Okay, I'm not gonna be prideful about this. I just like what I got for Christmas!
From parents:
Playstation 3
PS3 Remote
PS3 controller
Guitar Hero III (PS3)
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)
Memory Card Adaptor
Music Tote (At least that's what I think it's called)
Two pairs of boxers
High School Musical 2 Soundtrack
Columbia Analog Watch
Kitty Calender 4laugh
"Cross in my Pocket"
Candy Cane Ornament (w/ name on it)
Two cross necklaces to choose from
From relatives:
Tennessee shirt (long-sleeve)
Tennessee Sweatshirt
Tommy Hilfiger Hoody
20 Questions (returned it)
eMusic giftcards (going to return)
K-Mart giftcard ($5)
That's about all I can remember! 3nodding
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