So, I'm pretty much going to be averaging 30-35 hours a week at my wonderful new minimum wage job selling shoes. This means waaaaay less time to be online. (DUH) Since, I already have less than 4 hours a week online... I'm sure it will drop to under 2. The reason: If my job wanted me to come in for 6-8 hours a day starting at 9 am then that would be fine. I would be there during the school hours and I wouldn't have to adjust my sleping schedule. HOWEVER, my job wants me to come in at ohhh... 1pm until close (9p) Which requires me to leave the house at 11:30~11:45 to get out to the bus stop to catch the 12:00 bus (if it's not too full) or the 12:30 bus. My whole day is shot. I can't do jack squat in the hours that I am at home. AAAAAND it makes me cranky walking home that late at night.
-rant rant, rant rant-
Good news: My paychecks should come out to be like $325 (every 2 weeks) even after taxes.
Bad news: -60 for new shoes for work, -200/mo rent, -80/mo phone, -40/mo bus fare
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