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histories and poems
Rest in peace

Kai walked out of the tent to get some water. She and her class was on a tour up in the mountain to stand skiing. They weren’t very many in the class, so it was normal for them to do this the same time every year. They were 5 girls and 7 boys. However, Kai walked over to the well. It was late at the day, but Kai weren’t able to sleep without drinking some water first. The well had two buckets, and the bucket that was longest down, had water in it. Kai got the bucket full of water up from the well. It wasn’t so cold around there, at least not that night. It was snow everywhere, but Kai didn’t really mind that. Kai took up her cup and started to drink from the bucket. She kept on drinking water, when she noticed that something was wrong. She weren’t able to breath, and felled unconscious down in the well.

The day after, Mieko stood up and tried to find Kai. Kai had told Mieko that she was going out to get something to drink from the well. She couldn’t have used to whole night, could she? Mieko walked out of her tent and looked after he friend there too, but couldn’t find her. She walked over to her teachers tent, and found out that he still slept.
Mieko: Shito-Sensei, you got to wake up, it has happened something! (Sensei means teacher. Students in Japan often put Sensei behind the teachers name)
Shito, their teacher, looked tired at her.
Shito: What is it Mieko. You can still sleep before we are going out skiing.
Mieko looked irritated at her teacher.
Mieko: Kai is gone. She said she was going to get some water right before we were going to sleep, so I didn’t wait to sleep until she came back, and when I woke up, she still weren’t there. I know she would have told me if she went some place trough the night!
Shito still looked at Mieko. It was obvious that he only wanted to sleep, and don’t talk about people that were gone.
Shito: Maybe she only went to the toilet? It surely isn’t anything...
Shito stopped in the middle of his sentence, because they heard a scream.
Mieko: I think it is Yasu!
Shito got out of the sleeping bag, and walked fast out of the tent. (He had slept with his clothes on)
Shito: It is at the well. We should go and check it out, it could be something important.
Shito and Mieko ran over to the well and saw Yasu, Yachi and Hikari standing, looking shocked down in the well.
Shito: What have happened here?
Hikari turned around and looked at Shito, before she pointed down in the well. Mieko walked over to them and looked down in the well, where she got an unpleasant surprise.
Mieko: Why? Why her? What have happened?
Shito looked surprised down in the well.
Shito: This was weird. I checked out the well the day first day, and as you can see, I am still alive.
The boys in the class came running up to the well.
Ryuu: What have happened? We heard a scream, and wondered what had happened! Are someone hurt?
Mieko: Kai is... Kai is...
Chika, Kai’s brother, walked over to the well. He stood there shocked. Sai walked next to Chika and looked down too.
Sai: Rest in peace, Kai.
Chika still stood there in shock, and the other boys had understood what had happened.
Shogo: We got to get away from here!
Shito: It was a coincident, we just need to learn from it and don’t think from the well anymore. I think it is a lake not far from here where we can get water.
Chika: Sister... I will never forget you.
Mieko walked over to Chika and laid her hands on his shoulders.
Mieko: Chika, sorry, I should have been with her when she was going to get some water.
Chika: No, that wouldn’t have done anything better. What would most probably have happened then is that you too would have died, and that wouldn’t have done anything better. But thanks for saying it Mieko.
Mieko took away her hands from his shoulders.
Shito: We need to get back to the camp
Kioshi: You don’t care?
Shito looked at Kioshi.
Shito: Kioshi, I only want that the rest of you can be safe.
Kioshi looked sad up at Shito, who was his favourite teacher.
Kioshi: Sorry, Shito-Sensei
Shito laid one of his hands on top of Kioshi’s head and smiled a little to him.
Mieko: Kioshi, Chika, everyone else, we should listen to Shito-Sensei and go back to the camp.
Sai: She is right. It won’t help us anything to be here and sob.
The rest of the class nodded, and everyone went back to the camp.

After everyone had done themselves clear, they went on a skiing tour. Shuya and Ryuu walked a little after the others, so they could talk together about what had happened.
Shuya: What do you think happened to Kai?
Ryuu started to think a little. He had always liked Kai, even when she was a little weird.
Ryuu: It was absolute a little sad, but it is that way the life is. Everyone got to die sooner or later.
Shuya looked at his friend.
Shuya: It isn’t like Shito-Sensei to react on that way. Normally he would have tried to find out what had happened to her.
Ryuu didn’t answer, but he knew that Shuya had right.

A little longer forward did Chika, Kioshi and Sai stand skiing. Chika didn’t really say anything, and Kioshi and Sai didn’t try to make him say anything either. It wasn’t their sister that had died after all. But after a while did Chika look at them.
Chika: I don’t understand what happened. I mean, Shito-Sensei had already been drinking from the well to find out if it was something wrong with it.
Kioshi: Chika, I know this is hard for you, but you should try to not think to much about it. It is only going to be worse that way.
In one second, did Chika want to say that Kioshi didn’t know how it was to loose someone so close to you, but he started to think about that, Kioshi actually did. His father had actually killed his mother, before he ran away. It must have been like a hell for him.
Sai: Now, now. You two shouldn’t start to fight. We need to be together. I actually think that it is someone behind this.
Kioshi and Chika looked weird a Sai, before they started to think; It was actually logical.

