? Yesh
Who do you tell your dreams to? Little Green Book
Can you drive? No, I'm positive I'd panic completely driving one of those hideous smog-belching machines.
What do you drive? I sit in the little red wagon and make people pull me around ^^
When’s the last time u’v driven? I think I was seventeen. My dad tried to get me to give the bmw a try and I got out after 15 seconds.
How many languges do u speak (including ones that u know at least a few words)? Just a few words? Wow, okay... English,French,Spanish,Hungarian,Romanian, Italian, Russian, Polish, Latin, Portugese, Gaelic... I really don't think languages you know a few words in should count.
***********Just qUEstIOns*************
Is cheerleading a sport?: .......-facepalm-
How many licks does it take to get to the center? Thirty. I'm very efficient.
Which came first: the chicken or the egg? The dinosaurs. The bible lied to you.
Who would you hate being locked in a room with? Amanda Antonio.
*************YOU and LOVE***************
Do you believe in Love? Of course
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? No.
WHO WHO WHO?? (lol) : ...No?
Do you have a crush? Oh, of course
Who is your crush? Somebody
Who do you love? Lots of people
Did you send this to your crush? I sent this to my friends who sent it to me. And I sent this to Gaia so I can have gold.
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? Europe somewhere. Maybe Paris, Venice, Prague, Budapest, just somewhere where romance radiates from everything.
What song do you want played at your wedding? Classic ballads, Daft Punk, Irish Drinking Songs. Power metal if they let me -giggle-
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? How they carry themself
Longest crush? Three years?
Are you shy too ask someone out? Yes.
Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? What the ********?
Do you find yourself attractive: Sometimes
Do you find yourself ugly? Most of the time
Do others find you attractive? Apparently.
Are you a virgin? Yes, despite some very strong opposition to that choice I've recieved from others.
Ever gone out with ur best friend? No, that's not something I'd ever want.
Have you ever kissed anyone? Well, naturally.
How many? Full on mouth? Five people. I kiss everyone's cheek. And a few more people have kissed me without me kissing back.
What's the longest you've gone without a kiss? I don't really keep track. Probably almost a year.
Who was ur first kiss: s**t. It was either Nikolai, Brock, or Gregory. They all kissed me when I was five. First real one would be Andrew.
~*^~*Which is worse:*~^*~^
Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie? Rob Zombie. His movies make me bury my face in the couch cushions.
Love and lost..or not have loved at all? I ******** hate this question.
Boxers or briefs: Boxers
Long or short hair: Long. I'm a romantic.
Curly or straight hair: Doesn't matter, as long as it's touchable
Tall or short: Taller than me. It's not difficult.
Six pack or muscular arms: Arms. Makes a girl feel safe.
Good or bad guys: There has to be both in there.
Hat or no hat:.... that's a stupid question. I really couldn't care.
Ears pierced or not: Ears pierced is cute if they're not wearing those stupid ******** huge crystal things in their ears. That's an automatic fail.
tan or no tan: Irrelevant
Dimples: Cute ^^
Stubble or neatly shaven: I like a bit of stubble
Rugged or sporty: Rugged
Studly or cutie: Studly.
Accent or not: Everyone has an accent.
Glasses? Foxy
Smart or dumb: They have to keep up with me intellectually. An absolute must.
What sport should he play? What kind of a preference is that? Again, I couldn't care.
dependent(whipped) or independent: Independent, but not distant.
Do you like older, younger or same age guys? Just not younger.
Do you prefer taller, shorter or same height guys? Taller. You asked me this.
Skinny? No. Ick.
Painted nails or not: I always keep them painted
Cute n' mysterious or wild: I get both
Dark or blonde hair: Red. Darker than it is light, I suppose
Long or short hair: Longer than short, not long enough
Curly or straight hair: I keep it wavy, it goes into ringlets if I don't pay attention.
Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: They kind of change
Long or short nails: always long
Hat or no hat: ********, the hat thing again?
Good or bad girl: Both, baby.
Hair up or down: Usually down
Jewelry or none: I'm always wearing a necklace and an anklet
Tall or short: Do I have to say it again? It's depressing. I'm going to fill out this quiz again when I'm 7 feet tall and I'll laugh and laugh
Accent or no accent: Everyone has an accent, we've been through this!
Pants or dress: I wear a dress pretty much every day
Tan or fair: My attempts to tan have failed.
Glasses: When I get migraines. ********, is this quiz ever repetitive.
Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: I've been called both. People think I'm a huge partyer but I'm actually kind of a homebody
Freckles or none: It's summer, so I have em on my nose and cheekbones
Shy or outgoing: Again, I go between the two
funny or always cool: Funny people are cool!
talkative or shy: Isn't that exactly the same as outgoing or shy?
Taller or shorter: I am exactly the same height as me.
Younger, older, or ur age? Ditto for age.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~YOUR FRIENDS*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Who’s the quietest? Tony
The Shyest: Eppsticy
The most hyper: Zan
The cutest: Gillybean!!!
The loudest:Christian
The smartest: Jasmine
The hottest: Shannon. O bby. (seriously, she's a ******** fox)
Dumbest: Angel
Funniest: Lapin!
Best: Zeffian
Weirdest: Glenn
Have you known the longest: Brock
Will Most Likely be famous: Bridgeman
Has the coolest sense of style: Heather, her style is ******** adorable
Craziest: Grim
Who’s most trustworthy: Anna
Is the Most Encouraging: Rick
Will get Married first: Kristen and Marcos are tied for that
Biggest flirt: Maver
Could be an alien: Glenn
Horniest: Becky. She won't leave me alone.
