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Behind Closed Eyes:price for sign 5k
auau hauu:1.5k
_Zeh N i p p l e Queen_-:5-10k
Cryptic Affairs:2k
Mistress Riot
c u h l u h r i s s u h
My Iroh Profile code
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My Karin layout
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/* Free Gaia online Resources */
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My Inari avi art profile
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View User's Journal
Its funny that people dont like my signs
yet they come to my journal to view them.
So for all of you stupid bitches who have
something against me stay the ******** out
and go find something else to do with your life
cause your not doing humanity any favors.
yet they come to my journal to view them.
So for all of you stupid bitches who have
something against me stay the ******** out
and go find something else to do with your life
cause your not doing humanity any favors.
![]() |
Chibi Nerd
Community Member |
★Twitter name: ArcadeFiasco★[/color:64bf5095f5][/align:64bf5095f5]
★Twitter name: ArcadeFiasco★[/color:64bf5095f5][/align:64bf5095f5]