So the point of that was, in life things can be either 1 or 2 things. 1) extrmely random. or 2- not that random and almost expected to yeah. thats your life lesson for the day.
PhantomSoul103 and I were in the said S.Fair. Winter, however was not. so yeah. we had loads of fun too. and thats about it. oh! and report card time was like a few weeks ago but GUESS WAT??!!
PhantomSoul got DDR because she made all As((i got As and Bs..oh well i can bring those up because my lowest was a 90...**stupid math.**))! which is soooo cool right? so now i am wantin one! which, is you know, normal! so yeah, ** planing to get on for Christmas!!** hopefully i can get one! so any way, i don't feel like gettin pics up right now but i may edit this and add some..l8r though. so yea....
lol k so i will see you latr!!!
~*~ Kikiyoa, Signing out! ~*~