I've just decided... I want to change my name to Gary. Gary is just the raddest name for a girl. I also just decided I liked my last name. Its long, hard, and doesnt make any sense. Just like... This bag of crabs! Yes, I stole them from you, Chris.
Why Dorkus? Because my cousin told me this HILARIOUS story about this guy named Dorkus, yes his first name is Dorkus, in her class. The teacher was all "Dorkus?" and Dorkus was like "HERE!" I mean... Who the hell's name is Dorkus? ITS FURKING BAD a**! *cough* excuse my language.
Therefore, resulting in my cool bean name :: Gary Dorkus Suwanwitaya. It sounds gnarly doesnt it? Yes, you heard me... GNARLY.
I'm trying to widen my slang other than the word "Cool". So if you have a wicked slang word or phrase meaning "cool", please comment it. xD I'm rather interested. I went on the Urban Dictionary... And I learned things... Things that I'd rather live without knowing. So please dont let me go back there!! TT^TT
My favorite right now would have to be... "swatchin'" As in... "That movie was swatchin'!" Isnt it so random? Thats why I love it! xD
I havent been ranting... I'm sorry. But I have school to worry about! I got these three zits on my face from all the stress! One hurts really bad too! D: Acne is evil.
But I ran out of stuff to say because I've been... Kinda sad lately. So cya~
Why Dorkus? Because my cousin told me this HILARIOUS story about this guy named Dorkus, yes his first name is Dorkus, in her class. The teacher was all "Dorkus?" and Dorkus was like "HERE!" I mean... Who the hell's name is Dorkus? ITS FURKING BAD a**! *cough* excuse my language.
Therefore, resulting in my cool bean name :: Gary Dorkus Suwanwitaya. It sounds gnarly doesnt it? Yes, you heard me... GNARLY.
I'm trying to widen my slang other than the word "Cool". So if you have a wicked slang word or phrase meaning "cool", please comment it. xD I'm rather interested. I went on the Urban Dictionary... And I learned things... Things that I'd rather live without knowing. So please dont let me go back there!! TT^TT
My favorite right now would have to be... "swatchin'" As in... "That movie was swatchin'!" Isnt it so random? Thats why I love it! xD
I havent been ranting... I'm sorry. But I have school to worry about! I got these three zits on my face from all the stress! One hurts really bad too! D: Acne is evil.
But I ran out of stuff to say because I've been... Kinda sad lately. So cya~
Community Member
But I can't call you Gary in first period because the real Gary will be like WHAT. I wrote QUAT.
...Swatchin? I dunno 'bout that, haha. That sounds weird.
I don't have anything better, though.
Um...Levon says "crackalackin'". Does that work? XD