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Lucky's Fun Place!
Something to do on my spare time and for the people of Gaia. Usually music videos of what I like and what I feel like at the time.
Song of Songs (All Chapters)
This is the compilation of all chapters of Song of Songs. If anyone has any requests for another book in the Bible then please request away. I'd try to make it more daily than this one. I was just a whole lot busy with things like homework. You got to hate it, don't you?


BelLet him kiss me with the kisses of his
BelBelfor your love is more delightful than wine.
BelPleasing is the fragrance of your
BelBelyour name is like perfume poured
BelBelNo wonder the maiden love you!
BelTake me away with you--let us hurry!
BelBelLet the king bring me into his

BelWe rejoice and delight in you;
BelBelwe will praise your love more than

BelHow right they are to adore you!

BelDark am I, yet lovely,
BelBelO daughters of Jerusalem,
BelBeldark like the tents of Kedar,
BelBellike the tent curtains of Solomon.
BelDo not stare at me because I am dark,
BelBelbecause I am darkened by the sun.
BelMy mother's sons were angry with me
BelBeland made me take care of the
BelBelmy own vineyard I have neglected.
BelTell me, you whome I love, where you
BelBelBelgraze your flock
BelBeland where you rest your sheep at
BelWhy should I be like a veiled woman
BelBelbeside the flocks of your friends?

BelIf you do not know, most beautiful of
BelBelfollow the tracks of the sheep
Beland graze your young goats
BelBelby the tents of the shepherds.

BelI liken you, my darling, to mare
BelBelharnessed to one of the chariots of
BelYour cheeks are beautiful with earrings,
BelBelyour neck with strings of jewels.
BelWe will make you earrings of gold,
BelBelstudded with silver.

BelWhile the king was at his table,
BelBelmy perfume spread its fragrance.
BelMy lover is to me a sachet of myrrh
BelBelresting between my breasts.
BelMy lover is to me a cluster of henna
BelBelfrom the vineyards of En Gedi.

BelHow beautiful you are, my darling!
BelBelOh, how beautiful!
BelBelYour eyes are doves.

BelHow handsome you are, my lover!
BelBelOh, how charming!
BelBelAnd our bed is verdant.

BelThe beams of our house are cedars;
BelBelour rafters are firs.

BelI am a rose of Sharon,
BelBela lily of the valleys.

BelLike a lily among thorns
BelBelis my darling among the maidens.

BelLike an apple tree among the trees of
BelBelBelthe forest
BelBelis my lover among the youg men.
BelI delight to sit in his shade,
BelBeland his fruit is sweet to my tast.
BelHe has taken me to the banquet hall,
BelBeland his banner over me is love.
BelStrengthen me with raisins,
BelBelrefresh me with apples,
BelBelfor I am faint with love.
BelHis left arm is under my head,
BelBeland his right arm embraces me.
BelDaughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
BelBelby the gazelles and by the does of the
BelDo not arouse or awaken love
BelBeluntil it so desires.

BelListen! My lover!
BelBelLook! Here he comes,
Belleaping across the mountains,
BelBelbounding over the hills.
BelMy lover is like a gazelle or a young
BelBelLook! There he stands behind our
Belgazing through the windows,
BelBelpeering through the lattice.
BelMy lover spoke and said to me,
BelBel"Arise, my darling,
BelBelmy beautiful one, and come with me.
BelSee! The winter is past;
BelBelthe rains are over and gone.
BelFlowers appear on the earth;
BelBelthe season of singing has come,
Belthe cooing of doves
BelBelis heard in our land.
BelThe fig tree forms its early fruit;
BelBelthe blossoming vines spread their
BelArise, come, my darling;
BelBelmy beautiful one, come with me."

BelMy dove in the clefts of the rock,
BelBelin the hiding places on the
Belshow me your face,
BelBelBellet me hear your voice;
Belfor your voice is sweet,
BelBeland your face is lovely.
BelCatch for us the foxes,
BelBelthe little foxes
Belthat ruin the vieyards,
BelBelour vineyards that are in bloom.

