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-titanic music- ONCCEE MOREEEEEEEE
Ok. So I've been cooped up in the house forever anddd I've decided I should probably get out more >>; My options are to work out with Cory (which ugh I need to do D8 ), see if Megan's busy or cool for chilling (eh midterms are going on right now righ? jhdfjkfhjk = 3=; ), see Kyle at the theaters, possibly hang out with Nina and maybe get a haircut while I'm at it >o>;...I srsly need to get a life and I'm starting to see that D8 I'll probably be on a lot still though e______e; /

I'm also going to try and get my phone fixed today, or just get a new one. I guess the smart chips broken? One of my guy friends looked at it, tried fixing it but nothing happened xD; We'll see @D@ b

As for the laptop I'm supposed to have by now <______<; I'm really bad at saving xD;; Though I've decided to get a cheap one (around 499-599?) just for the sake of having internet.

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Stellar Phoenix
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 12:08am
Internet is always nice. o wo b


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