OK~! Happy -LATE- Halloween! how was yours? so anyway, Phantomsoul,Winter_Sapphire and I went trick-or-treating! lol this is soo funny! XD Phantom was Celpatra 3nodding ! or watever, you know, that great queen of Egypt? yeah, really pretty costume! Winter was a witch. lol " very orginal " Winter xd ! And i was a Emo ninja ninja . lol i kno, random bunch.
So we where trick or treating right? so Phantom is the last one at this ouse and there are steps, and well her being, well her, fell on the last 2 steps!! lol, no she wasn't hurt but it was sorta funny! lol so Yeah..
School! Ok school lately has been, 'fun' i guess....lol but like Phantom and I ae together in 2 classes! and one with winter! lol danger alert! we have so much fun together! rofl rofl i am surpised that we haven't been like confined to NO CLasses together!!!! we are soo random and loud in classes together!! lol so much fun!!!!
Well Here are some pics that you can enjoy!

Heres some pretty anime!

Listening: Misery Business- Paramore
Eating: ice cream!
Drinking: Diet Dr. Pepper
Watching: the Computer!