BelMy lover is mine and I am his;
BelBelhe browses among the lilies.
BelUntil the day breaks
BelBeland the shadows flee,
Belturn, mylover,
BelBeland be like a gazelle
Belor like a young stag
BelBelon the rugged hills.
BelAll night long on my bed
BelBelI looked for the one my heart loves;
BelBelI looked for him but did not find
BelI will get up now and go about the city,
BelBelthrough its streets and squares;
BelI will search for the one my heart loves.
BelBelSo I looked for him but did not find
BelThe watchmen found me
BelBelas they made their rounds in the city.
BelBel"Have you seen the one my heart
BelScarcely had I passed them
BelBelwhen I found the one my heart loves.
BelI held him and would not let him go
BelBeltill I had brought him to my mother's
BelBelto the room of the one who
BelBelBelconceived me.
BelDaughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
BelBelby the gazelles and by the does of the
BelDo not arouse or awaken love
BelBeluntil it so desires.

BelWho is this coming up from the desert
BelBellike a column of smoke,
Belperfumed with myrrh and incense
BelBelmade from all the spices of the
BelLook! It is Solomon's carriage,
BelBelescorted by sixty warriors,
BelBelthe noblest of Israel,
Belall of them wearing the sword,
BelBelall experienced in battle,
Beleach with his sword ay his side,
BelBelprepared for the terrors of the night.
BelKing Solomon made for himself the
BelBelhe made it of wood from Lebanon.
BelIts posts he made of silver,
BelBelits base of gold.
BelIts seat was uphoistered with purple,
BelBelits interiour lovingly inlaid
BelBelby the daughters of Jerusalem.
BelCome out, you daughters of Zion,
BelBeland look at King Solomon wearing
BelBelBelthe crown,
BelBelthe crown with which his mother
BelBelBelcrowned him
Belon the day of his wedding,
BelBelthe day his heart rejoiced.

BelHow beautifual you are, my darling!
BelBelOh, how beautiful!
BelBelYour eyes behind your veil are doves.
BelYour hair is like a flock of goats.
BelBeldescending from Mount Gilead.
BelYour teeth are like a flock of sheep just
BelBelcoming up from the washing.
BelEach has its twin;
BelBelnot one of them is alone.
BelYour lips are like a scarlet ribbon;
BelBelyour mouth is lovely.
BelYour temples behind your veil
BelBelare like the halves of a pomegranate.
BelYour neck is like the tower of David,
BelBelbuilt with elegance;
Belon it hang a thousand shields,
BelBelall of them shields of warriors.
BelYour two breasts are like two fawns
BelBellike twin fawns of a gazelle
BelBelthat browse among the lilies.
BelUntil the day breaks
BelBeland the shadows flee,
BelI will go to the mountains of myrrh
BelBeland to the hil of incense.
BelAll beautiful you are, my darling;
BelBelthere is no flaw in you.

BelCome with me from Lebanon, my bride,
BelBelcome with me from Lebanon.
BelDescend fromt eh crest of Amana,
BelBelfrom the top of Senir, the summit of
Belfrom the lions' dens
BelBeland the mountain haunts of the
BelYou have stolen my heart, my sister, my
BelBelyou have stolen my heart
Belwith one glance of your eyes,
BelBelwith one jewel of your necklace.
BelHow delightful is your love, my sister,
BelBelBelmy bride!
BelBelHow much more pleasing is your love
BelBelBelthan wine,
BelBeland the fragrance of your perfume
BelBelBelthan any spice!
BelYour lips drop sweetness as the
BelBelBelhoneycomb, my bride;
BelBelmilk and honey are under your
BelBelThe fragrance of your garments i like
BelBelBelthat of Lebanon.
BelYou are a garden locked up, my sister,
BelBelBelmy bride;
BelBelyou are a spring enclosed, a sealed
BelYour plants are an orchard of
BelBelwith choice fruits,
BelBelwith henna and nard,
BelBelnard and saffron,
BelBelcalamus and cinnamon,
BelBelwith every kind of incense tree,
BelBelwith myrrh and aloes
BelBeland all the finest spices.
BelYou are a garden fountain,
BelBela well of flowing water
BelBelstreaming down from Lebanon.

