Wow!!!! It amazes me how three little words can change your life forever. Normally when I write, I'm serious, no frills, no extra little additives. But now I have experiance the greatest of all human emotions. The way my heart quickens when i see that he's online, the way my pulse races as we talk, the way me eyes fill wit tears at all of the sweet and wonderful things he says about me. Yes, Love is what my heart is feeling. Love has changed me from someone didn't belive in the goodness of a man into someone who now looks forward to talking to the man that she cares so much about. Now I personally think I have lost my mind but it would be great to hear feed back. Till then friends: heart heart
I've never seen you Or touched your skin I've never felt your lips Or held you tight But I know I love you
Not because of the way you look Not because of the things you say But because of whom you are
When we meet I will kiss you And hold you all night
I love everything about you Because it's you
reinaita82 · Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 10:01pm · 1 Comments |