Name: Kurumeii Artimes Clow
Age: 17
Weight: 117
Species: Dark Elf, Lost Soul
Eyes: Golden Brown
Hair:Redish Brown
Powers: Can see and interact with the dead, Isn't liveing or dead, some physic powers, spells, and a bad aditude.
Occupation:Spirt Speaker
Dream Job: Sleeping
Most Likely to get Job: Local Nut Job
Love: Johnny Zion (An Excorsist)
Likes: Drawing, Quijia Boards, and videogames.
Nicknames: None
Pets:Her Dead cat Sporkel-San
Favorite Video Game:FF7
Favorite Moive: Thirteenth Ghost
Favrite Food razz asta
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Band: Slipknot
Favorite Anime:Bleach and Evangalion
Favorite Song:Left Behind, Slipknot
Favorite flower biggrin andylion
Pet Peevs: People who hurt others becuase their diffrent, wiggers, mean people, psycho christians, and evil spirts.
Mental Statius: Insaine
Mental Problems biggrin epression, Possible Scizod.
Favorite Books: Anything by Poe
Crushes On: Marlyn Manson, Johnny Depp, Drew Barimor and A ghost named Fredrick.
Preferance: ninja
Bad habbits: Losting grip on reality, Not fearing death, biteing her nails, and smokeing.
Shoe Size: 9
Favorite Toys: Dolls, and Gameboy.
