School. The monster who's teeth and claws are replaced by endless homework and teachers who won't shut the f*** up. It crouches in the week ahead, waiting to rip my innards out through my ear hole.
Fricking super.
Alright, so honestly, I don't really hate high school. It's easy for me and I get good grades (all A's except for a B in god d***ed algebra last year). Most of the teachers are nice and I don't think I've gotten in trouble since fourth grade when I kicked some girl in the knee for taking my friends sweater. And even then I never got a detention for some reason....
Anyways. There are only really two reasons as to why I loathe school so much.
Reason 1: Getting up early in the morning to get ready. ME NO LIKEY ANYTHING IN THE A.M. AREA.
Reason 2: The people. I swear to god, nearly everyone at my school is a jackass. Most of them are only jackasses because they're so ignorant and close-minded. I can't wait to get out of this place.
So there you have it. Waking up and idiots. But as they say, "them's the breaks." At least this means there might be some new guys.... Honestly the ones we have now are to annoying to date and since I broke up with my last one in June I'm not opposed to some dating!
Also, I need to shop some more this weekend....... I got some really cute stuff on my mom's dime but I have a few other things I want and apparently I'm going to be paying this time!
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Alright this is just going to be a place for my ramblings on topics of my choosing.... Video games, music, movies, society and the like. Take a peek!
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