My friend ANGELTAMMEZ wrote true..........
When you pass out while trying to move a pencil across the desk with the Force.

When you get into a fight, you automaticly find yourself reaching for a lightsaber...

If you get your head stuck in a bucket pretending your Darth Vader.

When you spend time watching the Star Wars trilogy because you think there will be a test on it later.

You punch out trekkies who say "Death star my a**, I'd like to see those losers take out DS9".

With a blue-tinted plastic tube, a flashlight, two hours of a saturday night, and 4 rolls of blue electrical tape, you finally complete your own working "Light-saber"

Your room is filthy except for your "Star Wars Area."

You think you are the life of the party because you imitate Yoda's voice and have him say things a Jedi master wouldn't say.

Whenever you get in trouble, you mutter "I have a bad feeling about this."

When you listen for Obi-Wan while attempting to parralell park.

When your father asks you how fast your car is, you reply,"Fast enough for you, old man."

When you need to go to the toilet, you say "Intensify Foward firepower, I don't want anything to get through"

You ram a model X-Wing up someone else's Butt and congratulate yourself for finding the only weak spot.

You don't have any money to buy food or clothes but you have a kick-a** STAR WARS collection.

You swear you saw Obi-Wan in your Cheerios.

You get caught doing your Darth Vader impression in the bathroom. (what are you doing in there son? *heavy breathing*YOUR POWERS ARE WEAK OLD MAN!!!!)

When you wake up screaming, "Luke it's a trap!"

You know you're a Star Wars geek when you unsuccessfully get the last cheerio in the bowl and instinctively mutter, "The Force is strong in this one."

You start to see visions of Ben Kenobi telling you to go to bed.

You punch out people that say,"But I thought Han Solo flew the Enterprise?"

You can't resist to hum when you turn on a flashlight