Even longer forward, did Mieko, Shinji and Shogo stand skiing. Mieko had been telling herself – and Shinji and Shogo – that everything was her fault, something they had denied. Mieko was Shogo’s girlfriend and Shinji’s sister. She knew that it weren’t just a coincident, but she didn’t know who it was. She had told the two others, and they had agreed.
Mieko: But then, who can it be? I don’t think Chika and those people would have done it, and not the girls.
Shinji: Then it is left Shuya, Ryuu and Shito-Sensei. I don’t know those people very well, so I don’t know...
Shogo looked calm at Shinji and Mieko.
Shogo: What is important is that we got to keep together, so that it won’t happen to us too.
Mieko and Shinji nodded, they should absolutely keep together.

Yasu, Yachi and Hikari stood not too long behind Shito-Sensei, but too long for him to hear what they said. It was those three that had noticed Kai first, but none of them was too shocked. They were known as the hard girls in the class after all.
Yasu: Kai who was so good in everything. A little sad really.
Yachi: What we need to think about is that the three of us need to keep together.
Hikari nodded. They had to survive, no matter what. Even if everyone else died, they had to survive.
Yachi: We should just let everyone else die and get away from here while we can. It is something scary with Shito-Sensei too.
Hikari: I agree. I don’t want to die quite jet. But I don’t want to leave Sai-san either, he is so handsome! (San is a way to show respect)
Yasu smiled at Hikari. Yasu was Sai’s cousin, and knew that Sai didn’t like anyone. And he would never fall in love with someone like Hikari. But she acted like she thought he liked her.
Yasu: But the question is, who can it be?
Yachi: If we knew that, it would only have been to kill that person and everything would end.
Yasu and Hikari nodded, but since they didn’t know who it was, they couldn’t do that.

In front of everyone, did Shito stand skiing. He was thinking about what happened to Kai.
Shito: Since the poison weren’t there the day before, and I was the one who checked out the water, I think they are starting to think that I killed her. Not so weird though... But this whole thing is quite weird. I wonder what have happened.

After their skiing tour, everyone sat down around the camp fire and fried sausages. No one were talking about what had happened, since no one could be sure about if it were someone of the others.
Hikari: I need to go a tour...
Yasu and Yachi looked at her.
Yasu: Then we are going with you.
Hikari only nodded.
Shito: Be careful and don’t do anything else than you need to, ok?
Yasu, Yachi and Hikari nodded, and walked together away from them.
Shito took up a bucket and stood up.
Shito: Well then, I am going out a tour to get some water, so we can get cacao? Ok all?
Everyone just nodded, but then was the act that did everyone’s thoughts sure. Everyone was sure that it was Shito that was behind all this. They didn’t hear anything that made it sound like someone died, but after some minutes, everyone started to look around them. It was then Kioshi saw something.
Kioshi: Hey, where is Ryuu?
Everyone started to look around them again, but now it was to find Ryuu.
Shinji: Why did he have to go now? He may be killed by Shito-Sensei. He should watch himself a little.
Shuya looked scared around him. He didn’t want his best friend to die. What would happen to him then?
But then, as in a miracle, Ryuu came back.
Ryuu: Sorry, I just had to go for a while. I thought that it was a little too boring to just sit her in total silence.
Shuya breathed happily out, and the rest of them were just as happy. He hadn’t been killed by Shito-Sensei.
Then Shito came, with his bucket full of water.
Shito: Isn’t Yasu and them back jet? Maybe we should go and search for them?
The rest of them nodded. They couldn’t quite understand why he wanted to find them, but they nodded anyway. All of them stood up and walked to same way that those three had done. And after just some minutes, they found what they had been looking for. Mieko screamed. What they saw was three bloody heads hanging over three, just as bloody corpses.
Mieko: Why? Why is all the girls being killed? Why?
Shogo hugged Mieko from behind.
Shogo: If that is what the murderer is after, then you won’t get killed as long as you am with us.
Sai: Yasu, Yachi, Hikari, rest in peace. I hope you will get a good life after this.
Sai counted something on his fingers.
Sai: Now we are one girl, and seven boys left. In other words, the murderer have already killed four people. We are only eight left in out class, while we were twelve before. But it seems like the murderer is trying to kill all the girls first.
Mieko: I don’t want to die.
Everyone looked at her.
Sai: it is like Shogo said, as long as you are with us, it won’t be any problem.
Mieko: Fine, but what about the tents? I am sleeping alone now you know...
Sai looked at her a second before he answered.
Sai: Then you can sleep with Shogo and Shinji. Then we won’t have that problem.
Mieko nodded, and Shogo and Shinji did too. It was clever, then she didn’t need to sleep alone the whole night.
Mieko: Then it is that way. However, we should go back to the camp and sleep. It is starting to be late.
Everyone nodded, and went to sleep. And everyone thought they were safe that night.

