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-titanic music- ONCCEE MOREEEEEEEE
This is pretty much a blog full of whining, be prepared.

So, as the days go by the more pissed off I've become. It feels like a waste of money and effort to re-buy everything I had, and I'm just hoping that my account will be returned (I'm thinking about recreating the situation and seeing if the accounts get banned again). If it is, I'm going to have a giveaway involving 70% of the items on this account. If not, I'm going to spend the rest of eternity trying to remember the pw to my sisters old account. Yes, I care about join date. And post count, which I guess I have to get working on again.

There are things I can't get back, even if technically I can buy them.
- Watermeat from 02 (-_-##...)
- Valentines gifts
- Christams gifts
- Birthday presents
- My effing chyaku that I worked so hard to get-before I had a job or the ability to buy with my debit card (-__________-;;; It's inflated a lot since Feb. 06 when I bought it). Of course I'll get it again, but it won't be all "lol this was my first quest completed, and without gaia cash or sealeds".
- Reputation. At one point (>>; don't shun me) I was proud of being a GCD reg. It was cool having people coming into towns and recognizing who I was. All throughout the plot I've been known as ArisaKisa. I hate having to be like "Lol it's arisa" when I see people I haven't talked to in a while.
- Role play mules. Yea. Let's see, I'm supposed to be continuing thigs with Blake as Karin, eventually will have to return to life on Arisa, Naomi. Karo still has to talk to TTT (xD wink . It's irritating. I'm sure if I have to I can just rp EVERYONE on this one account, but it....feels so stupid. I don't have the time or interest to recreate 13 mules. I HATE MAKING NEW ACCOUNTS xD;;;; A few made it, the ones who weren't in the screenie. Brandon greenwood, my old 06 mules-sweet sweet aria, happi smile (except kazune, I had him there for the screenie too)...and some of my old ghosted mules I think.

Crap that I quested, and have no drive to get any time soon:
- Demonic pendant. This was like the last huge thing I quested for and got it around January, right after Christmas?
- Banis: It was either banis or art. Got them after doing a trade with britt, and sold the gotis under priced =A=
- Gaia shirt: I think I got this during my omg box craze. Eh. Made cute pjs but I can wait for a while.

And the hundreds of commons...ugh. Clicking the pixel in the shop to rebuy them makes me seriously cringe e___o; It was a side quest to get one of everything, and I'd gotten pretty far.

For now that's it but there's so much more. xD; Work time.

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