BelAwake, north wind,
BelBeland come, south wind!
BelBlow on my garden,
BelBelthat its fragrance may spread abroad.
BelLet my lover come into his garden
BelBeland taste its choice fruits.

BelI have come into my garden, my
BelBelBelsister, my bride;
BelI have gathered my myrrh with my
BelI have eaten my honeycomb and my
BelBelI have drunk my wine and my milk.

BelEat, O friends, and drink;
BelBeldrink you fill, O lovers.

BelI slept but my heart was awake.
BelBelListen! My lover is knocking:
Bel"Open to me, my sister, my darling,
BelBelmy dove, my flawless one.
BelMy head is drenched with dew,
BelBelmy hair with the dampness of the
BelI have taken off my robe--
BelBelmust I put it on again?
BelI have washed my feet--
BelBelmust I soil them again?
BelMy lover thrust his hand through the
BelBelmy heart began to pound for him.
BelI arose to open for my lover,
BelBeland my hands dripped with myrrh,
Belmy fingers with flowing myrrh,
BelBelon the handles of the lock.
BelI opened for my lover,
BelBelbut my lover had left; he was gone.
BelBelMy heart sank at his dparture.
BelI looked for him but did not find him.
BelBelI called him but he did not answer.
BelThe watchmen found me
BelBelas they made their rounds in the city.
BelThey beat me, they bruised me;
BelBelthey tok away my cloak,
BelBelthose watchmen of the walls!
BelO daughters of Jerusalem, I charge
BelBelif you find my lover,
Belwhat will you tell him?
BelBelTell him I am faint with love.

BelHow is your beloved better than others,
BelBelmost beautiful of women?
BelHow is your beloved better than others,
BelBelthat you charge us so?

BelMy lover is radiant and ruddy,
BelBeloutstanding among ten thousand.
BelHis head is purest gold;
BelBelhis hair is wavy
BelBeland black as a raven.
BelHis eyes are like doves
BelBelby the water streams,
Belwashed in milk,
BelBelmounted like jewels.
BelHis cheeks are like beds of spice
BelBelyielding perfume.
BelHis lips are like lilies
BelBeldripping with myrrh.
BelHis arms are rods of gold
BelBelset with chrysolite.
BelHis body is like polished ivory
BelBeldecorated with sapphires.
BelHis legs are pillars of marble
BelBelset on bases of pure gold.
BelHis appearance is like Lebanon,
BelBelchoice as its cedars.
BelHis mouth is sweetness itself;
BelBelhe is althogether lovely.
BelThis is my lover, this is my friend,
BelBelO daughters of Jerusalem.

BelWhere has your lover gone,
BelBelmost beautifual of women?
BelWhich way did your lover turn,
BelBelthat we may look for him with you?

BelMy lover has gone down to his garden,
BelBelto the beds of spices,
Belto browse in the gardens
BelBeland to gather lilies.
BelI am my lover's and my lover is mine;
BelBelhe browses among the lilies.

BelYou are beautifual, my darling, as Tirzah,
BelBellovely as Jerusalem,
BelBelmajestic as troops with banners.
BelTurn your eyes from me;
BelBelthey overwhelm me.
BelYour hair is like a flock of goats
BelBeldescending from Gilead.
BelYour teeth are like a flock of sheep
BelBelcoming up from the washing.
BelEach has its twin,
BelBelnot one of them is alone.
BelYour temples behind your veil
BelBelare like the halves of a pomegranate.
BelSixty queens there may be,
BelBeland eighty concubines,
BelBeland virgins beyond number;
Belbut my dove, my perfect one, is unique,
BelBelthe only daughter of her mother,
BelBelthe favorite of the one who bore her.
BelThe maidens saw here and called her
BelBelthe queens and concubines praised

BelWho is this that appears like the dawn,
BelBelfair as the moon, bright as the sun,
BelBelmajestic as the stars in preocession?

BelI went donw to the grove of nut trees
BelBelto look at the new growth in the
Belto see if the vines had budded
BelBelor the pomegranates were in bloom.
BelBefore I realized it,
BelBelmy desire set me among the royal
BelBelBelchariots of my people.

