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This will be my character Suzuki's journal and a description of my rp character.

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Deep within a forest called Kouken, meaning Guardian, there is a huge secret Mansion of Demon Slayers. This is a place where young slayers of all races come to train and go to school. However once they reach the age of twenty-one they graduate and are given a life long mission. They get sent on there own to live in a certain part of the world and protect others from demons. As a demon slayer you are bound to your dutty as a slayer to serve and protect untill you reach the age of 50 or till death.

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On the far left back side of the Masion there are dorm rooms for the slayers. There are four floors full of dorm rooms. Each dorm room fits two people. There does not have to be same sex roomies. On registration day slayers are assigned to rooms and are asked if they wish to have a same sex roomy or not. There isnt a curfew but the slayers are exspected to do all their work and be on time for all classes and training.

Dinning Hall:
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There is a breakfast, lunch and dinner schedule that all slayers should follow. The Mansion does not have many rules, so the little ones they have they exspect to be followed. The Dinning Room is opened at 6:00am. Breakfast is at 7:00am, Lunch is at 1:00pm and Dinner is at 7:30pm. The Dinning Hall is open at all times during the day for snacks and meals but will be closed at 9:30pm.

Training Rooms:
(Shooting Range)
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The Shooting range is open to all Slayers. However during 9am to 4pm there are classes going on and if you are not with the class that is in the Shooting Range Room you are not to be there till free hours. The Shooting Range is open untill 10pm.
(Martial Arts Training Room)
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Just like the Shooting Range Room Slayers are not allowed to train or workout untill free hours unless part of the class. The Martial Arts Room is open at all times.

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All Slayers should be on time to class. There arent tardies but if late the Slayer must deal with each teachers own individual punishment.

Fighting/Exam Arena:
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The Fighting Arena is open to all Slayers at all times. If you wish to train or have duels in the arena all slayers must schedule in for arena time so there isnt any fighting over who gets to fight first. On exam days the arena will be closed the entire day. If using guns in the arena salyers must use blanks and when using other powers, special abilities, or weapons Slayers must remember there is no killing other Slayers.

Guardian Forest:
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Slayers are allowed to wonder in the forest but are urged to not go alone. The forest can be very dangerous and easy to get lost in due to it's dark areas. Camping is permitted in the forest however if wishing to camp you must check in with the Head Master so that the Masion knows where you are incase you were to go missing. Also there are specific camping grounds. You cant just camp anywhere!

Mystical Waterfalls:
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Hidden deep with in the forest is a Mystical Waterfall. Very few find this waterfall and if you do enjoy the glowing water at night time. It's very beautiful.

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