You use your magic to have fun and some times to fight.You are a girl who is carefree and a bit hyper. You are happy, optimistic, and playful. Some people mistake that for being childish, but you are not. People under estimate you because of your personality but you are quite the opisite. You have very strong powers and could easily be the leader of of your group, but you don't want any of that. You just want to have fun so all the jobs and responsiblities of being a leader don't apeal to you. You are a good friend and you like to keep all those around you happy. You know right from wrong and you just can't stand it when people do wrong.Favorite pastime: Having fun in general! It doesn't really matter what you do!Favorite thing to say: Laugh a little will you? Frowning isn't good for your health!Pet peeve: People who think they can do what ever they want just because they are powerful, and people who laugh when you threaten them.Favorite weapon: You don't need one you just use magic.Symbol: A kitten, playful happy, but dangerous.Time of day thats best for you: dusk, thats when your most playful.
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