Cheyenne is Fallen_Failure! : D
She may look mean, if you take a look at her profile, but she's actually one of the nicest friends I've ever met!
But, all of her friends know this:
Mess with her and your kidneys will end up being sold to Iraq.
I heart her very much though! <3
And you shouldn't be scared of her, unless you did something that pissed her off. I'm sure she has some people who made her angry. Isn't that right, Chey? ;D
Her music on her profile is awesome. My crappy playlist isn't even comparable to hers. :/ She must have veeeery good taste. ;D
She also has an awesome avatar. Yes, very awesome. >3<
She posted a journal entry for me~ :'D
My whole point is, she's awesome. :3
Love you, Cheyenne~ whee
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