AGE: 19
RACE: Human
WEIGHT: 125lbs
PERSONALITY: Nani is a very smart young woman. She can be demanding and stuborn but is usually very easy to get along with. She can look stuck up but she is a very laid back person and adventurous.

BIO: Nanniko was born into a family of demon slayers. Her Father was the founder and leader of the slayers and still is to this day. Nani's Mother passed away on a mission 10 years ago. She was murdered by a Demon King but little does she know that her Mother isnt dead. She lives as a prisoner to the Demon King awaiting the day she be saved. Nani swore at her Mothers funeral she would revenge her Mothers death and that no one would get in her way. All the Slayers resite in a secret Mansion where they live and train. Nani is in her second year of school/training.
Skills: Martial Arts