***********Pick One: THIS OR THAT**********
Lights on/off : At night? Candles.
Republican or Democrat? Democrat. But this is British Columbia, I'm NDP here
Do u like snow, sun or rain? All of them!
Mickey D's(McDonalds) or BK(Burgr King): NO.
Do u like scary or happy movies better? Happy movies, unless there's someone to protect me.
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? What....the......
On the phone or in person? Always in person.
Paper or plastic? Neither are good for the environment, just bring a tote bag to the grocery store.
Sausage or pepperoni? Veggie.
Summer or winter? I like whichever one is here when it's here.
Hugs or kisses? Well, both!
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate milk is the funnest milk ever!!!
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: That's a hard choice to make
Glass half full or half empty? Everyone's right!!! Isn't that great?
CD or Tape: CD
Tape or DVD: Tape. It's more difficult, but I've always been the nostalgic kind. And the fact that I can't find The Last Unicorn of DVD
Cats or Dogs: Both!
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Skiing or Boarding: Sledding! I requires none of that pesky balance!
Day or night: Night
Pie: I never really cared for it
Diamond opal or pearl: Opal or Pearl. Audrey Hepburn has made it clear diamonds are tacky before I am 40
sunset or sunrise: Oh, both. And the moon rising, that's wonderful to watch.
****************Your FAVS*******************
Color: I like jewel tones
Food: I made raspberry cheesecake brownies yesterday, they might just be my new favorite
Fast Food: Sushi. So ******** yummy ^^
Candy: Chocolate, definitely
Beverage: I dunno. I kind of want Bubble Tea right now though.
Ice Cream Flavor: Changes all the time. Cotton candy today.
Sport? I don't like sports. I like yoga.
Animal: Things that cuddle
Fave type of music? Couldn't pick one
Radio Station: Classic rock station
Song: Doooooon't Stop! Belieeeeeeeving!
Band:Ooh. Probably Queen.
Number:24601. Valjean is love.
Fav. Actor or Actress? Alan rickman
Fav. day of of the year? First day of spring, coincidentally my birthday but it would be anyways ^^
Fav. month? June, maybe
tv show? I don't really like TV that much
Store: Courage, My Love
Scent: My perfume, the one I've worn since the age of fifteen
Teacher: Mr. Govender or Mr. Savage. Both cantankerous old men I had wrapped around my little finger.
Subject: Mythology!
Board Game: I prefer card games, I pwn at those.
Game: WoW! Totally WoW. Tetris is dear to my heart though.
Favorite friend of the opposite gender: Christian
Favorite friend of the same gender: Zeffian
Movie: Nightmare before Christmas, that will probably never change
Feeling: Love. The sweetest of dreams, my dear.
How many times have u moved? Five
What is ur best feature? Romantic people say my eyes, horny people say my lips, drunk people say my chest
How many CDs do u own? ********- infinity billion.
Like to sing/play instrument? Mhm.
What instrument do u play? Piano, violin. I'm rusty at both.
Internet, phone, or in person? Always in person.
Are ya shy? Oh yes.
Are you a morning, afternoon, evening person: Evening person, without a doubt
Who’s ur role Model? Probably my mom, she's just an amazing person.
Do you work? No, I cook and clean for six
Name one person who has seriously changed your life for the better: Just one? No ways
Who would u die for? They know who they are.
Do you like ur name? Not really
What would ur name have been, if u were the opposite sex? Steven prolly
What would u “label” urself as? Someone who doesn't like labels.
What’s the perfect date to go on..and who would it be with? Somewhere with magnificent natural beauty, someone with a magnificently beautiful soul.
If you could trade places with one person for one day, who would it be and why? Helena Bonham Carter. I would be married to Tim Burton!!
************DO YOU BELIEVE***********</P>
In God: No idea
In the Devil: That question has a very long answer. Short answer no.
In Aliens: Other life forms? Yes. Aliens in the Sci-fi flics? No
In Bigfoot: -giggle- S'possible!
In Love at first sight: Yes, it's happened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HAVE you EVER~~~~~~~
Loved someone soo much it maked you cry? Isn't that the lyrics to a shitty Brandy song?
Drank: Oh Yes
Smoked: Yes, I smoked a tonne when I was 14-15.
Ever gotten dumped? No, actually.
Ever dumped anyone? I don't like that phrase. It's too glib.
Broke the law? Naturally
Ran from the cops? I'm well know here for confronting cops and charming them into submission
Stole something? When I was very young
Tried to kill yourself? No, I don't think so.
Think you’d u try: Not really, but it's possible
Made yourself throw up? Yes, I've done that
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I've gotten out of trouble by crying before, but I've never made myself cry to get out of trouble
Lied to someone to find something out for urself? No. How would that work?
Broken a bone? Yup. Wasn't this already asked too?
Wished you lived somewhere else? Well, of course!
Skinny dipped? Yes
********On a FiNal NoTe************
Do you like filling these out: Excellent time killer when party o' clock JUST WON'T COME and you could do with some extra gold.
What first comes to mind: Is it time yet? Is it is it is it? Huh huh huh?
Who sent this to you? Cot
Can you name all your good friends? Nope.
And last but not least..Time: It's been like an hour. Time killing, great success!!!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 05, 2007 @ 02:58pm

So. How didn't Zippy realize that your birthday is the day before hers is? D:

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