...foggy night+ scary road= a really really funy story!
ok say i was supposed to do this when i got home but i kinda forgot and i actually remembered now. ok so me and my friend went shopping one day..well probably window shopping you can't really call it shopping when you didn't really buy anything. anyway, i was driving and my friend was in the passenger seat and the whole time we were driving from one mall to another there was a lot of fog...and i mean A LOT of fog! THERE WAS SO MUCH I COULDN'T SEE ANYTHING AND I HAD TO RELY ON THE YELLOW AND WHITE LINES ON THE ROAD. i was kinda freaking 50% comedic wise and 50% actually freaking out. it was hella scary! we were saying it was like a teen horror movie were a group of teens were driving and they 'mysteriously' disappear. and there are some parts of my area where there is a cliff or an area where if you aren't carefull you could drive off a cliff. and i was worried since i haven't driven in MONTHS!..so when my area is extremely foggy and when it's late night the area really resembles a horror movie cliche. well that's enough from me and my friends wonderful driving experience.