No it's not amazing but just roll with it :[
Her name is Garnet cuz she's red.
She's a Siamese Fighting Fish, the only kind of fish that doesn't need a fancy pebble-and-fakeseaweed and pumped aquarium. Lmao.
Well actually
I dun even know if it's a she right now :/
But I'll call it a she cuz it's the same sex as me and that makes me more comfortable 8] (ignore my weirdness xD)
So yeah.
I wanted two budgies, until my dad HAD to blurt out that birds had a very fatal disease called the bird flu. (No kiddin'.)
So my mom just changed her mind about the damn birds. :[
My friend has two budgies. And she's YOUNGER THAN ME. SHE'S 10. >.>
Why is it that the older you get, your parents start to smother you even MORE? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Anyways, I have NO clue about reverse psychology. -.-
Okay, I'm supposed to be talking about my FISH, not BIRD FLU AND A SCHOOL SUBJECT.
But I have nothing left to write. Damnit.
A.D.D. has gotten the better of me yet again.
Oh well.
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