BelIf only you were to me like a brother,
BelBelwho was nursed at my mother's
BelThen, if I found you outside,
BelBelI would kiss you,
BelBeland no one would despise me.
BelI would lead you
BelBeland bring you to my mother's
Belshe who has taught me.
BelI would give you spiced wine to drink,
BelBelthe nectar of my pomegranates.
BelHis left arm is under my head
BelBeland his right arm embraces me.
BelDaughters of Jerusalem, I charge you:
BelBelDo not arouse or awaken love
BelBeluntil it so desires.
BelWho is this coming up from the desert
BelBelleaning on her lover?
BelUnder the apple tree I roused you;
BelBelthere you mother conceived you,
BelBelthere she who was in labor gave you
BelPlace me like a seal over your heart,
BelBellike a seal on your arm;
Belfor love is as strong as death,
BelBelits jealousy unyielding as the
BelIt burns like blazing fire,
BelBellike a mighty flame.
BelMany waters cannot quench love;
BelBelrivers cannot wash it away.
BelIf one were to give
BelBelall the wealth of his house for love,
BelBelit would be utterly scorned.
BelWe have a young sister,
BelBeland her breasts are not yet grown.
BelWhat shall we do for our sister
BelBelfor the day she is spoken for?
BelIf she is a wall,
BelBelwe will build towers of silver on her.
BelIf she is a door,
BelBelwe will enclose her with panels of
BelI am a wall,
BelBeland my breasts are like towers.
BelThus I have become in his eyes
BelBellike one bringing contentment.
BelSolomon had a vineyard in Ball Hamon;
BelBelhe let out his vineyard to tenants.
BelEach was to bring for its fruit
BelBela thousand shekels of silver.
BelBut my own vineyard is mine to give;
BelBelthe thousand shekels are for you,
BelBelBelO Solomon,
BelBeland two hundred are for those who tend its fruiBelt.
BelYou who dwell in the gardens
BelBelwith friends in attendance,
BelBellet me hear you voice!
BelCome away, my lover,
BelBeland be like a gazelle
Belor like a young stage
BelBelon the spice-laden mountains.
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Lucky's Fun Place!
Something to do on my spare time and for the people of Gaia. Usually music videos of what I like and what I feel like at the time.