The day after Shito woke up and decided to wake up everyone. They weren’t going to go skiing, but they didn’t have to sleep to the middle of the day either. First he went to Chika, Sai and Kioshi’s tent. He said a “Good morning” and after a while everyone woke up. It was only Kioshi who looked happy to see Shito though. Then he went to Ryuu and Shuya’s tent. He said another “Good morning”, but here it wasn’t any of them who looked happy to see Shito. He walked to Mieko’s tent and looked in.
Shito: Damn it. Why can’t anyone survive this s**t? It seems like my carrier as teacher is over after all...
What he saw was Mieko, Shinji and Shogo laying dead in their sleeping bags. Kioshi came running towards Shito, and Shito looked out from the tent.
Kioshi: Shito-Sensei, everyone thinks that it is you that is killing everyone! You should do something that will show them that it isn’t you!
Shito: Even when it isn’t very many left to show... Please don’t think that it was me Kioshi. They were that way when I came here.
Kioshi looked in to the tent. He looked shocked at Shito.
Kioshi: He has started to kill boys too now. I don’t understand this anymore.
Shito only looked at Kioshi.
Kioshi: Hey, wait one second! Ryuu weren’t there either when Yasu and those were killed! It may have been him!
Sai and Chika now stood behind Kioshi and had heard what he just said.
Sai: he is right. He weren’t there at that time. But why did you go to get some water while you did Shito-Sensei? If you had waited, then everyone would have understood that it weren’t you.
Shito: That isn’t the problem now. The problem now is that only one group can go outside the camp at once. Even when I don’t think it is Ryuu, if it actually is him, I don’t think he can kill his best friend.
The three others nodded, but then Ryuu and Shuya came, and everyone went silent about that.
Shito: Well, now that everyone is here. Ryuu and Shuya, the two of you are one group, while Kioshi, Chika and Sai is one. Only one group can go outside the camp at once, unless I am with you.
Shuya looked angry at Shito.
Shuya: Do you think anyone of us is the murderer? How can we know that it isn’t you?
Shito: You can’t... But you can believe me.

A little after, Ryuu and Shuya came over to Shito. He had just been in a phone call, so he was a little surprised.
Shuya: We are going for a walk. Ok?
Shito only nodded.

After a while, Shuya looked at Ryuu.
Shuya: Now, why did you want to talk to me about since we couldn’t talk about it in the camp? Do you know who the murderer is?
Ryuu only nodded slightly.
Shuya: Was it Shito as we thought?
Ryuu looked at Shuya, with irritation in his eyes.
Ryuu: As you thought Shuya. I have always known who it was.
Shuya: Then why didn’t you say anything? This all could have been over, if you only said who it was! No one would have needed to die. Why didn’t you say anything?
Ryuu: Because...
Ryuu took up a knife from his pocket and turned around so he looked directly at Shuya.
Ryuu: Because I am the murderer. I am freaking tired of everyone here. I can’t stand you guys anymore. How everyone thinks that they can be what they want if they just try, how everyone thinks they are perfect. I am freaking tired off it. It is time for everyone to die Shuya. Now... You will soon die too. And I am sure you will come to hell. Of course, it will be hard to make the others think it wasn’t me, but trust me, I will make it.
Ryuu started to walk to Shuya, who walked backwards.
Ryuu: stop walking Shuya. You will die anyway, so why stand against it?
Shuya: I don’t understand. I thought you were my friend. Please! Don’t kill me! I want to live!
Ryuu smiled an evil smile. Then he kept on walking towards Shuya. Then... Ryuu suddenly collapsed. Shuya looked scared around him.
Voice: Take it easy. It is the police. We used sleeping bullets on him, so he won’t die. Are you ok?
Shuya nodded, before he sat down on the ground, leaning against a tree.
Shito, Kioshi and the two others stood and watched.
Shito: It seems like I took wrong...
Kioshi smiled at his teacher.
Kioshi: At least you fixed the failure before anymore people died.
Shito only nodded. Sai walked over to Shuya and reached him his hand.
Sai: Are you ok? Did he hurt you?
Shuya didn’t answer, only looked at the ground.
Police: Well, we better tell the families what happened. It may be a hell, but as soon as that is over, then everything is fine. Shito, you will probably not be able to be a teacher anymore, but I will try my best to let you continue to have that job.
Shito only nodded. Chika walked over to Shito.
Chika: I am sorry that I thought that you were the murderer. I should have known that Kioshi’s favourite teacher wouldn’t have done anything like that.
Shito only smiled at him. Only a few more days, then all this will be over. And after all, it still was four students who could tell the story as it truly was.

This was not made from an entry in the arena, but was originally a school task. That will say that it was originally in Norwegian. But I decided to make it in English too, so I gotta say sorry if it is bad English different places. Thanks for reading.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 16, 2008 @ 06:58pm
Whoa, that was a lot. But it was really interesting. And pretty deep too! I wanna read more of your stories. heart

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 25, 2008 @ 06:10pm
That was really areally good. I cant believe you thought about all of that. The english wasnt awful so dont woarry about that. Its really really good. You should make a longer one. I think you did a very very good job. I was sad that poor Meiko had to die though. All the girls died. Aww. sad

Violet Rickerbracker
Community Member
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