Anime Club Members! For those who missed out on the announcement last meeting about Jack o' Lantern Jam here's what you missed.
Jack o' Lantern Jam/Maze of Horror
Date: October 28, 2008 6:00/6:30pm
I'd recomend people showing up a little bit earlier please.
Once again, the construction of Jack o' Lantern Jam is going to be held in parent's garage. Yay. We'll be needing some things...
~ Candy (But you don't have to bring that until the actual event)
~ Cardboard (Big pieces perferably)
~ Black Trash Bags (none of the stretchy stuff though PLEASE!!)
~ Tape (Strong tape such Duct tape)
~ Cunstruction Paper (You might also want to bring scissors and a ruler for yourself too...)
~ Costume Paint
~ Smoke Machine
~ Stobe Light
~ Silver Ribbon
Also if someone has a long black sheet that we can use, that'd be great. And maybe a radio that has a good sound system to it so we can have a dramatic sound. ^^ You have to provide your own costumes.
Now, you're probably wondering what in Sam's hell we're doing right? lol It may be called the Maze of Horror but it's at the end of the maze that's important... actually, no, through the maze is more amazing! ^^
Everyone seemed to love the Dark Alice theme we had done when I was a freshman and also loved the maze we did last year. I actually thought they had turned out good too. So we're pretty much doing those again just more American McGee style.
At the entrance, will be the Cheshire Cat (Mama Mia) who will point he way to the maze. Through the maze, which is going to be the cardboard covered in black trashbags (sloppy, yes; affordable, deffinately) and there will be a series of puppet dancers. Yes, puppet dancers. No one is pulling the strings though except you though, so you have to pretend. (That's what the ribbon is for; your wrists.)
Once the kids are in sight though, you immediatly fall dead onto the chairs nearby. If they're curious enough to investigate, you get to jump out at them! (Depending on the age group) There will also be a demons scattered everywhere if more adults are inside.
In the center of the maze is going to be two tables with a series of chairs all around it. As more come in, two people come up from under the table; The Mad Hatter (me ^^) and The Hare (Kiba; just to see him in bunny ears) and we're going to hand out cups full of candy to the kids. And maybe dance around ourselves. lol
Any questions?
~ 573-295-4994 (Me)
~ 573-821-5981 (Kiba/Gary)
![]() Kit Tsuki Community Member ![]() |