A cop pulled me over tonight on my way home from a friend's house. He thought I was in some sort of a hurry and if I was taking out my aggression on the truck ahead of me. Um...I wasn't even near the truck in front of me until he turned left towards a side street, and I barely got above 30mph, before the cop pulled me over. "Where are you heading in such a hurry this time of night?" Hmm..could have said, "To my next strip bar, officer. I thought I could make a couple more bucks before going to get knocked up by 3 guys at one time, and then I thought about lying in a ditch somewhere naked." Where the hell does he think I was going??!?!?!? "HOME" was the only thing I said. He then asked me if I was mad at the truck ahead of me. I told him "no" and he told me to be careful. This town is pitiful when even the cops are looking for someone with road rage.
Not wanting to go to work this Sunday. Halloween Day, and I'm stuck at Pier One. The scary thing is, I'm the only manager working. So yeah...10 hours with me...WOOO! That could be scary for the people that will be working with me. I don't do more than 8 hours, and even then I whine a little. hahahha.
Planning on attending a friend's party on Sunday. But, he's being a royal turd lately. Not cool with people hanging up on me. If he's going to be an a** to me, then to hell with him if I'll go at all.
Got my costume together. Planning on going as a dark angel. For those that chat with me regularly, I'm usually a good angel. I'm hoping to get the staff here soon (thanks sweets!), and so that will complete the outfit.
Looking forward to a nice vacation soon. I really need the time off, but I need the money more. *sighs* I'm never going to get a full week off without selling my soul.
Lots of Love,
Amy heart
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Let me show you the world through my eyes
Limus Of lust Moon
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The Eyes Are the Doorway to the Soul