So, since I'm assuming you guys are the kind of hip in the know people you've also heard about the fact that they want to cast Johnny Depp for the Riddler in the next Batman movie?
Pretty awesome, am I right? Yes, yes I'm right.
Johnny Depp is, simply put, a bad a** mother f*****. He's a brilliant actor and I sincerely hope that if he does agree to take the role that he does his normally fantastic job in portraying the character well while still making it his own. And they better not mess this movie up, because the last movie they had the Riddler in was terrible (no offense to Tim Burton, I love him and all but he screwed up the Batman movies when he did them. Actually, strike that, all the Batman movies before the last two were fricking terrible.)
And if anyone's wondering (I know you aren't, but hey, this is my journal) I'm currently listening to Love Addict by Family Force 5. I seriously love this song.... This and another one of their songs (Supersonic) be my jamz (if I ever talk like that again please slap me....) but yeah, go look those up and listen to them.
I'm a symptomatic
Love addict
Love addict
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Alright this is just going to be a place for my ramblings on topics of my choosing.... Video games, music, movies, society and the like. Take a peek!
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