"Joey! Hurry up or you're going to miss breakfast!" My mother's voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs.
"Urgh... alright!" Two weeks... it's been tow weeks since I first moved in with my mother. Strangly enough it's our first time seeing each other since I was five. My father took me and fled from what, I don't know. The furthest my memory lets me go was on that day eleven years ago...
It was already night and my mother, she was putting me into bed telling me one of her many stories. My father was at my door before she had much time to start.
"Carol, I need to speak with you."
My mother's expression was broken but still she smiled at me, "Remember where we left off for me okay?" When she walked out, she colsed the door behind her. At first it was quiet but then their voices grew louder after each second until it became quite again.
Then my father came into my room and took my hand, "Come on, Joey, we have to go."
I wasn't given much time to react; before I knew it I was being carried out of the house and into the car. The las thing I saw was my mother standing on the porch watching us drive away.
"Papa, where are we going?"
"We're just going away for a while."
"What about Ma-"
"She's not coming with us. I don't want her filling your head with nonsense." Both his hands were clutching the wheel tight enough that his knuckles turned white... his eyes were red and wet with tears. It was then I understood what happened.
"The princess was finally born..." I mumbled to the plate of food in front of me.
"What'd you say?" Carol asked as she turned the page in her tattered book.
"Where you left off..." I wanted to speak to her now that the thought was in my head but, "nevermind. It's nothing." I siad as I stabbed a bundled of eggs into my mouth.
"Still no sleep last night, I take it?"
"Maybe it's just nerves?"
"No because then I wouldn't be eating."
"Well if you want, I could get some sleeping pills for you."
"It's not insomnia... I'm just having these nightmares and I'd rather wake up from them than to sleep through them."
"Really?" Her eyes moved from the pages to me, "Any idea what they are?"
"Just this dakr void where I can't see anythng and ice starts crawling up my body." I found it amazing that she seemed so interested; this is probably the longest conversation we've ever had together, "Either way, it's nothing."
"Well you never know, it could be trying to tell you something."
But I forgot that she was extremely intuned with this kind of stuff, "I highly doubt that. It's only reaccuring because in my mind, before I fall asleep, I'm afraid of the possibility of having it. It's all psychological."
Disappointed, she shifted back to her book, "I suppose that's a good theory."
The rest of breakfast was spent in silence. All you could hear was my fork clicking on the plate and the sound of her pages turning. I really hate awkward silences.
Being out in the woods, the school buses never went down Carol's two-mile driveway so we were both stuck with each other until I got to school. Come to think of it, I thought, this woulb be the first time I've ever seen her car. I know she has one to go into town for groceries but she always keeps itlocke in the side garage which I was forbidden to enter.
As Carol left to rtrieve the car, I stood on the front porch observing my new surrounding. Beautiful, full tress surrounded the entire parameter. The house was in the center of a circular clearing with a dirt road directly through the trees. The road looked as through it went forever. It felt peaceful but only in this early sumer sunlight. At night, I'll have a whole new feeling.
I heard the garage door open just as a strange breeze ruffled the trees but another sound, the sound of breaking branches is what caused me to turn. Under the tress I could've sworn I saw someone shift into the trees... I wanted a closer look to see if my eyes weren't being fooled...
Just as I turned to go towards the woods, Carol honked the horn at me taking my attention away from the woods.
Behind me, Carol was at the wheel of a 1970's two-door Chevrolet, "C'mon, get in. We got a long way to go."

I stumbled over to the passenger door. The closer I got, I could see that the dominate color used to be red but now it was just rust. The sseating was leather but was ripped and torn all over. "Are you sure I can't just walk?"
"Just get in the truck," she demanded.
As I pulled the door open, the gears made an awful sound and again hen I closed it after I got in.
It wasn't until after we started to drive away that I remembered what I was observing before. Curious, I gazed at the rear-view-mirror. My heart almost jumped out of my chest; there was something walking towards the house!
I whipped my head around to look back but nothing was n the property. This is so insane, I thought as i turned back. Am I hallucincating from the lack of sleep? No, someone had to be there... right?
On the way into town, the truck was surprisingly quiet. The town was just as busy as when I first came here unlike the city. Everyone is walking up and down the strees; there was also a line of suits at one of the cafes we passes. It was so peaceful, but creepy at the same time. Probably because I was used to just cars stuck in traffic.
The school was at the end of the street; possibly the biggest building here too. It had an old victorian look to it so the building must be acient.
There was a circle drive past the gates and I could see students sitting around the campus and at the front doors. "When does the first class usually begin anyway?" I asked as we started to pass the gate.