My Spells for my RPG, Kage Akuma - Shadow Demon (Private)
Site to look at for more spells:
Teleportation Spell
"Walking is a burden.
Now the walls are turning.
Twist and change,
This room is a pain.
Go to (room name here) in time,
Faster than when I flip a dime.
Be there now,
Be there yet.
Teleport me there,
Now I can go anywhere."
Command Spell
To have control over others
By the power of heaven and earth
let others hearken to my words
by my will, other will listen and
hearken to my command through my will,
it shall it be done right now.
Memory Rite (to face and make peace with unwanted, unpleasant memories)
It is my will to greet my past, and accept it for what it is.
I call the past to meet the present,
that the future may be bright.
I bring myself forth from the dark,
and hold me to the light.
Let not the past control my present,
let not my future be dark as night.
I meet and greet me with open arms,
and move back into the light.
To Converse with a Serpent
This spell will allow you to attract a snake.
Gaze into the Serpents eyes,
focus deep, and concentrate.
When the snakes eyes and
your own have met,
these words shall you chant.
The Serpent,
Ever Sleek and Sly,
Over unto You shall Glide.
The Shield of Dagda
I bind unto myself today, the strong name of the Dagda,
By invocation of the same, the Three in One, the One in Three. I call this day to me forever, the Dagda's many arts:
His mounting of the River women, his siring of the God of Love, His fury on the field of battle, His druidry so strong,
His majesty as High King, His sympathy for the despised.
I bind unto myself today, the Good God's mighty seed
His eye to watch, His might to stay,
His ear to Harken to my need.
His wit to teach, His hand to guide,
His shield to ward, His fire to enflame my speech,
His mighty club to be my guard.
Dagda be with me, Dagda within me,
Dagda behind me, Dagda before me,
Dagda to my left, Dagda to my right,
Dagda beneath me, Dagda above me,
Dagda in quiet, Dagda in danger,
Dagda in the hearts of all that love me,
Dagda in the mouth of friend and stranger
I bind unto myself the name, the strong name fo the Dagda,
By invocation of the same, The Three in One, and One in Three, The mightiest of all the gods, Father of the Queen of Arts,
the supreme Knower, Lord of Fire, and King of Druids.
Protective Circle
With The Salt In Your Hand Scatter It Wherever You Please,
Form A Circle With It.
Then Chant The Following:
With This Sacred Salt I Cast A Circle To Protect(State What You Want To Protect) From All That Is Bad.
After Chanting That You Will See A Barrier Around Whatever You Chose
Only You Can See It..
Levitating Spell
"Skies and birds,
Above my head.
Worth it most,
Worth it least.
The gravity within me is now released.
Let me fly,
Into the sky.
Where I shall be relaxed and calm,
Put this gravity into my palm.
Never falling,
Never fearing.
Over the pier,
In which I fly,
Take this body,
Into the sky."
Stop the Clock
(Draw a Pentacle on your Right hand with a blessed blue pen)
"Core go round
Power be bound
Interupt the Nature's Course
Time slow down
Cast the spell saidth this words"
Attack with Fire
To attack your enemies with fire thrust your palm forward, say the spell below, and when you finish the spell pull your arm back in circular motion.
Hell Spawn Villian, Creature Of Death,
Fire Shall Take Thy Very Breath
Binding Spell
Freedoms lost and now unwitting
into/onto (what you're binding them to) to do my bidding.
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