BelCome back, come back, O Shulammite;
BelBelcome back, come back, that we may
BelBelBelgaze on you!

BelWhy would you gaze on the Shulammite
BelBelas on the dance of Mahanaim?
BelHow beautiful your sandaled feet,
BelBelO prince's daughter!
BelYour graceful legs are like jewels,
BelBelthe work of a craftsman's hands.
BelYou navel is a rounded goblet
BelBelthat never lacks blended wine.
BelYour waist is a mound of wheat
BelBelencircled by lilies.
BelYour breasts are like two fawns,
BelBeltwins of a gazelle.
BelYour neck is like an ivory tower.
BelYour eyes are the pools of Heshbon
BelBelby the gate of Bath Rabbim.
BelYour nose is like the tower of Lebanon
BelBellooking toward Damascus.
BelYour head crowns you like Mount
BelBelYour hair is like royal tapestry;
BelBelthe king is held captive by its tresses.
BelHow beautiful you are and how
Bel[Bel/color]O love, with your delights!
BelYour stature is like that of the palm,
Bel[Bel/color]and your breasts like the clusters of fruit.
BelI said, "I will climb the palm tree;
Bel[Bel/color]I will take hold of its fruit."
BelMay your breasts be like the clusters of
Bel[BelBel/color]the vine,
BelBelthe fragrance of your breath like
BelBeland your mouth like the best wine.

BelMay the wine go straight to my lover,
BelBelflowing gently over lips and teeth.
BelI belong to my lover,
BelBeland his desire is for me.
BelCome, my lover, let us go to the
BelBellet us spend the night in the
BelLet us go early to the vineyards
BelBelto see if the vines have budded,
Belif their blossoms have opened,
BelBeland if the pomegranates are in
BelBelthere I will give you my love.
BelThe mandrakes send out their fragrance,
BelBeland at our door is every delicacy,
Belboth new and old,
BelBelthat I have stored up for you, my
BelIf only you were to me like a brother,
BelBelwho was nursed at my mother's
BelThen, if I found you outside,
BelBelI would kiss you,
BelBeland no one would despise me.
BelI would lead you
BelBeland bring you to my mother's
Belshe who has taught me.
BelI would give you spiced wine to drink,
BelBelthe nectar of my pomegranates.
BelHis left arm is under my head
BelBeland his right arm embraces me.
BelDaughters of Jerusalem, I charge you:
BelBelDo not arouse or awaken love
BelBeluntil it so desires.

BelWho is this coming up from the desert
BelBelleaning on her lover?

BelUnder the apple tree I roused you;
BelBelthere you mother conceived you,
BelBelthere she who was in labor gave you
BelPlace me like a seal over your heart,
BelBellike a seal on your arm;
Belfor love is as strong as death,
BelBelits jealousy unyielding as the
BelIt burns like blazing fire,
BelBellike a mighty flame.
BelMany waters cannot quench love;
BelBelrivers cannot wash it away.
BelIf one were to give
BelBelall the wealth of his house for love,
BelBelit would be utterly scorned.

BelWe have a young sister,
BelBeland her breasts are not yet grown.
BelWhat shall we do for our sister
BelBelfor the day she is spoken for?
BelIf she is a wall,
BelBelwe will build towers of silver on her.
BelIf she is a door,
BelBelwe will enclose her with panels of

BelI am a wall,
BelBeland my breasts are like towers.
BelThus I have become in his eyes
BelBellike one bringing contentment.
BelSolomon had a vineyard in Ball Hamon;
BelBelhe let out his vineyard to tenants.
BelEach was to bring for its fruit
BelBela thousand shekels of silver.
BelBut my own vineyard is mine to give;
BelBelthe thousand shekels are for you,
BelBelBelO Solomon,
BelBeland two hundred are for those who tend its fruiBelt.

BelYou who dwell in the gardens
BelBelwith friends in attendance,
BelBellet me hear you voice!

BelCome away, my lover,
BelBeland be like a gazelle
Belor like a young stage
BelBelon the spice-laden mountains.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 20, 2007 @ 03:22am
I'm aware of that mr monkey...I'm just sayin...it's stupid.......

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