Quotes from us:
Sunny Haku Shirubi "I may have a short attention span but I.......oh..........a butterfly............. :walks away:"
Ebony Geminii "I am an angel with out a home........not of gods or demons........"
Lyanna D'Lioncourt "I'm a doll, a cowgirl, a fighter, and a sweetie pie a rolled into one double-d clad package."
Tetsuka Setsuma "Kitsunu and I decided we won't have any kids, the penguins are enough to handle."
Alice Morganna Carroll "All my life I questioned what was really and what wasn?t, then I realized what I thought wasn?t was- and well....it's very complicated from there on......"
Sonosuka No Neko "I spent my whole life fighting, I forgot what napping in the sun felt like........."
Carville Clow "I AM NOT a goat.........I'm a goat being stare ."
Chii Areii Muyo "If I can bleed and cry I know I'm a real person....."
Serenity Weeler "Almost being blind made me realize how precious sight really is......."
Ishizu Ishtar "I would do anything to make him love me, then I realized that all I had to do was tell him that sweatdrop ."
Isis "All I ever wanted was destroyed in a moment......"
Azuna Kitsune"I just want to sit outside your door and listen to you breathing."
Victoria Valentine "Love is like breeding chocobos, sometimes you get a good one, sometimes a bad one, but eventually you'll get the golden one and the knights of the round matera..........and that made no sense did it?"
Mimiru "All I did was bake him cherry pie and he fell in love with me, I must make damn good pie."
Hoku Rin "How dose it feel, to be different from me?
Circe Yoko"All I wanted was to open my eyes to his face, that's why I didn't rip them out, because I had hope he'd come back."
Umbrea Rouge "Jack.......my dearest Jack..........I know how you feel."
Sine Morgan "He saved me from the well........The one I threw my soul in.....my mind............"
Jimmi Starwind "MY NAME IS NOT FISH GIRL!!!!!"
Kurumeii Clow "If I could go back and do one thing different........I wouldn't........because in the end it all worked out....."
Sarah Rosemary Carroll "My own parents didn't want me.......but he did...........and he always will............no matter how much of a tyrant I am...........I'm just a little girl wanting to be spoiled and loved."
Dementia Yoko "I just want something to fill up the hole where my heart was suposted to be."
Nyn Rouge"Everything he was searching for.........was in my heart......"
Jade of Water "I've been a fool.......when deep down I knew it would all be all right any way."
Sealine Shirubi "I may have allot of scars but they all mean something and have awesome stories to tell."
Maab "We fairy folk do not fight, we deceive."
Illushen Seriyu "I may have been a horrable house wife but that dosen't make me a bad mother."
Requiem Valentine "Even though he forgets, I know deep down he loves me."
Kohaku Beatrice "I feel this pain in my heart when I'm not with him."
Lydia Thompson "He did exactly what my love wanted, brought me into the light, and made me alive again...........and made me love again."
Cleocatra "He was my curse, but he turned out to be the greatest blessing I had."
Mentis Morgan"Of all the men in all the world, I fell for my own father, and it helps to know he loves me back."
Emily Vandott "I wonder if he knew I lied when I said I could live without him."
Sasamii Moyo "I died loveing him, and he brought me back loveing me."
Shii Moyo "Death and loneliness seem to follow me where ever I go, but he dose too."
Hiraedd Wonka "I didn't marry him for his money, I married him for his chocolate." ninja
Clover Kanjii "Welcome to my world of hopes and dreams, may it set you free."
Kiyko "I'm good at farming :trips over sheep:"
Ianua "I'm am the goddess of broken clocks and shattered minds, of battlefields and rotten cores."
Ichigo Shirubi "He's the only man who hasen't hurt me......"
Pestis "I am choas incarnet, and your end will be by my hand."
Goyjo Sha "She's just like me, cept she's gotta nicer rack...... sweatdrop ."
Jingoku No Maru "I hurt everyone around me once........but yet they still love me......................"
Devaki Shirubi "She's my best friend and I love her, it's like an awesome two for one sale."
Ashika Morgan "It's kinda weird to tell you friends your wife also happens to be your guardian angel."
Merick Ishtar "I'm a goldfish, and I'll always follow you, that's what we goldfish do."
Pipin St. James "She's a daisy and I'm a buttercup, simple and beautiful together
Fredrick Thompson "I know how the phantom felt, alone and exiled, his only love driven away, only he knew his was happy..........."
Akira Seiryu ?I was always the skinny nerd, good thing she hates the knight in shining
armor type.?
Gavin "I am Darth Nexus the univerus greatest evil genis! PH43R M41 M4D L337 N1NJ4 SK1LLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Edward Rouge "In all my life I've learned one thing, there are good people and bad people, but the bad people useually out number the good and bludgen them sticks."
domokun gaia