okay so since I have like waaaaay too much time on my hands I decided to post again. I've decided to make this post in dedication to story writing and roleplaying. I'm going to post some ideas I've had for a while and might use them to either write a story or you can pm me to roleplay it.

~~ Sort of like vampire knight. A girl's best friend makes her into a vampire, springing it on her that he's a vampire and they're going to a new school. There she meets his TWIN brother ... strange secrets arise, not to mention that odd servant boy who looks at her so strangely! ~~

~~ What happens when you stumble upon a slave shop that won't let you leave? When the owner grabs you and claims you as her new worker and now you can't leave, you hate cleaning and that's all you're doing, the slaves scare you, and you just wanna go home!! ~~

~~ A girl is just walking home when she's kidnapped! Strange people surround her and keep calling her "princess" Before she realizes it she's transported to a completely new country and GETTING MARRIED!?!? ~~

~~ The dragons of light and dark have been at war with each other for years. But the prophecy fortells the coming of a girl. A sorceress. Who will supposedly end the war. Unknown is who's side she'll be on. Unknown is when she'll come or how she will end it. Known is that if she doens't come soon- there might not be a country anymore! ~~

~~ A girl and boy, twins, have always been at each others throats. The girl, sweet as can be. The boy, arrogant as hell. But they're still siblings. One day they come to find out, they're the heir to thrones of different lands. The girl, Heaven. The boy, hell. What will it be like to have a new ruler in each? Especially siblings~ (I understand this isn't very "christian like" but you'll have to accept it sorry. Not everyone's a christian in the world.) ~~
Okay so those are just some ramblings I've had stuck in my head. No stealing them though! Although...I haven't even given you complete details so it won't matter if you steal it..but still don't! I'll update this every once in a while...