Chris and Angel
TOday I woke up feeling kind of numb....
I was warm and in a good mood becouse it was saterday and that ment I was able to talk to my bestist buddy all day^^
Well Itryed callin him and didnt get him so I was like "aww man.."
Got a little frumper...mah oh well ill try later right? yea I did but his phone died so I was really like Damn! lol
THen I went to go check on my birdys food and water an I counted 1...2...3...Wait...weres? OMG! and on the cage floor lied my two birdies, Dead....My Poor Chris and Angel....Dead...
So ofcourse I was histerical..My freakin birdie died!
Well I was a blew to get out of going to collect food becouse I was so upset...
Well luckily I try to get ahold of my buddy again and I get him...
we sat and talked for oh 5 to 6 hours and he had to go so I was like ok and we hung up....
I am Quite no Very no Extreamly happy that I was able to talk to My Tim today or I think I would have gone insane so thank you Tim!!
Later on in the night My mom calls my cuzin and I aside and tells us that our cuzin Ralphy is in the hospitle with a staff infection in his brain and probibly wasnt goint to live long.....
My Day REALLY sucked.....
((But I did enjoy talking to Tim! Yay thank you hunny))
Chris and Angel
TOday I woke up feeling kind of numb....
I was warm and in a good mood becouse it was saterday and that ment I was able to talk to my bestist buddy all day^^
Well Itryed callin him and didnt get him so I was like "aww man.."
Got a little frumper...mah oh well ill try later right? yea I did but his phone died so I was really like Damn! lol
THen I went to go check on my birdys food and water an I counted 1...2...3...Wait...weres? OMG! and on the cage floor lied my two birdies, Dead....My Poor Chris and Angel....Dead...
So ofcourse I was histerical..My freakin birdie died!
Well I was a blew to get out of going to collect food becouse I was so upset...
Well luckily I try to get ahold of my buddy again and I get him...
we sat and talked for oh 5 to 6 hours and he had to go so I was like ok and we hung up....
I am Quite no Very no Extreamly happy that I was able to talk to My Tim today or I think I would have gone insane so thank you Tim!!
Later on in the night My mom calls my cuzin and I aside and tells us that our cuzin Ralphy is in the hospitle with a staff infection in his brain and probibly wasnt goint to live long.....
My Day REALLY sucked.....
((But I did enjoy talking to Tim! Yay thank you hunny))