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April 29 2005 Dragons of the River Krista Vivian
Part 1
My name Krista.I live in a small bay on a side of a river.So many weird things happen here.The fisherman that go on the river have said something about a dark shape on the bottom of it,and something even weirder a old lady says it's a dragon.How could it be a dragon,they don't exist.They're just a fairytale thought up of a mindless day dreamer.I was sitting on the side of the river watching fish swim bye and the flow of the water.I had a sketch book with me and I drew
what i saw in this wonderful scene.I looked up again and noticed the fish had left and all the other life in the area had left.I looked up the river to see if they're was a boat coming...,but there wasn't.What then could have caused things to flee..so i took a closer look at the water and i saw something.It had a long neck and tale,eyes that glowed like moon light,wide wings flaping below the surface gracefuly,and it was plastered with scales.Then it stopped looked at me with its
glowing eyes and left.I moved away from the waters edge and hid in a bush.I looked back out at the water and nothing was there....what was that,could it have been...
Part 2
I ran back to the village as fast as I could.For all I new it could be getting sick of it's fish diet and want to get something new on the menu!I went to my friend Amanda's house and I told her what happened.Shes my friend in the village and we shared alot of interest.We both liked art and dragons.She didn't quite like to read books like I do,and she actualy believed in dragons.I didn't know what made her believe something like that but it didn't matter.Once I finished she looked at
me with majore confusion on her face.She probably wondered if she should send me to a mental hospital or actualy believe me.Instead of saying what she thought she took out one of her dads fishing maps , one of her books,(it was like the only one she read)and she opened it to a page with a map on it.It seemed oddly familiar......She set them beside eachother then I noticed what she meant.They were both identical in every way.The bay ,the river,everything but a weird black
whole in the river.It had a description beside the map and it said"This is the map of Tyransia.In this age,atleast a while ago.It was at peace and we did all the things we usualy did,go fishing.Then the Elei came,mystical angels of the Heaven.This Heaven existed on planets in the stars we see at night.They brought many things with them throught a porthole in a underground cave in the river.Along with them they brought many kinds of creatures,plants,foods,and Dragons.We
befriended the Elei and they even sometimes took us to see there home.Its beautiful,theres barely any gravity so you can fly like a bird and you can see the stars true beauty.Then eventualy other lands became jealous so they came and fought with us so they could obtain our
gifts from the Elei.The Elei new this would be a problem so they fought with us as our allies and we defeated our enemies.But the Elei were still fearfull of what could happen if other lands heard of this lands goods,so they took most of their things leaving only a few,and left forever.They did
not want to cause anymore damage.Then eventualy our land split with the others causing our wonderful Tyransia to become small islands."
Part 3
Me and Amanda didn't have any more information to look at so we decided we would go see the lady who spoke of dragons at one of the village meetings when they complained about the dark shapes at the bottom of the water.Her home was on a hill that overlooked the village with very few trees around it.We went and knocked on her door and she came and invited us in.Inside there were many books.I was so tempted to go,take one of them off the shelf and read its pages.Then my attention was taken to something else...a scroll on the wall,it had a dragon on it.It was mutch like the one I saw,but it was blue not black.It must have been black from the shadow at the bottom of the river.Ailia was a old village storyteller.She said she was in Tyransia when it was still whole.
When she got there it was ruins,and not many things were left of the wonderful city.Eventualy the war started,they won and the Elei left.Then people began to return to Tyransiaand its population grew.But when people found it,it had already split into many peices so no one recondnised it for the great rumored Tyransia.She even to ride on the back of a dragon,and that she even got to visit the Heavens.She told us about many types of dragons like firedrakes,wind and water,and Imperial.The imperial were tamed by the Elei so they could ride on
there backs while the dragons flew threw the sky.She told me the one I saw was a Imperial dragon.She also said it was a young one because they're usual size,when in flight over a field they could cover it with darkness with only its shadow.She told us to go home because it was begining to get dark so we followed her orders and went home.I went to my room,its walls were plastered with many drawing of birds and dragons from my dreams.One of them looked like the dragon I saw
in the river.I went and began to draw a picture of it and i came out wonderful.I took it and stuck it up on my wall and admired my good work.Then I read one of my books...well sort of.It was like a annoying voice in my head telling me to go and look in the river again.Then it eventualy drove me mental so I went.I brought a flashlight with me so that I would be able to see the way.I looked in
river...and there was nothing there so I began to walk home when a bush stired behind me..I looked to find a horrid snake like man appear.It wore some kind of armour and it carried a battered like sword.Then it raised it and began to charge at me......was this going to be the end of me?
All of a sudden it stopped as if disturbed by some kind of presence.It began to happen again,the water began to get rapid,all life that was around had left instead of me and the monster.Then all of a sudden,the dragon jumped out of the water,roared with fury ,and it bared its fangs at the creature.It was definetly mad and it lifted its tail from the water and hit the creature causing it to
fling into a tree,it did not move so I guessed it was unconcious.Then the dragon looked at me,came out of the water and it stood on all fours.It lowered its head so that it was infront of mine,and it looked at me.Then I noticed its eyes had a sort of a slit like a snake,and around its light blue eyes it was surrounded with silver.I reached so slowly,then I touched its head and a blue light went
through my arm and I looked at my hand to see a weird blue oval.My attention was taken again by a strange voice,but all that was here was the dragon and the unconcious monster.It was faint as if coming inside my head.It said."What are you doing out here at night.Its not safe.Either is looking for a dragon.Well....might as well make it worth it.My name is Ryu."It lowered its head so it was on
the ground and it spoke again"Well climb aboard."Was it...asking to give me a ride?I didn't really know what to do so I just climbed onto the back of its neck,behind its row of horns on its head.I took hold of one of the tips of its horns,I closed my eyes from the swirling wind around me caused by the dragons wings sudden flapping,I opened them after it wasn't so bad,to see that I was no longer on the ground.This is like so awesome!I've always dreamed of flying,and what was
even better I was flying with a dragon!I can imagine many people wanting to fly with one,but of all the people in the world,It was me!I was chosen to fly with one. I raised in my arms like when the do when they win a game and I yelled and laughed.This was the most happy thing that ever happened to me.I would never forget this.
Part 5
I tried to tell the creature with my mind something and it actualy worked.I said,"Can we stop at that bush over there?"I said pointing to it and Ryu replied,"Sure."The dragon flew over to the and it landed.It was by Amanda's house and I ran to her window.I climbed in and attempted to wake her up.She awoke,confused and wondered why I was waking her in the middle of the night.
I told her about the dragon ,and it was in the bush by her house.She was delighted and sorta frightened.Probably because if someone else saw it it would be alot of trouble.Also the dragoncould cause trouble also.I told her not to worry,I couldn't imagine something that just saved my life cause so much chaos.We went outside the house to where the dragon was.Amanda saw it and
her draw dropped and looked in amazement.She was probably only thinking of seeing dragons in books and pictures.Not a "real" live dragon right in her backyard.The dragon was cautious,a little frightened.Maybe it was a bad idea to get Amanda involved,it could get her in trouble....but I just had to show her,she would have missed out on alot.The dragon asked"Who is she?"I replied,"Shes my freind,she likes dragons alot two...do you think it was bad I showed her you?"
"Probably not.You have the sign of the dragon,she doesn't.To her this would all be a dream later."That brought a little relief,I wouldn't have been such a good freind if I did such a thing.Amanda left back to her house.The dragon looked sad a little,I wondered why.What could make it so sad?The dragon looked up at me with it's moon lit eyes and it said,"I'm sorry...."
Part 6
"I'm sorry you can't go home."I was shocked...why can't I?I looked sad as he did,but I looked far more confused.I replied sadly,"Why can't I?I haven't done anything?!?!?""You have the mark of the dragon.You know too much,and those monsters seem to have some interest in you.They will probably come back and destroy your village and take you with them,or worse kill you."I was saddened,one second I was so happy,then heart broken.I wanted to stay,my freinds,my family,my home.The dragon lifted my head with the side of his claw and said"I'm sorry.It's hard to leave the place you've stayed so long,and to leave your freinds and family behind.But if you do stay you won't have a family,they will most likely be slaughtered by those creatures.You aren't safe here.Come with me ,and I will keep you safe untill you can come home."The dragon smiled,as if trying to cheer me up.It lowered it's head and I got on,grabbing onto two of it's horns.Then we flew away to the river.We landed by the river and it dived in.I held my breath,but then I began to loose air,so I tryed talking to the dragon."I am running out of air..."It's slit on it's eye looked back towards me and it said"It's okay.Just take a breath.Nothing is going to harm you."How was a dragon so
sure about this?I could not hold my breath no longer,I gasped for air and I actualy did gain what I needed.I breathed fine but i was under water.I asked the dragon confused,"How can I breath when I'm under water"It continued swimming,gracefuly as I saw it before,and Ryu said,"We dragons aren't just flesh and bones,we have magic provided by a speacil stone in our heads.Around my body there is,fresh,warm air.There is no need to fear about shortage of air.We have almost reached our destination."I took in some air,just incase there wasn't that much above it's head,I looked over and I saw a odd tunnel.What was it there for,what was in there,and why are we going here?
Part 7
We went through the tunnel until it ended and rose to the surface above us.At the end of the tunnel was a under water cave,there were many stalagmites and stalactites,and at the end of stood two tall dragon statues.Their speacil features began to fade,mosty likely from all the wind beating at it,I felt the wind inside,but how could there....there was no openings in the cave so how could wind come in.I went up to two dragon statues,and looked at them curiously.They had garnet
stones for eyes and the scales of many jewels that still hanged onto the dragon shined wonderfuly.I was about to go between them,then Ryu pulled me back with his tail,then he said,"You'll go in there soon,but not now.Just wait a few moments."Hee lifted his head up to the ceiling,and then I saw something like a trap door.He opened it and the moonlight came in and shone on the dragon statues.The stones reflected wonder ful colors,they danced around the
cave and between the statues a odd like portal opened.Ryu was pleased to see it,then he spoke"This is the Maze of Worlds,the has many tunnels that lead to other worlds.The one here will take us where I live,i'll take you there."He then lowered his head so I would be able to climb back behind his rows of horns again.I took hold of the same two I held before,then Ryu flew into the
portal that he called the Maze of Worlds.Like in the room,there was lots of dancing colors,I liked it,even though all the bright colors hurt my eyes.There was many tunnels attached to this one,then Ryu flew into one and at the end it was bright,I closed my eyes until it was gone,it was either that or blinding my self.When I thought it wasn't so bright out I opened my eyes to see that we were in another world,and dragons flew in the sky leaving the shadows on the ground below.

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